Avatar of SporkoBug


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7 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
7 days ago
9 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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16 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
19 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Fae shuddered as Dia replied, they moved along quickly at least. Soon they'd be safe and she could tinker with some things and possibly see if B.V got anything. She glanced around slightly before she almost jumped at the touch of Maggie as she grabbed their hands.
Dia looked to Maggie with a gentle smile, "We'll be okay." She said, as if she knew how Maggie was feeling. She glanced to everyone else as she tried to figure out everyones emotions.

Dia's eyes returned to Fae, she wasn't easy to read; but she could definitely feel the fear, worry and almost... sadness on her. She was about to ask before Fae seemed to shudder and look up from the ground towards Maggie and Dia.
"We'll..." Fae started, as if to repeat after Dia before she closed her mouth and nodded. She couldn't say it, she didn't believe it. But that was Dia for her; always looking on the better side of things, always trying to be the one to cheer things up. She hadn't changed, which was good, she enjoyed Dia being this way.

Fae caught herself glancing towards Maggie before looking away before she caught her gaze. How much had she changed? Maybe Maggie hadn't changed?
Fae knew she had changed. She wasn't as bubbly as she used to, the break up of the gang really shook her world; she had lost her two best friends that day, just like the snap of a finger. She shuddered before they got to the hotel, she looked to it and breathed out the breath she was still holding.
Fae listened to where everyone was going and watched them all dissipate around her. She watched Dia follow Maggie without another thought, only to stop and look back towards the final female.

"You coming?" Dia asked, Fae gave a weak smile and started to follow after. She held back her words she was about to say.
'Why do you want me to come?' She thought to herself, feeling herself shrink slightly before she sat at the edge of the couch as Dia moved to sit by Maggie, lifting the womans legs up before moving to place them over her own as she sat down.
"Hectic night." Dia said calmly.
Fae felt her hands twitch, she was panicking. Why was she panicking? She reached to her pocket and tried to find if she brought the screen to B.V with her.
Nethans great, you're playing him amazingly.

But I like that idea ahah, they'd be confused about a lot of things honestly.
Ash gave a bit of a frown before they gave a nod. "Of course." They said softly, "At least we won." They nodded again before Jill hugged them. Ash gave a sigh as they felt her weight against him for a moment, their worry that she was safe washing away before she pulled away and whispered for them to get some rest.
"I will." Ash started as she headed to the door, "Thank you captain. For everything."

Fer'a moved to grab Ash, pulling them down against the comfort of the resting block. It wasn't as comfortable as their bed, but Fer'a couldn't allow Ash to move at the moment.

Alice's ears perked up as she listened to him speak, she tilted her head a little. She didn't understand everything he was saying, but he was excited about it and she knew it was polite to listen.
She didn't ask many questions either, she listened to him ramble, allowing himself to say as much as he wanted to.
"That sounds very interesting." She started as there was a pause in his rambles, "Do we know why we are heading there?"

Avia glanced to her Comlink and smiled. "I'm here hun, what do you need?" She asked, looking to Ricki as she looked over the plant, taking notes on a small touch screen tablet. She was taking leaves off and putting them into little pottles and moved to make a small cut on the plant to gain some sap for better research.
Ricki looked to Avia and smiled, darting off quickly as Avia turned her attention back to the Comlink.
"Is there anything you would especially like for dinner? Are you needing a snack?" Her motherly side was slowly slipping out, she was unsure about the age of everyone else on the ship, but she believed she was one of the oldest- apart from Seb or Ash.
Hunter nodded as he started off in a trot before it became a gallop, the world seemed to twist around him as he bounced between 'realms' to pass where the Kir'in and the Big Cat were still fighting. The trees in the different realm were a dark shade of midnight blue, the sky was a dark purple with little orange that were the stars.
Hunter gave a hefty jump as he reentered the normal realm and skidded to a halt, stepping forward slowly towards the forest line.
"We are here Marigold." He said softly, lowering himself to the ground.

April smiled as Hazel returned to her human form, moving to rub her hand through Hazel's hair as she sat down.
"Good, I just want you to be calm." She said softly before she looked to the potion that was fully mixed. Fay clicked her beak quietly, leaning out of the blankets to gently take it from April.
"She has to drink it all at once." She started, looking to Fay as she looked to the vial and swirled it in her hands. "It will be slow, but it will work. Not right away of course, she'll need about a week before it starts to happen physically. Mentally she'll be back to normal by the sunrise."
Fay moved to drink the potion once April stopped speaking, she winced and threw the empty container at the wall, surprisingly it bounced off and hit the ground instead of shattering.
Rose happily took the second piece of cake when it was handed to her, she ate it a bit slower this time; trying to savour the flavour that she mainly missed when she wolfed down the first piece. She listened to Lily answer Steph's question, why would she be worried? She counted as an Agent still, and the Agency cared for their workers.
She swallowed a bit of cake before she wiped her mouth, "I'm surprised you asked that." Rose started quietly, Steph glanced over to her with a tilt of her head before Rose continued. "I wouldn't think the Agency would even think of harming their agents, they think we're invaluable."

Steph had to hold her breath and hold back her words, poor Rose was misguided by this place. Despite all they had been doing to her, she was still loyal. Steph almost wanted to praise her for her loyalty, but she knew loyalty could be misguided.
She breathed out and looked to Lily. "Thank you." She started, "I had to ask to settle my own mind." She didn't reply to Roses' question, glancing around the room a bit more. Her eyes caught the sight of a dancing pole and she felt her heartbeat pick up, of course she wouldn't do it with people watching but she wondered if she could remember anything she was trained on.

"Stephan has a reason for asking." Gaia rumbled as she finished her cake, placing her plate down as her tongue slipped and licked at her lips. "Considering our... 'capture' to come here wasn't exactly... 'friendly'." She said with a rumble, she could still hear the buzzing noise in her ears, which caused them to flick angrily. "But as they seem to have catered to everything for us, I'm sure we'll be fine until they believe we're ready to leave." She looked to Steph hesitantly, "It will be all to make sure how to take care of us, to ensure we'll be properly looked after."
She stretched slightly, her hands almost touching the ceiling with a bit of a yawn, her sharp rows of teeth showing in the light, shimmering due to the saliva in her mouth.

Quietly wolves watched Ethan and the other agents from afar, they kept themselves in the shadows as they watched and listened. Their ears twitched as the wind seemed to press past them, silently telling a message sent towards them before all but the smallest wolf turned and left.
The smallest wolf shook it's silver-grey fur, stepping closer to where Ethan was. Their ears flicked forward and their eyes trained specifically on him, the shadows kept them hidden, but they could at least pay better attention that no one else was panting down their neck.

The canine-humanoid watched the agent as they watched Benjamin and Mike. They narrowed their eyes as they focused, trying to keep an eye on the agent in case they tried anything that night. His masters were wanting Benjamin to meet the Queen, their meeting was important. Especially since the male that was Benjamin had something of a close relationship to one of his Queens' denizens. If the Half-blooded could be called that.
Eros watched Niccia carefully before he looked to Michael as he spoke, following his gaze to the 'replacements' before he winced as Michael turned back to him. "I didn't mean to upset her." He said as the tips of the white horns on his head glistened slightly. "I thought she would have told you." He shuffled awkwardly on the spot before he sat down and lifted a hoof up like it was hurt.
"Father Banished her for a different reason he banished Darkrai." He watched Niccia wince at the name and he lowered himself to the ground slightly. "I'm sorry. Coming out and talking to you wasn't a good idea, I'm sorry." he stood up and backed away, tears at the edges of his eyes and his ears drooped.

Bia looked to Lytse to see how he was as she listened to Diel. "An injured human?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "I didn't think Ho-Oh would stop for a human. Maybe he's changed his ways a bit." She gave a playful blink to her Guardian friend, who hopefully knew she was joking around about that sort of thing. "But I'm glad you have a moment to at least chill out here, all that travel must strain your wings."

Volcano smiled to Sea, "That would be a lovely idea." He said, glancing over to the hole he left, "And I wouldn't just drop the slab just like that, it doesn't even fit the hole anymore after modifications to make it flatter so those two have more of a battle space." He smiled to his brother, there were moments when the two of them got into heated arguments, sure, but he enjoyed his brothers company from time to time. He glanced to the Lapras quietly, "And I'm sure some of the water Guardians would like a splash."

Carrish grinned at her opponents excitement, it got her going. As Bear rushed up and readied a Low Kick, she waited carefully for the right moment to narrowly dodge, moving to strike Bear with a Brick Break. She pushed herself into the air as she did so, she told herself she couldn't attack with any poison attacks just yet, that would be unfair. This was a friendly game, not life or death; if it was, she would have easily gone for a poison attack and allowed her poison touch to flow through her body.

The Lake Trio all watched Nethan as he walked over, listening to his words carefully before he strolled off. As Mindy started to talk, they turned their attention back to her quietly.
"It is a pleasure to meet you." The female said quietly, lifting a mittened hand to her chest as she spoke, "I am Manderva, and these are my brothers." She motioned to the yellow haired male and the blue haired male, "Unandrio and Azur, respectively."
Azur gave a small nod at his name while Unandrio stayed still and quiet. Manderva spoke up again before Xapher could get a word in, "Do not worry about Nethan. I presume that Gavin was speaking to him and he's offered to try and help him."
Xapher relaxed as Nethan left, watching him go carefully before grinning to the Lake Trio.
"These three are like Sages! They're some of the oldest Legendaries; apart from Arceus and the creation trio. And some of the others, but these three have never been replaced, these are the originals!"
Manderva could only give a smile to the smaller Mythical Pokemons words, she wouldn't flatter herself with such a title, but she wouldn't disagree with the small friend.

Gavin blinked as Nethan walked back to him. "I'm guessing it went... Well?" He asked hesitantly, he didn't know what the thumbs up was suppose to mean. Did the questioning go well? It was brief and he couldn't hear anything. Was he giving him a thumbs up to say that Mindy liked him?
He sighed, maybe he had to take this into his own hands. He needed to pull his confidence up and head over to Mindy to talk to her, but of course.. Not around the Lake Trio, they creeped him out.

Lecrero raised an eyebrow at Ilios' words before Ilias jumped on the spot.
"Colour!" She said with a big grin, "It's not that your decoration skills are bad, it's just it lacks colour! And we were thinking we could put it to Ho-Oh to plan the decorations!" She grinned, looking to her brother for support if she needed it.
The Human Arceus felt his lips perse together, looking over at the party with narrowed eyes. His emotion unreadable, much like always. "Hm."

Frosiien could only giggle at Andy's words as he spoke about how he liked Dera; it was good, she liked Dera too. She was one of Frosiien's closest friends, well, until she met Andy at least.
Dera slowly stood from her position with the Arcanine, moving to rub their heads as they settled beside each other.
"My name is Derasiin, but much like you, I prefer to have it shortened to just Dera." She said with a smile, she glanced to where Andy was looking and spotted the Butterfree, "Ah, that one is yours?" She asked with a bit of a head tilt.
Sara stayed quiet as she finished her Porridge before she swallowed before answering Benjamin.
"I... Don't like the attention from staff." She admitted, dropping her head slightly. "I... I hope Ray is okay; I... Hope Ari is okay." She looked to the table as she cupped her cup of hot chocolate.
"I'm sorry I'm not helpful." She said quietly, "I'm... Not Staff like you think I was. I'm sorry if it seems like I lied, I...." She shrunk into herself. "Sorry."
Dante glanced as Mitch left, he smiled slightly before he headed towards the kitchen and lifted Freya up from the floor and put her on a chair.
"Let me make you some food." He said as the Siren stared hungrily at him as she finished the raw fish that was half sticking out of her mouth,

Rose flinched as she was spoken to, she looked up as she was told she could have more cake and looked hungrily at the cake. "M...More cake?" She questioned before she shook her head, "No, I shouldn't. That wouldn't be fair of me." She mumbled more to herself.
Rose flexed her mandibles under her lips as she thought as everyone else seemed to settle into a spot and start eating their cake.

Steph scanned the room and noticed the dancepole, her eyes widening as her brain reminded her of the amount of training she had received before she joined the agency. She looked towards Lily, a few questions flooded her mind before she closed her eyes and breathed out.
"You're not going to kill us, right?" She asked, the question was dancing along her brain, "I doubt you'll allow us out anytime soon, but you're not intending to harm these two, are you?"

Gaia found a table that seemed strong enough for her to sit on, hopping up and sitting onto it as it squeaked under her weight slightly. She sniffed at the cake before she started to chew at it, her ears pricking up at the taste before she quickly wolfed the rest of it down, eyeing the cake as it was mentioned there was more for them. She looked to Steph as she started to question about what they were going to do to them, Always like her to care for others. She thought to herself, closing her eyes and giving a sigh. I hope Ethan is safe. If anything harms him I will tear it to pieces.

April nodded at the text, not replying to it just yet. She set her phone down and moved quickly to look at the reports popping up on the floating screens around her. She moved them slowly, stacking them on top of each other before pulling up another window and her own horns glistened a soft red for a moment.
"Annoying." She said before she lifted her phone to text Benjamin back. Apologies for the late reply, but that is absolutely fine. I will see you tomorrow. I cannot wait. She put her phone back down and slid from her desk and stepped towards a large cupboard.
She pulled the doors open, staring at the weapons that hung up on the wall before she slowly scaled over everything she had. She stopped at the sight of a small indent in the armory, something she had already lent to someone.

She swore as she turned back to her phone, moving to call someone.
"'Yello." Dante answered with a grin, "What can I do for you Ap'? I'm just cooking up some food for a friend, is it urgent?"
"You have one of my weapons." She said with a soft tone.
"Oh yes." Dante replied, his voice calm and almost jovial. "I've borrowed it for a bit, I promise you'll get it back in one piece. I promise none of my siblings have gotten a hold of it."
April seemed to let out a small, shaky sigh. "I have signs of Harry." She started, the line on the other side went silent as the phone was dropped to the ground. Plates moving and feet stepping along echoing into April's ear before the phone was picked up again.

"Sorry." Dante said, his voice suddenly serious. He was moving, April could hear him stepping along and the sound of the door opening and closing. "You have signs of her? Already?"
"I have points of her... other Magic." April said with a frown, "SHe seems okay, she's.. a while away. I can send men to collect her to get her back here safely for you."
"Please, Duncan will forever be in your dept."
"Please don't tell him." April spoke, "I don't know how she'll be. I don't know if she'll be herself."
Dante gave a soft grunt before saying goodbye. April was back to silence in her office and furrowed her brow, bringing back all the screens as she looked at them with narrowed eyes.
"I'm Eros!" The small Pokemon said with a big grin, his tiny tail swaying happily. "It's nice to meet you Michael."
Niccia smiled and moved to step beside Michael, kneeling down to gently rub Eros' head. "My name is Niccia, I'm Michael's partner. And I'm also Mew."
Eros watched Niccia with widened eyes, he grinned even bigger. "That's why he smells like you! It's nice to actually meet you. Did you know Father specifically made another egg because he banished you?" Eros started to babble, he didn't think Niccia would mind him saying this; as he didn't know she didn't know she was technically 'banished'. Niccia's smile wavered as she started to stand back up, her eyes losing their excited spark.

Bia smiled towards the fire-bird as she seemed to be happy to meet Lytse. "I am fine, I'm just happy everyone is getting along. And I've been looking after Lytse as he's been a bit anxious around all of us." She glanced to the Cyndaquil and smiled gently, "What have you been up to lately?" She asked, looking away from Lytse towards Diel.

Volcano gave a sigh and closed his eyes, moving to grip the bridge of his nose before he sighed.
"Fine." He started, "As long as you don't harm anyone or disturb the peace." He warned before he moved his hands and felt the rush of power through his body.
The ground cracked slightly and rumbled, a large chunk of the ground- deep rather than large- started to float above. Volcano moved his hands together as the now-floating rock seemed to twist and flatten to a large battlefield for the two fighting types. Volcano allowed his powers to relax before he looked to the two.
"Here. Be careful. Don't be stupid." He said as he walked off to return to his brother with a bit of a rumble. "My apologies Sea." He said quietly.

Carrish bounced around on her feet, "Fight time!" She said before she grabbed Bear and threw him up to the rocks surface. She stepped back slowly and crouched as she leapt up to the rock as well. She landed easily with a grin before she bounced on her feet, and leapt to the other side and lifted her hands with a bit of a sly grin.

Gavin frowned at Nethan's words. "I... Want to travel with them." He said as he looked to Nethan, "I need to look after Niccia, if anything happened to her while she's like this I... Don't know what I'd do with myself." He held back his tears and shook his head, moving to rub his eyes as he smiled to Nethan. "Just be gentle with her, please. I don't want her to hate me."

Xapher grinned to Mindy and led her along through the small groups of Legendaries.
"This way, they're over here!" He squeaked happily as he stopped in front of three figures, who seemed to be sitting together silently with drinks in hands. The pink haired female looked up to Xapher and Mindy as the other two seemed to follow suit; the Blue haired male watching Mindy carefully while the Yellow haired male had his eyes closed but it felt like eyes were watching the two in front of him.
"Young Xapher." The pink haired one said with a soft smile and slowly blinked her eyes. "Who is the human you are bringing to us? Please, do not be afraid. You may speak to us."

Ilias grinned happily as she walked to Arceus, who sat on his chair and watched Yalgai carefully from afar.
"Father father!" She called out, Lecrero glanced towards Ilias and Ilios carefully.
"My Eon children." He said softly, "How may I be of assistance?" He slipped from his chair quietly, standing in front of the two of them with a bow of his head.

"Come, I'll show you Dera." Frosiien said with a bigger smile and headed over towards where her friend was. "Hail, Dera~" She called out as the Suicune slowly lifted her head away from looking down at the two Arcanine with a small smile.
"Hail, Frosiien!" Dera replied with a bow of her head, "It's been a while my darling. Who is this charming male you bring?"
Harry lifted his head up slowly, his tail wagging before he moved to shuffle closer to Dera's lap as he and Saruya laid on each side of her.
Awesome, just wanted to make sure <3
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