Avatar of Sugar and Spite


Recent Statuses

18 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
23 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
23 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
1 mo ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
2 mos ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

@HaleyTheRandom It is a great post :) I love the realtionships as well. Just don't lock Salem and Aloysius in the same room together xD

B-but... can we? xD Just like... somehow they got temporarily stripped of their powers and locked in the same room, but they're like... chained to the wall so they have to fight each other with their words and kick at each other xD

Can I be your second in command?

I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem with you playing the second. Just make a character for us to look over. :)
In Hiya! 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

Well, now I feel like I'm missing out on the insanity.

But cookies are nice, so it's cool.

Trust me, if you stick around, you'll see plenty of my crazy side.

... I can't promise that the cookies aren't laced with anything...
In Hiya! 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hello! Hi! Greetings! Salutations!

I'm new, so let's just get into the meat of it: I like fantasy, sci-fi and sometimes slice-of-life RPs. From the sounds of it, I usually write casual or advanced, but I can probably only handle one RP at a time right now between college and work.

Yo, yo, yo!

Welcome to the Guild!

I'm Haley, but you can call me Aria or Blue as well.

From what you have listed as your interests, you will fit right in here at the Guild. We have something for everyone.

Normally I would write a more insane welcoming post, but eh. Welcome. Have a cookie.
Salems relations have been updated/completed. Please pop over and have a look and let me know if you would like me to change anything.
@Cerces22 Never thought about it that way.

I sort of found it ironic that she can create shadows and, well, is a member of the Dark Shadow.
@Cerces22 How so?

Uh oh Aly, looks like we in trouble lol

I think you'll find what Salem has to say about him to be laughable. Check the relations portion of her sheet. xD
@Cerces22 I look forward to it.

On another note, the Salem post is up. Opinions would be appreciated xD.

@jakeb1993 Let me know if I need to edit or change anything.
Salem de Silva

Just like so many others in the large city, Salem woke to the sound of her alarm the second that the clock struck eight. She rolled over with a groan, hitting the button to make the annoying sound stop as she flopped her face into the pillow. She was comfortable in her bed, and the last thing that she wanted to do this morning was remove herself from the warm cocoon of blankets that she was currently wrapped in. But no matter how much she didn't want to do so, she had to go out into the world and adult. She had a normal mundane job that expected her to do as she promised, and then there was the Guild - she couldn't let them down under any circumstances.

So, with an irritated look on her face, she would toss the covers off, exposing herself to the cold air. The moment her feet hit the floor, she was sent into the motions of her morning routine. Pulling her hair back into a messy pony-tail, she proceeded to walk down the hallway of her apartment and find herself in the bathroom. Salem turned on the hot water, allowing it to warm up before she adjusted it to the right temperature. Stripping down, she would take her time with her shower, letting the hot water relax her. All to soon it was over. Yet another moment of comfort that she couldn't stay in forever. She got out, wrapped herself in a towel and walked back to her room, where she would throw open the door to her closet, trying to figure out what to wear today. She settled for a comfy gray t-shirt with a skull design, black skinny jeans and white converse high-tops. The woman towel dried her hair and quickly brushed it before pulling it up once more. Not the most extravagant outfit, but having a job as a waitress, she dressed for comfort, not to be fancy. She finished up her morning routine. Brush her teeth, eat some cereal (Luck Charms, of course, her favorite), grab her phone and earbuds off the counter and then she was out the door.

For Salem, it was easier to walk the three blocks to Huskers than it was to try and catch a cab. Why waist ten buck to be stuck in the car with an angry stranger? If there was one thing everyone living in the metropolis could agree on, it was that New York City traffic was a living nightmare. So off she went, walking down the familiar sidewalk path that she took just about every day. She was lucky enough to get the earlier shift at the restaurant. It was Friday, and she wasn't up for dealing with the parties of drunk people that came in - now matter how well they tipped. Her phone buzzed silently in her back pocket as this mornings various notifications came through. I'll check them later. After all, there was nothing to important going on right now. Hopefully.

Reaching her destination, the blue haired girl would push open the glass door to find herself in a familiar surrounding. The hard wood floors, the bright lights, the bar and the soft sounds of pots and pans clinging coming from the kitchen - it made her happy. The atmosphere of Huskers was something great, and any local could tell you that. Though the Bar and Grill didn't open until eleven, Salem came in early to help get everything ready for the day. She made her way to the back before slipping her apron over her neck and tying it around her waist. She would feel someone nudge her gently as they made their way by. She tensed, unable to help her natural reaction. When she looked up and seen Jaspers - the other waiter - goofy grin, she would relax. "What's up, Jazz?"

"Oh, you know, same as you, Em. Slaving away at a nine to five trying to make my way in the world."

Salem rolled her eyes in response, and gave him a slight nod of her head. She made her way back to the front room before she started taking the chairs off the tables and putting them in their usual places.

Minor Time Skip

The restaurant was buzzing with the early four o'clock dinner crowd, nearly every seat in the building filled with a patron. Some were there for the beer, others for the steak, and some for the mere company that the workers and other customers provided. The TV above the bar was on the evening news, the volume just loud enough where you could tell that the news reporter was talking, though you couldn't hear what he was saying over the hustle and bustle of the crowd. Judging by the video that they kept flicking over to, there was a train wreck. The caption mentioned something about low-level politicians and civilian injuries, as well as deaths. "Hey Hus," she said in the direction of the restaurant owner/bar keep "Turn that up a bit, would ya?" The older man did as such.

"Breaking news. A train headed for the states capitol for tomorrows legislation meeting has been derailed, killing three people that we know of. One was a member of the camera crew that was on site, the other a civilian, and last, but not least, John Sinclair, a man who has served our government for many years. At this time, law officials have nothing to report to us as on what caused the train to apparently flip onto it side, derailing from the tracks. We'll update you with more information as we discover more facts through out the afternoon."

Salems arms were folded across her chest, a million thoughts running through her head as they played the clip once more. The train seemed to be running smoothly before the accident. And then ,suddenly, like the news caster said, it just seemed to tip over and fall off the rails. Maybe it was the fact that she was on the look out for any suspicious activity that would point to the Dark Shadow allegiance, seeing as there had been no reports of activity from them for months. Some of the elder members of the Guild were gullible enough to believe that maybe that maybe they had given up. Salem knew better. She stared at the screen doing her best to gather in every movement that she could from the scene. That was when she seen a brown haired figure in the corner of the screen. It could be her paranoia, but Salem was all but sure that she recognized the person walking off camera. She walked towards the back of the restaurant for the millionth time today, and pulled out her phone, opening the group chat that had her and the other Guild members in it.

"Meeting at Headquarters tonight. Be there at ten sharp. No excuses.

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