Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Away for the next week! Late anniversary celebration of 13 years for hubs and I; won't have internet.
12 days ago
Tally.... Tally that hurts. That hurts me but I want it.
19 days ago
Bugg has been given the chance to write horror, but is going full horror swing :)
28 days ago
Stands up with foot numb, suddenly entire leg decides to not work and I fall over; almost hitting my laptop. That was weird.
1 mo ago
Apparently it's deadbrain today; replies tomorrow hopefully.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Dia flinched as the door opened, readying herself to defend herself and Ari from whoever entered the room. She hesitated at the sight of Sara before she focused on Benjamin. She opened her mouth to speak as Benjamin asked what happened, before she was able to get any words out Ari stood up and dashed to Benjamin and hugged him tightly.
"Aaaah! I can touch you!" She almost squealed, bouncing around with Benjamin in her arms, "This is great! Oh my god!"
Eros looked up to Michael as he touched him, pressing himself into his grip before he looked over towards Soul as he came forward and asked for a 'feather'.
"I will bring this back." Soul said to Michael before he looked towards Arceus and Niccia with a bit of a huff, "You're trying your best." He looked into Michaels' eyes before he headed off towards Gathaar, Handeer and Yalgai.
"Sirs, ma'am." Soul started as he lifted up the feather, "Please return this to Michael afterwards."

Yalgai readied herself before she looked down to Soul, "Oh." She started as she lowered to take it from him quietly. "Thank you Soul, you... Didn't need to." She lifted the feather in her hands as she looked to her brothers. She gave a sigh and moved to summon her own summon item and motioned for her brothers to do the same.

Manderva stayed where she sat with her brothers, all of them couldn't do any help unless the Creation Trio needed their help; and almost instinctively Manderva grabbed Mindy and pulled her close to her. "I will protect you." She said quietly, "I promise."

Luna nodded to the guardians as she turned to join Ra, shifting her form as well to her Pokemon form with a roar. "How dare you break this peaceful reunion!" She snarled as she swayed her tail. Necrozoma would have given a smile if he had a smile, he straightened himself out as he waved his hands out almost as a greeting.
"Ah, brother, sister." He said slowly, his voice almost crackly like it was put through TV static, "Am I not invited to the legendary dinner? Am I not counted as a legendary?"
Rose glanced to the siren boy and her eyes glistened, "Sammy!" She said, "That's Freya's kid! He's such a gorgeous boy, I can't believe how big he is now!" She cleared her throat and looked towards Chiyoko again, "Sorry. That was rude of me." She said before she breathed out slowly, "It's a pleasure to meet you. They... Thought we were dangerous, but that's okay; We're agents for the agency, they're just doing some tests before they send us back to the field."
Rose looked at Chiyoko carefully before she looked back up to her eyes again, "You don't look too inhuman." She started, "I'm guessing some sort of... shapeshifter? Or a hidden feature, like Vampire?" She smiled, curiosity glistened in her eyes as she awaited the womans response.

Sam's little fin-ears perked up as he saw Rose, he gave her a twohanded wave from Gaia's arms before he turned his attention back to Gaia.
"You're really pretty!" He said, Gaia's cheek scales glistened slightly. "I wonder if you've met mamma! She's worked with you, she said she was gonna come get me one day." Gaia's ears drooped as her pupils flexed slightly.
Steph froze as she saw the telltale signs of Gaia's anger bubbling through before her ears pricked up again and she gave a small smile to the younger child. "Come." Gaia said as she carried him over to the softer carpeted area, "I will show you some cool magic tricks yes?"

Steph watched Gaia take Sam over to the corner and placed him on her lap, starting to show him small elemental magicks; bubbles of water, flickers of flame; anything the dragonwoman could think of to surprise the little siren boy. Steph couldn't help but smile as she looked over to Rose and the other newcomer, she didn't want to butt into the conversation. Steph flinched as she came to realize she had walked her way all the way to the dance pole, and it now sat in front of her.
"Oh fuck me." She whispered to herself, why was it she was drawn to these things whenever she saw one, she didn't want to do it with everyone watching, but she knew her mind wouldn't let her settle without at least giving it a go.

Harriets thoughts were screaming in her head as she tried to get her bearings once again. She paused as she heard Ethans' voice, she blinked and slowly lifted her head away from the ground.
"E...than?" She slowly started, looking up to the male. At first, she was confused on who he was, but the voices finally ceased and her memories flooded back into her head. "Ethan!" She blinked and hopped up to her feet, wobbling a little bit. "What are you doing out here?" She asked, looking around for a moment, "Where.... Are we?"
Sara nodded at his words, "Smart idea," She said, "Its' good I have you on my side... I think." She blinked, trying to think about her next words as they walked towards Rays' room. Sara occasionally glanced back towards Benjamin as she noticed he wanted to go see her. "We'll check on her afterwards."

Dia settled Ari on Rays' bed, moving slowly to rub her head as she sat beside her.
"Ray's... Angry." She started, Ari gave a small mumble in response as she pulled the covers over her. "She thinks I did something to you, and she yelled at Benjamin for siding with me."
"he does seem to like you." Ari mumbled before she moved to put her hand on Dia's lap. "We'll... Get through this okay? Just give me some time to realize to use a real body again."
Eros went to speak his answer to Michael before Niccia was suddenly pulled back towards Arceus.
"That!" He squeaked, "Dad's... A bit temperamental. Especially when others argue against his rules." He felt the fear bubble through his body before he looked to Haphiro, watching the Bouffant seem to question his own morals being Arceus' guardian.
"Sir!" Haph called out, "Let her go! This isn't you!" He heard the Echoed Voice from Merlin and looked towards the Noctowl before he rallied to get some of the guardians to help by the portal.

Niccia struggled against Lecrero's grip, trying to kick her legs towards him as she moved her hands to tug at the energy that was holding her in place.
"Arceus this isn't you!" She called angrily, Lecrero narrowed his eyes and his plates spun quicker and suddenly darkened. Niccia's eyes widened as she noticed something before she reached behind her towards Soul and motioned for something.
Soul watched her and paused, he looked towards Michael and moved to nudge at his bag. "Feather. Now." He said quickly, glancing towards Lecrero every couple of seconds.

Yalgai shrugged at her brothers questions, quickly summoning her battle clothes rather her comfy formal suit. Her clothes were tighter than the suit, they looked like a dark black skinsuit; covered with small horizontal stripes of grey and red. "No idea, but this isn't good." She said as she stepped towards Arceus. "FATHER." She called out to him, catching his attention as he turned his head to look at her with narrowed eyes.
"What." Lecrero rumbled, his voice louder than before, the ground below him cracking slightly. Yalgai stepped back, genuine fear in her eyes as she readied herself.
"Oh fuck." Yalgai mumbled before she stepped back towards her brothers. "Guys, Dads darkening. Darkrai isn't anywhere around so he must have struck him when he was creating those new Legendaries."

Luna took Tarian as Ra spoke about going into his pokemon form, "You know that's dangerous! Be careful!" She called out to him before she called out for their guardians. A Gligar slowly flew over to Luna and looked to the small children, she turned and whistled towards a large Typhlosion.

The hand was slowly accompanied by another, and the portal slowly crackled open as a large, prism-black beast slowly climbed his way through.
"Brothers... Sisters... Did you not expect me to join you?" Necrozoma rumbled as he slowly stood properly, looking around before his eyes slowly settled on his siblings and their children. "Ahh, the little ones too. A perfect reunion."
Sara gave a small nod to Benjamins' words. "Should we check Ray's room first? Maybe Dia went there, or Ari could be there?" She asked before she blinked at his question. A frown washed over her face slowly before she nodded once, "Yeah, I've done paper work. I've helped with food. Most of it was dish washing or laundry." She sighed softly.

Dia moved to stand up with Ari in her arms still, keeping her tight to her chest. "I'm so happy to see you." She started quietly, pressing her head against Aris'. "I love you, my sister."
Ari gave a bit of a sob, "I love you too." She gripped Dia's face and couldn't find the words to say what she wanted to say. How was she suddenly solid, did... Dia know she was solid? Where was Ray? Was she okay?
"Ray...?" Ari started, Dia shook her head slightly.
"Not now, let's... Not bring her up."
Awesome, I didn't want to act out her heading to him without knowing so I made something where he can go to her C:
Rose jumped when someone spoke to her, she looked up towards the woman and blinked to her with a bit of a started grin. "Hi!" She said as she straightened herself up as she offered both of her left arms to the woman, "My name is Rose, and yeah, I'm new here. Steph, Gaia and I came in together." She motioned with one of her arms towards the two winged woman, who had seemed to relax and pulled away from each other.

Steph glanced towards Gaia as she picked at her teeth with her sharpened nail, she looked away and gave a shaky smile. She closed her eyes and shook her head slowly as she slowly stood to grab some water. Her mind went to Benjamin after Gaia had spoke about him, he'd understand if she ended up accidentally 'hunting' another human male, right? Was it just males she needed to feed from, because she felt something when Gaia got close to her.
She shuddered to herself before she drunk the glass of water and started to walk along the common room, taking it all in. Her eyes kept going to the pole, looking away as soon as she noticed the shine on it and held back the urge to go try it out.

Gaia picked at her teeth, pulling out a strange mix of cake and meat from some of her hind teeth before she looked at it and shrugged. Why waste food? She thought as she licked it off her claws before she glanced towards the smaller woman that entered, her tail slapped the chair she was on as she narrowed her eyes. Who was this new person, were they indoctrinated here? Sent in to make sure they stopped worrying about getting out?
The door opened again, Gaia's instincts caused her to look immediately towards the door as she watched the small boy waddle into the room and over to the water tap. Gaia tilted her head as her spines slowly prickled up at the very idea that a child would be here, "Hey." She called, watching the child ignore her, "Hey." She said in a soft growl, causing the kid to flinch and turn to face her.

"I'm... Sorry." The boy said as he turned the tap off as he filled his bottle, "I...I was thirsty and the guards won't get water for me." He said, Gaia's spines relaxed before she stood to walk over to the child and pulled him into her arms carefully.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." He said, looking the kid over and flicked her tongue at his face, flicking his nose and causing the kid to giggle.

Harriet felt her stomach churn again, moving to vomit behind a bush. She could hear voices, but she couldn't tell if they were in her head or in real life.
"Shut up." She hissed towards the darkness, thinking it was just in her head, the whispers slowly coming closer to her head before she gripped her head. "SHUT THE FUCK UP." She yelled loudly, causing the birds in the trees to scatter quickly.

The voices didn't lessen, they got louder and caused Harriet to close her eyes and collapse to the ground. She pressed her forehead to the ground and started mumbling stuff under her breathe. She wanted Gaia, she wanted Steph or Duncan, She wanted either one of the three boys. A known voice, a known touch. Someone she trusted, she needed to hear someone she trusted.
Oooh! I know a bit about those ones, I like them!
Maybe she'd be able to notice that Steph isn't exactly fully demon either.

Were you wanting Harry to meet up with Ethan somehow?
Dia smiled to Maggie as she smiled to her, before she glanced back to Fae as Maggie turned her attention to her. Dia's eyes widened at the sight of Fae's wrists, and she held back the urge to grab her arms and over question about it; she knew Fae would open up if she was comfortable.

Fae gave out a small sigh as Maggie spoke to her, she rubbed her wrists with her hands as Maggie motioned towards them. She didn't flinch when Maggie reached to dry her eyes.
"Everything that happened with the gang..." She started, holding back a sob that threatened the back of her throat, "How we were just... Split up, Daph wouldn't allow me to try and reach out to you guys." She stared at the floor. "Anything to do with the gang was just... thrown out of our lives, she tried to stop me tinkering because it reminded her too much of the past. She kind of just.. Tried to get rid of anything in our lives regarding the gang."

"And you thought you not being able to contact us caused us to hate you..." Dia said slowly, closing her eyes and leaned over to gently rub Fae's head. "Velma and I tried to do... some sort of investigations once we split but... It didn't have the same umph as it did with all of us." She said with a bit of a half smile, "I caught Velma almost asking for Freddy and Daphne's help before she turned to see me there alone. It hit all of us hun, it's alright."
Fae gave a small nod, slightly moving into Dia's touch before she sighed, her tears breaking through now. "I was... It just felt, so alone. Daph tried to stop me being... me. I... I was in a dark place for... ages. I tried therapy but." She stopped talking to give a bit of a sob, closing her eyes. "Sorry."
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