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I smell some Geth-like mental connection, as we've both managed to independently write characters who lost left arms and had them replaced with prosthetics.

How long has the Resistance been active? Did they start immediately upon the coup's success 20 years ago, or did it take a few years to get the basics down, then some to gather men and equipment and they've only recently started actually fighting?
@Letter Bee

Idea: If you want to play a younger pilot (say early 20s), you could have your guy/gal be an aviation nut who'd joined an aeroclub or somesuch group at a young age and was partway through military training when he or she decided to join the terrorists Resistance and had to start active duty early due to the Resistance being short on hands? Then you'd have a character who knows how to fly and has some training with fighters, but is still learning the ropes insofar as actual combat flying goes.

Maybe that could work?
Do you have a "current year" date in mind (Unless it's stated and I'm just blind)? Not super important I guess, but I like to have a fixed point to base the character's history on.
Mark me as interested if there's still room.
She spotted the threat too late. The Gesha left the holster, and almost got in position to hit the legs of one of the bastards rushing her, but the 21-foot rule was king, and she had maybe six. A baton made of PVC pipe smacked her wrist, sending the pistol flying out of her hand. A similarly painful object held by the other guy smacked her in the gut, making her double over. Before she could recover, someone yanked off her backpack and a brick house fell on her back, or at least that’s what the knee between her shoulder blades felt like, and then the lights went out. She felt a hand reaching into her pocket to remove her phone and probably cancel the call. It happened so fast Hayden likely wouldn’t even notice someone tried to call. Or wouldn’t have if he hadn’t been on the receiving end of similar treatment unbeknownst to Yekaterina. Resisting being moved worked for about two seconds before the attackers simply picked her up by shoulders and ankles and carried her into the van like an oversized garbage bag. She landed on something soft and probably Welsh. All she had left in that moment was impotent rage and Russian curses, and a length of duct tape quickly put an end to the latter as well.

Well that encounter went down about as well as a pint of brake fluid. Next time, no splitting the party, as if there would be a next time at all. Unless they saw the whole thing happen, the lads had no realistic way of tracking them, and if they had been that close, they’d probably have been shooting before either of them got loaded up. Trying to keep track of left and right hand turns soon proved a hopelessly confusing mess. At least they weren't being beaten during the ride and she couldn’t feel plastic sheets on the floor, but that was only a small comfort.

The ride came to an end, and they were led somewhere shady and colder with a hard floor. Not a basement, no stairs. A stone building? The duct tape and hood came off. The first things she recognized were the shapes of three other bound individuals. Crap. They were on their knees and with their wrists ziptied, not seated with their hands and feet duct taped to the chair. At least there was that, but considering that a victory clearly spelled how bad their situation was. She tried to reach the pocket where her phone should’ve been, but couldn’t reach far enough. One of the goons even had the presence of mind to pull her jacket down over her elbows before they led them out of the van, practically immobilizing her arms. Yekaterina tried looking around, but was poked in the ribs with the stick again and reminded to stop squirming and pay attention. “No meathooks, Hayden. Yet.” She informed the still-blinded Canadian.

Their captors’ conversation further muddled the waters. What was that about trusting them and taint? She was rapidly growing sick of this damn city. “You have pretty shitty PR, you know that?” She replied to Edgar’s questioning, the mix of fury, unease and confusion evident to the other three operatives from her native Russian sneaking into the way she pronounced English words. Before she’d say anything else, she chanced a glance at Sean and Beth, hoping to catch a look or some other attempt at communication, trying to figure out how much they should say.
Will do, already partway through my post.
Yekaterina allowed herself a brief laugh at Bethan’s reply, listening to her partner’s worries. They were stuck between a rock and a hard place, the arguments being sound, but any attempt to switch allegiances was an uncertain shot in the dark, with the only certainty being leaving a pissed off Victor, with the added possibility of Conan’s sisters coming for their scalps. That would’ve been some encounter. ‘Yeah, bossman is a cunt, but money is money.’ The only silver-ish lining was that since Victor wasn’t being straight with the rest of SAMC head honchos, his resources might be limited if it came to mopping them up. But maybe there was a way. After all, Melani sent them here to gather information. They could do that, and then decide what to do with it.

"Agreed....but I think there's someone watching us before you can do that. What's our play? If this guy is as psychotic as she says… I'm not sure I want to get crucified. But something tells me we might be able to take a chance to play dumb." Bethan replied, watching the men, staying by the wall and allowing her to have eyes laid on, but return the favour in due course.

Yekaterina had the presence of mind to not turn around to look at whatever made Bethan think they were being watched, instead looking past her on the lookout for suspicious activity behind the Welshwoman, but seeing nothing for now, paying no mind to the trio at the meat stall. Since she hadn’t seen them getting out of the car together with the others and split up, they completely failed to register as something new or in any way out of place. “What do you see? You think we can bullshit our way past local thugs?” She asked, obviously skeptical, “I think our best bet is to shoot as many as we can before they close in. As soon as they get close enough to grab us, we’re fucked.” Definitely figuratively, between getting hanged, crucified, skinned alive, beaten to death with a broomstick or whatever the locals considered a fun way to kill time and people they didn’t like, and Devil only knew if not literally, she didn’t add, “Remember our earlier agreement. I don’t want to become a wall decoration either.” She reminded Bethan, retrieving her phone, selecting Hayden’s number and putting it back, keeping her hand on it inside the pocket. If something went down, one button press was all it’d take to at least alert the boys that there was trouble. “I’ll follow your lead, but someone as much as twitches, we’re pulling out if we can.”
“‘Truant officers’, right. That’s something I can pretty much guarantee we won’t have to worry about. At least I’ve never encountered any, but I doubt that has changed.” She laughed before her usual straightforward cynicism returned, “Tranbir-IX, our destination, is one of over eighty moons orbiting the sole planet in Epsilon Theta. It’s a class K shithole. No water, unbreathable nitrogen atmosphere, seven-odd meters per second squared gravitational acceleration and a surface colder than an ONI agent’s heart. All of the habitats are former copper mines bored deep into the ground, split into several strata, or levels, in turn divided into sublevels, kept more or less at 20 degrees celsius. Alpha level is the spaceport, we’ll face the sternest security there on our way in. Only place that gets better cops is Foxtrot at the very bottom, but we won’t be going there, so that’s a non-issue. We’ll be bypassing Bravo, that’s rich people country and entry is restricted to people who live or work there. Charlie through Echo are housing, think The Galactic Bazaar, but slightly poorer and more cramped for Charlie and it gets poorer and more crowded as you descent. Prewar population was just shy of 25 mil, and I suspect that being on the other side of Ascendancy Territory from the conflict made it an attractive destination for refugees. Foxtrot is full of ruins, both human and structural. Below Foxtrot is Golf, though only unofficially, it’s… I don’t really know, they told us at school that it’s regularly checked by geological teams because the weight of the whole city rests on it, but other than that it’s a dumping ground for the city’s waste, requiring closed-circuit environment suits to traverse it. Urban legends speak of tunnels dug by black market traders and smugglers to move stuff from habitat to habitat, but I can’t verify that. We probably won’t go below Echo, but too much information never hurt anyone” Avelyn shrugged, her brain firmly in briefing gear.

“We’ll be going down to Delta, the border between middle and lower class, Sublevel 12/28 to be precise, the very bottom of what you’d call middle-class. ‘Top of the shit pile, yet still a way to fall.’ I heard someone say once. I can think of three places to start: Our apartment, since even if mother and father moved, the new tenants might be able to tell us something. A couple levels above is the Broken Bit, a music club of sorts where mom used to perform and the owner was a good guy. He might still remember me, I spent a lot of time there after school when I was very little. Third is the spaceport, arrivals and departures.” She counted on her fingers, then she paused, and alarm bells went off in her head. Her father was a freighter pilot. What if he was out of the system when they arrived? How could she have missed that? Idiot! Her brain quickly recovered from the stall, hopefully fast enough that nobody noticed anything, “Fortunately for us, Longannet sits right on a huge subterranean ravine, about fifty meters wide, practically bisected in two parts from Bravo to Echo. Despite being underground and sealed from the surface, it’s big enough that temperature differences at the ends can be big enough to cause the air to move, so cloaks and scarves are normal to keep the wind out.” She tugged on the red scarf draped around her neck, “Nobody should look twice if we’re covering our faces. Like I said, the habitat is an old mine, so mostly bored or blasted tunnels in solid rock, with the occasional natural cave modified to better suit whatever purpose. As with any indoors space, fires are terrifying and every gunshot will reliably deafen anyone without earpro for the next minute, so keep that in mind if we have to go loud. Law enforcement has no fucking sense of humor, and is tight with the Ascendancy, given how fast they shipped me out. A lot of the guards are K9 officers with Kell Hounds. I don’t know which corner of Hades they found those things in, but just in case you haven’t had the pleasure, it’s a forty kilo ball of concentrated hate, fiercely loyal to its handler and with enough teeth to put crocodiles to shame. And blind they may be, but there’s a reason people joke they can smell movement and hear colors, so let’s get in, do what we must and get out, shall we?
“Being bullshitted? Since I was about eight. Also known as ‘Tuesday’ in Russia. Why, thinking of Sean, or something about this place?” She joked. Bethan had a point though. She hadn’t given this as much thought as perhaps she should have, but she also thought of them as too insignificant to be lied to. They were fresh off the boat - or truck, or however the other three got into the country - and thus pretty much had to take whatever anyone was merciful enough to throw at them, so why bother lying? But the district around her told a different story.

“You’d have to be pretty desperate to think that you need to lie to a bunch of nobodies.” The Russian opined, “Then again, it’s not like it’s Mensa county around this part of the world, and this scene is hard to argue with.” She gestured to the fairly nice looking district around them, “And no human windchimes hanging anywhere, picture that.” Yekaterina paused in thought, and Bethan could’ve probably heard gears grinding in her head if she listened carefully enough, “You think we should try our luck here? With ghetto hoodlums?” She would’ve much preferred to stick to one of the corporations, whether through Victor or through finding their own path, perhaps the centralized way of Russian life drawing her to a larger, outwardly more powerful and secure organization.

Then an epiphany struck her square in the head like a ricochet against an altyn helmet. “I may have just thought of a way of learning more about this place though. On my way here, the official line of bullshit I fed to customs along the way was that I was a humanitarian worker going to Matanbai to see how all this is affecting the locals. If I leave my gear with you, I might be able to ask how life is in this part of town without raising too much suspicion while we wait.” She offered a suggestion, “Unless curiosity kills the cat, this is all a very elaborate ruse and Edik tries to turn me into a hat for my trouble.” Despite the attempt to lighten the mood, it reminded her of Melani’s throne room again and though the scarf covered her expression, the shift in her body language clearly expressed a measure of unease at the thought.
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