Avatar of Sugar and Spite


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
13 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
13 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
21 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

@Cerces22 Approved.

@Hedgehawk Bruh. You're the GM. Just move your character over.
Here are my more refined ideas, in order of how excited I am to play them.
Totally not a covert way of saying please let me use the hallucinations power

I see nothing wrong with any of these, but that it just my vote.

Back before the advent of the sciences, humanity had the ability to cast magic. Magic users were the more dominant force of humanity. During these periods their power was nothing short of incredible and you could tell these people apart from the standard human by their tattoo like birthmarks. The magical powers these people possessed had a varying range - from telekinesis to elemental abilities. At the height of their power the Magic users accounted for almost 70% of the human population.

However, the magic users were split in their philosophy. Some of them believed that it was the magic users job to protect the earth and its inhabitants. Others thought that it was their place to control the rest of the world. This differing view of beliefs eventually culminated in a magic war between the two warring factions. The first was the Guild. They wanted to protect the Earth. The second faction was known as Corpus - the group that wanted to dominate humanity. This war was highly destructive, causing many lives to be lost in a short span of time. At one point it was even thought that the Earth might be destroyed. The remaining non-magic users of Earth, in the fallout of this war, decided to put aside their petty squabbles of country and tribe, and try to deal with this 'magic' problem.

What happened next was nothing short of genocide. Quickly, large groups of Magic users were being murdered. The population of magic users quickly diminished. As their numbers dropped so did the chance that any new born children who were born became magic users too. After hundreds of years of persecution, the remaining population of magic users had dwindled to less than 5%, and today in 2019 has fallen to 0.1% with only an estimated 20,000 magic users left.

However, old habits never die, and once again the cauldron is starting to bubble. A group of angry and disenfranchised magic users have started their own terrorist cell called 'Dark Shadow'. The Dark Shadow are essentially The Corpus re-imagined for the modern world. Their goal is to take over the world, and show the rest of humanity why magic users are the dominant species.

On the flip side, the Guild still carries on, trying to regulate the hiding magic users. Creating rules and laws which it enforces, trying to keep the peace between the magic and non magic forces by creating its own authority. While everyone in the magic world might not agree with them, everyone has no choice but to accept. This mainly comes from the fact that the Guild has been run as a hereditary dynasty. The powers of the dynasty have been passed down through each child and this has culminated in creating arguably the most powerful magic user in the world. The Guild leaders powers are legendary and she has used these powers - along with other methods - to keep everyone in check.

The GM's of this RP have left the lore rather light. This isn't due to laziness, but more so that we wanted to allow people to form their own lore without having to read 20 pages first to see if it fits. There will be some Google Docs provided with some basic lore in the short future. This RP is not a black and white, Good Vs Evil RP. The Guild is the force for good, but they are not angels themselves. The leader of the Guild can be an asshole. But it is pretty much a RP where two sides will be competing against one another and trying to get the upper hand. Your characters will get hurt and may even die. You have been warned.

The GM will be taking on the role of the leader of the Dark Shadow. I, the Co-GM, will be taking on the role of the Guild leader.

- First and foremost: No god-modding. No controlling other peoples characters. Agreed interaction before hand is fine. But most of the time that takes place in a Collab post.
- Collabs are encouraged. It just helps reduce the amount of rapid posts we get, and helps keep the RP clean. It also helps us try and keep the RP as chronologically correct as possible.
- There will be battles. There will be violence. People will die. If death comes for your character, take it in your stride. You are more than welcome to make another character and jump right in again.
- Your GM's recommend making at least two characters for the situation in which one character does die. This is not requirement, but a suggestion. Do not make more characters than you can handle.
- @Hedgehawk, @HaleyTheRandom, and @SouffleGirl123 are your GM team for this RP. Our word is final.
- This is a High-Casual level RP.
- We will require one post every three weeks with each of your characters. More activity is encouraged.
- Relation sheets are not required, but probably one of the most encouraged parts of the RP.
- No use of forbidden powers. (Blood Magic, Necromancy, Rune Magic, Time Manipulation, etc. The GM's hold the right to deny any power if we think it is too powerful or god-moddy.)
- Real faceclaims only.
- Rated 18+ for death and gore.
- Discord.

It's been a hot minute. I'd like to apologise for kinda ghosting last time. I know I messaged Hedge when my internet was out, but I didn't update when it was back, and it was shitty of me to forget about it.

Would you guys have me back?

You're good dude. Shit happens.

I'd be cool with having you back on board.
The open display of a kiss he could tell was wet and sloppy from across the room had his hand clenched into a tight fist at his side. There was a quick rage that simmered into a disappointment as he watched the girl currently dancing on tightrope look around the room, to him it was obvious who she was looking for. So when their eyes met he gave her a determined nod and flashed a cool wink in her direction before ducking through the party, quickly moving away from the dance floor.

The drinks table was a welcomed sight and a much needed ally as he practically charged to them, bumping into someone along the way. Slowing up he reached a friendly hand to help steady the girl and offered an apologetic smile, “Shit, sorry, might be in too much of a rush.” he chuckled to himself as he looked over the seamlessly put together costume, “Killed any witches here yet Dorothy? Or are you neglecting your duties to babysit the drinks?” The beeping of his phone briefly drew his attention away as he looked down at the screen and couldn’t help the smirk that appeared from the message there and quickly typed a reply back.

To: Jeans
Bored already? How about making some friends? I’m by the alcohol.

With the text sent he split his attention between the guardian of alcohol and making himself a strong mix of tequila and cranberry juice, “So, have you seen anything juicy at this party yet?”

The few shots of Tequila that Sunshine had taken were just enough to give her a slight buzz. Thankfully, she was a happy drunk, and the alcohol made her feel floaty. So floaty that she didn’t even care when someone bumped into her, though she did accept the helping hand. Looking up into the face of the young man before her, she couldn’t help but notice his hair first. It was gorgeous. And so was the whole entire human standing before her. What did they put in the water here?

”Nothing spicy just yet. I just got here actually, Mr. Surfer Man.” Wow. Cringe. Could she really not do any better than that? Pushing the thought aside, she gave him a slight smile. ”I’m guessing you’re here to pick your poison?”

Aurelio lifted the black solo cup in his hands, offering a silent answer to her questions as he took a large gulp of the drink. The tequila was smooth and sweet enough to pair with the cranberry juice, and despite the cold temperature of the drink left a warmth in his throat and courage in his stomach. A quick glance around the room made him realize how great of a spot he had snagged, he could see everything and practically everyone, but it was rude to let your attention stray from a possible friend. “Just got here? To the party or to Florida? Not much like Kansas is it?” The tease was light as his brown eyes turned their full attention to her, she was cute, that was for sure.

On the other side of the room, Millie Jean was pushed against the wall as yet another environmentally unaware dick bumped into her. She had tapped away from the message she received from Arhellio or whatever his name was, deciding quickly that she would rather be stuck in perpetual boredom until it was time to go. With all these people pushing into her, though, she was beginning to rethink her decision.

Millie Jean weighed the pros and cons in her head. Pros: she could use the moderately well-sized guy as protection from the hooligans she is surrounded by, plus she could ease her boredom. Cons: social interaction, social interaction with a guy she doesn't know, social interaction with a guy she doesn't know who will forever remember her as a girl who talked about his nipples.

A particularly bulky guy shoved her away from the wall, her soda sloshing all over her arm and shoes. There were probably napkins at the drinks table, that at least made her decision easier.

Never the aggressive type, Millie Jean squeezed through the crevices between the mobbed bodies until she saw the familiar costume chatting up a girl next to him. God, this is going to be awkward. She snagged some napkins while standing to his left, wiping her arm down, and cleared her throat loudly for his attention. (Partly because she was embarrassed that she ended up coming to him despite her words, but mostly because she forgot his name.)

"Nothing like Kansas at all. Not enough wheat fields. Or tornados," she said as she took another shot. "And both actually. Despite the costume I'm actually from LA." Not that she missed it.

While she had friends back home, Sunshine actually liked the beaches of Florida more than she did the ones in California. Less earthquakes was always a plus to. Thinking of something else to say, another girl decided to stop by the drink table, clearing her throat. Sunshine attention was directed towards her long enough to give a brief greeting. "Oh hi!"

The summoning of the awkward wallflower worked quicker than Aurelio had imagined. A smug look of victory was on his face when he turned to look at Millie who did her best to stand inconspicuously beside him, “Don’t hold my breath, huh? You came over pretty quickly, did you miss me?” A playfully wink was thrown her way as he waved his arm towards Sunshine who had also turned her attention to Millie.

“Well, Jeans this is Dorothy, Dorothy this is Jeans an awkward wallflower who
be dressed as a Dia De Los Muertos girl but has really attended the party as the Judger of Nipples. So

Millie Jean grit her teeth and waved napkins in his face, "I just needed to get some napkins, I got soda on me. Hi, I'm Millie Jeans – I mean, Jean. I'm Millie Jean. What is your name – or should I call you Dorothy?"

"I like to think I have pretty decent nipples, so I don't think we should have a problem," Sunshine said unashamed, the alcohol completely removing any filter for her thoughts or words. The other girl - Millie - seemed a little stressed out. Maybe she needed a drink herself - not that that was something Sable would suggest. "Most people call me Sunshine, but my actual name is Sable." She paused for a moment, wondering if it was okay to ask her next question. "What's the deal with the nickname?"

Aurelio gave a laugh at Millie’s fumbling, and another deeper one at Sunshine’s comment and then brought his cup to his lips listening to Sunshine’s introduction. Ah Sunshine, it was fitting for her. “Cute nicknam- Jeans?” He supplied a quick shrug “Thought of it on the spot, I’m Aurelio by the way, everyone calls me Reli, you’ll probably see me around Chanel and Julie.” The mention of the latter girl made his lips pull down into a slight frown as his eyes scanned the room spotting the Fashion Diva making her way outside with another friend.

Millie Jean rolled her eyes, “You thought of it on the spot? You are so quick-witted.” This time around, she repeated his name several times in her head so she wouldn’t forget it.

Just as she had wiped the last almost-sticky spots of soda off her arm, a rush of people stumbled over each other to get to the front, and in the confusion, Millie Jean’s arm was knocked into her chest. Her soda splashed all down her chest, flecking dark dots across her neck and white face makeup. Her first instinct was to yell obscenities, but she just stood there with her hand slowly crushing the solo cup in her hands. A low sound, which was almost a growl but mostly a whine, pulled from her throat.

“Where,” Millie Jean cleared her throat, “can someone hand me a cup of whatever that is?”

The commotion was loud and Aurelio swore he heard the mentions of a fight, like Millie he caught a couple shoulders, and one particularly hard one that knocked him back against the table, sloshing the open liquids. A genuine concern flashed in his eyes as he looked over Sunshine, “You good Dorothy?” and then to Millie an apologetic smile on his face as he grabbed a handful of napkins, “Can I-?” he hesitated a moment before gently dabbing at the remnants of soda on her face an absentminded smile on his face as his shoulder shook gently with silent laughter.

Millie Jean made a sour face at Reli, but otherwise didn’t say anything. She grabbed some napkins to help clean herself up. When her mom asks how the party went, she’s going to flaunt this incident in her face. Maybe then she won’t be forced to go anywhere again.

One of the downsides to being tiny was having to move out of the way of much larger people. Mainly because larger people were assholes, but also because being tiny tended to make you invisible. One such incident would be when a jock - no way he wasn’t a jock - knocked in to her, causing her to stumble back a few feet. Hearing the crowd chant as to encourage the fight, Sunshine quickly looked over towards all the commotion. She didn’t recognize anyone involved, but then again she didn’t know anyone here. Reli’s voice brought her back down to earth.

”Wha- oh. No. Yeah. I’m fine,” she said, straightening her dress. ”Who’s the skinny guy? I feel like I might have a class with him or something, but I can’t really remember.”

“Doesn’t look familiar to me, I just got back to Palms a few weeks ago..” The answer was quieter than he intended as he dabbed a couple more times against Millie’s face before being satisfied with his handiwork. Pouring a bit more tequila in his cup he passed it off to Millie, “Here, you should be good now, besides your dress but I figured you didn’t want me to help with that… unless you do.” The teasing was evident in his tone but he sent a playful wink her way anyways, eyes trailing to the back of the house for the second time in their conversation.

Millie Jean gave him a dry look over the rim of her solo cup, sipping it. Her nose scrunched at the terrible taste and chugged the cup instead. Might as well get it over with. Absentmindedly, Millie Jean filled her cup halfway. Part of her wanted to ask why Reli came back to Palms, and why he left in the first place. She didn’t want to stumble across anything potentially personal, though; that would be too awkward for a guy she’s only hanging out with momentarily. In the distance, she tried to make out the skinny guy Sunshine had mentioned and realized she vaguely knew him; though not personally.

“His name is Archer Diedrikson. Smart, sells essays to the not smart. And that is Brad Leone, some dumbass in one of my classes.” Millie Jean took a big gulp before putting the cup down. It doesn’t taste better the second time, either.

”Boys being boys, I guess. I’ll never understand why high school is just a drunken state of constant fights, sex, and low GPA’s. But such is life.”

Aurelio gave a nod but couldn’t keep himself focused on the two girls near him, not when he hadn’t seen the flash of his favorite shade of red in the room anytime recently. Losing the hesitation of not coming off rude he flashed both Sunshine and Millie an apologetic smile, “Hey I need to go check up on someone, if you want to hang out sometime Jeans has my number, but it was nice to meet you. Have a great night.” He gave a quick wave to them before pressing on into the crowd making his way to where he last saw Chanel heading, she’d know
Millie Jean attempted to wave bye, by the time she lifted her hand, though, he had already been swallowed by the sea of people. She felt a bit dumb with her hand raised like that, so she pretended that she was fixing her hair instead and hoped Sunshine didn’t see.

“Okay, well, yeah.” She stuttered, picking up her drink to gulp half of it down.

The music cut out of nowhere, and a brunette stepped near the DJ. Millie Jean didn’t pay too much attention to her - she knew vaguely who she was, though not intimately, and was aware of rumors about her and Santiago. Millie Jean was more concerned with not choking on the terrible taste of the liquor that she was trying to finish. It’s only when certain keywords like ‘father’ and ‘pregnant’ (which she has wired herself to always pay attention due to Kellie Anne’s reckless personality) were used that Millie Jean started to pay attention. Good thing she had a napkin in her hand already, or she would have spat the tequila in Sunshine’s face. Her shoulders started shaking with laughter that she quickly covered with a series of fake coughs.

Man, Millie Jean needs to text this to - well, no one. She doesn’t have anyone to text this news to. Clearing her throat, Millie Jean looked to Sunshine and gave a tight smile, “I have to go. Bye.” Then struggled her way through the crowd.

”Announcements, strange disappearing hot people… Looks like I’ll settle in nicely.”

”Stupid boys with their stupid penisis. Always gotta do what you need to in order to make them happy,” Ariel grumbled as she stomped through the crowd. ”Gods forbid someone could just say no. Then again, boys don’t understand that word.”

Why Kavi had gotten so mad about her not wanting to smoke with him, she would never understand. If he had decided to march of and get drunk, then so could she. With that mindset, she found herself at the drink table, picking up a fifth of vodka. It looked, smelled and tasted just like rubbing alcohol - but it had a slight burn on the way down as long as you chugged it. Ariel liked the burn. Propping herself up against the table, she looked to her left to find Cleopatra.

”Did someone piss you off too?” she asked.

Shawna was a bit surprised by the question from the… Little Mermaid five years after her marriage? She had no idea what her costume was. She had toasted Aaliyah with a refilled solo cup that was approaching 85% whiskey before her friend from a former life departed to find her own clique. Sure, her own squad had disappeared as well, but she wasn’t pissed off about it. Nothing a text couldn’t solve.

“No, at least not yet,” Shawna admitted as she turned to face the red-haired woman next to her. “But I don’t think I’m taking much of a leap to guess you haven’t been as lucky tonight?”

Ariel promptly opened the bottle, taking her first gulp before making an indescribable face of disgust and fighting the urge to gag. The first shot was almost always the worst. ”You would be correct.” she answered. ”Dudes are stupid, but such is life. Time to get wasted and harness my inner rage for no reason.”

Cleopatra nodded in agreement. “Hey, no argument here,” she said as she took a long sip from her own cup, barely tasting the Coke that had been splashed on top to give it a hint of flavor. However, the way this girl was going, she was going to catch up in no time. “Any dude in particular we should be hate-drinking to? Or can I just pick one of my own choosing? Cause I got one in mind…”

”Both?” Ariel suggested.

Shawna nodded slowly. “Yeah, I can do that,” She brought her cup around to conservatively dressed Fifth Element girl and offered a toast. “To fucking up Max’s shit, and to fucking up...” She was leading her new drinking partner on.

”Kavi’s shit,” she said, raising her bottle to the other girl’s cup. ”What did Max do?”

Another long drink of cola-flavored whiskey passed through Cleo’s lips. “Let’s just say, he hurt someone very deeply, someone who I may have some feelings for, and I want him to suffer for it.” Her formerly fresh cup was already half gone at this point. “What’s Kavi’s crime? Isn’t he hosting this thing?”

With a raised brow in a ‘oh, I see’ expression, Ariel took another few sips of her vodka before speaking. ”He tried to pressure me into something that I didn’t want to do. And when I politely declined, he decided to be an ass and blow everything out of proportion. Apparently I’m not allowed to do that, you see? So now he’s off drinking with some other guy and I plan to get just as shit faced as him. Maybe even more.”

“Shit, now I don’t feel so bad for drinking all his whiskey,” Shawna confirmed. “Well, I just met you… um… Terminator Wendy? I’m sorry, I have no idea on the costume. But hey, I’ll keep taking shots until I can figure it out. Can’t let a good girl get shit-faced alone. I mean, no one else is helping me with that but I can’t let someone else go through that, so here we go!” She finished the rest of her glass and reached back for the whiskey bottle that was taking some frequent hits tonight.

Ariel kept sipping her liquor, taking in the other girl’s words as she did so. About to tell Mystery Queen her name, Ariel heard her own over the speaker - after the bombshell that April was carrying Santiago’s baby. That was just one of those things everyone knew was coming anyway. What Ariel didn’t see coming though, was Kavi’s announcement.

”Thaaaat would be me,” she said, putting the bottle down on the table. ”The name’s Ariel, but you probably know that now? I don’t know. I’m tipsy. Nothing is starting to really make sense now. But! Thanks to you, I get to go and be drunkely pissed off at the hot tub. So, if you’ll excuse me your highness, I have a stupid man to go yell at.”

Shawna had no clue what was going on with the announcements, but Ariel was front and center and once she identified herself, it was clear she had even more ammunition for her quest to smash things.She also realized she should have went with the Little Mermaid guess. It would have been more accurate. “Hey, sure, I mean, if you want some backup, I’m here. It’s Shawna, by the way, under the crown and all. But yeah, go kick that hot tub’s ass if you need to, Ariel.”

”I’ll do my best to remember your name when I’m hung over in the morning. Thanks Shawna,” she said, turning on her heal to begin her journey.

If need be I can omit the concept of different types of 'plasm to keep his powerset more constrained, but I would power it up considerably to compensate.

We don't mean to offend, but we really don't see this power working in the RP. It poses to many potential problems. From being to powerful, to your character potentially not having enough power resources and being relatively weak, thus perhaps bringing up a conversation at a later date about how to fix that.

Unfortunately, none of the GM team has ever wrote anything with you, so we aren't sure just how much leeway we can allow - not saying you aren't a diligent and trustworthy writer.

My opinion would to be to perhaps come up with a different power. If you prove you are trustworthy, then we will be more than happy to reconsider this power (because it's awesome and I really do hate to veto it.)

Again, we aren't trying to be mean, and we hope that you still consider the RP.
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