Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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4 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
9 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
9 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
17 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

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Next topic.

Cats vs. Dogs.
My Hogwarts house is Gryffindor, and my Ilvermorny house is Horned Serpent. My patronus is some sort of sheep dog.

These results are from a while back though. Perhaps I should retake the tests.

@HaleyTheRandom & @TootsiePop Collab

While his sister’s comment about him not being dressed appropriately lingered in the back of his mind, Ty seemed to be taking up the role of the party greeter. He had a few people in mind that he wanted to talk to, but unfortunately, none of them were here yet. So there he stood, looking like the tall, lanky idiot he was - right up until the point Junie approached him.

Ty assumed that his attraction towards Junie wasn’t really a secret. While he was raised to be a gentleman and didn’t harass or catcall her like he knew others had before, he had flirted here and there over the last few years. Why they hadn’t hooked up yet, he didn’t know. Perhaps it was that they were always occupied with someone else, or that he was trying too hard to respect her boundaries. Whatever it was, it appeared to be out of the way as the red head magically appeared in front of him.

"Junie,” Ty said, a smile slowly spreading across his face as he looked at her. Careful not to let his eyes follow the open v shape of her dress, the young man offered her his arm to take in hers before speaking again. ”I’d be more than happy to. Lead the way.”

Before grabbing his arm, she swiftly, and gracefully, poured whiskey in one of the cups, using a nearby table for support, “I will, but first, while the night is still young... have a drink.” When he grabbed it from her, she poured herself one too. She was already tipsy, because as a college girl rule, within the last hour from your arrival to any event where there will be drinking, more so in a club or party setting, you needed to have a drink every fifteen minutes within that sixty minutes. Doesn’t need to be too strong, just enough so that by the time you arrive you’re feeling good. Junie was definitely feeling good.

Leaving the bottle behind, not really wanting to look like a drunk whore just yet, she grabbed his arm with her free hand and started sauntering onward. With a gentle smile on her face, she inquired, “Anything exciting happened to you this summer?” She paused and looked up at him, letting her kittenish gaze capture his blue jeweled eyes, “Anything I’d care about?”

Taking a sip from the cup, Ty was thankful that Junie had chosen whiskey. Rather she had chosen that because of him, or it was just a mere coincidence, he didn’t know. It was probably best not to overthink it. After all, that was his sister's job - not his. As they walked, he took a second to think. What about his life would interest Junie?

"Well, let’s see. I now have a part time job at a tattoo shop in town. I’m mainly shadowing some of the more experienced artists, but I’ve done some smaller pieces. I’ve also been learning how to do piercings there. It’s been a pretty cool experience. Went to Coachella with Jazzy. The music isn’t really either of our styles, but she’s been trying to ‘expand her horizons’ or whatever. Other than that - nothing much. Just sort of relaxed, mostly. What about you?”

“Oooh. Maybe when you’re ready, you can give me some art…” She gestured to her belly button, while she flirtatiously purred, “Around here, to compliment my piercing.” This would be the first time she revealed to him that she had a piercing that wasn’t just on her ears. After taking a leisure sip of whiskey, her deep ocean blue gaze never turning away from his focused stare, she answered his question with a laugh, “This summer my dad decided to see what we wouldn’t do. He’s kind of… crazy. But a good crazy. We’re always traveling, but this time it was for dune bashing, hang gliding, diving with sharks; y’know, things to make your blood rush. Rosie and I decided to see who would chicken out first. Let’s just say. It wasn’t me.” Junie did her homework. She knew very well that Ty was an adrenaline junkie, so perhaps, this would entice him. Fortunately, her mother trusted her father wholeheartedly, so when Junie put the idea in her father’s head to take them on a thrill seeking adventure, she knew while her mother wouldn’t necessarily like it, she’d be okay with it, if her father promised nothing bad would happen.

A belly button piercing.

Holy fuck.

Taking another drink of the whiskey as if it would cool down the steamy thoughts running through his head, Ty couldn’t help but notice the way that Junie spoke about her adventures. Having a love for the more daring things in life himself, it had proven difficult to find someone to talk to that didn’t think his adventures were crazy.

"Shark swimming, eh? Can’t say I’ve ever done that one. Dolphins, however. Those are fun. I’ve always wanted to skydive. Not sure why I haven’t yet, but, ya know.” As they continued to walk towards the lake, the young man was thankful for Junies suggestion to get away from the masses. While he enjoyed a good party just as much as the next guy, sometimes things could be a little much. “What a thing or two that’s always been on your bucket list?”

Before answering his question, her step gained an excitable bounce as she exclaimed, “Let’s go together! Skydiving. Maybe you’ll catch me as I fall.” Her lips rose into a mischievous grin, while they reached the shoreline. Taking another gulp of her drink, she shrugged, “What is there to do, that I haven’t already done? Hm.”

She thought about it for a second or more and simpered, “Don’t make fun of me, but I’d love to kiss on top of a Ferris Wheel. It’s sappy and cliche, but it’s that simple gesture that I just find…” She hesitated, trying to find the word for it, but only able to come up with, “Cute.” Not wanting that fantastical, naive, and romantic notion to linger in the air for too long, she added, “Another one would be designing my future home. I know these aren’t as exciting as my summers with dad, but I’m pretty content with what I’ve lived so far. How ‘bout you?” Of course, she had a few sexual wants and needs on her bucket list, like getting choked during sex, but he didn’t need to know all that right now.

”Since you told me a cheesy one, I guess it’s only fair if I return the favor,” he said, returning her smile with his own. “I wanna have a family. Like one of those wholesome, white picket fence ordeals where we have a golden retriever and make pancakes every Sunday.” The man laughed, thinking about a possible future in which this would come true. “As for the big things… I want to tattoo people. That’s my dream. I know I’m majoring in psych or whatever, but that’s just to really get my family to shut up. I want to take like a year or two after college and just explore the hell out of Europe. Rome, France, Athens - all of the great, old cities.” As he spoke, his eyes lit up thinking about the possibilities. Normally he wouldn’t be so open with anyone, but talking with Junie seemed to come easily. Rather it was her personality or the alcohol, he didn’t know.

“I just really want to live my life with the least amount of regrets possible. I wanna go places, do things, meet people. Stand on the highest cliffs and feel like I’m on top of the world. See a black sand beach. Just… things like that.”

While he lit up talking about all the things he desired, she lit up watching him. All these things he wanted to do, she could easily see herself do with him. She wasn’t obsessed or anything, but seeing him, right here, sharing his heart with her and more, just felt right. They felt right. This was three years of build up and honestly, she couldn’t wait to do it all with him and if anyone got in the way, especially his sister, she would deal with it by any means possible. Rather than respond with words, she guzzled down the rest of her drink, bent over, placing her empty cup on the ground, and then started taking off her boots, “... how ‘bout you and me, take a little dip, hm?” Once her shoes were off, she ran her pointer finger down his chest, as she batted her eyes and gleamed, “All this talking has made me rather… hot.”

For a split second, Ty had no idea why she was taking off her shoes. Maybe her feet were hurting? But as she suggested that they go for a swim, everything seemed to click together. If he had known that talking to her would have been this easy, that they shared so many things in common, and those eyes... Let’s just say Ty would not have waited patiently for Junie to approach him first. Finishing off the rest of his drink and sitting his now empty cup beside hers, Ty stood back up to smile at her once more.

“It is warm tonight, isn’t it,” he said, lifting his shirt over his head. “What the lady wants, the lady shall get.”

<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>

Mhm, on pancakes and waffles and cheesecake--

Only a monster would put ketchup on those things.

<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>

No wonder why you're friends with Haley.

Yes. Depression and ketchup unties us.
I'm Not Mad ~ Halsey
Triggered ~ Chase Atlantic
Thank God ~ Sasha Sloane
Toothpick ~ Stand Atlantic
Take A Bow ~ Rihanna
Wipe Your Tears ~ Halsey
Circles ~ Yours Truly a
American Money ~ BØRNS
Sing To Me ~ Missio
She Talks To Angels ~ The Black Crows
Snow ~ Red Hot Chili Peppers
Oreo cookies dipped in nacho cheese from the glass jars they sell at stores.

Girl what?! xD

I feel dirty for wanting to try that.

<Snipped quote by Yankee>

If you pair dark chocolate with blue cheese, you'd get a balanced flavor of bittersweet, which is delicious.

Trying that one too.

I went through a phase of putting ketchup on everything. Didn't matter if it was sandwiches, pizza, chips, I was obsessed with it. I still sort of do it but nowhere as often as I do now.

Not sure if considered a combo in the food context but I like garlic and eat it straight up sometimes. My friends say I'm weird for doing that, but then again, I'm a weird dude.

Garlic is great for flavor enhancement, and ketchup is probably my favorite condiment, right next to Ranch. I to, put ketchup, on a lot of things.

Scrambled eggs and ketchup SMACK. Y'all can fight me.

I don't really do "weird food" even though I'll practically eat anything. Guess the closest would have to be putting potato chips on a sandwich, rather than a side. It's pretty good; gives the sandwich some extra flavor and a satisfying crunch.

My dad used to make these sandwiches for my brothers and I when we were little that were bologna, miracle whip, and barbecue chips.

That's the only way I'll eat bologna or barbecue chips unless in a really, really, really rare mood.
This is a thread for debates (more or less) and general discussion. These topics can be roleplay related, or not (mainly not). PM me with a topic that you would like to see discussed and I will post it here, giving you credit. People can discuss/debate topics in this thread, though I ask you to please be civil. This thread can become something great if we all work together in order to have civil, productive conversations. I will post the new topics of discussion when it seems that the other topic has been discussed enough. Depending on the topic, this can be a day, a few days, a week, perhaps even a month.

Without further ado, here is our first topic.

What is you favorite 'weird' food combo?


To tell you the truth - Sunshine didn't have any idea what the hell Nicole was talking about. While the young woman knew how to get down a cheer routine, Sunshine sometimes wondered how Nicole managed to tie her own shoes. That didn't mean that Sunshine didn't like Nicole or her company; she just had the tendency to walk away with a headache after their conversations. Trying to keep up with Nicole thought or conversation wise was hard.

What the actual fuck was an ass-eye?

Oh. A fruit. Okay.

Sunshine would almost bet money that Nicole was dropped on her head a lot as a child. Either that or always mildly high. But at the end of the day, the fact still stood that that wasn't the case. Okay, maybe the dropped thing was, but the high things wasn't. Nicoles brain was just... airy. Kinda like a bubble. There and floating around - but empty. That didn't make Sunshine like her any less though. Sometimes she felt like it was her responsibility to look out for the other girl. Sort of like an adorable puppy. Everyone loved the puppy, but when the puppy got itself in trouble, someone had to be there to save it. Sunshine tended to do most of the saving.

As Nicole suggested that they catch up, the bell rang for class. With a defeated shrug, Sunshine smiled at her friend.

"Sadly, that is my sign. I promise we'll grab a coffee or something soon though. In the meantime, I'll send you most of the pictures from New York that I have on my phone." Turning to walk away, she turned her head over her should to give Nicole a wave goodbye as she turned around the corner.
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