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"But after seeing that... yeah, I think I've just lost my appetite." Julie could hear Chanel lament as she watched Joshua trudge away.

“Ugh shut up” The redhead said with almost a giggle as she looked around noticing that Reli was nowhere in sight. She turned to face her best friend with a mischievous smirk. “It was a necessary sacrifice.” She gave Chanel a knowing look. “Come on let’s go dance!” she demanded. She grabbed her cowgirl by the wrist and dragged her into the crowd of their dancing peers her fifth vodka soda in her other hand.

After a few songs with a few more refreshments in her, Julie was practically hanging on poor Chanel as they moved to the music laughing at how silly she must look in her big poofy dress. Suddenly Julie got really aware of how hot she felt and the beads of sweat forming on her forehead. She slowed down her movements and lifted up her hair to try and cool down, the alcohol was beginning to do its thing and Julie’s mind was becoming foggy.

“Will you just excuse me for… uh a moment.” She whispered in Chanel’s ear before she stumbled through the crowd back towards the drinks table. She steadied herself on the table as she searched for what she needed. After grabbing a bottle of water the redhead headed outside to the pool area there was a deserted beer-pong table and surprisingly not even one person in the pool.

She turned back to look inside searching the crowd for that one face. There, there he was looking as good as he always did, smiling and laughing… following a petite girl away into the shadows. With a sinking feeling she turned away from the scene.

Julie stood staring at the calm waters of the empty pool as she drank from the ice cold bottle of water. Before she knew it her fingers where undoing the button that held the dress secure in the nape of her neck. All of a sudden there she stood in her underwear taking of her heels pulling the pins out of her hair making it fall down around her shoulders. Slowly she stepped closer to the pool sitting down at the edge slipping her legs in. For a moment she sat there, thoughts swirling around inside her head. With a huff she pushed herself of the edge and went under the water swimming out to the middle of the pool before resurfacing. Floating on her back red hair flowing around her Julie stared up at the stars tears blending in with the chlorine scented water.

@GrizzTheMauler If you're still in, pls add little more depth to the relationship with Rachel and you can move him over :)

@Moro Move him over :)

@Ruby You just need to add a little to their misc section. (Quirk, hobby or family. Just so we can get a feel what makes your character tick)

@alexfangtalon Nice! Move Ron him over!

@Bee You can move him over! :)

Here he is!@BrutalBx

Ok, you guys! We will go over all of the sheets tomorrow after the deadline and accept people then so hold on, but all looks good so far! Also, I am planning to start this on Monday at the latest. To give you an idea of how to write your intro's we will start on the day of our characters arrivals. So you can start with them traveling or start with them arriving by boat to the island!

We’ll aim for a deadline of Sunday for sheets guys. I know we want to get this started ASAP

I just need to get these history sections down! D:

Sure! We are only accepting male characters though! If that works you are more than welcome!

@Dirty Pretty Lies @Spooner okaaay after the long wait.

Finally!!!! Love him, move him over!
You know when you should be asleep but you're working on a sheet instead... Yeah me too
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