Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Nah not my first born, just gotta give offerings each week. They get more out of it that way.
4 days ago
7 days ago
Second to last day of course, this feels weird; hopefully I stay in contact with the new friends I've made in 4 weeks.
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13 days ago
Things are still iffy but now I have a new chicken who arrived (Much like Holly did originally), she looks like a reincarnation of Holly, Her name is Boogaloo! (Holly 2; Electric Boogaloo)
17 days ago
Tom Cardy's new song slaps, please give it a listen.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Missy and Sparky both let out laughter as Bear picked them up and started to jog around with them. The smaller Pokemon enjoyed the Primape's excitement.

Soul nodded quietly at Netherlu's answer about the Tower Beasts. "They are lucky to have a compassionate father like you." He said with a small smile before he looked to the sky for a moment.
Gavin listened to everyone talk before he looked towards Netherlu as he spoke about questioning Arceus. "I don't advise about questioning Arceus." He said with a hollow laugh, "That's how I got given this form." He continued with a small sigh, closing his eyes, "I'm sure he has a plan, it just doesn't help that he's very secretive and leaves more questions than he answers."

Frosiien shook herself as she had finished properly cleaning herself, she had heard footsteps and she looked over towards Michael as he was cleaning. She stepped out of the river quietly, shifting to her humanoid form as she exited the water and moved to join Michael. "I hope I'm not intruding?" She asked softly.

A pair of eyes stared towards Michael and Frosiien from the trees, yellow eyes glimmering in the starlight as they stared towards the two humans, before they focused solely on Frosiien. They slunk across the shadows quietly, moving to gently touch the long dress that Frosiien was wearing, letting out an audible gasp as they touched it.
"Cardkey..." Dia uttered softly as she nodded, crossing her arms as she was starting to think quietly. "Do you think that Sara would have a Cardkey?" She asked after a moment, "Maybe she could say she lost hers and get an extra?" She tilted her head, trying to wrack her brain for memories of what she'd seen while being confined to Ray's body.

"Really... Ill?" Ray asked after a moment, she hesitated as she looked down to her hands before she nodded groggily as the Nurse left. She moved to lie back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, her head was spinning and she couldn't really think or remember anything correctly.
For some reason the name Benjamin rang in her head, what was that name from? Did she know someone called Benjamin?

Ari looked around as she stepped through different walls, trying to find different things. She stopped at the garden room and stood there for a moment, taking in the look of the area before she shook her head and continued to move around before she got to Vivian's office.
She stopped moving for a moment, this wasn't something she was expecting. This room felt wrong, the woman sitting at the desk, felt wrong.
Harriet nodded at the mention of looking for Benjamin, moving to follow him as he got up from the table, she left a small tip on the table before she followed Mike outside. She stopped beside Mike and furrowed her brow, turning towards where Benjamin was kidnapped and narrowed her eyes.
"Shadow magic has been used around here." Harriet said, not looking at Mike, "Follow me." She said as she started to head towards where the shadow-bender had taken Benjamin from.

Harriet stopped as she got to the spot and looked around, narrowing her eyes as they glinted a soft purple as markings glimmered on her arms and hands. "Shadow magic." She said with a small huff, "Strange, not a lot of Earthern Humanoids have the ability to do Shadow Magic, not like this." She glanced over to Mike, "Call his phone again?"
Harriet moved to check the time as well, blinking at Mike's words before she furrowed her brow. "He's not normally one to be late, is he?" She asked before she looked towards the doorway with a frown. "He wouldn't have ran into trouble?" She asked as she looked back to Mike with a frown.


Gaia's ears twitched as she looked up into the shadows, directly to the woman in the shadows before she moved away from Steph for a moment, moving to settle down somewhere comfortable.
Steph watched her leave, their conversation had been finished for a while, so she expected this. She gave a small sigh, there wasn't much to do, and she wanted to see her friends again, she wanted to see Benjamin again. She wanted to be free.
When Bear fell down, Missy leapt up onto him after her rolled onto his back and sat on his chest with a wag of her tail. "Gotcha!" Missy barked happily before Sparky let go of Bears foot and tackled Missy off of Bears chest.

Gavin didn't really laugh at Andy's joke, but Soul did. Gavin looked to Netherlu as he mentioned about him being locked up and gave a small shrug. "Arceus does these things for a reason." He said as he sighed, "He allowed the humans to lock up the Regi's out of fear. His views are a bit skewed but he's the most powerful; arguing against him would be ill-advised."
Soul frowned slightly at Gavins' words before he looked to Netherlu, "Did you have to Ask Arceus to revive the beasts?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

Niccia looked up towards Michael as he stood up and gave a small nod. "Be safe." She said gently, "If you need me, just send one of the boys back." She glanced towards Lytse and Eros as they walked over to Saruya to cuddle into her.

Frosiien had settled down at the river that Michael was going to head to, staying in her pokemon form as she moved to step into the river and started to wash her feathers.
Dia hesitantly nodded at Benjamins' words, looking away from the wall that Ari left through as she looked over towards Benjamin. "Do you think they'd allow me to just walk around?" She asked, "Surely the staff here know each other well?" She asked with a frown, "Marc noticed me pretty quickly and the things I said gave myself away that I wasn't a newbie."

Ray hesitated before she groggily looked to the nurse, she was still vaguely affected by whatever they gave her. She was groggy and slow moving, and it took a moment for her to attempt to form a sentence. "Where... Am I?" She asked after a moment, "Head... heavy."
Sparky and Missy kept chasing after Bear, Sparky just a bit faster than the Poochyena. The Glitter-Bug Pokemon moved to leap onto a branch and try to tackle towards Bear playfully, narrowly missing his body but she grabbed onto his leg. Missy chuckled as she tried to push herself even more to catch up to the two of them.

Gavin listened to Netherlu and Andy for a moment, he nodded as Andy mentioned Arceus being big on balance. "It's more like Guardian of Skies, Guardian of Seas." He added with a small smile, "Since we have Lunala and Solgeleo for Sun and Moon, and as humans tend to get wrong, Lugia isn't actually a water type." He breathed out softly as he looked back to the sky before he looked over to Netherlu asked if he'd seen Lugia like that.
"Sadly I haven't seen her like that." He admitted, "Frosiien likely would have seen it, so when she gets back you can pick her brain about that." He chuckled, "Before all the stuff happened with Darkrai, I was mainly kept in a cave; Arceus being 'disgusted' with a 'human-made' pokemon." He rolled his eyes, mainly in anger.

Eros looked to Lytse and hesitated, before he gave a small nod before he looked around slowly. "Which one is Saruya?" He asked after a moment of silence, his little tail twitching slightly from his confusion.
Niccia looked up at Michael as she pulled away from him slightly and nodded, "Good idea." She said with a smile, "Did you need any help?" She asked quietly.

Soul had walked over towards the three humanoid males, settling down with them as he listened to their conversation. "Lugia is Gorgeous in the moonlight." He agreed quietly, "But seeing her as she clears off a raging storm over the seas is fantastic. The sunlight through the clouds clearing and the falling rain glimmering against her body. I'd wager she can also create rainbows around her like you can, Netherlu." The Absol laughed gently.
Fae wordlessly agreed to the idea of getting back inside and heading to sleep; if she could manage to get to sleep that was.
Dia smiled and took Mary-Janes hand to pull herself up, before she moved to rub Scooby's head with a soft smile. "You're doing great." She said softly to him with a chuckle.

Daphne seemed to lead the charge back inside, Dia frowning at the glass as they walked to their room and all seemed to bunker down for the night. Dia got to sleep easily, hopefully as well as everyone else- Apart from Fae, who didn't sleep until much later than the rest of the gang, fear and worry in her heart and mind.

Why did she have to open her eyes again at the sound of Shaggy's voice. Fae breathed out slowly as she opened her eyes, she was still in her sitting position she was in for the entire night. She pulled herself up out of bed and grumbled at the pain in her neck, moving out to follow Shaggy out of the room and blinked slightly. "What?" She asked with a small rasp in her voice.

Dia woke up at the same time as Shaggy poked his head in, moving to get up with a stretch before she draped a blanket around her and followed Fae out, looking around with a confused look. "Last night... happened, right?" She asked, looking back in her room; hoping to see Maggie asleep on the bed, but only saw Mary-Jane and Daphne, which reminded her that it in fact, had happened.
The shadowed figure smiled at Lily's words, she enjoyed being complimented like this; which is why she was more than happy to help Lily with whatever she needed to. She bowed her head and disappeared back into the shadows and appeared in the common room as she watched Steph and Gaia from the shadows quietly.
She was also tasked with watching the Succubus, making sure to see if Gaia was trying to keep her fed somehow. If she had to tell Lily to split them up so she could have the Succubus starve, she'd do it.


Harriet gave a small smile, she moved to hand a small business card of the occult store that she visited. "She's a sweetheart." She said with a small smile, "Witch Magic is usually depending on the witch I think." Harriet said with a small shrug.
"I always considered it much like how Texverians' got their magic, a deity blessed them with it and they've been able to use it ever since." She explained, "Of course, I wouldn't be too surprised if it wasn't always the case. But Magic seems to be genetic and inherited from one or both parents."
Ari tilted her head slightly and nodded. "I can check there." She said before she looked to Dia, "Be safe." She said to her former-spirit friend before she turned and held her breath. She wasn't entirely sure she'd be able to walk through walls anymore, how did ghosts do it? It was so natural before, but now that she had been solid... Maybe she wouldn't be able to anymore?
She took a step back before she stepped forward, passing through the wall as she tried to 'hold her breath' before she continued to walk around, trying to find where she could go.

Ray opened her eyes lazily, giving a small grumble as she looked towards the nurse. She didn't bother replying to her words as she looked away slowly with a small breathe outwards.
Where... was she?
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