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Checking in, char in the works.

Edited to fit the mold.
Fireteam Viking
Solveig Theta Mine, Tasiusaq, southern Greenland
0600 Local Time

She managed to keep her composure initially, but boarding the hovercraft was the straw that broke the hacker’s back. Her breathing grew rapid and strained. Her stomach was desperately crying to get rid of the army eggs and bacon she ate last, but her brain overrode it as her throat didn’t have the bandwidth for that and the amount of air she needed just to stay conscious. The suggestion - Or was it an order? She couldn’t tell. - barely registered before her brain threw it in the bin. ”I can’t. Someone else take it.” She whispered barely loud enough to be heard over the engine’s roar.

She instead reached for the magic laptop. She thought she’d call it ‘Rosetta Stone’ because it allowed her to talk to pretty much any device in range. Connecting it to the hovercraft’s transmitter, which in turn connected to the datalink between the fighters, helicopters and even the supporting ships they launched from, giving her a big brother-esque view of the battlefield. Just like the high rise raid, except with better information. Oh, and the world at stake. Enri took a few seconds to get situated on the map while also taking quick mental notes on how the ships’ and fighters’ systems worked. Because one never knows when that might be useful in the future.

Linking with one of the Lightning IIs equipped with an EW pod - an attachment in the centermount granting the already formidable plane limited offensive EW capability, nicknamed ‘Growler Can’ by pilots and ground crews alike and going for 750 000 USD on the black market - she promptly ignored the fact the pilot was likely swearing up a storm that someone was touching his plane and sunk into the stream of radio communications it was detecting. Sending a request through the datalink to leave several marked AA emplacements alone for a few minutes and setting three separate AIs loose on it, within 30 seconds Enri had the communication protocols figured out and asked the pilot to heat up the jammers.

Within ten seconds, six autonomous AA guns had a small heart attack from the sheer amount of gibberish they began receiving, assumed something had gone wrong with their control center and automatically reset. Because ‘Turn it off and back on again’ worked, even for cutting-edge military gear. And it would’ve worked this time too, had Enri not been ready to send false data with the fighter’s EW pod electronically masquerading as the guns’ control center. As soon as they rebooted, they loaded the altered targeting parameters and all six guns turned around and opened up on any and all units tagged with an Artemis IFF. The men in the control truck likely would’ve easily fixed that issue had they not been one of the first things shredded to ribbons by one of the rogue guns

”Won’t last forever, but the South side has a hole in the defenses.” She noted to Javier, ”Giving it five minutes before they figure out how to shut them down and switch to manual. I’ll see if I can do something sneaky to their comms without physical access.” And with that she zoned out again as she and and her three noncorporeal helpers set their sights on figuring out a way to listen in on Artemis comms. Maybe sneak in some conflicting orders if they could get away with it, depending on where lady luck would be standing.
Fireteam Poseidon
10 Nautical Miles west of La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain
0700 Local Time

He was still reading the SDV manual when Vincent called out to him. ”I prefer Europe over Africa. Must be the running water and indoor flushing toilets.” He grinned back at the madman at the stick, poking a bit of fun yet at the same time being completely serious. He understood patriotism, but Africa has been nothing but trouble for his family and could therefore go fuck itself and the horse, donkey or whatever other animal it rode in on as far as he was concerned. Just not in this way.

Whoever does this for a hobby must be fucking mad. That was the thought on Ebrima’s mind as he plunged into the water, cold and dark in the early morning hours. He tried to turn face down and spread his arms and legs as if skydiving to slow his descent, but the personal flotation device stubbornly insisted on keeping him in the upright position, making him sink like a brick. Whoever thought to put handholds on the outside of the SDV was a fucking legend. ”I think the cooler’s leaking, boss, there’s water everywhere.” Ebrima replied to Adam’s ‘VolksWagen Polo’ comment as he worked his way into the driver’s… captain’s seat? Pilot’s seat? What the fuck was he even?

At least being underwater meant the waves weren’t an issue. Two dozen meters below sea level, the water was calm, though the headlights were more wishful thinking than an actual asset. The SDV lurched back and forward for a few seconds - almost like an actual car if someone had trouble launching and kept stalling it - while Ebrima figured out the controls, the submersible struggling with the depth changes a little. ”Someone packed too much luggage. Alright, I think I’ve got it. Everyone holding on?” He waited for everyone to sound off before easing the throttle forward, making an abrupt stop after a minute to figure out the braking distance. Not impressive. Awful, actually, like stepping on a baking sheet. Unaware of the platform’s defenses and sensors, he left the sonar off and drove- sailed- piloted, whatever, by the lights and inertial navigation system.

Pretty much just the INS until one of the platform’s legs appeared out of the inky blackness in the floodlights’ cone some 20 meters ahead. ”We’re coming up on the platform, North-East leg I think.” He said as he stopped the SDV after around fifteen minutes of monotony, the stationary submersible sinking a few meters until it reached equilibrium. ”Dismount here?”
A: "Man, I'm so excited to see the best safe cracker on the East Coast at work."
B: "Right? I can't wait to see what advanced charms he's going to use."
C: "Bombarda Maxima!"
A: "..."
B: "..."
C: "What? Safe's cracked, isn't it?"
I was gonna go with a crow if that works.
I like the idea of starting small and growing.

As for character, I'm toying with the idea of an illegal Animagus just getting into crime to support their family.
I'll throw my hat in as well.
Enri Uemura
Briefing Room
02:20 Local

For her part, Enri sat in the briefing room looking like a lost kid in a shopping mall. And what a sight she was: A bespectacled whirlwind of color among the military greens, grays and function over form. When Tahlia asked for questions, Enri raised her hand. ”Ummmm. Is this the part where you’re told I’ve never fired a gun? Like, ever. Or has someone told you before?”

0300 Local

If someone thought Enri looked out of place before, it was time to reconsider. The vest didn’t fit her right, the plates doubled her weight. The helmet on her head was like a pot, requiring additional padding to sit secure and they had to look among the Blue Sword staff to find someone with small enough shoes that Enri could borrow.

And she was absolutely miserable.

She’d worked for Shalev long enough that she could rattle off the basic specifications of most of the equipment employed for the operation, including the BGM-109P Land Attack Missile - Conventional. The most recent in the venerable Tomahawk family, a 6,35 meters long angry telephone pole with over a 2000 kilometer range, reduced radar cross section and capable of carrying the W80 five to 200 kiloton nuclear warhead (sold separately, additional charges may apply). But the mere thought of using a weapon, much less on a living being, made her wonder how quickly she could take the helmet off in case she needed to offload her last meal. The fact that the man indirectly responsible for her nearly getting shot in the face would be the last line of defense between her and a bunch of angry morons with too much tech for everyone’s good wasn’t helping her situation in the slightest. Yes, the pale bastard left her there to die, but this guy was part of the reason they had that problem in the first place.

She tried to clear her mind by checking the two bags - yes, she had to outsource carrying some of it to someone else in the team - but she’d done that several times already so her mind kept wandering. Come to think about it, Kitsune was kind of a shit customer all things considered. She’ll be charging a premium next time. At least she’d get to play with some highly experimental hardware Raven provided, the device looking like a heavy duty laptop connected to a sizable multispectral antenna she carried on her back that would let her wreak absolute havoc.
Briefing Room
02:30 Local

Water. Ebrima loved water. He was made up of the stuff, after all, rain offered a welcome reprieve from the Sun’s searing heat and you couldn’t make brandy without the stuff.

But Ebrima also loved bacon and naturally-aspirated V8s, yet too much of them would increase cancer risk.

So why on God’s green Earth did they have to go into a damn ocean? Maybe that was wrong. It was God’s blue Earth, wasn’t it? Strictly statistically speaking it was a miracle he’d spent his entire life on land, though that would be ignoring a big influence on the sample pool, namely that humans had no damn business being in the ocean. He was no thalassophobe - or at least he was pretty sure, he’d never played Subnautica to check - but… too much bacon.

Maybe reading scale model building instructions would allow him to understand rebreather instructions quickly, but something told him he shouldn’t hold his breath about it. Or maybe he’d have to, worst come to worst.

”I’ve heard enough about Vasquez when I was in Colombia. There’s places in that country where people are afraid to till the land for fear of finding another mass grave of her making and unleashing some curse she’s placed upon it.” Ebrima said with clear disdain, having never had to deal with the woman before. Were the stakes not so high, he might have actually looked forward to that fight. Killing her was just public service. ”With the toxin on the platform, can we risk using air support at all?” He continued with a question of his own. He was no chemist, but if any vapor was bad, surely sending a Hellfire near it couldn’t end well?

0300 Local

With no civilians expected, Ebrima prepared accordingly. Six full drums of slugs and two of flechettes for the shotgun for when things went loud, three magazines of subsonics for the rifle for the sneaking before on top of the two magazines for his sidearm. Smoke grenades stayed home, instead making way for a total of four flashbangs. Seeing the effect it had in marrakesh, he did bring a magazine of stun grenades for the launcher, as well as a magazine of frags, but with the threat of the toxin he instead loaded up four magazines of thermobarics. He would make Canada proud.

Lastly, the contentious blade. He might even start calling it that. What legendary sword didn’t have a name, after all? Scanning the armory for who might be the most durable person on the team, he settled on Chuck and approached, holding out his hand for Duke to sniff before speaking. ”Should I not return, will you please see to it that this gets back to Purna?” He asked, tapping the holstered kukri with his knuckles. Might as well go out on a kind note if the dice were to fall poorly.
”Boring!” Karel teased in response to Sulser’s ‘teetotaler’ comment before acknowledging Ulrik’s order, turning the Mongoose’s torso toward the Raven. ”Race you there.” He joked, matching the slower ‘Mech’s pace as they headed back to the DropShip to pick up a load of crunchies of their own. Hardly a surprise to Karel they’d done this well. Given the pirates’ equipment and tactics, the bar was so low it was a tripping hazard in Hell, The League could’ve mopped them up. Well, okay, (un)SAFE would still probably swear up and down the moon was uninhabited, but that was just a fact of life one accepted and moved on.

Not feeling like clearing out pirate bunkers - if he wanted to do that, he wouldn’t have spent years training to be a MechWarrior - he keyed his mic. ”I’m staying outside. Don’t get turned around in there in case you need to scram.” He continued the role he’d been filling thus far, circling the base in search of trouble, or perhaps some stragglers who saw the writing on the wall and tried to surrender. Not that he expected anything of note, given the amount of scrap the company has left in their wake as they charged up the valley. Not unless the VTOLs fancied round two, which would’ve been straight up suicide. They got their shit kicked in when they had jumpers and a ‘Mech, alone they’d be headed for a slaughter. Maybe they could go look for them later, a few intact VTOLs never hurt.
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