I wish I could do more for Ell. I know he was very close to his grandfather. It must be really hard for him to deal with his passing. I can tell, he isn’t his usual sunny self anymore and I’m afraid he will close himself off. I guess all I can do is be as supportive as I can be, right?
Elias Ludvig Hellqvist
Ell, Ludde, Ellie
27, July 2nd
Relationship Status
LikesClassical Music - Fine Dining - Long Showers - A Fresh Notebook - Soccer
DislikesReality TV - Fast Food - Birds - Being Rushed - His Medication
HobbiesVintage Shopping - Getting Tattoos - Sitting in Coffee Shops for Hours - Collecting sunglases
DreamsElias biggest dream is to be of his medications and live happy carefree life
FearsThat his depression will consume him and that he will not make it out alive.

What you want - Charlie Hellqvist was one of Gatling, Texas golden children. Star quarterback of the Gatling Garrison and on his way to future greatness. Charlie’s girlfriend Meghann Drummond, Miss Texas Teen USA titleholder had planned on moving out west to pursue a film career. They had their lives all planned out and it looked like they would both get what they wanted. If it wasn’t for that fateful homecoming game night. The team had just won and the whole town was in a state of ecstasy. So Charlie and Meg decided to have their own celebration in Charlie’s truck.
Two months later Meg showed up on Charlie’s doorstep with tears in her eyes. She was pregnant. The pair are both from highly religious families, which meant that their plans came to a screeching halt. Two months later they were married and five months after that on the 2nd of July a baby boy was born. They named him Elias Ludvig and despite their child putting a stop to their dreams, they loved him as much as they could.
Growing up Elias didn’t really create a close bond with his parents since both of them needed to work to make keep them afloat. So Elias spent most of his childhood either at his paternal grandparents or home alone. Making little Elias having a hard time making friendships that lasted. So when a little girl with pigtails sat next to him in the first-grade assembly with a wide smile Elias could feel in his little 6-year-old soul that he had found a friend for life.
Chip on my shoulder - Entering high school Elias was like a changed person. With his friends by his side, the shaggy-haired boy was like a beam of sunlight walking through the halls of Gatling West High usually with a bright smile to match. The driving force that made the change in the boy's life was credited to his friend group spearheaded by Roxanne. They became the close-knit family Elias never had. He was always there to listen to everyone and help wherever he could because he felt that he owed them that for saving him from a life of loneliness.
His real family drifted further and further apart. His father stuck in a dead-end office job never missed an opportunity to remind Elias what he and his mother had given up to raise him. But the biggest disappointment for Charlie Hellqvist was that his son showed no interest or skill in football whatsoever. This was a dark cloud that hung over them both whenever they interacted. This created a big chip on his shoulder and drove Elias to give one hundred percent in school because that was his only ticket out of the town that he felt was suffocating him. When he was sixteen his mother had had enough of living in a house with a man she didn’t love anymore and a son she didn’t know so she divorced them both in a way and headed out west.
Leaving Charlie and his son to butt heads every chance they got. Elias chose to spend most of his time with his grandparents like had always done growing up. But in his senior year, both of them died just a couple of months apart. This broke Elias in a way that he could not describe. Not even to his friends who saw the change in the young man. He started to fall back into his old ways becoming more distant and quiet. So not even a week after graduation Elias followed in his mother’s footsteps and headed out west for Stanford University.
Blood in the water - To say that Elias had a hard time in the golden state was an understatement. It turned out that leaving all of his friends back in Texas only made him feel even more isolated. So Elias did what he knew he studied and poured himself into his psychology major. He strived to be the best and that meant he had to be ruthless. Stopping at nothing to be top of his class. He was like a shark swimming close to a crowded beach spilling the blood of whoever came in his way.
So there he found himself buried in work not a friend in sight. Feeling more lonely than ever before. The only thing keeping him from going under to his depression was his weekly call with Roxanne. That combined with a visit or two from the rest of the gang was the only light at the end of his dark tunnel. They all urged him to see a therapist on his own and it was not long until he was prescribed medication to deal with his problems. They did help him keep his demons in check so he could still graduate in the top percent of his class and go on to finish his masters in psychology.
After graduating from Stanford Elias relocated yet again. This time to Portland, Oregon where he worked hard at getting his license.
So much better - Getting a state license wasn’t that hard for Elias since he took on every piece of extra work that got thrown his way. In fact, he stayed so busy that his calls with his friends got less and less frequent. But Elias was finally content with his life. He was living in a beautiful city and his work was really fulfilling and keeping busy turned out to be the reason he was able to focus on getting well. Finally, he was doing so much better.
Until he got a call that he never envisioned that he would get. Roxanne was dead. Elias broke all over again. How? How could she be dead? His one solid pillar in life, was now gone?
Going back to his hometown felt like hell. He didn’t think he would ever be back down south. But he had to go back and find out what happened, right? Now that he is back in the house where he grew up, with his father who he still feels like a disappointment around Elias feels more depressed than he has in years.
Max Barczak & André Hamann | 659475
As of right now Elias is on vilazodone, duloxetine and doxepin to treat his condition.
Euphoria all the way!