Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
6 days ago
9 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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15 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
19 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Steph watched the other demon leave, surprised that she didn't try to come see her and try to talk demon to demon but she didn't really care. She walked over to the punching bag she found and hooked it to the ceiling without an ease.
Her body was getting hot again, Steph felt like her shirt was sticking to her body as she finished setting it up. She glanced to the other two in the room, ignoring the child before she shook her fear before pulling up her shirt from her body, tossing it aside as she moved to wrap her hands.
She breathed in, she knew training was probably something she didn't need to do, especially if they weren't going to allow them out in anyway anytime soon, but she wanted to keep herself in shape.

Steph stepped back from the punching bag, readying herself. Her wings slowly drooped down her back in relaxation, revealing large scars over her back in different places.
Steph readied herself and stepped forward to strike at the punching bag in rhythmical strikes, slowly picking up speed.

Harriet watched Ethan as he thought to himself before he spoke about the boys. She closed her eyes and let out a bit of a breathe before she smiled a bit more.
"Good." She said calmly, "I was worried about those two." She opened her eyes and looked to Ethan with a bit of a smile.
"It's not that I think they won't be able to defend themselves, I'm sure they can. But you're the only one with real gun experience from what I can guess. Plus those two aren't exactly in the shape to fight anything physically." She continued, moving her eyes to her hands before looking out the window. "Would you be against me joining you at sunrise?" She asked softly.
Fez gave a weak smile to Michael as he replied, he looked to the egg again and looked to Niccia. He hesitated before he walked over and sat beside her quietly, moving her tail very gently to touch the egg. "I hope she doesn't think that Lecrero is replacing her because he hates her." He said softly, looking up towards Michael with a worried look on his eyes. "She's one of his first, he..." Fez trailed off with a frown as he looked to the ground. "He's just protective, having her out in the world and not have someone essentially 'holding her place' just doesn't sit right with him."
Niccia's tail instinctively coiled around the egg and pulled it slightly closer to her as she snuggled closer to Michael. "Egg..." Niccia mumbled softly.

Lecrero looked up to Andy as he spoke to him, slightly surprised that the human would even dare speak to someone like him; especially after what happened. "My apologies for my actions." He said softly before he watched the Furret move to grab the bag and the bottle.
Kyio relaxed a bit before she looked over towards Kim as she offered the bottle. "Thank you my dear." She moved to gently rubbed the Furrets head. She took the empty water bottle and moved to kneel down towards the ground, moving to gently scoop up the gunk that had fallen around Lecrero.
"Definitely Malamar Ink." Kyio spoke to her brother carefully, a frown on her face before she looked warily towards Lecrero. "Brother can... I have a word with you?"

Vatier hesitated before speaking, looking to the ground before he closed his eyes. "Five." He spoke.
"What?" Luna asked with a tilt of her head, stepping slightly closer to her brother- despite the fear flooding through her that it may be a trick.
"Five children." Vatier managed to speak again, looking up as small trail of tears dripped down his cheeks. "A young Abra, Two Ralts twins- a girl and a boy-, A Rufflet and a Aipom." His voice cracked. "Humans... By the stars they... They took them."
Sara nodded gently and started to follow him slowly, "Okay." She started, there was no staff around her, so she could start to relax a bit more. She felt herself breathe in and out a lot easier now. She had relaxed, Benjamin had a calming aura to her- maybe it was the fact he could potentially see her dark spirit and scared it off, maybe he just had that ability to him.
"You've seen the green room right?" She asked, trying to make small talk more than anything.

Ray sat in her cell angrily, she had tried another strike at the guard and had to be drugged again so she just sat in the back, her anger stewing silently as she stared at the wall, wishing she could stare at it hard enough to burn a hole through so she could escape.
"You're lucky I'm stuck in here..." She grumbled a threat to the guard, her cheek slightly bruised from where he had struck her to get her off the bars. "You couldn't take me on..." She hissed, "Cocky bastard."
Rose nodded to Chiyoko's words before she was about to ask about something else, before Chiyoko said she had to leave.
"Of course." Rose nodded gently, "Please enjoy whoever they end up giving you and.. If you ever need to socialize, we're here.. Or at least I am." She offered with a small smile, bowing her head slightly before she headed over to see Sammy and Gaia.

"My apologies Gaia." Rose started, moving to lift Sammy up from her grip, the Dragon woman simply watching her carefully- but not fighting her doing so. "I need to talk with Sammy." She said as she carried Sammy away from Gaia, who seemed to let out a rumble and closed her eyes.
The little Siren boy was helping her keep her mind off being trapped, keeping her mind off- Ethan. Gaia sighed as her ears flattened, moving to lie on her side and curl up into a bit of a ball, using her wing to cover her body with ease.
I hope Ethan is okay. He is a good human. Gaia thought to herself, her breathing rumbling through her body before she winced at her own mental pain, not realizing she projected her next thoughts to Ethan. I want Ethan back. I want him safe.

Steph felt warm in her shirt, she moved to grab a drink of water as she tried to calm her body down from whatever was happening. Whatever Gaia did to her, definitely made her feel something, but she couldn't understand if it was anything good or not. She shook the feeling off before she looked around again, the Pole was nice and so were the weights, but she wanted to see if there was any punching bags- apart from Gaia if she hung from the ceiling- that she could burn energy on.

Harriet looked to Morrison as he spoke, she gave a small nod before she looked over to the car as the agents got in. Harriet felt something move under her skin as she started to walk to the car, she gave a small smile to Ethan. She headed over towards the other side of the car to take the seat beside Ethan, making sure to give him enough room as she settled into the seat.

Part of her wondered if the agency saw her as a threat, a new part that was slowly bubbling up from her conciousness. She didn't want to have to harm Ethan if it came to it, she could take down Barrow and Morrison with some hardship, but she'd have to knock out Ethan to make sure he doesn't try and get himself killed by attacking her.
From here it was where her brain seemed to linger onto her groupmates, "Gaia..." She mumbled slightly under her breath, her head shaking as her eyes got a soft spark of her old personality back. Her body tensed in her seat before she suddenly relaxed, her eyes returning to their normal sheen as she looked over to Ethan with a weak smile. "Are the boys safe?"
Niccia suddenly gave a heave of breath before coughing as she rolled closer to Michael. She mumbled something under her breath and moved her hands to pull Michael's hand back to her cheek. "Soft touch..." She mumbled in her native language, a small smile across her face.
Fez held the new Mew egg as he walked to Niccia and Michael, making sure he didn't drop the egg as he got to them. "How did I end up on egg duty?" He grumbled before he looked to Michael with a small smile, "This doesn't happen every StarFall, I promise." He said with a weak smile, "I'm sorry that this had to happen on the one you arrived."

Yalgai put Sparky on the ground gently and headed towards her brothers as they headed towards the gate, their father would be looked after by the two that went to him. "What did I miss?" She asked to Dialga, as she readied herself in case she needed to help.

Lecrero let out a bit of a groan before Kyio slid down the crater to help him up. Kyio helped their father into a sitting position before she gave him a soft smile and cupped his cheek with her hand before she suddenly gave a frown to him.
"What in the realms were you thinking!" She yelled at him, before composing herself and standing up, looking to the inky mess around them. "Darkrai." She said with a frown, "Malamar specifically, but definitely from Darkrai." She moved to rummage through her pockets, "Got a bottle or something on you brother?" She asked Harcu with a tilt of her head.

Lecrero flinched from Kyio's yell before he started to zone back in properly, he moved his hand to wipe his mouth, seeing the blood on his gloves before he sighed.
"My apologies my children." He said softly, his voice croaky and winded. "I'd be lying if I said I don't know what got over me." He continued with a frown. "Is Niccia..." He started before his voice trailed off.

Luna nodded at Ra's words, she knew what she was doing; but it was always nice to have Ra behind her back. Necrozoma sneered at everyone as they seemed to wait to hear what he had to say; the truth was, he was embarrassed about what it was.
"Why would you want to help me?" He hissed towards Nathan with a narrowing of his eyes.
"Vatier." Luna said Sternly, the large black pokemon freezing as he heard his name before he looked to Luna as he seemed to pull in on himself. "Just tell us."
"Humans." Vatier started, dropping to his knees and twisting into his humanoid form, his black cloak draping over his entire body as he sat on his knees. "They... Caught my children. I couldn't save them."
Luna held her breathe as she watched her brother change, and glanced back towards Ra to see if he believed it. Necrozoma barely ever shifted unless it was important, he was able to use his Pokemon form to get away with anything.
But when did Necrozoma have children? Luna thought to herself. Has he been hiding them from Arceus in fear of what would happen?
Dia winced when she heard Scooby yelling about Monsters, moving to look over the back of the couch as Fae peaked over as well. The two of them watched Fred scold the bigger dog, as much as Dia wasn't to argue against what Fred was saying before the large monster appeared from the wisps.

"Fae!" Dia called out, despite the woman being right beside her, Fae had already fumbled her camera from her pockets and was watching the creature carefully before she saw it started to grab people. She watched as it had grabbed Fred.
"Fred!" Fae yelled as she moved to try and stand, she glanced to Dia as she tried to volt over the couch and promptly slammed into the back of it upside down, Fae would have normally made a quip but this was serious. She started to head over to Fred before Maggie got to him.

Fae heard Daphne call out, a chill flooded through her body and she moved to follow the sound before Maggie was grabbed. Fae skidded and stood on the spot, who would she help? Her sister or her best friend?
she was frozen between a mix of fear and guilt as she watched Maggie be pulled away, slipping down onto her knees as tears ebbed at the sides of her eyes.

Dia managed to pull herself up from the ground and noticed Velma getting grabbed, she swore under her breathe before she broke into a run towards her before the beast turned and walked off without even noticing her.
"Velma!" She called out before she skidded to a stop with a grumble as she glanced to Fae and helped her up onto her shoulders gently. "We'll get them." She said before she looked towards Daphne as she called out, she glanced back to Fae with a small smile, "Got anymore drones?"

"V...VB is back at... at the house." Fae managed to speak as she tried to stop herself crying again. "I have... A couple other drones, I snuck them in after Daphne did a once over of my luggage." She have a weak grin and a blush on her face. Dia clapped Fae's shoulder with her hand and gave a bigger grin.
"I knew you would. Can you call on them now?"
Fae blinked, "N...Now?" She asked as Dia nodded, motioning for her to follow as she ran after Daphne.

"You're such a mother." Fae said softly, getting a grin from Dia as she moved to pull out her tools and tried to find the controller for the two other drones. "I have them here, yeah." She looked to Daphne for a moment before she follow her close friend. Fae glanced back to the monsters before they headed towards the entrance of the building before she pulled out one of her other drones and threw it into the air.
This drone was a bit smaller than VB, VB obviously being her main drone. "X!" Dia seemed to gasp, remembering the small drone from some lighter times, "You still have him!"
"Why would I get rid of our- my boy?" She said before she looked to Daphne, "You said they wouldn't come in handy." She winked cheekily before she pulled up the screen for X and sent him forward quickly, the little flying robot just disappearing into the darkness in front of them with a quiet buzz.
Fae's face deepened in red as Maggie kissed her cheek, she was glad her friends missed her as much as she missed them. Maybe this trip wasn't going to be so bad, she had her friends back; her broken heart starting to slowly mend. She glanced to Dia as Maggie moved to hold her hand.
Dia only smiled back to Maggie as she smiled and laughed about the eel encounter. "The poor thing was endangered! We couldn't just eat him." Dia countered gently before she gave a bit frown at the mention of Maggie's cookie becoming more depressing.

Fae gave a giggle as Maggie poked at her nose and was going to reach out to do the same before she put her hand on top of hers. Fae nodded to her words without a thought, "Of course, we're back together; why wouldn't we smile?" She said before Maggie offered to surprise them with a drink. "A drink?" She repeated almost as a question before she gave a nod.
"A drink would be lovely." Dia added with a grin, watching Maggie stand up and head off to the bar. She moved to put her hand of Fae's, getting a flinch from the other girl.

"You okay?" Dia asked, Fae nodded quickly.
"I'm fine, why do you ask?" Fae looked to Dia in worry, hoping she could see through her mind and knew her feelings.
"Your face is red." Dia started with a bit of a frown, "You're not getting sick are you?" Fae shook her head with a small smile.
"No no, I'm... I'm okay." Fae said, A little Love Sick maybe. She thought to herself quietly.
Fae let out another sob as Maggie wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into an embrace. She listened to her voice as she said it would be okay, her body trembled from her silent tears as the woman spoke to her about how her and Dia were here for her. Her body just started to relax at that fact; she had her friends back with her. They still loved her, and she loved them.
When Maggie pulled away to look Fae in the eyes and fixed up her hair, she couldn't stop the blush flooding over her face as she felt her heart race. She gave her trademark wonky smile back after Maggie mentioned that no one could really change her.
"Thank you." Fae managed to speak, her voice a bit croaky from her crying before she glanced to Dia as well, getting a soft smile from the other female. "Both of you. I've missed you so... So much."

Dia gave a soft smile as Fae looked to her and she glanced over to Maggie with a bit of an accepting nod, as a way to say that she agreed with what she said. "We've never forgotten you." Dia spoke after a moment of silence, smiling a bit more. "Admittedly, I dreamed of you guys almost weekly." She said as she looked away in slight embarrassment, "It was more just... Reliving memories. The Movies, the Shopping, the Beach house."
Fae's blush became deeper at the mention of the beach house, getting a glimpse briefly of the time they first got changed around each other, Fae trying her best to keep her eyes off Maggie and Dia as she sat awkwardly in a tank top and Bikini bottoms as they got ready to go to the beach.

"Remember when you found that eel?" Fae managed to speak again, Dia gave a laugh as she started to blush as well.
"Gods yes, I remember screaming for you guys to have a look. And then Maggie wanted to catch it so she could try cooking it." Dia said with a soft sigh.
"I don't think we could have eaten it anyway." Fae said before she looked to Maggie, "But all those recipes sounded lovely. Have you ever managed to make them?" Dia glanced to Maggie as well, tilting her head slightly.
Dia listened to Benjamin before giving him a nod before she looked to Ari as Ari moved to offer her hand to help Dia up.
The two once-was Spirits slipped out of the bedroom and snuck down the halls towards Sara's room.

Sara stood silently as the girls left before she looked over to Benjamin as he spoke to her. She blinked before she zoned back in with a bit of a gasp.
"Yes, of course." She said with an embarrassed smile, "I'm sorry, would you like me to lead?"
Rose flinched as Chiyoko shook her, pulling her out of her panic before she breathed in and out slowly. She was still slightly panicking, but the demons words definitely got to her, either her words, or the annoyance in her voice.
"I.." Rose started, moving to wipe her eyes as she noticed that tears had started to flood down her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean to panic." She straightened herself up and stepped to give Chiyoko a tight hug.
"I'm sorry they put you in a cage. I'm sorry they caught you." She continued, pulling away as she held the womans arms with a soft smile, "I can only offer to try and get them not to kill you, or... At least make your last days good. In any way I can." Rose said, her eyes changing to a caring look.

"They put us in... Boxes, when we got here. Before they gave us really... Personalized rooms." Rose said, mainly to calm herself down. "They... Care about us. Enough to keep us comfortable while they study us." She took a glance towards Sammy and her mind was brought to Freya. "Will... They kill the boy?" She asked with a frown.

Harriet smiled to Ethan as said they could go back to the base. The idea of beasties possibly being there made her body tremble in excitement, but an excitement that would normally scare Harriet if she wasn't so focused on being around people she trusted.
"Are we allowed to hunt them if they're there?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "They could have possibly stolen my things."

Jase grumbled as he sat up from the bed he rested in, looking around to realize it was a heartshaped bed. His face flushed before he looked over to see Carl asleep with his back to him, his soft silver wings wrapped closely around his body; he could see some bare skin of his hip, which caused him to look down at himself and realize he was naked and had a few fresh looking marks on his body.
"Oh god what did we do." He asked himself, shuddering as a feeling of warmth flooded over his body. "Fuck what did we do."
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