Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
6 days ago
8 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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15 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
19 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Niccia let out a soft mumble as Michael touched her face gently, letting out a soft huff from her nose. "Mmm..." She grumbled as she seemed to stir. "Sparky." She said out loud, moving to lift her head slightly with a wince. "Where's Sparky?" Her eyes started to open weakly, her vision fuzzy. "Is Arceus okay? Where's... The Egg?"
Fez moved to put his hand gently on Niccia's arm as she started to ask where everyone was. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
"Don't worry about me, How's Father? Where's Sparky?" Niccia said, trying to pull herself up with a wince.

"The Glittery one is okay." Yalgai said softly from behind the two of them, holding Sparky calmly in her arms with Missy on her shoulder looking over. "She's still out of it but she's breathing." She looked down to the small creature in her arms, hushing her and rocking her back and forth quietly. "It's okay baby, Mamma has you. Mamma's here."
Sparky's ears flicked as her two main eyes opened slowly, followed by her secondary eyes, which all blinked out of sync as she reached her paws up to touch the Giratina's face.

Kyio looked over towards Michael as her brother spoke quietly, "I'm... Sure they'll be fine." She said hesitantly, her eyes moving towards Lytse, to Missy, and then to Sparky. "They're young, but these Pokemon will protect their trainers. You've seen what the teeny one can do; as soon as she can learn to master her powers I'm sure she'll be a great protector for the New Mew." She trailed off at the idea before she glanced towards the crowd, "I can nab him for you if you wish?" She asked with a small smile.

Lecrero turned his attention back to Andy after a moment. "My apologies for asking," He started, "How competent of a trainer is your child and Niccia?" He tilted his head slightly, lifting his arm to summon his Protector; the large Bouffuant coming to his side carefully and let out a loud huff towards Kim as his eyes stayed on the Pokemon rather than her trainer.
"Will you collect my little one, I believe I have found who I wish for him to live with." He spoke, looking to his guardian. The Bouffuant nodded once and finally pulled his attention away from the Furret and started in a soft trot towards where Eros was hiding.

"Thank you Nethan." Luna said to him as he walked off, looking back to her brother and let his arm go; watching as he let go voluntarily. "I Appreciate your cooperation brother." She said softly with a small smile, "We feared you were here for a negative reason."
"Admittedly I came to get power." Vatier spoke, shame in his voice, "But I'm not one to overlook reason and help when it is offered to me."
"Where is your guardian?" A voice came from behind Luna, A Xatu stepped out from behind the Gliscor and Typhlosion.
"Theta." Luna addressed her sons Guardian.
"Where is he?" Theta asked again, her eyes narrowing.
Vatier fell silent again, looking away from the Xatu's gaze as she asked questions. "They took him."
Just wanted to let you know I've done a bit of updates to the whole Memopath thing in my series so Harriet will start reflecting those changes soon if thats okay by you?
Harriet looked to Morrison as he said they were nearly there, she was about to speak before she felt a pulse of pain trickle through her body. She hid her cringe of pain as the car started to slow down, looking up out the window and noticed her reflection was different in her eyes; a pair of horns stood on top of her head.
"There is something here." Harriet spoke after Morrison mentioned to be on the look out, "I can sense it."

She stepped out of the car carefully, her eyes focusing on everything around her as the shadows seemed to twist.
"Come out." Harriet hissed into the shadows as she started to walk towards the old base. "Where is the new base?" Harriet asked as she looked towards Morrison and Barrow, "Assuming I'm allowed to be at the new place, as you took my team mates elsewhere." Her voice was calm and showed no signs of anger or hatred.

Something in the shadows froze at Harriets hiss, crouching in the darkness in fear.
"I'm doing fucking fine." Ray replied angrily, moving to kick her legs in the air to try and pull herself up. "Why do you care?" She stared at Sara with fire in her eyes. "You're part of this shithole, why do you even care?"

Sara hesitated at her words, "Ray you know I'm your friend." She said, Ray only laughing in response before she frowned a bit more, "You know its true Ray, why are you saying these things? Is it because of the others? They're fine! I promise."
Ray scoffed at her words, looking back at the wall. "You all know I'm just a monster anyway, a fucking weirdo." She growled to them with a sigh, tears welled at her eyes. She was happy they decided to come see her but she wasn't sure why they came when they had Ari and Dia here.
Fez nodded at Michael's words, "I completely agree. Sadly Lecrero isn't the best at... Communicating." He said as he watched Niccia carefully, "I'm sure it was a surprise for Niccia, and Gavin is... I love him but he's incredibly stubborn and hot headed. I'm hoping that someone will fix that in him but I'm never too sure." Fez glanced down to Niccia as she stirred again, "Hopefully she'll wake soon. I'm hoping the crowd over there doesn't get violent."
Niccia grumbled and scrunched her nose slightly, moving closer into Michael and moving to wrap her arms around his. Her tail slowly tightening on the egg.

Kyio lead Harcu slightly away from Andy and Lecrero. "I worry that Darkrai managed to get too close to father already." She started with a frown, lifting up the bottle for him to see the ink shimmer and twist in the light. "This is a higher concentrate of ink, I believe he may... Be planning something big and dangerous." She glanced to Andy before looking towards Michael and Niccia. "I don't wish to intervene with Niccia's mission, and I know Darkrai won't go after the new Mew, he wants Niccia specifically..." She trailed off with a bit more of a frown.
"I'm worried."

Lecrero nodded at Andy as he spoke, moving to weakly stand up and looked to Kim, "She is faithful to you." He said with a small smile, offering his hand down. "I'm... Surprised at that but I guess I haven't spoken to a trainer Owned Pokemon in a while." He looked up to Andy, "Did you gain her as a Sentret?" He asked softly.
His mind drifted to Eros, maybe having him go out with a trainer might make him stronger...?

Luna frowned at Vatiers words and offered her hand to let him up. "Please ask the Humans." She said with a soft voice, "They'll help I promise, Niccia is among them so we can trust them. She'll do it for nothing."
Vatier took Luna's hand as she pulled him up, feeling a pulse of her power flood through him before he let her go. "Sorry." He said before he looked at Ra with a nod. "Thank you... For giving me a chance." He said before he closed his eyes. "Can... You go speak to the humans? I don't have... good reputation."
Sara tensed up beside Benjamin as the Guard moved to sneer at her, she was about to speak until Benjamin interrupted. She nodded gently at his words as she tried to straighten up to make herself look more official.
"I mean," The guard started with his attention now on Benjamin again, "If you want to try and get through to the crazy bitch feel free. It's dangerous going into the room but if you want to I can let you into the loons cage."

Ray stared at the wall before she heard Benjamins' voice, she couldn't put together the words in her drugged state and slowly pulled herself up. "Here to laugh at me?!" She yelled angrily, her words slurred. Her cheek throbbed as she yelled, causing her to fall back onto her back with a grumble.
Harriet gave a small hum with a nod as she listened to Ethan as he explained that Ben and Mike couldn't defend themselves, "Just being hopeful for them of course." She continued with a glance towards Ethan before she looked out the window as well.
She blinked as her reflection flexed a bit, a pair of twisted horns appearing for a brief moment before disappearing. Harriet flinched at the sight of that reflection before she felt a strange tingle through her body.

"They have strong people protecting them currently." She spoke out loud as she tried to ignore what she saw, she moved to pull her phone out and moved to flick a couple of texts off.
"How far are we from the base?" She asked after a moment, lifting her head up to look at Ethan with a small smile. "I think Gaia likes you, by the way." She said with a bit of warmth in her eyes, "She won't tell me of course, but we'll only know if a mental link forms." She looked back out the window with a soft mumble, "I'm interested to see how powerful Stephanie actually is, I suspect she's hiding something she doesn't even know."
Fae, for once, wasn't focused on Daphne as she looked back at her; she was focused on moving her Drone to follow the beasts into the darkness. She didn't even flinch when Dia gently put her hand on her shoulder, not moving her head to look towards her friend. Dia shot her head towards Shaggy as he started to speak.

Dia felt her free hand clench as Shaggy even dared to think about Velma getting eaten, and if they weren't hiding in the shadows she would have said something angry towards him; but she bit her tongue.
"We have to get them back." Fae suddenly cut through the silence, "We only just got back together, I haven't felt this happiness in ages." Her words full of fear but also hope, and stubbornness. "I'm not allowing us to even think to lose them."
Dia gave a small nod, sending a glare towards Shaggy for a second before she glanced to Fae again, "Anything from the drone?"

Fae slowly turned her attention back to her drone and her blood ran cold, "Something slammed it." She said with a bit of a scowl, "I must have moved it just a bit too close. I need to work on the sound muffling." Fae grumbled, she started to mentally beat herself up while Dia looked towards where the monsters went.
"I say we follow." Dia said suddenly, "At least until we get to where the drone is."
YEAH I LOVE THAT. Andy is so nonchalant about everything and im living for it.
Sara smiled to him as he spoke, "The little enclosed garden is what I call the Green Room." She said with a weak chuckle, "I spent... a while in there when I first came. It was the only place that made me calm enough to not have a full blown panic attack." She gave another laugh, this time it was more embarrassed.
"Light Therapy only really works if you're not an anxious mess and get overwhelmed by too much light." She said, more to herself before she gave a bigger smile to Benjamin.

"I can try and get the keys for the green room if you wanna go back in there, it won't be too hard of a thing to do." She offered to him, "Of course, only if you'd want to. I don't want you to feel pressured about it." She looked up towards the guards as they got to the padded area, one of them had what looked to be a fresh wound of someone scratching their face.
"Ray." She said quietly, a frown on her face.

The guard looked over to Sara before looking to Benjamin with a bit of a sneer.
"This one get violent?" He asked immediately, looking to Sara, "Why the hell did they send you? Or is it you that needs to be locked up?" His sneer turned into a bit of a smirk, as if he knew something.
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