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Close-range tank sentinel of the shotgun variety.
The overlap even has layers, as Elerlia is pretty close in terms of personality (and even age and race by sheer chance) to what I had.

Either way, I'm like 95% through a turian infiltrator, just the psyche analysis section left (personality descriptions, the bane of my characterisation). Crew as it is now seems like it neds someone for long range anyway.
Shucks, pretty much a krogan version of what I was writing. Back to the drawing board it is.
Two questions regarding the timeline:
Given the starting year, Tech Armor isn't a thing yet, is it?
Is this before or after the switch to thermal clips?
Seems to be a fair amount of people interested, is there still room?
Marit paused briefly, pondering what Jon said about it not being the first time he had a gun in his face. The day of the raid hadn’t been the first time she had to get up at a criminally early hour either, but that didn’t make it any less unpleasant. He did look like he’d seen things though. He had the air of a Merlin BattleMech that found itself in several conflicts back-to-back: Not old, but worn beyond its years.

”Our month must’ve made for good gossip in the ivory towers.” She noted absentmindedly, her tone bare of any ill will or blame, more akin to a casual observation about the weather, ”So, why only reach out to us now? I’m assuming you’ve known about someone’s presence in these mines ever since we arrived. Was her highness counting on Xiu’s remnant putting this burning bag of shit out by themselves? If so, how do five-“ Marit paused, remembering the Lumberjack newly added into their roster, ”Five and a half ‘Mechs and a tank plus support personnel balance out the loss of their leadership?” Jeong could’t have thought they were refugees or some other faction, Right? She mentioned seismic sensors, what else but a BattleMech could trip those?

”Speaking of the shitstorm, how bad is it out there? Not just Portveyn, all of it. I’m assuming you know more than we do. See, the fork we’re getting our wireless reception through keeps getting stolen by the cooks, it’s the only one we have, so we sometimes miss the CNB broadcasts.” She started fishing for information before a bit of pride bubbled up onto the surface, ”Anything of note in response to our little heist?”

Short one up. Apologies for the dalay, got blindsided by some schoolwork.
“Definitely through the buildings.” Yekaterina agreed with Hayden’s assessment. Inside buildings, both sides would be able to use the confined quarters for chokepoints, but once again they would have surprise on their side. And once again she was reminded of Chechnya and Grozny, except this time around the city hadn’t been battered by Grads, Uragans, the occasional Tochka and scorched by Buratinos. Back then, many smaller buildings hadn’t even resembled buildings anymore. Unlike Grozny, this place hadn’t been turned into a damn fortress. No point doing that since both warrign sides had already been inside. Still, the fact remained that much like back then, the other side were home here and knew the place inside and out. She wished they had grenades.

“After all, getting inside structures is my trade.” She added with a confident grin, “And most of these svolochi look about ten kilos underweight. If you two,” The Russian gestured to hayden and Sean, “take point, even the close quarters won’t be much of a problem. Beth and can bring up the back.” Not ideal, she hated being rearguard, but she’d rather the boys break the skinnies’ scrawny necks if it came to fisticuffs and be done with it than having to fight with them on more equal grounds herself. Underfed they might have been, she wasn’t the biggest or strongest either.

“One thing I’m worried about is this: The deeper we get without raising trouble, the more we’ll have in our backs once it starts going off. Do we start pruning the weeds as we go, since it will have to go loud eventually anyway?”
“You think she’s being serious with the whole ‘I’m here for the people.’ spiel?” Lister asked.
”No, I’m not that naive.” She shook her head, forgetting to keep her voice down.
“I think that if the NPDRE stomps us out and takes full control, their profits are on the line. Fedorov would need money to fix the planet after a civil war, and people like her are loaded.” That was if they didn’t go medieval on them just because they could, so far this conflict had a weird habit of incorporating the most shitbag behavior into it.
“But if she backs us, she’ll be one of the people who enabled ‘the people’ to retake their planet-”
”And maybe gets to have a say in who gets to run the new-new regime. Like one of the connections she mentioned. And friends in high places are good for business.” She agreed, both letting the silence hang for a while to hear more of the conversation.
”She had me with the accommodations though.”

Then the Colonel unfortunately decided he’d had enough of the audience, probably not helped by everyone and their mother yelling questions - if only questions, was that tanker drunk? - and took the debate elsewhere.
“Aw, smeg. Show’s over.”
”Well, let’s go make friends. Colonel’s orders.”
“Go ahead, I’ll go reset the table and clean the cards.”
She walked over to the two men, waiting for a break in the conversation to join. ”Looks like you might get your wish with the FPA after all, Family Man.” She addressed her fellow Green Knight before turning to Jon and offering him a hand to shake and a smile, ”Hi, I’m Marit. I don’t know what it is that you do or what sort of deal you have with your current employer, but we have some free capacity now and I can promise our Colonel doesn’t march us into the middle of nowhere to have Myomer Man point a shotgun in your face.” She jested, ”Don’t think ill of the big man, we’ve had… a month.”
Here's my bid for an accidental crewmember.

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