Avatar of Sugar and Spite


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
22 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
22 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
29 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
2 mos ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

@HaleyTheRandom On the contrary, we expected it. Why else would DPL post it? :}

You're so mean.
@Altered Tundra Very true, my friend, very true.

But y'all didn't honestly think you could post one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands and expect me to not react, right?


*clears throat*
*straightens bowtie*

I'm over that now.
You asked for memes

Hopefully this counts

Every time I look at this, I laugh


it counts

Burn a hole through the plastic crowd
Because I've been trying to find the way out
Its so confusing but never amusing
Sweet smiles in the aftermath
Turn and whispering behind my back
I need an ally to guard the nighttime
Someone to keep me from these crazies

"Drab, awful, horrible... gag," Dakota said lazily, browsing through her closet looking for the perfect thing to wear to the gathering. Granted everything she owned, she had hand selected, she still insisted on calling it all ugly until she found the right thing. She had been at it for roughly fifteen minutes before stumbling across the perfect dress. It was a pretty little number that fit snuggly, but not so tight it suffocated her. Settling for a matching pair of black heels she would gather her purse, phone and keys before making her way to the car. Most of the other kids would have their parents accompany them. Dakota's, as usual, were away on business. It didn't bother her, however. Once you had lived a certain way for so long, you got used to it. She checked her bright red lipstick in the mirror before turning on the ignition to begin her short journey.

Arriving, she would see that she was perhaps a little late to the party, as the parking lot was already mostly filled with people. She began to wonder why she even came here, seeing as none of her close friends were making an entrance. The truth was, she really didn't know. The best she could figure is that perhaps she wanted the 'full' high school experience. Walking through the door, Dakota would squeeze by the Bishop twins and their small crowd, grumbling something about how it was rude to block entrances. Walking over to the punch bowl, filling herself a glass, and turning, Dakota would wrinkle her nose out of frustration and disgust. Literally no one she liked was here, and the faces she did see, well... she'd rather be dead than force herself to socialize with any of them.

After much delay, Raven and Ariel intros have been posted.

It seemed as if Ariel hadn’t been doing that much sleeping lately. With last night being another restless night, she had found herself sneaking out her bedroom window to go walk on the shoreline of the beach. The beach was easily one of her favorite places on earth, and she tended to come here more often than not in order to clear her head. Though no major thoughts were running through her head, there was the fact that in a few short hours, she would begin her final year at Kings Academy - something that made her nervous and excited at the same time.

Around four in the morning, she would return to the comfort of her bedroom, shutting the window quietly behind her. It was from there that she would flop down upon her bed, staring at the ceiling. Somewhere along the line, however, she must have fallen asleep. The sound of the alarm woke her with a start as she reached for her phone to turn it off. ”Alarms are the work of Satan,” she grumbled before climbing out of bed to take a shower. Two hours of sleep was nowhere near enough. Soon enough she was dressed and ready to go, her damp hair braided to the side for the day.

Coming into the living room, she would see a familiar, yet unusual scene before her. Papers detailing her father's latest court case littered the coffee table while he sat on the couch. That part was familiar. The pretty dark haired woman sitting on the couch beside Trillian was indeed, not familiar. Thank the gods she was saved from a small amount of embarrassment by her father introducing her to the stranger shortly after she walked in the room.

“Ah, Serafina. Good morning,” he said, his tone one of false happiness, though no one who didn’t know him well would never notice. “This is Diana. She’s been helping me with the case. Diana, this is my daughter -”

”Ariel,” said Ariel. No one called her Serafina but her father, and she preferred it that way. Taking another look at Diana, Ariel had a suspicion that she had been helping her father with more than just a court case, seeing how she seemed far more comfortable than any other of his associates that she had ever met. ”It was really nice meeting you, Diana, but I should get going,” she said with a small smile, heading towards the door.

“Be safe,” her father called after her. “I’d hate for you to get hurt!”

Ariel waited until she was outside, unlocking the door to her Impala, before scoffing and rolling her eyes. Since when did he care if she got hurt? He was the one that had done most of the hurting practically her whole life. Climbing inside and shutting the door, she took a deep breath while shoving the thought out of her mind. This was supposed to be a happy day,and she was determined to make it one.

Arriving at Kings Academy, Ariel would get caught up in a conversation with a few of her friends, allowing the first bell to ring in the process. Cursing under her breath, she walked into Mr. Gomez’s class approximately thirty seconds late.

“Miss Grey,” he said, his voice loud enough to cause most of the attention in the class to come her way. “Nice of you to join us.”

The young woman muttered something incoherent as she made her way towards the few open seats in the back of the class.

“What was that,” Gomez asked. “You’ll have to speak up. I couldn’t hear you.”

Tempted not to answer at first, Ariel now felt cornered. Multiple pairs of eyes were resting upon her, and the teachers tone had been way less than friendly. Add that to two hours of sleep, and you ended up with a snide remark. ”I said for it to be so early in the morning, you sure are being a total dick, Mr. Gomez. All do respect, of course.”

The mans nostrils flared ever so slightly before he regained his composure, a sly smile now on his face. “Congratulations, Serafina. It seems as if you’re my first student of the year to land themselves in detention.”

At his words, Ariel balled her hands into fists under her desk, doing her best to keep her face from turning red.

Despite her best efforts, people found the need to approach Kora anyway. It seemed as if Julians tallness had failed to shield her this time. Oh well, might as well make the best of it.

When Christina walked over, Kora couldn't help but smile in greeting. She had always thought of Chris as one of the kindest souls around. "Oh, you know. Kinda glad that it's over. Little nervous at the same time though. You?" As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Sadie would say her part. Kora couldn't help but give a small laugh at the other girls comment. "We'll just have to wait and see. What all colleges have you applied to so far," she asked, right before blushing slightly, realizing that the question might be intrusive. "That is... if you don't mind me asking?"

She took another glance at the crowd forming in the room. Taylor had walked in, along with Shannon, to whom she waved. She silently wondered where that dreadful Dakota girl was. Though she was pretty, and nice when she wanted to be, Dakota had the tendency to be... well, a bitch. It seemed that everyone was having a decent time so far, and Kora would hate to see it ruined. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she pushed the thought aside.

”Shit, shit, shit…” Raven muttered angrily, slinging the warm blankets from her body. She was angry at herself for not hearing the alarm like she usually did. Typically, Trip would have woken up at five, did some house cleaning, cooked, and performed her morning ritual. Now, she hastily threw on her school uniform, tied her hair back and rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth - all while dodging her brothers.

“Nice to see you’re alive, Sleeping Beauty,” said Brandon. “Thought you were in a coma there for a bit.”

”Bite me, dip shit,” she replied with a sigh. ”You could have woke me up!”

The elder boy shrugged. “I didn’t want to poke the bear. Though, if it helps, I did get the twins and Zach on the bus. Jasper and Sam were waiting on you to say goodbye before they’d let me drive them.”

Quickly walking back to her room, Trip would give herself a quick once over in the mirror before grabbing her book bag and rushing down stairs, her two youngest siblings waiting for her at the bottom. Samuel lunged, wrapping his arms around her waist in the tightest hug he could, while Jasper graciously accepted her ruffling his hair. ”You two behave for B. And your teachers. Have fun. Be safe.” She gave them each both a quick peck on the cheek before walking out the door, deciding to walk. Brandon was taking the car, and though she had woken up late, school was only a ten minute walk from the house - seven if she rushed, which she did.

Pausing conveniently in the middle of the crowd while checking her schedule on her phone, she would see that she had English for first period. She could work with that… if she didn’t have Gomez teaching her. Unfortunately, she did.

Cursing silently as she shoved her phone in her back pocket, Raven would make an effort to straighten her tie, currently oblivious to the rest of the world.
Apologies, my darlings.

I need to play catch up first, but I will hopefully have something for you soon.
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