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A small empty laugh left Theodore as the girl commented. “Not that many, I’m sure.” he muttered before settling for a beer and a shot of gin. He gave the cute bartender a warm smile as he was handed a big foaming mug of IPA and the small glass of clear liquid “Thank you… Farah” he squinted reading her name tag as he slid a twenty dollar bill towards her in exchange for his drinks “Keep the change”. He could almost feel the headache and clammy feeling ebb away as he slung back the small glass. He slid the empty shot glass towards the blonde with another smile asking for another.

“Oh Nathan, you caught me.” Theo nodded raising his beer at the young man sitting down next to him. “Crazy all this huh?” the tall man gestured around them taking a big gulp of beer. He looked around expecting to see the small dark haired girl that Nathan usually was joined by. “Didn’t you come here with Indie? I hear she’s staying together with my little cousin.” he cringed mentally at the thought of spending his time confined in a small cabana with Lottie. “She’s one of the reasons I’m here actually.” He sighed taking another gulp of beer “She nearly threw a temper tantrum when my uncle said she couldn’t come. So here I am… shaperoning from afar.”

A wide smile finally broke across Theodore’s face when Zeke approached them. “Finally, you’re here!” he exclaimed when his good friend sat down slightly behind him. He slapped the skinny guy on the back. “You settled in? The guys treat you ok?” he asked. He loved his bandmates but they could be assholes sometimes.

Yet another friend joined them in Merlou and Theo greeted her with a smile and a nod. “Hey Lou, been a while.” he said raising his mug at her.

He turned around on his stool and gazed out over the beach where the Carnation workers was busy setting up the big bonfire. Huge tents had been raised with lounge chairs and hammocks spread out under them. Theo shook his head in disbelief “Have to give it to Rach. It is very beautiful here. Don’t you think?” he said to no one in particular.

I- But I- I DON'T HAVE TIME! Oh but I want to...

I'm going to tentatively put down interest for a female spot if that's alright
Hey y'all! I'm not sure if you remember me, but I participated in some of your guys' short-lived Aces High roleplay a couple years back. Anyhow, I'm super interested in doing a roleplay with y'all, since you were all so talented back then! I have a character concept in mind, if y'all are still accepting. (I know the Apply tag is green, but I thought I'd ask just to be sure).

Hey! Glad you're interested! Since we've just started I don't see why you couldn't join! Send in your cs and we will review it!

Graduation Day had gone by in a blur, one heck of a stressful blur. Elias had been sat in the back row of his graduation ceremony a surley face plastered over his face as he listened to the people making their speeches. If one listened closely you would hear the sound of Elias gritting his teeth. He could not wait for it to be over so he could get his plan his escape from this backwards town.

As soon as the caps had been thrown and the applause had died down the messy haired teen had almost ripped of his gown and headed for the stands to get the inevitable awkward moment with his parents over and done with. And just as he had thought there they were glowering at each other, probably just done with a fight. When his mother caught sight of her son her face broke into a soft but obviously fake smile

“Eliii… Congratulations!” she cooed and embraced him.

“Thanks mom” Elias muttered as he endured her tight hug. His father just slapped him on the shoulder with a quick “Proud of you son” even though it was just hollow words Elias appreciated that Charlie was even there. “So you know where Dusty is going to play next year then?” his father asked looking around to see if he could spot one of Elias’s best friends.

A loud sigh escaped the boy “No dad haven’t really asked him” he monotoned staring out into the crowd. “But I can ask him tonight if it’s that important to you” he said sarcastically, knowing his father hated when he talked back like that. Charlie cleared his throat loudly indicating that Elias was on thin ice. Rolling his eyes Elias said goodbye to his parents and ventured out into the sea of people in search of his friends.

When the crowd had long gone the mismatched group of friends had gathered together behind the small building that housed all of the sports utilities. Where Roxy had insisted they made their friendship eternal by signing their names on the wall.

“Who has the pen?” Roxanne asked in a shaky voice holding back the sentimental tears.

With a soft sigh Elias dug around in the pocket of his jacket retrieving the felt-tipped pen he had swiped from Mrs Rome’s classroom. “Here” he whispered handing it to the redhead. The girl smiled in response as she took it from him and uncapped it. Elias watched as one by one his friends signed the dusty wall. At last it was his turn. With one last big sigh Elias signed his name beside his friends before capping the pen and pocketing it admiring their work.

“We’ll meet back here, every year. Wind, rain or shine, This is our home. Promise me guys” he could hear Roxy say quietly behind him.

Elias turned around trying to rearrange his face into a convincing expression “Of course, you won’t get rid of me that easy!” he cracked a smile and hugged her.

The cab came into a screeching halt, shaking Elias who had been asleep in the back seat awake. He straightened his glasses as he peered out of the window up at the house that he had grown up in. The rain pelted him as he got out of the car and gathered his belongings from the trunk of the car. He shielded his face with his hand as he jogged up to the house, Elias stopped when he got to the porch. He took a moment staring at the door handle almost as if it would burn him if he touched it. Closing his eyes the young man took a deep breath before he opened the door as quietly as he could so to not notify his father of his arrival. Stepping into the house he could hear the tv showing the Longhorn game, and it was not hard to imagine his father parked in front of it while drinking his beer.

“Dad?” Elias called out setting his bags down waiting for answer. He stepped towards the living room, and just as he had though there sat his father eyes fixed on the tv screen. “We winning?” he asked.

“Hey son… yeah looks like it.” Charlie said finally turning his head away from the game and facing his son standing up as he did so. “Come here!” he exclaimed as he embraced Elias. Blinking slowly the young man patted his father on the back awkwardly. It was a confusing scene for him because he could probably count on one hand the times that his father had hugged him. “You holding up ok?” Charlie said as he pulled away. There it was, the hug was some sort of act of pity now that the only good thing about this town was gone.

“Yeah I’m alright I guess.” he lied straightening his coat. “Well, I need to head out again. Dusty is waiting for me at the tavern.” Elias drawled almost as he was bored with what was happening. The small light that lit up behind his father’s eyes whenever Dusty’s name still annoyed Elias to no end. “Oh give the champ my best.” his father chuckled as he sat back down to watch the game. “Sure…” Elias muttered as he turned away and made his way out of the house.

Walking through the town that he had grown to hate made the short walk to the Border Tavern feel like a slog through old memories. Even from under his umbrella he could spot the old movie theater where they used to watch movies one month late and the small liquor store where they used his fake ID to buy beer and then the alley behind the quick n’ go where Diana and Roxanne calmed him down when he had a panic attack the day his grandfather died. Squeezing his eyes shut Elias quickened his pace to get away from the painful memory.

The door of the Border Tavern still creeked when it was pushed opened. His nostrils was filled with the smell of stale beer and peanuts as he entered. It didn’t take long before he spotted the broad shoulders of his old friend.

“Long time no see Cowboy” he said sitting down on the stool next to Dustin.

Posted for Elias!

Theodore was shaken awake by one of his bandmates when the plane touched the ground at Velana International Airport after a 10-hour-long ride from London. The young man grunted as he lifted the hood of his gray sweatshirt squinting as his eyes adjusted to the light. Starting the plane ride with 4 gin and tonics seemed like a brilliant plan when they boarded but now 8 hours later Theo was a grumpy mess. He groaned as he got up from his seat trudging after the rest of the passengers of the plane.

After what felt forever he and his friends had gone through security and baggage claim and they were stepping outside into the scorching sun. The hungover Theo quickly pulled out his sunglasses and shoved them in his face sighing heavily as he did so.

“Come on Teddy! Lighten up, we’re on a beautiful vacation! Even you must appreciate this.” His base player Jeremiah exclaimed as he threw an arm around Theo. The rest of the band members chuckled in agreement.

Theodore let out another sigh throwing Jeremiah of his shoulders. “Do I? Do I really?” he deadpanned as they walked towards the big double-decker bus with ‘Ashford Resorts’ written in golden lettering on the side. This bus was supposed to take all of the invited visitors and their guests to the ferry that would bring them over to Carnation Island. In Theo’s humble opinion was all this travel even worth it?

Inside the bus, the music was pumping, and the atmosphere was already one of euphoria, you could tell that most of the people on the bus had vacation feelings coursing through their bodies among other things. The hungover Theodore snatched a couple of beers from one of the coolers that were set out around the bus before taking a seat at the far back with the rest of his band. His blue eyes searching the seats and the tops of people heads for a blonde one. After a while, he spotted the golden hair of his cousin Charlotte or Lottie as she was known to most. Lottie was one of the reasons that Theo was even on this trip. He had promised his uncle Warren to keep an eye on her for him. Warren wasn’t even his real uncle rather he was his father’s cousin, but the man was very intimidating. And on top of that Lottie had pestered him at the family gathering they both attended at the start of the summer. Apparently, her father had given her an ultimatum that she could only go if Theo went as well.

So here he was chugging a beer at the back of a party bus looking at his young cousin laughing loudly with her girlfriends like a creepy stalker. Shrugging he opened his second beer before turning back to his friends as the bus drove them to the pier where the huge ferry boat was already waiting for them. As they were boarding the boat Theodore caught his cousin’s eye and gave her a nod that implicated that she owed him a drink.

The big party continued on the ferry and Teddy couldn’t help but feel really sorry for the staff that had to run around like madmen to satisfy the needs of the hoard of young and drunk passengers. But the Wallenberg son just ordered a whiskey sour and sat down to watch the whole debacle go down.

Soon enough the boat docked at the Carnation Island pier and Theo took a deep breath of relief. But as soon as they exited the boat he could only groan. Rachel had really gone all out with the welcome party. Two huge LED screens had been set up right there on the beach flashing the text on one screen and a video showing off the island on the other. Between them, a big wooden stage had been set up housing fire dancers and huge flower displays. At the center of the stage stood a sun-tanned Rachel with a wide grin holding a microphone up to her mouth as the crowd drew nearer.

“Hello, my lovelies! I trust your travels have been good and I hope that the staff and alcohol have treated you well!” She almost screamed into the mic. “I can’t believe that you’re finally here! I almost pissed my pants with excitement when I woke up today!” she continued as she jumped up and down. “So daddy has booked the whole resort just for us and I’ve planned some activities spread out over our time here! I will send out invites throughout your stay so keep an eye out for those! Oh! And the staff are handing out welcome packets as you will see these include a map of the island, the keys cards to your cabanas and invites to the first out of many parties! We’re going to have a huge bonfire right here at the beach with a sick DJ playing all night! But I’ll let you all settle in first so grab your packet, dump your stuff in your cabana and enjoy the day and meet back here at 8 pm!”

A shiny white golf cart drove up right behind Rachel as she finished her speech, she jumped in the back and lifted the microphone once again “I’ll be living up in the main building, but ask the staff about whatever you need! They’re all super talented and nice! Get ready to rage!” she bellowed as the golf cart drove away and out of sight.

Theodore couldn’t help but roll his eyes behind his shades as he shook his head while the crowd cheered loudly. He was handed a thick envelope after he ticked his name of a fancy looking pad when they arrived at the big stage. On the envelope, in curling text, it said ‘Teddy W.’. He and his friends made their way towards cabana #34 which they had been assigned. After a quick shower and change of clothes, Theo yelled out the rest of the gang that he was heading out and that they could find him at the bar.

As he arrived at the nice luxurious looking beach bar it was surprisingly empty with just a few tables occupied. Most of the newly arrived guests were probably checking out their new lining situations or napping. Theodore headed straight for the bar and took a seat on one of the plush bar stools. “How many of these drinks can I order at the same time without you hating me?” he said dryly eyeing the menu in front of him flicking his eyes up at the blonde bartender.

Theodore was shaken awake by one of his bandmates when the plane touched the ground at Velana International Airport after a 10-hour-long ride from London. The young man grunted as he lifted the hood of his gray sweatshirt squinting as his eyes adjusted to the light. Starting the plane ride with 4 gin and tonics seemed like a brilliant plan when they boarded but now 8 hours later Theo was a grumpy mess. He groaned as he got up from his seat trudging after the rest of the passengers of the plane.

After what felt forever he and his friends had gone through security and baggage claim and they were stepping outside into the scorching sun. The hungover Theo quickly pulled out his sunglasses and shoved them in his face sighing heavily as he did so.

“Come on Teddy! Lighten up, we’re on a beautiful vacation! Even you must appreciate this.” His base player Jeremiah exclaimed as he threw an arm around Theo. The rest of the band members chuckled in agreement.

Theodore let out another sigh throwing Jeremiah of his shoulders. “Do I? Do I really?” he deadpanned as they walked towards the big double-decker bus with ‘Ashford Resorts’ written in golden lettering on the side. This bus was supposed to take all of the invited visitors and their guests to the ferry that would bring them over to Carnation Island. In Theo’s humble opinion was all this travel even worth it?

Inside the bus, the music was pumping, and the atmosphere was already one of euphoria, you could tell that most of the people on the bus had vacation feelings coursing through their bodies among other things. The hungover Theodore snatched a couple of beers from one of the coolers that were set out around the bus before taking a seat at the far back with the rest of his band. His blue eyes searching the seats and the tops of people heads for a blonde one. After a while, he spotted the golden hair of his cousin Charlotte or Lottie as she was known to most. Lottie was one of the reasons that Theo was even on this trip. He had promised his uncle Warren to keep an eye on her for him. Warren wasn’t even his real uncle rather he was his father’s cousin, but the man was very intimidating. And on top of that Lottie had pestered him at the family gathering they both attended at the start of the summer. Apparently, her father had given her an ultimatum that she could only go if Theo went as well.

So here he was chugging a beer at the back of a party bus looking at his young cousin laughing loudly with her girlfriends like a creepy stalker. Shrugging he opened his second beer before turning back to his friends as the bus drove them to the pier where the huge ferry boat was already waiting for them. As they were boarding the boat Theodore caught his cousin’s eye and gave her a nod that implicated that she owed him a drink.

The big party continued on the ferry and Teddy couldn’t help but feel really sorry for the staff that had to run around like madmen to satisfy the needs of the hoard of young and drunk passengers. But the Wallenberg son just ordered a whiskey sour and sat down to watch the whole debacle go down.

Soon enough the boat docked at the Carnation Island pier and Theo took a deep breath of relief. But as soon as they exited the boat he could only groan. Rachel had really gone all out with the welcome party. Two huge LED screens had been set up right there on the beach flashing the text on one screen and a video showing off the island on the other. Between them, a big wooden stage had been set up housing fire dancers and huge flower displays. At the center of the stage stood a sun-tanned Rachel with a wide grin holding a microphone up to her mouth as the crowd drew nearer.

“Hello, my lovelies! I trust your travels have been good and I hope that the staff and alcohol have treated you well!” She almost screamed into the mic. “I can’t believe that you’re finally here! I almost pissed my pants with excitement when I woke up today!” she continued as she jumped up and down. “So daddy has booked the whole resort just for us and I’ve planned some activities spread out over our time here! I will send out invites throughout your stay so keep an eye out for those! Oh! And the staff are handing out welcome packets as you will see these include a map of the island, the keys cards to your cabanas and invites to the first out of many parties! We’re going to have a huge bonfire right here at the beach with a sick DJ playing all night! But I’ll let you all settle in first so grab your packet, dump your stuff in your cabana and enjoy the day and meet back here at 8 pm!”

A shiny white golf cart drove up right behind Rachel as she finished her speech, she jumped in the back and lifted the microphone once again “I’ll be living up in the main building, but ask the staff about whatever you need! They’re all super talented and nice! Get ready to rage!” she bellowed as the golf cart drove away and out of sight.

Theodore couldn’t help but roll his eyes behind his shades as he shook his head while the crowd cheered loudly. He was handed a thick envelope after he ticked his name of a fancy looking pad when they arrived at the big stage. On the envelope, in curling text, it said ‘Teddy W.’. He and his friends made their way towards cabana #34 which they had been assigned. After a quick shower and change of clothes, Theo yelled out the rest of the gang that he was heading out and that they could find him at the bar.

As he arrived at the nice luxurious looking beach bar it was surprisingly empty with just a few tables occupied. Most of the newly arrived guests were probably checking out their new lining situations or napping. Theodore headed straight for the bar and took a seat on one of the plush bar stools. “How many of these drinks can I order at the same time without you hating me?” he said dryly eyeing the menu in front of him flicking his eyes up at the blonde bartender.

Warning: Mentions of suicuide and violance

The outside patio was just as loud as inside the house so Archer stalked around the house to find a quiet spot to deal with his annoying brother. He settled for area at the short side of the house between some potted plants. He sat down on one of the bigger ones and brought his phone back to his ear

“Ok! So what do you want Warren?” he asked unable to contain the annoyance in his voice. At first there was only heavy breathing on the other end. Archer furrowed his brows in confusion. His brother never called him and you could usually never shut him up, and now he was acting real strange. “Warren? Are you ok?” he continued to probe.

“Arch…” more breathing “I- I just..” his brother slurred in to the receiver.

Archer let out a long breath “Are you drunk? If this is some sort of fucked up joke Warren just get it over with…” he sighed.

“No! I… We.” Warren began. “Me and Katie.” he was talking slowly and you could almost smell the bourbon through the phone. “We are at this party and… and we got to talking about you.” his voice drenched in sadness then there was a long pause.

Like a cold shower dread washed over Archer where he sat. “And?” he asked shakely.

“She- she told me about what happened last year." A big sniff could be heard from his brother. "I just- I just can't believe you- that I made you want to go so far."

Archer closed his eyes and took a deep breath as the memories from his darkest days all came rushing back to him.

May 26th 2017
The Diedrikson house was silent and almost empty except for the youngest son who had opted out of going with his parents up to Cambridge for his older brother Warren’s last game of the lacrosse season. The boy had other plans.

Standing in the upstairs bathroom Archer stared blankly into the mirror for a long time before he opened the cabinet that behind it. His green eyes searching the content of the shelfs until they found what they was looking for. His mother’s ‘Lunesta’, her sleeping pills. He grabbed one of the bottles and closed the cabinet carefully again. Sitting down on the bathtub edge the boy inspected the orange pill-bottle. His uncertain eyes shifted between it and the half empty vodka bottle he had retrieved from under his bed.

An unstable breath escaped him as closed his eyes. His first year of high school had been no different than any other year in school. And this time he had tried, like really tried to be as invisible as possible. But still, whenever he wasn’t around his Castillo shield some of the King’s elite felt it was their mission to make his life a living hell. Pushing him into lockers, throwing stuff at his head or just calling him fag under their breath. He couldn’t even escape it when he got home where he had a brother who made jokes at his expense at every turn and a father who ignored him. He was tired and he had had enough which was why he was sitting here making up his mind.

He slid his body into the bathtub where he carefully screwed of the small plastic lid. He settled the bottle of vodka between his legs as he shook out about ten or so small pills into his open hand. He bit his lip and in his mind there was a small voice of doubt, pushing through he shoved the pills in his mouth washing them down with a couple of big gulps of vodka. He leaned back and waited with his hand gripping the bottle dangling over the edge of the bathtub.

Katie McCormick parked her car in front of her boyfriends house. She had been dating Warren Diedrikson for three years and this was the first semester that they spent separated and she was so excited to go see his final game of the season. So she jumped at the chance to go get the last of Warren’s stuff that he needed before heading up to Harvard.

The slim brunette almost skipped to the front door out of excitement when she got there she knocked a few times. She had been told that Archer would be home so she was a little confused when no one answered. “Archer? It’s Katie I’m here to get the last of War’s stuff!” still no answer. Luckily she had been here so many times she knew where they kept their spare key. She lifted up the small ceramic hedgehog that sat in the third small flower pot, there taped on the underside was the key to the front door.

“Hello? Archie?” Katie called out as she opened the door looking around. She spotted his shoes so he should’ve been home to let her in. Maybe he’s listening to music while he read she thought as she took of her own shoes. There was something in the air that made her feel uneasy. Slowly she made her way up the stairs heading towards Warren’s room passing the open bathroom door. She didn’t even know why she did it but she stopped in her tracks and pushed the door open wider and spotted the bottle of vodka spilling out across the floor. She lifted her gaze and spotted Archer lying in the bathtub his head lolling to the side.

“Archer!?” she screamed as she rushed forward. She knelt down grabbing his shoulders shaking him gently. Feeling the tears building in her eyes she put her hand behind his head as she slapped his face “Come on Archer wake up! Please….please, what did you do?” she cried. The boy’s eyes fluttered as he groaned. Katie gasped out of relief as she used all of her strength to pull him into a seating position. “Come on.. come on!” She huffed as she bent him forward sticking her fingers as far into his mouth as she could making Archer retch and convulse forward as he expelled the contents of his stomach. “It’s okay..” Katie whispered over and over again as she rubbed his back until she was sure that whatever he had taken was out of his system. She carefully leaned him back and sobbing as she did so.

Archer slowly turned his head to look at his savior “Katie? What are you doing here?” he whispered, confusion spreading in his half open eyes.

The girl wiped her tear stained cheeks as she stood up to fill a cup with water. “I’m here to keep you company” she said taking short shaky breaths handing him the cup. “Drink…” she commanded as she sat down on the bathtubs edge running her hands through Archer’s sweat drenched hair moving it out of his face.

“I’m sorry…” the boy said as he sobbed into his own shoulder shivering. “Please don’t tell my parents… or Warren.” he continued between sobs.

“Your secret is safe with me. But I’m staying here with you this weekend and you can tell me what is going on... ok?” she cooed.

Archer covered his face with his hand and let out a big sigh “I- I can’t do this right now War… It was a long time ago.” he wiped away the tears that had collected in his eyes. “Can we talk about this some other time when you get back home?” he said hoping his brother would have forgotten about this conversation when he had sobered up.

“Ok sure… I just wanted to say that I’m sorry… and… I love you baby brother” Warren whispered.

“I- I love you too…bye” Archer croaked before hanging up. He wiped the last of the tears away and exhaled before standing up.

“Oh that sounded like a very tender moment Diedrikson!” a voice called from behind Archer. He turned around to face Brad Leone one of the lacrosse goons that used to worship his brother. “Was that your boyfriend? You love each other?! Cute… two fags finding each other” Brad said in a mockingly sweet tone.

Letting out a sharp breath Archer rolled his eyes “What the fuck do you want Leone?” he asked feeling numb crossing his arms staring straight into the big oafs eyes.

“You sold me a bum essay last week! I only got a B!” He stated harshly. “You trying to make me look bad huh?” he continued menacingly stepping closer to the smaller boy.

Archer scoffed rolling his eyes harder “You don’t think I need to make it believable? What would Mr. Gomez think if you went from a C- student to a straight A student in one semester? We would both be caught you fucking dunce!” he spat annoyed that they were even having this conversation.

“What the fuck did you call me faggot?!” Brad roared as he grabbed Archer by his top pushing him up against the wall getting up in his face. “You think you can insult me and get away with it?!” he growled.

Breathing heavily Archer smirked“You can’t insult someone who can’t understand basic English.” he retorted before being hurled on to the ground by the much bigger lacrosse player. Archer could only but get up on his elbows before he saw the fist connecting with the left side of his face. The impact made his vision blur and his ears ring before his right side was hit by another fist.

“FIGHT!” was the last thing he heard before he fell back eyes looking toward the crowd forming around them.

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