Avatar of Spoopy Scary


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5 mos ago
Current i hear dies irae bells ringing in my ossicles every time i claw from the dirt and peer wistfully through the rpg tomb doors thinking, "one last job..." another bony finger of the monkey's paw curls up
3 yrs ago
i can't believe it's already christmas today
4 yrs ago
*skeletal hand emerges from an unmarked grave* the drive thru forgot my side order
4 yrs ago
Imagine having an opinion on rpg dot com
4 yrs ago
Let’s play a game where you try to sext me and I call the police
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Maybe the real plot was the friends we made along the way. [Last Updated: February 1, 2025]

I'm too old for this shit and I have learned not to share too much of my personal life on the internet. I earned a 4-year English degree, work as an English and writing tutor at a local college, a communications copywriter for a non-profit, and I'm a development editor at an academic publishing company. That means I word good.

I like literature and poetry. I first started writing as a hobby with online roleplay at the start of 2010, and I've slowly drifted away from it in recent years. I enjoy most genres, but if I had to pick a couple of favorites, they would be sci-fi and high fantasy—heavy emphasis on the high fantasy. Some of my favorite moments have come from Elder Scrolls roleplays, since it appeals to the D&D nerd in me.

I have a tendency to get carried away with making my character sheets. I've always been a fan of characters overcoming their weaknesses and obstacles and I try to make that show in many of my characters. Therefore, many of the narratives I explore come from a place of vulnerability, but I try to balance the heavy themes with light whimsy. Sometimes though that door swings the other way and I lean into the whimsy while sneaking in moments of vulnerability.

I also try to research whatever it is I'm writing about so that I'm not just spitting into the wind. Unless that's what my character is doing, in which case I try to make sure that's made clear in my writing. Sometimes that gets in the way, like in the case of blacksmith character I wanted to make but felt compelled to study up on blacksmithing first (don't fall into that trap, no one really gives a shit).

It’s kind of hard to define my style, as I’m influenced by all sorts of literary movements and schools of criticism; dark romanticism, modernism, post-modernism, Marxism, feminism, post-structuralism—I have a lot of isms in my pocket. Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of my favorite dark romantic authors, Dickinson is one of my favorite naturalist poets, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Langston Hughes, and Robert Frost—they’ve all in some ways informed my writing, as well as many others. I even tend to look to some of my fellow guild mates for inspiration or analyze what I like about their writing and see what I can do to improve my own through their example.

Prime Rib Boneheads
@Luminous Beings
[@Shin Ghost Note]
Calcium Supplements
Rest in peace, @Polymorpheus
@Byrd Man

These Tickle My Funny Bone
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Currently in no roleplays.

Most Recent Posts

No, keeping doing it. Remain consistent. You have put this garbage filth upon you, now you shall suffer for it. Reap what you've sown.
<Snipped quote by BurningDaisies>

Excuse you, the correct term is SEXUAL TYRANNOSAURUS.

There are also these butter pills or something that you stick in your butt and it has little bit of medicine and numbing agents in the center. I had to take one of them once.
That's not the only thing you can expand. :^)
The Dreadnaughts
There was a brief moment of silence in the vehicle, after Washe had announced himself on the NEST channel. Soon enough, however, someone on the other side broke that silence.

“Caesar,” the voice said, “this is a secure NEST radio channel. Unidentified users are prohibited by penalty of law. Identify yourself – over!”

Grit scooted over a little further in the back and was scratching the back of his head nervously, knowing what was coming next. On the bright side, at least they found out that Washe was on the right channel.

“Fucking IDENTIFY myself?!” Washe roared in a rage-filled tantrum. His booming voice drowned everything else in the car, and deafening to its other occupant. This fit of anger inadvertently caused the van to lurch forward as his foot pressed the gas pedal harder. The presumed KINGFISHER agent was fortunately spared from his ear being blasted by the assailing thunder. “Well just what the FUCKING SHIT do you think I just fucking did, dipshit! Did his bitch of a mother shit him through the wrong fucking hole?!”

Washe ripped the intercom from the dash and stuck it close to his lips.

“Listen here, you fucking novice! This is the operations and logistics officer of the fucking Dreadnaughts. You're gonna sit your little bitch ass down and fucking call me Caesar, am I clear? Your God damn superiors including that Asian, Korean, or-what-fucking-ever bitch asked me for my help because you ass-lickers are apparently too busy jerking each other off to get any of y'all's shit done! They have made it my job to keep Darwinism from doing God's work by keeping your incompetent ass from fucking everything up and getting yourself killed, and to make sure one of their missions finally gets finished without any problems!

"Now you're gonna answer my fucking question, otherwise I'm gonna ask you to bring knee-pads and mouthwash by the time I get there: who the flying fuck are the participants of this channel? I am giving you ten seconds before I blast the whole God damn district in my attempt to ash you off the fucking face of this green Earth – and by God, don't you think I won't dare.”
The Dreadnaughts
@Mr Allen J@Maxx
KINGFISHER agents, eh? Washe was briefed about NEST and some of the finer details, perhaps more in-depth than the others. At least, certainly more in-depth than Grit. NEST is a government sanctioned agency with its own fair share of secrets. However, even NEST has a branch more ambiguous than itself: the KINGFISHER agents. Supposedly, they are top-of-the-line agents, the best that NEST as a whole had to offer. On par with Navy SEALS, so on and so forth. This opportunity could give Washe the time desired to inspect the agents and watch them work, then review their portfolio later and determine what kind of firepower NEST was really packing. He wasn't no fool, though – he was once a marine, led several of his own missions. But Washe wasn't just a marine, no; he's a Dreadnaught, and his company makes SOG look like a bull in a china shop.

Agent Vuhong broke the silence, however. “It is great to meet both of you,” she said, “I hope to work together in the future.”

Grit beamed in response. “Absolutely, miss! If ya ever need someone to drop some bodies, you know where--”

“I wouldn't count on it.” Washe forwardly interrupted, barely taking care to honey his words. “If I think I can use one of y'all in one of our operations, then I'll utilize y'all. Otherwise, I prefer to do things quickly and quietly... assumin' we can keep this one's trap shut.”

Grit crossed his arms and shot Wasge a look of indignation. “That was uncalled for, Caesar.”

Washe, however, would have none of that. Looking out the corner of his eyes, he gently tipped up his sunglasses as his pupils bore into the young sniper's. A corner of his lip was raised, giving him the appearance of snarling bulldog. His face was already flushed red. He snapped at Grit, “are you gonna screw your head on right, or am I gonna have to do it for ya?”

There was something about the delivery of his words that seemed to inspire a sort of primal fear and the belief that he would, without hesitation, back up his words with every ounce of rage that was fueling him. Grit, in response, put up his hands between him and Washe, and began walking back further from him, daring not make eye contact.

Agent Vuhong offering the documents helped to soothe the tension in the room. A folder comprised of the undercover agents that NEST has employed was handed to him, and like Baron, Washe took them from her hand with care. However, unlike him, he opened it up to take a glimpse at the contents to confirm them, and then slapped it shut without a second look.

“Now, I have much work to do. If you need anything else, you know who to call.” Said the agent.

“Nope,” Washe said somewhat dismissively as he turned around and began marching down the lobby, “your role in this should be just about done. Grit. Grit! Get outside, we should have a ride waitin' for us. Go patch Maria in and everything should take care of itself from there.”

Grit fired off a casual salute in Lihua's direction before jogging up from behind and then past Washe, opening the glass doors. “Aye aye, sir!”

“Quit your fucking fooling, moron.”

With that, the Dreadnaughts had gone as quickly as they came, leave alone the agent in the lobby with the glass door closing behind them. Washe entered a black Sprinter on the driver's side door and Grit had climbed in through the back doors. With a rev of their engine, they pulled out of the driveway, finally out of the NEST agent's field of vision.

Washe drove south, and meanwhile, Grit was in the back punching in some buttons for a set of coordinates. The van itself was quite the piece of work – spacious and full of gadgets and monitors. Up by the dashboard, Washe had access to all sorts of toys that allowed him to connect to a multitude of radio channels and switches that controlled some of the mechanics of the vehicle. In the back, where Grit was, gun racks, trunks, monitors, headsets – this one van was practically all they needed for their entire stay in Verthaven, although it isn't recommended. All the while, the interior was lined with armored plates and maintained an inconspicuous exterior, making them look like little more than a civilian passenger vehicle. After enough of Grit's tampering, the noise of a woman's voice crackled into life over the radio. “Hello boys, good to hear from you.”

“Channel one is on! Nice ta' hear from you too, Mars.” Grit cooed. Among the Dreadnaughts, Grit and Washe were often the ones to talk with Maria the most. Grit, while he often had another person where they watched each other's backs, it made sense with him being a talkative bastard, but also Maria was their set of eagle eyes watching over the whole region. Washe was a given, requiring constant feedback should any unexpected problems come along that would comprise their strategy.

“Establishing a secured channel... and done. No one can hear us, now.” Maria confirmed. “I'm loading satellite imagery now, and I'll patch it in to you guys momentarily.”

A small screen by the dashboard flashed what appeared to be a GPS screen. The exception was that it showed a real time feed of their area, with a camera focused on their vehicle, which showed as bright green.

“Maria,” Washe barked, “highlight this city's Chinatown district for me.”

“I have you covered.” She replied. A low opacity yellow highlighted an area on the screen. Washe still had a couple miles ago and a bridge across before he got onto the next isle, much to his frustration. Damn Baron for volunteering them for whatever shenanigans NEST was up to! This Long Dragon person ought to be there, and not waste their time.

“Are there any active channels in that area?” Washe asked.

“As a matter of fact,” Maria began, “there are a couple. Though one stands out more than the others, and there are other connections to the channel stemming from the NEST headquarters.”

“That's the one then.” Washe grumbled. “Patch that in to the boat, link it with channel two.”

“Geez, these NEST guys sure make it easy for us, huh?” Grit bragged. “I expected them to be a little more... more.”

“Don't get so cocky!” Washe spat. “We don't even know what they're up to yet.”

“I can't believe I'm admitting this,” Maria interjected, “but I think I agree with Grit. It might just be that they're a government agency and aren't expecting anybody to eavesdrop, but it's also because they're a government agency that I'm curious why they aren't taking top measures to maintain security of their communication.”

“Maybe we're just too good.” Grit mused.

“Okay, okay, I had enough of this.” Washe sighed. He grabbed the hand-microphone for the vehicle's PA system and switched over to channel two, where presumably the KINGFISHER agents FALCON and NIGHTINGALE were on.

“Coming in; this is Caesar speaking, requesting confirmation on all channel participants. Again I say, this is Caesar speaking. Requesting confirmation on all channel participants – over!
The Dreadnaughts
@Mr Allen J
“You think so, hm?” Baron mused in passing, but didn't stress it enough that it wouldn't stand out as a critical part of their conversation. Lihua may be confident in NEST's intelligence operatives, but perhaps that confidence was misplaced; it would seem that even Agent Vuhong wasn't in the know of everything. Regardless, she began listing off what he had asked for – this is to say, Khan's lieutenants. The word in particular stood out to Baron. When did gangs have “lieutenants”? They may not be dealing with ordinary gangs any longer, but meta-human militias. This complicated the situation a little bit, but did add an air of familiarity to the mission.

As Agent Vuhong continued talking, covering the need for a number, outposts, and her inability to disclose certain information regarding undercover agents. Another thing that Baron let himself be aware of. All the while, the agent dug through the filing cabinet and then handed him the relevant information. This was about a nightly cram session's worth of reading. At least one thing that NEST is good at is keeping records.

To his satisfaction, it would seem that his ice-breaker worked charms on the agent! After the apparent business was settled, she was all too eager to oblige in sharing her own preference – the Sunny Delights Cafe, eh? She offered the address and then looked him in the eye.

“Perhaps we can go some time.”

Baron kept his confident composure, satisfied with the results he received. “Perhaps,” he replied. Meanwhile, Grit was in the back, wide-eyed and grinning like a fool with a hand over his mouth. He muttered to himself, “oooh, someone got himself a honey bunny.”

“Shut it!” Washe snapped quietly at Grit, who was holding in his laughter, but was red in the face.

“Is there anything else you need?” Agent Vuhong asked Baron.

“No,” he started hesitantly, but then backpedaled, “actually, yes. We're still going to need the profiles of any intelligence operatives you've employed, lest my colleague here...” he waved a hand to Grit, who winked an eye in response. Grit put his hands behind his head and imitated a casual posture, laying it on real thick. He angled his body just right so that Vuhong could catch full view of the high-tech sniper rifle that was surmounted upon his back.

“...Lest my colleague here gets the wrong idea about who his cross hairs are set on.”

Baron's eyes took notice of some papers on the desk and paced over towards that side. Some apparently important documents yielding time charts, but off to the side in a holder appeared to be NEST applications. He aimed his eyes at those as he pulled out one of them and set them on top of the other papers on the desk.

“My colleagues will be remaining here just a few more minutes, so you can give those profiles to them after you make your call.” Baron began. “And one more thing... are there any operations in combating the Fiends currently underway? I couldn't help but notice that you seemed... tense after you came into the lobby. Grit and Caesar can help reinforce whichever operatives you've set on the mission. The sooner we take out Khan's 'lieutenants', the better, right?”

He pointed as he talked about them, to Grit and to Washe, looking away from his paper, giving Vuhong a minute to measure them up. As he gave her that time, he picked up the application and the sheet of paper beneath it, before putting them under his arm with the folders. Grit looked completely confident, crossing his arms and staring down Lihua, whereas Washe was crossing his arms and rolling his eyes because he seemed annoyed that he was volunteered to aid in one of NEST's missions. He was frustrated more than anything that this broad was under the impression that Baron was the leader here.

“It seems I have quite a bit of reading to do.” Baron admitted. “Grit is a marksman, and Caesar is our operations officer. He's a tactician. They can help you with anything you need. I'll be off now... see you at breakfast.”

As he turned his back, his friendly demeanor changed to a grim expression as he nodded to both Grit and Washe. He fired off a salute to them with his pinky and ring finger. Grit watched Baron walk across the lobby looking every bit impressed. Baron walked past the detector once more, warranted the same strange, warped, unnatural sound that he made when he walked in. As he held the door open, he looked as though he remembered something and turned around, looking pretty cocky at Agent Vuhong.

“Oh, and one more thing, miss... my name isn't really Baron Moreau.”

With that, he walked out the door and made his way back to the pier. Grit and Washe looked at each other; Washe, a little stumped, and Grit trying to hide the big dumb smile on his face.
The Dreadnaughts
@Mr Allen J
Baron's eyes lit up at the sound of his own name, and the face he bore seemed to have grown in amusement. So she knew his name, eh? That was an interesting bit, it would seem that this agent “Lihua Vuhong” was privy to more information that Baron had originally anticipated. Baron himself was one of the few to make contact with NEST prior to their current mission – he must have made quite the impression for NEST to have kept his name on record. However, it would seem she was not so privy that she knew all of which that had been debriefed in their meeting. An interesting middle value – privy to some, restricted to others. A woman worth keeping an eye on.

“My, my!” Baron chirped and smiled. “I didn't think they would remember me. Sure eliminates the need for code names, hm? Yes, I am Dr. Moreau; and yes, we received a debriefing on the situation in Verthaven.”

“Ah, right... the shit-uation...” Grit muttered under his breath. He leaned his weight on his side and began lightly tapping his foot. Washe was keeping himself busy looking around the room, reading through pamphlets and public folders and whatnot.

Baron accepted the folder graciously and took great care in opening it. As he scanned all of its contents, he spoke aloud to agent Vuhong without looking away from the documents.

“I see here that the Fiends kingpin goes by the name 'Khan', yes? Aside from her, what are some of the other big names in their... gang? What measures has NEST taken to intercept them?”

He jabbed a thumb behind him, pointing at his colleague, the larger ex-marine. “And my compatriot here would like a document covering any private NEST outposts that may be stationed around the city, as well as the profiles of any undercover agents you may have who act as spies; and a special number to call - if your company has one – to flag for reinforcements or to send a dispatch of your units out should we require your assistance.”

Baron flipped a page, still reading. He continued, “the location of any NEST sanctioned armories, caches, and garages would also be appreciated. Also...”

The man citing his requests slapped the folder closed and tucked it under his arm, meeting Agent Vuhong's face once more with an innocent smile.

“Would you happen to know of any popular cafes in the area? I'm a sucker for espressos.”
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