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Hundreds, how did you survive that? I have over 500 on the Dark Souls series compared to 150 hours on XCOM 2. Never raged so much at DS as in XCOM.
I think alcohol and/or drugs might be involved here. Half my class sounded like this after graduation. :D
To the dockyard workers, it was a common metal box. To the crew of the freelance freighter, it was a load of stolen thermal clips they were smuggling for the Eclipse. It was for this reason they insisted the box not be checked. The Unit didn’t mind this courtesy. It had disposed of the original cargo and curled up into the crate, gaining an easy way onto Omega. There, it planned to take a hammer to the local Eclipse smuggling operation. With its EM emissions significantly lowered due to power save mode, when only a few dozen runtimes and the most basic sensors were active, the metal box masked it perfectly. Right now, it was just waiting. In less than an hour, an eternity for a machine, the shift would end and the Unit would have an unobstructed way out of the docking bay.

Or not. The platform came to life, all 1464 Geth within it trying to make sense of what was happening outside. It found the announcement quite puzzling, even by organic standards. Several additional sensors came on, but now the metal container was working against it. Undeterred, it dedicated a considerable portion of its processing power to accessing the port’s security system to get a better view. The port’s system security was much stronger than it expected, possibly due to the illegal trade taking place here, preventing it from getting further than the visual feeds. For some reason, there were no dock workers anywhere in sight. All the better, less collateral damage. Consensus: gain deeper understanding of Omega’s computer security systems. It paused in its efforts when it learned someone else was already in the system. Someone competent, by the looks of it. Since it could access the network, that meant the box wasn’t enough to shield it from cyberwarfare attacks, but that hardly mattered. Geth platforms were notoriously hard to affect due to their hivemind construction anyway. Fortunately, the crate it was in was placed near one of the exits. It could ambush the ambushers when they arrived if they entered through that gate, or leave the fight if it had to. Consensus: await hostile forces, devise a plan.

It continued examining the camera feeds in great detail, a process that took around 300 milliseconds. Several armed individuals of varying races were to be expected on Omega, but to its surprise, it found two Human children in the bay. Better yet, it identified several vantage points in addition to the exit. With a general idea of what there was to work with, it turned its attention to the boy’s personal computer. It should have been able to access any consumer electronics without breaking a sweat. After two minutes of fruitless efforts, unaware the two weren’t civilians, it managed to get a text message through. If it was organic, it would feel ashamed of itself.

”Alert! Hostile forces approaching this area. Recommend leaving the docking bay through exit 04 in an orderly manner.”
So... What's the word here?
Accepted. The platform itself sounds like a spare body for legion. xD

Either that, or maybe the Geth wanted one (well, one thousand and change) of theirs in Andromeda? Maybe a "diplomatic" platform built after Shepard brokered the peace? Guess we'll never know :D
Whenabout would the RP start (Sortly after finding the Avenger, shortly before freeing the commander...)?
Count me in.
Sign me up! Are we talking WotC or base XCOM?
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