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It honestly feels like it's 1979. And I wasn't even around then
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"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


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@Dark Cloud Oke, g'night!~
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Ah, that must be why I'm out of the loop. I don't use Discord

Ah alright, that's okay, it's optional to join. We do discuss the game a decent amount there which is why this OOC thread is so empty haha
Btw feel free to join us in our random little Discord server where we discuss the game: discord.gg/5kSKmg2u
@Dark Cloud roleplayerguild.com/topics/188315-los…

A confounded expression appeared on the captain's face, as he turned around, his eyes widening. "...Valen!? Is that really you, you salty dog!?" His half-open mouth widened into a beaming smile as he approached the sellsword and embraced him in a warm hug. "'Course it is! I'd recognize that drunken mug o' yours from a mile away!" he laughed, giving Valen a few unruly pats on the shoulder.

"There've been rough times for me alright..." he pulled up his sleeve, revealing a large scar across his shoulder. "Got that sucker fightin' pirates off the north coast. You should see the other guy though - but ya won't!" He gave a smiling wink, before turning to inspect the ship's nearby mast in preparation for departure.

"How 'bout you, my friend?" he soon turned back to Valen, now giving inspection to the sellsword. "Gotta say, ya look like you seen better days!..."

@Zim0cron roleplayerguild.com/topics/188315-los…

"Their name... their name..." the quartermaster furrowed his eyebrows, pulling out a sheet of parchment from his pockets and hastily scanning it for the name, lips busy with indistinct mutters. "...Ah here we are... looks like he just goes by... Na...na...shi. Nanashi. Right... he's the uh, foreign-looking fellow with the uh, hat..." his hands made a gesture above his head in the shape of a hat.

Putting the parchment away he looked to the girl's footlocker, blinking in surprise as it was lifted off the floor via the girl's magic. "Well then, looks like you won't be needing any help with that," he said with a hint of satisfaction and approval, before showing her to her cabin. "Enjoy your new accommodations, miss," he gave her a formal nod before marching off back to attending to his business.
Sowwies being a bit slow with updates, should be replying to IC posts tonight!
@Dark Cloud Ooh interesting! Yeah that's cool with me!
@Dark Cloud roleplayerguild.com/posts/5368548

The ticketmaster concisely counted the coins, before producing a standard ticket and handing it to the old sellsword, giving him a brief glance. "Safe travels," he spoke in a politely bureaucratic voice before looking back to whatever papers he was reading, dryly chuckling to himself about something on the pages.

@Grade roleplayerguild.com/posts/5368750

The noble lady's eyes narrowed initially at the man in the wheelchair, though perhaps given his physical 'status', her expression softened and she even offered him a light smile before nodding her head back in greeting. Despite the friendliness, there was something acutely anxious in her demeanor, like a polite greeting was all she could afford at the moment.

@wierdw @Frank roleplayerguild.com/posts/5369403

The noble lady turned to Ember, her brows furrowing slightly in uncertainty as she studied him. Noticeably, she became nervous, glancing to her one guard as the other stepped in between her and Ember.

"...Good day," she replied tentatively, an obvious undertone of suspicion in her voice. "I have no royal relations; you need not address me by such terms," she stated matter-of-factly, glancing at the guard at her side, the two exchanging a look of wariness.

@Remuri @Zim0cron roleplayerguild.com/posts/5369411

The quartermaster was not pleased at this development, as he took the ronin's ticket, grumbling to himself about last minute changes.

He soon found the elf girl that was mentioned, tapping on her shoulder briskly with a stern expression. "'Scuse me ma'am but one of the other travelers has offered their luxury suite ticket to you, pending your acceptance?" he asked in a humorless tone, trying his best to mask his clear annoyance for such erratic developments so close to departure. "It is a luxury suite ticket," the man emphasized the words with a certain disdain, "including two beds, deluxe accomodations, and full privacy. Do you accept this transfer of staying arrangements?" the man stared down at her impatiently, holding the ticket towards her.
@spiral origin Oops I should have @'d you Valen is interacting with the ticket man.


Lotta GM posts I be needin' to make, will try to get them in soon!
@Grade (Re: roleplayerguild.com/posts/5368345)

The old fellow sitting on the stool nodded politely at the man in the wheelchair. There was a solemnity to the old man's demeanor, like something distant weighing on his heart, as his gaze returned to the sea, but not before taking another curious glance at the man and his sitting contraption.
@wierdw (Re: roleplayerguild.com/posts/5368072)

The burly first-mate blinks at Ember's approach, noticeable anxiety building with each of the latter's gestures and words. By reflex the crewman takes a wary step back as the... unconventional-looking mage reaches out with his ticket and starts eyeing him up and down. Hesitantly he receives the ticket from Ember's hand and inspects it, a decidedly uneasy expression lingering on his face.

As other passengers begin arriving, handing in their tickets and boarding the ship, the first mate timidly turns back to Ember, as if hoping the mage's inquiries and ogles had somehow magically vanished at some point. "U-uh..." he stutters, looking like he had forgotten what was asked, or maybe had never understood in the first place.

"Y-yes! Right, your room... sir... u-uh--" He deftly points towards a set of stairs on the ship, hoping to draw the mage's attention away from himself. "A-All accommodations have been prepared below deck! P-please address the captain if you have any concerns, thank you!" he reassured in a practiced voice, managing to stumble over his words only moderately, before doing an awkward salute - for what reason it was hard to say - and putting on his most welcoming smile, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple as his breath sounded like he had just swam a mile.
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