Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
5 days ago
7 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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14 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
17 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Dia gave a gentle wave to Mary-Jane as she was introduced, "I'm Dia." She said gently before she looked to Fae as she stayed silent. "The tech wiz is Fae. But she tends to shut down when she's not feeling the best."
She moved to check up on Daphne with a tilt of her head, wordlessly asking if she was okay. She knew the red-head was probably terrifyingly worried. She took a moment to look at the Artifact before she knelt on the ground to get a proper look, but hesitant to touch it.

Fae flinched at the touch of Shaggy, before she glanced over to him without moving her body before she looked away again. She wanted to speak, to say anything, but her body wouldn't let her. She shut her eyes to try and stop herself from crying, until her cousin placed the artifact on the ground. She hesitated before she pulled her torso from her legs and moved out to reach for it, pausing as she noticed Dia watching her with a worried look before she gave a small nod.
Fae moved to pick up the artifact and moved it around in her hands with confusion. She slid her fingers over the surface, to see if it was flat or if it had notches in it. She wondered what it was, what it was used for...
Freya didn't fight as she was moved around, the tranq doing its' work as she was being moved and brought to the facility.
She let out grumbles as they went along, but the words were unable to really be understood.

When she was given to the facility and taken into her sons room, she collapsed onto the ground slowly. She grumbled as she laid face down.
Sam poked his head from his pool with angry eyes before he noticed it was his mother. He scampered quickly over to her and pushed her onto her side and curled up in her arms softly. "Mamma." He said softly, "I'm glad you're here."

Gaia looked at herself in the mirror and moved to twist her body around to make sure this was all real. She swayed her tail slightly before she looked towards Steph. "What will Ethan think? Oh stars what if... He hates me?"
Steph slowly stepped towards Gaia and gently took two of her... now four arms. "It'll be okay." She said gently, "If he truly loves you, he won't care what you look like." She said softly, "You look wicked." She said with a wide grin.
Gaia looked to Steph gently and gave a small smile, "Wicked means good, right?" She asked, Steph nodded, "... Wicked."
Frosiien listened to the stories of what humans thought of her, "Well, I do show up for those who are 'doomed'." She said with a nod, "But I do so in order to help, like I did with you." She looked to Andy with a small smile, "Of course I'm not someone who really wants to make myself known to humans; we've had trouble in the past with humans capturing us and our past selves and the such." She frowned slightly as she crossed her arms, "I know Prezzle is seen as the bringer of Spring and Thundurk is the bringer of Summer." She continued, "I'm said to represent Winter, but honestly the permafrost areas are mainly due to myself honestly."

Niccia looked to Michael as she listened, her cheeks flushed at the idea of her showing up only for the pure of hearts. "I mean, In a way they're correct on the whole 'ancestor of all Pokemon', Arceus started with the 'mythicals', as you guys call us." She shrugged with a small smile, "He's been doing a lot of work over all these years, he needs a rest but he's stubborn." She laughed slightly as she shook her head, she looked over towards Netherlu as he said to head off, before she giggled at his change of direction due to Andy.
Sara flinched at his touch, closing her eyes and shaking her head as her legs trembled and she buckled down to the ground in silence.
She trembled as she breathed in and out, the way that Benjamin spoke was in a way that she could still be alive, but... She wasn't sure if she believed that.

Dia moved to poke her head out of the door for a moment, stepping out of the doorway as she cautiously looked around. She knew something had happened, and noticed Benjamin walking towards the room. She moved to gently grab his arms to help stable him.
"Benjamin..." She said gently with a small frown, "Tell me it isn't true?"
The doctor nodded at the order to blood samples, moving to leave to grab all of the stuff needed to do the needed blood tests.
One of the attack victims, the last one that Lily looked at, seemed to turn their attention to her for a moment; they seemed to just stare at her carefully before moving back to stare into space again.
"Of course ma'am." The runner said with a nod, not seeing the way that one of the victims looked towards Lily. "Thank you for coming to look."

Freya noticed the tranquilizer almost immediately, moving to try and dodge the shot before she winced from her injury, the tranq hitting her arm. She swore and moved to try and stand up straight and try to summon her abilities. She stumbled, holding onto the wall slowly as she felt the effects take hold.
"You guys are... Fucking... horrible." She hissed, she felt her legs wiggle as she found it hard to stand and hard to focus. "How fucking... dare you take my son and then come after me. Was my son not enough?" She collapsed down onto her knees, everything started to spin.
Sara's eyes widened as she heard those words, she watched the nurses leave as she was frozen in place.
"She's..." Sara started before she looked at her hands and closed her eyes. "It's my fault. I... I let them take her. I... let them kill her."

Dia and Ari both winced slightly, a strange feeling flooded through their bodies before they looked over to each other with a worried look.
"Ray..." Dia said softly.
Niccia followed Michael through the portal, as soon as they were out of StarFall, she let out a big sigh and relaxed her shoulders. It was stressful being there for her at the moment, she moved to grab Michael's hand to pull him into a gently hug. She breathed in with her head in his chest and felt her stress slowly fade.

Frosiien watched Andy and Netherlu work with the map before she looked to Niccia and Michael, she gave a smile before she noticed Eros staring to where the portal was. She worried that the little one was already missing his father, Eros looked over to the Articuno and gave a small smile to her, letting her know he was okay.
Frosiien glanced to Andy as he started to talk to Netherlu about what humans thought about him and gave a little chuckle. "Eternal anything would be hard to do, even for us legendaries." She said softly before she looked to Andy as he asked if she wanted to know.
She felt her face flush with slight red before she hesitated. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind knowing?" She said with a tilt of her head.

Niccia pulled away from Michael as she listened to the Adults, her ears twitched gently before she sighed. "Do... Humans have myths about me?" She whispered to Michael, looking up to him with worry in her eyes.
Gaia's ears flicked at Stephs' voice, she moved forward in the shadows towards her friend but paused as she could sense Chiyoko. She waited for the other demon to leave before she inched towards Steph a bit more.
"Safe?" Gaia managed to croak out, her voice raspy and almost broken.
"I'm safe, I'm okay. Are you okay? Why don't you come out?" Steph frowned, kneeling down. "Have they hurt you?"

Gaia seemed to hesitate, shifting in the darkness while Steph could only get small glimpses of torn scales and flesh strips. "I'm okay." She spoke slowly, "Somethings... Happened. I don't know." She moved to fully pull herself up from the floor, the sound of flesh ripping before she fanned her wings out- now they couldn't even fully stretch out within the room. "I feel different."
Steph watched the shadows and moved to step over what she thought must have been some furniture before flicking on the light to get a better look at Gaia before she froze up. She moved her hands over her mouth to hold back a scream as she watched her companion carefully.

The wounded were in the infirmary, three men seemed to be injured, bite marks that barely pass their knees. The bite wounds had started to become blue around the edges, the skin drying out and becoming a bit wrinkly. The men seemed a bit out of it, staring off into space with IV drips in their arms, pumping water into their systems as it seemed they couldn't regulate their water levels.
"Here they are Ms Lily." The runner spoke, "Their water levels are tanking and they're not exactly talking. They're still... Cognitive, they'll make sure to move out of the way if things are in the way but they seem to just sort of, stare off into the distance."

Freya shivered as she walked along, she felt like she was being watched. I'll get you Sammy. She thought to herself before she saw a black van pull up in front of her and the doors opened, revealing the agents sent to grab her.
"Shit." Freya spoke, instinctively moving to hold her injury before she tried to turn around and run, but a couple more agents walked up behind her. "What do you want? I'll kill you if you get closer." Freya hissed, baring her teeth angrily as her nails grew sharp. She felt the pain from her injury pulse as she winced slightly.
Sara looked up to Marc as he walked over to her, for a moment she couldn't think before she flinched slightly. "If I said anything but yes, would you tell me to take medicine?" She uttered almost as a complaint. She glanced over to Benjamin hesitantly before looking back to Marc.
"I feel like shit, ultimately. No one believes me about anything I say. Vivian has sowed the seed that I'm just a dumb girl that pretends to work here."
Eros leapt happily on the spot before he walked to Arceus and gently pressed his head into his fathers leg. "I'll be good papa." He promised before he walked over to Michael again and nodded excitedly. "Where are we heading first?"

Nygari smiled to Netherlu as he took her shoulders, she listened to him with a soft look before she slipped out of his grip and gently wrapped her arms around him as a hug.
Frosiiens' face deepened in colour as Netherlu spoke about her doing 'anything naughty' with Andy. She would be lying if she said she hadn't thought of it, but that wasn't the current plan.
"Be safe." Nygari whispered to Netherlu before she looked to Niccia, "I await to see you again for the Journeys Test. Please be safe, both of you." She looked to Michael as well.
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