Toren Lark / Subject Maw
35 |
Male |
6’7” |
200lbs Augmentation: -Has been exposed to CDE, which has warped parts of his body. Hands from fingernails up to elbow are blackened and scaled, nails are as strong as diamonds and just as sharp.
-Sharp teeth that look like they’re metallic.
-Excellent eyesight, can see in the dark.
-Mouth opens more than normal humans, about the whole length of the jawbone.
-Blood looks like oil, black and glimmers in the right light.
-Sharper Senses all together.
-Iron Stomach; can eat basically anything in order to survive, downside, needs to eat a lot.
Personality: -Toren; Toren is kind, a bit flighty and nervous, rather bright in intellect and curious about learning. Not used to being around too many people (Before and after Experiments), gets anxious in crowds or too big of groups. Ultimately friendly and ready to help if needed, slightly slower to trust after experiments.
-Maw; Beastial, untrusting. Attacks only in defense and will try to hide or escape before getting into combat. Always seems to be hungry. Over protective over those that Toren has formed enough trust with, will take orders from those people if needed as well.
Defining Trait: -Toren; Curious.
-Maw; Cautious.
Goal:Both Toren and Maw really have the same goal; Survive.
Toren doesn’t really know if he wants revenge or not, but Maw definitely wants to devour Von Galloes.
Backstory:Toren was a bright kid, blasting through school with ease and then medical school without too much hassle. Hired by HiveMind as a lower scientist to start with, Toren slowly gained praise from Galloes and slowly moved up the ranks, becoming one of the higher doctors, trusted by Galloes. Toren didn’t know anything about the much darker experiments that the company was focusing on, until he did…
Von took offense to Toren accidentally walking into a very important meeting, to which he decided to ‘punish’ the younger doctor by using him as a ‘personal experiment’. Deciding to try and graft Condensed Dark Energy into Torens’ body and causing him extreme pain. His body took to it in a stranger way that Von was expecting, warping the young man into a hunger-driven beast-soldier.
Von tried to use the Hunger drive to ‘train’ the newly named ‘Subject Maw’, due to the unhinging jaw and sharp teeth, into a new attack dog, but he was stubborn as Toren was still mentally in there with Maw, both of them attempting control together.
Von finally got tired that this experiment ‘failed’, chucked a tracking collar(With added protection on his side) and threw Toren/Maw into what he deemed an impossible mission; knowing surely the beast would die by itself somewhere where no one could find them.
Unknown to Von, Torens’ curiosity and quick learning allowed him to beat the other thrown away monsters and destroyed his tracking collar, which caused Von to presume the man was dead.
Down where he was thrown to, Toren’s Dark Energy mutations meant he was drawn to whatever Dark Energy power was hidden where he was thrown, which caused him to essentially be put in stasis when he found it, knocking him out cold and keeping his body preserved until someone would find him.
Skills: -Toren; Medical Knowledge, Map reading, General Computer skills, climbing and exploration skills,
-Maw; Survival Skills, Beastial communication, Brute Force Fighting Skills.
-Both; Super Strength, Night Vision, Heightened Senses.
Inventory: The only thing Toren currently has on him while in Stasis is a sharp iron dagger and a torn old map.