"I’m the King of Nothing but the Queen of the World"
Age and Birthday
17 - June 6th
Animal Identity
Arctic Fox
Fracesca could be seen roaming the halls of the school daydreaming and scheaming, not caring about anything but herself. If you say that to her face Frankie will take great offense. She cares! She’s a vegitarian to take a stand for the animals, even though she craves a good steak somtimes (“What do you mean quinoa isn’t ethically vegitarian?!”), she cares deeply about the refugee crisis (“If I had money I would totally donate”) but she is busy with painting and living her life. What’s a girl to do?
Rumors spread fast through the halls about Frankie being one of the school’s biggest teases. And rumors almost always has one foot in reality. Flirting is her favorite language to use on a daily bases and has been known to jump from guy to guy. Frankie loves to play with her ‘pray’, stinging them along and never settling with anyone. The thought of being tied
down scares her and in her mind symbolizes being caged.
Some of her former life still shines through in the fact that Francesca hates doing any kind of work. If she could choose she would rather have somebody else do everything for her while she sits in the art studio painting all day.
Habits/Quirks/Fun Facts
✸ Paints her nails several times a day
✸ Collects sunglasses
✸ Writes down facts about people in her notebooks
✸ Dozes of in class all the time
✸ Loves to paint with aquarelles
✸ Is a slave to the internet, can spend hours on youtube
What does your character dream about?
✔ Makeup
✔ A fresh set of brushes
✔ Coffeebased drinks
✔ Wildflowers
✘ Reading
✘ Greasy food
✘ Non dreamers
✘ Being ignored
In a school filled with big strong personalities Frankie’s biggest fear is falling behind and being forgotten. Left to roam this world alone.
History Pre-Memory Loss
Born on a early summers evening Francesca Cornelia Allensworth was the first daughter of Walter & Naomi Allensworth. Being the middle child in a trio of very spoiled children gave Frankie a special world view. She lived in a world where anything was possible for her and her siblings, where compromise was nothing you had to think about. When one of the county’s best defence lawyers were your father, you didn’t have to worry much about consequences either.
The Allensworth trio consisted of Francesca,
Charlotte and
Richard. They could be seen moving through the social elite of Seattle with ease not having a care in the world, or at least that is what people said about them. The siblings were very close and did mostly everything together.
But then tragedy struck. Walter and Naomi got into a horrible car accident one rainy September night. After hours in the ICU waiting room, the siblings were informed by the doctor that unfortunately, they were not able to save their parent’s lives. Grief-stricken, they were comforted by the funds that their parents had left them so they at least could fend for themselves. Or so they thought anyway.
At it turns out Walter was not the upstanding citizen of the community that he portrayed outward. Not only was he deep indebted to one of Seattle’s biggest drug gangs it was also revealed that he had done business with a lot of shady clients to get where he was. That included taking bribes and tampering with evidence.
Meaning that the funds that were left for the Allensworth children were sucked dry very quickly. And this combined with the fact that neither Walter or Naomi had any living relatives to take the children resulted in them being separated and put into the foster system.
Being a teenager in the system was not an easy thing. The chance of someone wanting a 15-year-old was slim to none. So instead Frankie focused all of her time trying to find her siblings and figuring out a way where they could be together again.
She had almost given up when one day two Doctors by the names of Wayman and Hagerty came to the foster home. And for some reason, they were looking for healthy teenagers and not small children that most where. Being one of the few teenagers at the home Frankie decided to go with them. Being outside of the home would make it easier to maybe find her brother and sister. But that, as it turns out, was going to stay a dream for Frankie.
Extra Information
I would say… Buffalo chicken tenders!