Avatar of SporkoBug


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Away for the next week! Late anniversary celebration of 13 years for hubs and I; won't have internet.
12 days ago
Tally.... Tally that hurts. That hurts me but I want it.
19 days ago
Bugg has been given the chance to write horror, but is going full horror swing :)
28 days ago
Stands up with foot numb, suddenly entire leg decides to not work and I fall over; almost hitting my laptop. That was weird.
1 mo ago
Apparently it's deadbrain today; replies tomorrow hopefully.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

"Largest.... Investor?" Jay uttered quietly before she looked to Axen, hoping for any sort of explanation before she listened to Von Galloes explain everything, she hadn't really paid much attention to the rest of the group before now, she looked back and noticed Toren staring up at Galloes. "Uh, who's the new guy?" She asked out loud before Galloes caught her attention again, Ethera? What the fuck was Ethera? She thought to herself before she glanced towards Axen again.

Axen was looking towards the tubes, moving slightly to flutter towards the hologram, looking at himself and Jay. "How.... How long have we been living a lie?" Axen asked, looking back to Jay, mild fear in his little eyes. Jay pulled herself up and moved to follow Axen quietly, furrowing her brow but she said nothing.

Toren watched Von carefully, before he glanced over towards the hologram of the tubes. Oh fuck, How long had he been here? He could sense Maw slowly putting things together, trying to figure out everything in his own time before he let a rumble out of Torens' mouth himself.
"How long without food?" Maw rumbled loudly, staring back up towards Von angrily. His voice more rumbly than Torens, it was definitely easily distinguished from Toren's more shy-sounding voice.
@Days Yep! :) They've been in the simulation since the fight at the Ethera, so the ending of Dark Beyond. Von Galloes actually won that battle, and put each fighter into a deep sleep, thus trapping them in a simulation. And yes, the simulation is shared, that's why it feels so real. It's like the matrix.

Where did Jay and Axen get nabbed, however? Since they weren't in the original fight?
Holy shit what a twist ahahah. Poor Toren, he's been in stasis sleep for too long xD
I'm not sorry for making Mimi how they are. Happy little dinosaur.
Abandoned Facility, Five Hours South of Ehlm

Mimi seemed focused on prancing around with their little metal object for a bit, circling around Wren for a moment before stopping as they heard the Soldiers talking between themselves.
"Go!" One of them whispered to the other one, catching Mimi's attention more than the sounds try tried to coax them forward.

They tilted their head almost completely sideways, staring at the soldier and their offering of a protein bar. Mimi stepped closer to the soldier, they could smell the fear on them as they watched him carefully as their feathers fluffed up just a bit. "Lil' Fella." Mimi chirped back without moving their mouth from the metal chip, but their eyes moved down to the protein bar for just a moment.

Wren watched Cercyes' do his word, eyes widened in wonder as he listened to his words. That's what the Umbra did to him, but they succeeded; did that mean his soul would belong to the Wilds now?
"Those Umbra Bastards. Killing their own to attempt to harness out power." The Wendigo spirit hissed through Wren's mouth, before he lifted his hands up to cover his mouth - Hoping that Ivy or the soldiers didn't hear them.

When the Shepard of Souls moved to do his 'magic', so to speak, Wrens' eyes were pulled away from the floor and his panic suddenly disappeared as he watched the souls move from their bodies and float around the little humanoid.
"Whoa." He said softly, almost wanting to try and touch one of them, "Does... Would mine look like that?" He found himself asking.

The souls being pulled caught the mimicraptors attention away from the soldiers protein bar, they had been so close to doing the trade before they turned tail and walked softly over to where Wren and Cercyes was.
"Lights!" Mimi croaked happily, circling around Cercyes excitedly before looking to Wren and walked over to him, sniffing at him quietly. "Smells like Wonder!" They said to Wren with a wag of their tail, moving to circle around the male almost excitedly. "Haven't tasted for years!" They chirped happily, moving to press their head into Wrens' arm, causing him to flinch before Mimi moved it to rest over their shoulders.

"Uh... Ivy?" Wren said, looking over to his companion, "What were you once saying about what Wilds feed on?" He asked with a bit of a chuckle at the beastial Wilds' sudden kindness towards him.
Missy immediately face-planted in front of Kim as she sat down with Bear, Sparky only leaping on top of her and made the Poochyena squeak in response. The Bite Pokemon was obviously exhausted, while the experimented Pokemon seemed to have much more energy remaining.
"THAT WAS SO FUN!" Sparky said loudly, causing Missy to flinch and push her off. "Hey! Stop being mean to me!" She grumbled, getting slapped by Missy's front paw.
"Shush. It's darkness, it's quiet time." Missy grumbled.

Gavin nodded at Netherlu's words as he spoke about their father, but he stayed silent while the Ho-Oh spoke to Andy about Dessert. When Andy turned to him and spoke to him he froze up, blinking slightly. "Oh." He started quietly, "Admitted I am... Not sure. I never really felt like trying human food, even in this form." He smiled sheepishly.

Frosiien gave a soft smile to Michael as he spoke to her. "That's very kind of you." She said softly, she was about to say something before she heard the gasp and turned towards the trees. "Who goes there!" She called out powerfully, moving to stand at her full humanoid height, if it was a pokemon, they'd still know who she really was.
"Sorry!" A voice spoke from the trees as a small figure stepped out from the trees.

They were short in stature, their green body camouflaging them against the woods behind them. Their large, bright yellow eyes glimmered towards Michael and Frosiien. "Sorry, I heard you talking and cleaning and I had to come see who you were!" The Ogerpon spoke softly, Frosiien blinked and looked towards the smaller legendary.
"You are not from here?" Frosiien asked softly, the small Pokemon shook her head quickly.
"I'm Visiting! I missed StarFall so I wanted to explore before I try and go home!"
Harriet looked towards Mike as he said for her to teleport them, she smiled to him softly and turned to face him properly, stepping forward a single step before she held out her hands towards him. "Grab hold of my hands. It'll be quick, I promise." She said with a soft smile, she knew that Mike may get the smallest amount of queasiness when they teleport, but she knew it wouldn't hurt him.

When he grabbed her hands, she closed her eyes and breathed in. The ground around their feet seemed to shimmer with a soft purple as spell lines slowly snaked around them before the environment in Mike's view suddenly started to warp, becoming black around them before it cleared away to the base, just out side of Ethans room.
She didn't let go of Mike for a moment, opening her eyes and scanning him over slowly; making sure he wasn't going to fall over from being dizzy or being sick.
Dia waited for Benjamin to come back, she was hoping that he had gotten Marc to come with him. She straightened up as he heard them talk before Benjamin led Marc into his room and closed the door behind him. She stayed quiet, watching Marc carefully as she listened to them, before his attention was brought to her.

"No." She said calmly, "I am actually one of the spirits that once inhibited Ray's body with her own." Dia said calmly and clearly, expecting Marc not to believe her at all, but if he wanted to think she was an investigator, maybe it would help them better. "My friend, Ari, is another spirit, she had a solid body for a bit before Ray disappeared and she became ghostly again." She looked towards the door softly, her eyes darkening slightly.
"I worry that they may be sacrificing them for something, or even just malpractice towards their medical tendencies." She said softly.
Axen flapped his wings quickly to try and pull himself away from Buluc as he tried to blindly grab him, at least he had dropped Jay; that's all he really wanted out of this situation. He moved to zoom down to check on his friend before the explosion startled him, causing him to screech before he moved to Jay to protect her if something happened.

Toren watched the explosion from where he was, he was crouched and ready in case he needed to help with something. When the shrieks died down and Buluc began to dissolve, Maw managed to get a small whine out of Torens' mouth.
"Awh, no big man snack." Maw managed to get out, Torens' right eye glimmered slightly before he sighed and closed his eyes to grip the bridge of her nose.

The silence was nice, for once. Torens' ears were able to rest after a moment, before he heard the clapping. Instinctively he looked up and tensed at the voice. Of course, of fucking course it was him. What did he want? He left Toren to die, he didn't want Toren around anymore; so why not just kill him outright-

Axen squawked loudly at the speaker as Von Galloes spoke, moving to look Jay over carefully.
"Jay." He spoke softly, his slightly metallic English accented voice said, "Wake up. Please." He hesitated as he lowered himself towards her more, "I'm scared."
Jay jolted up, sending Axen back in fear as he flapped his wings before he gave a soft chirp of happiness to see Jay okay. "You're okay! You're alive!"
"That's worse than any hangover I've ever had, even worse than when Dex and I tried to do that stupid, horrible drinking game." Jay grumbled before she moved to pick Axen up softly before she slowly zoned into reality as she pulled herself up. "HEY WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ABOUT?" She called up to Galloes.
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