Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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4 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
9 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
9 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
16 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

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After entering the ballroom, Chanel and Sunshine were making their way to the refreshments table. Fully prepared with the intentions of keeping her friend company for the night, Sunshines temporary plans changed more quickly than she would have expected.

When Shawna and Jack walked through the door, there was a certain feeling about seeing them together that Sunshine couldn’t explain. She understood Shawna’s situation more than perfectly. She also agreed with Jack acting as Shawnas beard. The young woman just never would have imagined how good her girlfriend would have looked next to Jack, of all people. Of course they were both the athlete type; tall, gorgeous, perfect natural tans - okay. She got it. She just didn’t want to accept it.

Grabbing a cup of punch to go for both her and Shawna, Sunshine danced her way across the room, careful not to bump into anyone. Once she had Shawna and Jack's attention, she waved and eventually finished her way over, a smile on her face as she went.

Coming to stand beside her girlfriend, Sunshine stood on her tiptoes to give Shawna a peck on the cheek and wrap her right arm around her waist. Smiling at Jack once again, Sunshine batted her eyelashes sweetly at the boy before speaking.

”I appreciate what you’re doing for our girl here, Jack, I really do. But let me make it very, very clear that if I so much as see you look at her the wrong way, I’ll break your perfectly chiseled jaw. Got it?”

Handing the second cup of punch to Shawna, Sunshine took a sip of hers while watching Jack's expression. ”Ohhh someone already spiked it. Awesome!”

Welcome to the Guild. <3

I'd recommend poking around Casual, or maybe in the Tabletop section. I don't know much about DND, but hopefully this can help you.
Coke is better than Pepsi.

Coke is to acidic(?) for me. I dunno. It leaves my teeth feeling funny.

Pepsi is meh.

Dr. Pepper is superior, though my heart truly lies with Mountain Dew.


The last two months had been fairly uneventful for Talya. She had been assigned the floor with what appeared to be the most boring students at San Agustin. While everyone seemed nice enough, Talya wasn’t looking for nice. She needed drama, something spicy. A little flair in life that she just simply hadn’t been able to find. It was the same old routine. Wake up, get dressed, grab something to eat, and go to class. While Talya didn’t mind routine, she needed something interesting to happen - and soon.

She wasn’t a fan of Mondays, and you could tell it by just how simple her outfit was for the day. Talya didn’t have any plans for this morning, but she had woken up starving. Grabbing a granola bar from the kitchen on her assigned floor, Talya made her way out to the courtyard with her backpack slung over her right shoulder. Sitting down at one of the tables, she pulled her sketchbook and a black inkpen from her bag before continuing on her next piece.

The drawing wasn’t shaping up to be anything great or important. Talya’s mood heavily affected her art. Being in a bored mood meant that her inspiration was low and made for boring artwork.

With a heavy sigh, Talya took a bite of her granola bar, watching the people around her go to classes.

Hold Me Down ~ Halsey
S.O.S ~ Indila
Ozone ~ Chase Atlantic
Holy Roller ~ Cyn
Feather ~ Meg Myers
Turn My Back ~ Mayday Parade
Chost ~ Au/Ra, Alan Walker
Take A Bow ~ Rihanna
Wasted Youth ~ Fletcher
100 in a 55 ~ Pop Evil
My boyfriends mother used to do the whole ghost hunting thing. Sort of shocking for me to think that a woman who sucks the fun out of everything could have ever done something that cool.
Welcome to the Guild! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. <3
I just got back from the beach.

For those of you who don't know, the beach is my happy place - or at least, that's the easy way of putting it. If I could stay at the beach all day, everyday, I would. I've always felt more at home at the ocean, sort of like it was made for me. I always feel instantly better when I see the water and smell the sea salt. The ocean sort of works like a `reset button`. Whenever things get bad, I try to go there and recharge. Getting away from the general bullshit of every day life and going to where I feel the best is just refreshing. I'm not really that scared of what lurks in the waves. If I get ate by something, so be it. At least I died happy.
This was beyond bullshit. Who did this fucking school think they were? Fiona didn't even attend the party, yet she was still on probation. What kind of bullshittery ----

Lost for words, the dark haired girl exited the auditorium, her resting birch face becoming more and more noticable as she went. Cassian and that other dude could both suck her dick. She wasn't going to have two years of her degree thrown away because two stupid boys - boys, not men - decided to get into a fight over who knows what. If Fiona had it her way, she'd be raging at Cass right now. In the meantime, she should probably get to know the other guy in the videos name.

Instead of drawing any more attention to herself, Fiona sat down at one of the tables in the courtyard. Digging around in her bag for her notebook, the young woman began to study. On the off chance she would get to stay at Meadow, she should wouldnt want to fall behind on her classes.
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