Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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4 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
9 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
9 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
16 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

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@Xandrya I've always wanted a black room myself. I say do it. Sounds like an awesome idea.


Doing her best to shove any thought of whatever Junie and her brother may or may not be doing, Jasper couldn't help but laugh a little at the look on Nates face after he chugged a bit of the drink. There was nothing quite like the burn of alcohol in the back of your throat, but at least he hadn't started gagging like Jasper thought that he would. The watering in his eyes gave him away just a little, not by much, but enough to cause Jasper to have a half smirk on her face by the time he was done with his drink.

"Not bad... you could do better, but not bad," the dark haired girl said, taking another drink from the tequila bottle she was holding. To be honest, she wasn't quite sure what the shot number equivalent was of how much she drank - only that she was drinking. Shrugging her shoulders at Ramona's suggestion, Jasper screwed the top back on the tequila bottle before speaking. "I'm not opposed to beer pong, but it kinda looks like they already have enough people. Maybe we could play the losers? I dunno."

Looking around the party, she huffed. "Do you guys think it's hot out here? Like not just warm but I mean like hot?"
I prefer dark, cloudy, rainy days over the sunny ones.

During this time of being quarantined and shit, I'm sure we can all use some cheering up. So in that case, I would like you guys to tell me your favorite memory. (Or ten. Hell with it.)
I want to GM an RP so badly right now.

But my brain refuses to come up with a concept.
When I was little, people used to tell me that I'd make a great lawyer.

They also called me an old soul.

Guess this means I've been a depressed bitch my whole life, eh?


Most likely the only person the administration didn't affect with their dumbass decision was Jasper Fray.

A loner from day one, and a keeper of few friends, the young man was planing to go with whatever group he could weasel into and hopefully have a good time with. While he was sure the faculty's decision upset quite a good chunk of the Senior class, he wasn't part of the majority. However, he was looking forward to watching people interact and cause more trouble at this event just like he had the rest. If the so called adults of Kings Academy honestly thought that people taking their friends to the Valentines dance was going to ease up on the drama, they were dead wrong. Quietly laughing at the thought as he exited the classroom, Jasper decided to try and weigh his options for the dance.

He didn't really have many. His go to guy was usually Kavi or Kavan. Both of them typically knew wherever the after parties were taking place, and was more than glad to have Jasper tag along. Surely they wouldn't have a problem with letting him join in this go around. If they did, then there was always Chrissie, who was sure to have just as good as a time as the boys - if not better. Making his way down the hall, Jaspers only current intention was to head to class and weigh out his options for the rest of the day. All of that changed as soon as he spotted Ariana and Chris walking together. Planning to ask his friend what her thoughts were on the whole ordeal, Jasper barely missed her as Chrissie walked away.

He instead took the chance to talk to Ariana. They weren't close by any means, but were friendly due to their mutual bestie.

"Where the hell is she going?" He asked curiously as he followed Chrissies path with his eyes. Seeing her intended destination, he groaned. "Oh come on! Kavi? You're kidding me," he said, turning back to Ariana. "Has she gone mad?"


Hitting the reset button had been more difficult than Ariel would have ever imagined.

Kavi's promise to change had been nothing but smoke and mirrors. She had disappointed Ryland, failed to fully make the Misfits understand why she had ghosted them forever ago (they all swore it was water under the bridge, but Ariel still felt like she owed them an explanation), and on top of it all - her grades were slipping. Had she ever been a straight A student? No, of course not. Mostly C's, honestly. It wasn't that she wasn't smart or didn't have the potential, she just had a lot going on those first couple of years of high school. Fortunately due to attending Kings Academy and her fathers connections, Ariel had already received a scholarship to her fathers alma mater of Meadow University. To say she had fallen into another depressive slump would be an understatement.

Had calling it quits with Kavi caused this? Yes and no. Breaking up with Kavi had been a hard thing. She wanted him to change, and knew that he could, but he wasn't putting in the effort. He kept breaking promise after promise. Ariel couldn't subject herself to the bullshit anymore.

After the initial boo-hoo stage, there came the realization that dumping him was a huge weight off of her shoulders. Time apart would allow them to work on themselves, and if the Universe found it okay for them to get together again, so be it. Ariel wasn't going to force or rush anything this time.

While the breakup had its perks, it also had it's downside. She had no one to call when it was three am and she needed to clear her head. Sure, there were her friends, but they didn't know the things in her head like Kavi did. Marisol was there whenever she needed to complain, but they had both agreed prior to her getting back with Kavi that Marisol wouldn't be there to help clean up the mess this time. There was Shawna, but the friendship was to new to weigh her down with depressing bullshit. She and Archer were just now getting to a good place, Ryland was still pissed... The more she laid there and thought about the position she had put herself in with everyone, the more angry and depressed she became.

Avoiding her father had been proving to be more and more difficult in these last few weeks. Trillian had gone from working long hours at the office to bringing more and more of his work home with him. Long nights had become even longer for Ariel, and bruises dotted her skin more often than not these days. The dark circles under her eyes got more noticeable as each day went by. Walks on the beach helped to clear her mind from time to time, but they didn't seem to be working their magic as good as they used to. Vodka seemed to be her only companion, and the weed she had gotten from Mari the day they had dyed Ariel's hair also ended up being a comfort item.

All of this had been coming for months. Ariel just hadn't taken the time to step back and let it all in yet. How long the slump would last, she didn't know. She was just determined not to go down the road of disappearing again. Now that she had started distancing herself from her hobbies, she was trying to focus her attention on her friends. Kavi fell into that category, but she had done her best not to text or call. Of course a small how are you? got sent every so often, but their conversations didn't have any depth. None of her conversations these days really did unless she was out raising hell and getting caught in the moment with the Misfits.

Not paying attention to what Mrs. Sanders really had to say, she wouldn't really realize why they had all been crammed into the classroom together until she heard the grumbles from the other students.

Taking friends? Seriously? She silently rolled her eyes in the back of the room, gathering her things as she waited for the most of the students to leave.

Yeah, she had been trying to focus more on her platonic relationships, but a small part of her had just hoped that this could be the cheesy first date after her and Kavi's reset. Silently scolding herself, she made her way out of the classroom and into the hallway. If the Universe and the school administration wanted her to focus more on friendship, so be it.

As she walked, the now red haired woman searched the faces in the halls quietly going over her options in her head until she saw her target.

Kavan Varma. A person who she could consider a friend, though not the closest. Kavan had started hanging out with the Misfits right around the time that Ariel had poofed if she remembered correctly. They had some things in common on the artistic side of things, but they hadn't really talked much over the last few years. Maybe it was time for that to change.

"Hey Kavan," she called out, trying to get the young mans attention. Once he had turned around, Ariel kept walking towards him, closing the distance between them. "Crazy idea, but what do you say you and I go to this dance thing together?"
City places vs country places.
Here's a little OOC concept that I put together a couple weeks ago. It never got that much traction. Any tips you have for when I decide to bring it back would be helpful.

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