Noi stands at the height of 5'2 with short purple hair, perched atop her head are a small pair of cute cat ears that twitch and react to every little sound that they pick up on, with the left ear's tip being shorter than the right's and being scarred from a past accident. The cat girl's eyes are a bright golden color, with two thin strips of purple hair above each eye and a tiny beauty mark under her right eye. She has thin pink lips, chubby cheeks and a small nose. Due to her acrobatic fighting style, Noi is petite and small, both in the chest area with her rear being more plump, believing that if she eats enough sweets she'll be thicc-er in the right areas that others are thicc-er in, Noi has a fair skin tone.
The Cat girl wears a small black vest that cuts off just before her belly with no sleeves and several pockets and pouches, her favorite pair of trousers are really short pants that ride high up her thighs. On one of her legs she has a long purple sock and a short one on the other leg, following her asymmetry, she has a purple sleeve on her right arm with her tight black gloves covering her hands. On her feet are probably the last thing an acrobat needs, a pair of boots with pieces of metals attached to the toes of the leather boots.
Neko/Cat Demi
Divine Protection
Blessing of speed: What do you want me to put here? Its speed, there's nothing much else to describe speed besides going really fast and no, she's not gonna be moving like the flash or anything like that, just generally faster than most people in a foot race or doing most things just because she's faster.
It would be easier to figure out what Noi isn't instead of what she is, but in a nutshell, Noi can be perceived as an idiot with incredibly short sighted goals, while she doesn't have much intelligence upstairs, the Neko knows enough to use her acrobatics when fighting others and utilize her kicks to do more damage. Coming from the outside of Lugnica, Noi speaks with slang butchering the language quite a bit each time she speaks and sometimes speaks in a third person due to her experience with the words she uses. While being an idiot Noi is generally a cheerful person and doesn't care if people consider or even tell her she's an idiot, feeling that she shouldn't worry about her intelligence and should just enjoy herself and live everyday as if it might be her last.
In general, Noi is a happy go lucky cat girl with an always cheerful disposition, a lot of creativity and imagination that when put together can surprise and shock people that attempt to estimate or feel they have a rough idea of her abilities and skills. Using her acrobatics and combining it with dancing, Noi effectively created her own form of hand to hand combat utilizing jumping, spinning, flips, and kicks, the main focus of the fighting style is to move as fast as possible while dealing damage to the enemy.
Noi grew up in a traveling circus, first being a part of only the acrobatic act and being forced to play other parts such as dancing and working the trapeze as well. It was when they came to Lugnica that the circus, fell under due to money issues and wanting to help, Noi jumped at the opportunity to help aid in getting them back on their feet by finding a treasure that they could sell, but when she left to find it and actually succeeded in her task of finding actual treasure she instead forgot about the circus and her quest completely but remembered everything she learned from them.
After selling the treasure she had found, she bought a measly shack and now mostly focuses on finding treasures, sparkly objects, jewels, coins, and most other oddities, some of which she sells the rest she finds a place for in her shack or her pack she brings with her everywhere filled with several items some of which are useless, broken or just old food forgotten by the cat girl, hoping that one day they could fulfil their main purpose and be eaten or at the least see the light of day and be scavenged from under the dozens of items piled atop of them.
Sweets and baked goods
Performing flips
Having her ears or tailed pulled on
People who are too serious
People who are mean