Vesta Celestia and Avery Ackbar Celestia

And a special guest star appearance from Summer Celestia and a Huskey pup
@FamishedPants@demonspade64@noodles@Letter Bee@Sir Lurksalot@liferusher@Seirei No Hai@ADamnFiddle@ZekariVoblis@Rekaigan
With everyone's attention on the soap drama happening within the grounds, no one noticed the small child walk straight through the gate. Heads would roll for such a mistake later, but for now all that mattered was that the little elk girl who had wandered in had walked straight into the storming off Vesta's legs.
Not that it affected Vesta much, just a slight tumble forward as she felt something collide into her leg. The girl on the other hand bounced off of her and landed on her behind it would seem, which was the moment everyone seemed to notice the girl and rush over. Heinrich was the first to arrive seeing as he had already been following Vesta, and after being waved off by an irritated Vesta he attended to the girl along with Maria.
Vesta shot a side on glance towards the girl, noting the obvious demi human features which were her large elk horns. Besides that, the girl seemed to be more on the malnourished side of things and her clothes had obvious signs of travel on them.
Letting out a sigh, she let the irritation she felt leave with the sigh before half turning round.
"Do give the girl a little space you two, don't want to freak her out." Vesta looked down at the girl, her dark ruby orbs seeming to brighten for just a moment.
"Are you just going to sit there? Do come in, Ronni would've prepared the tea by now. You must be hungry from your travels." With that said Vesta disappeared further into the mansion, expecting the group to follow her to the large meeting room that she had used the last time such a group had gathered here.
Once the group had entered and sat down, a red haired maid came along pushing a trolley topped with a tray full of snacks and tea and would begin to distribute them amongst the group.
Vesta would sit there, sipping on some tea for a moment and just savoring the freshly brewed taste that accompanied it. Once Ronni had left the room, she gently put down her cup.
"So do tell me what brings you here girl, demi's such as yourself tend to avoid this place for good reason. My father frowns upon your kind after all."
Having chosen to ignore Ease's outburst as Avery having forgotten his name, as brief as it was anyway, Avery began to do something that Avery rarely did. That was fidget nervously. How should he explain this?
Cause he knew it didn't matter how he explained this, they were gonna be pissed off. Hell, Duncan seemed pretty pissed off as he began to scold the younger man on jumping off of the roof.
Well, to be fair, it was more like *fell* off the roof on purpose, but he decided that correcting the bald Canadian mightn't be the wisest course of action.
"Actually....bout that..." The trap said with a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his head "Umm Lady Vesta may or may not have, um, found her that night...." With the stares that he no doubt from Duncan, he gulped nervously and continued to fidget.
"Aaaand we may have just left her to her own devices when we went to the village." Yep, he knew he was in trouble now. Maybe he should mention that Vesta asked her to stay at the mansion? Well, not that he had made of a chance to as a drunk wandered into the alleyway.
Man this place sure was getting packed.
With his staff back in his hand, he went to whack the man lightly as a warning to back away from Aya, but seems like he was beaten to the chase by some new cloaked figure. As in literally, she was beating the absolute snot out of the guy and it was kinda hilarious.
Well damn, this alleyway must be more popular than Avery thought.
Deciding that the others had could try to stop the newcomer from beating the drunk to death, Avery turned round to Aya and leaned down to her level, giving her a once over before voicing his honest thoughts.
"You look like an absolute mess! When was the last time you had a bath young lady?" If Duncan was going to play the tired, overprotective father role then Avery was gonna play the overbearing older sister role. Sure, he was actually a guy but very few people knew that!
"And when was the last time you ate a proper meal? Jeez, you should've just accepted Lady Vesta's offer. I knew you couldn't survive on your own here. Well, no need to fret, for I am here!" Avery gave Aya a wide, toothy grin before embracing her in a tight hug.
"I'll take you to Yoshi! And she'll give you a nice warm meal, some nice new clothes..." Avery continued to babble excitedly, acting more and more like a teenage girl the longer he talked.
The puppy would immediately go back to demanding attention from Aya, sitting at her feet and lightly headbutting her shins. It wanted pets, and it wanted them now damnit!
She wasn't too sure how long she had been stroking Blanc's hair when she had begin to stir, her soft white hair tickling her slightly which incited a small giggle from the older lady, though it was mostly into her hand.
That was when she felt Blanc's hand shoot up and firmly grasp her chest, though she didn't seem all too bothered about the development.
"Oh my, isn't someone bold." Was all she said with a small laugh as Blanc looked up sleepily towards the woman. She was visibly disappointed when Blanc leapt away and began rambling on the ground, not even paying a single attention to a word she said.
"Aw, she's so adorable when she's embarrassed. Reminds me of my little Vivi." Was all she thought, sighing fondly as she thought back to her middle daughter. She tried too hard to be like her sister sometimes.
"Oh no dear, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting an elf of all things to just turn up in the family carriage. Your people tend to be very....reclusive." Summer said gently, looking at Blanc through half lidded eyes as she watched the elf go to leave.
She, uh, did realise they were moving right?
Just as she opened the door and would be about to fall out, a skeletal hand grabbed the back of Blanc's shirt and dragged her back in, before another closed the door. After the first hand put Blanc on the seat opposite Summer, it broke apart and flew back into her coat pocket.
The second one went about making some tea. Where the teaset and tea came from was anyones guess.
"So, do tell me about yourself elf. Oh but before that, I should introduce myself. I am Summer Celestia, wife to the current head of the Celestia family. Do excuses my manners, but I got a little excited. This is my first time meeting an elf." Summer said with a smile, acting as if nothing had happened.