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Just because there wasn't a strong communist base at the time of the war doesn't mean the circumstances in the tunnels couldn't create it. I can't wait to see what factions we'll up with.

Anyone got ideas for characters yet?
Assuming they survived. Remember Kremlin from the first book? *shudders*
Checking in.

In the books, an official metro administration lasted about a year in Moscow before people realised the government didn't make it and the system fell apart. You got any history between '13 and '37 (If there was such central administration, how long did it last and why did it fall apart, what factions are there...) in mind?
You have a point about the military presence, I forgot how many wrecked T-90s there are in Novosibirsk. Brits use L85s among other stuff, which is good since bullpups are great in close quarters.

London's underground is apparently longer than Moscow metro, too, though that includes the above ground lines (and since we're strongly considering an alternate reality, those may not all be above ground). Length-wise, New York might also work should London fall through (Orange = underground).
Shit, glad you're OK.

About the depth, that's an odd one. VDNKh is 53 meters underground (just 5 meters less than the deepest one in London IIRC), but two of the stations making up Polis are 12 (Lenin's Library) and 8 (Aleksandrovsky Sad) meters deep and people seem just fine there.

London may lead to some problems weapons-wise, though it would leave room for a lot of metro-made stuff.

As for animals, There seemes to be a lot of foxes there even deeper in the city, though I've only been there twice.
Good thing Australia has no Metro system (to my knowledge). Imagine the mutants there.
Definitely interested.
Astrid chuckled at Josk’s comment, as even if she lost everything to her, it wouldn’t be much of a donation since she had next to nothing to her name. But far be it from her to stay out of a pissing contest. ”Technically speaking you don’t even have to win, everything I owned that was worth anything is ripe for the taking somewhere in the Boomerang nebula, assuming what little remained of my poor Irene hasn’t drifted too close to the star or something.” Astrid pointed at a random wall as if the nebula was in that direction and leaned back in her chair. “Buuuuut you’d probably get lost or scared within five minutes in there. So it seems you’ll just have to hope your hand is at least as good as your mouth runs.” she verbally poked the pilot and called the bet, so far feeling confident about the cards she was dealt.

”So, how did a mute girl even end up packed up in a pirate cargo hold in the first place?” That could be an interesting story to listen to, as her own experiences with pirates were limited to occasionally smuggling their goods to dodge taxes, getting blown to kingdom come by them and then getting accused of being one. ”Can she be talked to directy, or is she deaf, too? And while on the subject, can she help around the ship while she’s here? I can think of a few places an extra pair of hands would be of use, and if she can’t talk back or complain, even better.”
“You are welcome.” It replied to Lokea. It was about to say something else when an armored humanoid, an asari judging by the language she spoke, appeared out of thin air. The flaps surrounding Gideon’s ‘face’ rose up in a surprised expression. If it were human, it’s eyebrows would’ve met its hairline. It made no effort to hide the fact it was curiously observing the new arrival as she moved around, looting the dead body and muttering something. “Caution: this individual’s operating system appears unstable.” it summarised when the display finished.

It deemed Saris’ answer satisfactory, but as an organic might have said, talk is cheap. Fortunately, it was a machine. What was a sixty section contract? It was done reading through the thing before Saris finished responding to the two asari. “Based on available information, your intentions appear to be identical to ours, Saris Fen. We oppose terminus criminal elements. You oppose terminus criminal elements. Cooperation seems to further mutual goals. We believe we would be a useful addition to the effort if you’ll have us. To paraphrase Shepard-commander ‘It helps to have tireless, merciless machines on your side.’ Furthermore, we do not require payment, though acquiring additional runtimes would be appreciated. not to mention it would further improve our capabilities.” Its current mobile platform was designed to run up to two thousand units simultaneously, leaving Gideon with a little over 25 percent of the platform’s processing power still unused.

When the scarfaced mercenary that already seemed to be acquainted with Saris mentioned the Eclipse, Gideon raised an ‘eyebrow’. Consensus: Avoid mentioning our past until more information regarding this individual and his relation to the Eclipse is obtained. They’d rather not test Laurence’s reaction to learning some of Gideon’s runtimes have been killing for the Eclipse for nearly six years. Even the Geth were a little wary of Laurence based on their limited observations of him.
We just survived a rat infestation, those used to be quite lethal back on Earth just a few centuries ago. Loosen up a little once in a while, officer.” she then turned to Luirae with a raised eyebrow, ”Ulnar aren’t known to spread the black plague or anything, are they doc?” While she did not mean it that way, some might have thought that joke was in a poor taste this soon after Anderson’s death, though she couldn’t care less. After all, there was a limit of how disliked she could be, and she had an inkling she wasn’t too far from that limit.

”We should’ve kept a few of the freaks alive to do our dirty work.” she scratched her chin when Ray brought up picking up pieces of Anderson’s work. Now she had to win for the crew’s sake. Anyone who thought she could help manage the cargo bay only had to peek into her quarters. That would be as far as they’d get without stubbing their toe on something she was tinkering with or something she swept of the table to make room for something else in a hurry. “Then again, the stench might have corroded the welds away or something. Maybe next time?” she shuddered at the thought of the horrid stench emanating from the Ulnar boarding pods. Just thinking about that made her reach for the shot glass with a sigh. ”Some poor sod is going to have to get rid of those pods still attached to the hull. Maybe we can gamble on that?”

Astrid snickered at the sight of the officer impaling the pilot with her gaze. ”Think I saw little miss cargo in the bay earlier.” she briefly replied to the pilot before turning to Rendyl, ”What’s your name...kid? Enjoy the relative freedom here while it lasts, no telling what the council Hurensöhne want with you.” she said while pondering the pair of eights in her hand. She couldn’t understand how easily people took to smoking inside a ship. Smoke detectors and sprinklers aside, she was weary of any sort of open flame inside a pressurized box floating through space. But hey, it could’ve been worse, at least the Monroe’s atmosphere was closer to Earth’s as opposed to a low-pressure breathing mix with high O2 content common on old stations.
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