Avatar of SporkoBug


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6 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
6 days ago
8 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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15 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
18 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Dia looked to Daphne as she spoke about going out in the morning, she was going to argue to go now, but as she looked outside she froze up and nodded slowly. "As much as I hate to say it, I have to agree." She said as she looked back to Daphne before looking to Shaggy and the blonde woman. She gave her a look over before she looked over to Fae as she seemed to stare off into the darkness. "We'll get your bot tomorrow, okay?" She said, moving to put a hand on Fae's shoulder as she didn't seem to move at the touch.

Fae stared into the darkness, as if trying to figure out how to get through there- or seeing if she could find her bot in the darkness. She moved quickly, pulling up her screen again and tapped on it.
Fae didn't speak as she moved around some panels on screen, all of which Dia couldn't really figure out what they were as she watched over her shoulder. Fae's sidebag buzzed as she reached in to grab two small metal spheres and rolled them towards the door and watched them roll off before two camera feeds appeared on the corner of the screen as another one seemed to be moving towards where they were.

B.V buzzed as it clambered through a broken window from all of he chaos, flying over to Daphne, giving a few beeps, before floating back over to Fae and settled on her palm as she reached out her hand. "Hey buddy." She spoke to her robot as if it was a beloved pet, "Thank you for everything earlier. I need you to do something else." She said as she closed his camera before opening up a command window and typed something in with her own hand. "The pods have gone to find your brother, he got smashed." She explained to the robot as Dia watched with a weak smile, she wished Maggie was here to see their friend back in their environment, "I need you my little friend," She set him up to fly around them again, "To beep if you get close to Maggie, Fred or Velma. As long as their tags don't get removed or damaged."
"Tags?" Dia asked with a tilt of her head, Fae grinned happily to her friend with a nod.
"Mhmm, remember those little tags I gave everyone last time we were all together? The ones that I said they needed to keep on them at all times, either to attach them to things they were every day or keep them in their shoes or pockets. B.V can track those, hell, even Daphne still keeps hers on her!" She turned to Daphne with a grin.
Niccia's eyes widened at the mention of Vatier, and especially his children. She was deflated how humans could dare do that, but she shook it off and gave a smile. "I can walk." She said towards Michael and bowed her head to Nethan. "Thank you for coming to us, It's a pleasure to see you." She said before she moved to stand slowly; the egg gave another pulse of energy as more cracks forms as the blue outline started to glow brightly.
Niccia winced and closed her eyes at the light as it started to get too bright for her before the weight in her arms shifted slightly as the egg cracked and disappeared. The weight change caused Niccia to stumble before she fell back onto her butt, holding the new Mew in her arms. This Mew looked similar to her own Pokemon form; but his ears were blue, his left foot was blue and his tail was blue as well.

Watcher nodded to Harcu as he spoke, "I can leave some of my cells to care for him?" He asked with a tilt of his head, "I could even call in a couple of my babes for help too." Kyio nodded gently at Watcher's words.
"If you can live without some cells that could work, possibly if you have children that would look after him; I'm sure he'd argue but it would be a good idea." She said as she looked to Harcu, "Have you got little ones yourself? I coparent Sparky, but.. I have a couple of my own." Her face deepened in colour as she said the words.
Gavin listened quietly, thinking to the Pokemon he carried with him and tried to think of one of them he could leave behind.

Lecrero smiled to Andy as he mentioned that he was glad to have Varina in his party, "I am very glad that she'll be loved. The poor thing has been brutally abused from Darkrai." His smile faded for a moment as he watched Varina as she winced slightly. "As long as you keep her safe from him and don't abuse her any more, I see only good things for this little one." He looked to Andy with a serious look before giving a soft smile, "Spiritomb are said to be evil spirits trapped in the keystone, but I can assure you, not all of them are terrible. That is a rumour that the humans of Hisui created."
Varina sighed, "Not the best rumour for my species, but what can we do." She said quietly.

Vatier gave a smile to Tanter, "Of course." He said as he followed the other legendary, "Things have already gone down before I showed myself?" He laughed slightly, "I would love some food, I used a lot of energy against the humans to try and get them back, plus managing to get here quickly." He moved to rub his neck in embarrassment, "Of course, I'm definitely sorry that whole... scene." He admitted, "I wasn't fully thinking straight, I was terrified about my children, I wanted power immediately to go back and unleash hell but..."
Niccia let out a soft sigh, giving a gentle nod. "I'm... Okay. Sore, but I'm sure I'm fine." She looked to the Egg in her tail and moved it into her arms carefully, "I'm just glad everything went well in the end." She looked up towards Nethan for a moment and gave a smile. "Hello friend!" She said with a happy smile, "Michael this is Nethan, he's Kyruem!"
The Egg pulsed gently in Niccia's arms, warming up a little in her presence. Something moved inside, a small crack just appearing on the tip of the egg.

Gavin straightened up a little, looking at Harcu as he spoke before looking to Kyio. "And, you're sure it's not Hoopa's guardian?" He asked with a frown. "He might have been here before us and I'm sure that they could-"
"It's too dark purple for Hoopa's guardian." Kyio said softly, "This can only be Darkrai's doing."
Watcher slowly walked to the group quietly, his hands behind his back as he looked between his siblings and looked to Gavin with a soft nod. "My apologies for the interruption." He said softly, the Gligar on his back gently popping her head up to say hello.
"Do not apologize, I'm happy to have you here." Kyio said with a soft smile, waving gently to Ipherias as she poked her head up. "I was just wondering if you got what I was asking you?"
Watcher nodded softly, "There's no sign of Darkrai being here, and Hoopa came after us and I haven't seen his guardian." He said, looking to Gavin with a small nod. "I understand the worry."

Lecrero looked up from Varina to Andy as he spoke, "She's more than welcome to stay with you!" He said with a jovial smile, "She's part of your family now, She accepted the Pokeball from you. I would never take that away from you." She offered Varina back to Andy gently before he looked down to Kim quietly and knelt to gently pet her head. "You know, I know another Furret; well I've known many Furrets, but the one I know had the brightest Pink fur. She was very kind, much like you."
He pulled his attention back to Andy with a bigger smile, "As for Ex-Guardians... Usually they get passed to the next Legendary, sometimes they're caught by Humans much like you. Sometimes they come to me, Or... Well, Pray to me, to become a normal wild Pokemon again and I don't want the Guardians in a spot where they are uncomfortable." He explained gently, "I make sure that those going to become Guardians know what they're in for."
Lecrero look a second to glance towards Sparky as she ran around with Missy playfully.

Vatier was surprised at the sudden touch of Tanter, flinching slightly before he looked to the other Legendary and smiled softly. "I'm glad they're good humans, I hope they can help in some way. I don't want my children harmed, I doubt any of us with normal Pokemon as children would want to see them harmed."
Luna nodded gently, "Exactly." She started, "I've seen Yalgai get very angry at the idea of Sparky getting harmed at all. If my little ones got hurt I would lose my shit." Vatier looked to Luna in surprise at her language before he swallowed quietly. He has been away from everyone for a long time, he was surprised at everyones sudden openness as well.
Sara let out a heavy sigh as Benjamin got to her side, slowing to an easier pace for him and slowly came to a stop.
"I know it was a stupid thing to do." Sara admitted, "He's going to tell my Aunt and she's going to pull me aside and talk to me about it." She moved to cover her face with her hands for a moment and mumbled slightly.
"She needed to snap out of that... Self-hatred." Sara started, "I want to say I... Got to her, I just had this rush of... Anger, but not from... them, from myself, you know?" She asked as she looked to Benjamin with a frown.

Ray watched the two walk off and looked to Larry quietly.
"You'll tell on her?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. Larry watched Sara leave silently before he looked towards Ray with an almost puzzled expression.
"I..." He started slightly, "What...?" He seemed confused, moving to hold his head with one of his hands. "What was she here for?"
Ray paused, "What do you mean?" She asked before she noticed a glimpse of shadow move down the hall and looked back to Larry. "You might have a headache, I suggest some water."
Harriet kept her attention on the trees, she could keep tabs on Morrison easily; He was a human, she already knew his energy mark- just like she knew Ethan and Barrows.
"Vampires." She projected into all three men's heads, "Keep torches at the ready, eyes glow red." She informed them before she listened carefully.

The two vampires had spit up by now, both stalking their own prey; the first knowing that they would only get one of the two as a meal if they could manage to take both of them down, but they had given the younger vampire more food- They needed it, they needed to grow stronger than what they already were, but hopefully this mission wouldn't be too hard for the two of them. They're hunting 3 humans and... Whatever the other person was.

The first vampire slunk along as they kept their eyes on Harriet, everything that they were about do to was risky, but they were starving, running on fumes of the last meal... They needed to make it, they couldn't find any others they could hunt.
They slunk across their branch, awake of Harriet's stare on them at all times.
"Careful." Harriet whispered out loud, mainly to Morrison. "Train the gun up to the tree, turn the torch on." She spoke softly, making sure to softly order him as she readied herself with her powers.

The second Vampire crouched when the two men turned to them. They pressed their hands on the ground, ready to lunge when they were ready, readying up their legs to string towards Barrow as he left Ethans' side, leaping directly over Ethan in doing so; Although the beats was just a bit off, slamming into the ground face first with a hiss and a hunt. They pulled themselves up slowly, some of the gravel had scratched into their pale, almost paper thin skin.
They rumbled something in an unknown language and moved to simply swipe towards barrow since they were just in reach of him.
Legendary Pokemon OCs
This post will have a list of the Legendaries of Sparky's World, and their Guardians.








Ray just allowed Sara to lift her up, staring at her quietly before she looked towards the guard.
"He's right." Ray said, almost dismissively, Sara gave a small huff and let her go, gently shoving her back to the wall to keep her on her feet. "I'll be out in no time, don't worry." Ray waved her arm towards Sara as she walked out.

Sara sighed angrily, gritting her teeth as she left the cell and closed the door.
Larry laughed and opened his mouth to speak before Sara shot a glare towards him, "Don't fucking say anything." She said before she crossed her arms and started to walk down the hall, not speaking to Benjamin.
Niccia relaxed as Michael moved to keep her down, "But I need to-" She started before the mention of the Egg entered her mind she instinctively moved to move it into her lap and held onto it carefully. "Egg." She mumbled softly, moving to press her forehead to the egg with a small sigh.
"My sibling." She said as she pulled her head away from the Egg and looked to Michael with a small smile, "Father's talking to Andy? Wow, today is a day for many firsts." She gave a small smile, before Yalgai moved to place Sparky on the ground beside them both before Missy came over and tackled her friend over and the two small Pokemon playfought on the ground happily.

Kyio nodded to Harcu before she softly headed over towards Gavin. "May my brother and I have a word?" She asked, watching as Gavin turned to face her and hesitantly looked towards the other Mewtwo before he nodded and followed Kyio back to Harcu.
"Is something wrong?" Gavin asked with a tilt of his head, "It's not Niccia is it?" He watched Harcu carefully.

Lecrero nodded at Andy's words, mulling over the words. He hesitated and looked up and over to Michael as Andy mentioned Darkrai.
"Darkrai has targeted the boy?" He asked, worry through his voice; before he paused and nodded to himself. "Of course, someone close to Niccia. Mmm, troubling." He said mainly to himself before he looked towards Andy again. He was about to speak before Varina hopped over to Andy and Kim carefully, rolling a Pecha berry for Kim.
"I thought you'd be hungry. I haven't seen you have some food yet." The Spiritomb said softly to the Furret before Lecrero moved to scoop her off the ground.
"It's good to see you well." Lecrero said to her softly, "I'm glad someone good ended up with Varina. I was worried she would have to be a casualty in the plans." He frowned slightly. "I hate having to harm Guardians..."

Vatier looked to Tanter as he came over, hesitating before he nodded softly. "They almost got me but... I had to use too much energy to escape and I...-" He started before Theta moved to gently touch the arm of the legendary.
"You don't have to defend yourself. We believe you." She said softly, Luna nodding.
"If humans had my babies I..." Luna started before she shuddered, "I'm not going to go into the idea of it. I'll get too angry too quickly."
"I appreciate the help." Vatier said to Tanter quickly, watching Hyja for a moment. "The New Mewtwo is... Very different to Gavin..." He uttered, more to himself.
"You have the other two." Ray said, "Why bother coming back for the crazy Witch Bitch." She huffed.
"Ray." Sara said with a serious tone, "We want you as well, you're our friend. Even if you don't have the others in you."
"You two both sound crazy." The guard said with an eyeroll, "I'm surprised I haven't needed to lock either of you up yet." He scoffed before he glanced to Sara, "Or again for that matter."

"Fuck of Larry." Sara said suddenly, sneering at the guard with a glare. "I'm going in." She said to Benjamin before she walked into the padded room with Ray. "Come on. You're coming with us." She moved and grabbed Ray and lifted her up with a grunt.
Harriet gave a nod to Ethan as they separated, she barely acknowledged Morrison as he spoke for her to stay with him. "Be safe." She spoke to Ethan before she headed on the left path, she kept her eyes out for any movement- Acutely aware that something in the shadows was watching them.
"Two." She said loud enough for Morrison to hear, "There are two." She kept her eyes on the shadows and felt a surge of power flood over her.

A figure watched the two groups split up and glanced over to its associate hiding in the other tree. They were stupid for coming here, a place where Hunters used to rest and live, but they were starving and expected easy prey; of at least the dead bodies of fellow kinds that may still have flesh and blood still in them.
But this was better, fresh, living, breathing humanoids. They could live off of them for days if they managed to take all four down...
The figure in the tree remained motionless, watching Harriet carefully before signaling to the other to move on.

The figure figure, tall and lean, slunk into the shadows carefully; making sure not to stand on the gravel or any loud leaves of sticks. They clambered over fallen tree trunks and kept low to the ground. Their crimson eyes narrowing as they watched Barrow and Ethan, trying to contain themselves with their bubbling hunger.
One meal to last a week. They thought to themselves before they tried to sneak closer to the two men before a branch snapped underneath their feet.
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