Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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3 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
8 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
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8 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
15 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

Featuring Dr. John Hensley and Tayla Burnley.

As the lamp light shined down on the paper, Talya took a brief moment to glance up from her sketch pad as she heard the door to the art room open and close. There stood Coach Hensley.

“Ms. Burnley. I thought I might find you here.”

“Spare me the formalities. Take a seat,” she said, gesturing to the chair across from her. Turning her attention back to her current work of art, Talya began to resume her shading as the man sat down.

”Could you answer some questions for me?”

”Mmmm…. I could. I mean,” shrugging her shoulders as she looked up at him again, Talya laid her pencil to the side. ”I don’t want to, but I don’t think I really have a choice, hm?” Arms crossed, Talya leaned back in her seat, crossing her right leg over her left. The appearance of the Coach had nearly killed her inspiration, and it wasn’t as if she could have concentrated on the perfect angel of the nose while answering questions about the scavenger hunt.

”We can start off easy; How do you feel about the scavenger hunt over all? Your team mates? Winning? The tasks?”

”The tasks were okay. Not insanely fun, but not boring either. My teammates were nice. Wesley seems charming. Savannah seems… intriguing. I could care less about winning. Winning isn’t really something that I strive for. It happened, so cool, I guess.”

Nodding his head Mr. Hensley copied her posture in order to make himself more comfortable. ”Would you consider maybe being friends with either Wesley or Savannah?”

Scoffing, Talya rolled her eyes. ”Please, John. Spare me the lies and stupid questions. We both know I don’t have friends. I have assets and enemies.”

”So I’ll take that as a no,” the older man said teasingly. ”Have you gotten close with anyone here at all?”

”Erica is respectable. Bradley has nice art. Other than that… no one.”

”Some of the staff and I are concerned that maybe you might start to feel like an outsider. You seem to push everyone away and --”

”I’m sorry. I think I missed where your job title said psychologist.” Glaring daggers at the teacher, Talya closed her eyes and took a deep breath before returning to the conversation. ”I’m not an outsider, per say. I like it this way. If I have friends, cool. But people bore me so easily. I like to add a flare to life. D r a m a. Making sure to over pronunciate the last word, Talya watch as it was Hensleys turn to roll his eyes.

”Yes. You and your… trouble making. Just try and keep yourself out of trouble, yeah?”

”I’ll consider it.” Turning back to her art, Talya began to sketch the lines where needed. ”Have a good night, Coach.”

I've only had two wisdom teeth removed. It was because they were cracked. I don't understand why dentists need to remove these teeth.

Mine were removed because they were laying on their sides and growing towards my other teeth. My moms did the same thing.

Featuring Dr. Christina Lincoln and Billie Grey.

“So you mean to tell me that you thought the scavenger hunt was - and I quote - ‘a very stupid dumbass idea’.”

“Yes,” Billie said, sitting cross legged on her bed.

“Well that doesn’t seem quite fair, does it? I assure you that all of the staff worked very hard to make sure that --”

“Spare me the bullshit,” she groaned. “I’m stuck at this boring school with these boring ass people and you guys paired me with Erica and some egghead named Charles.”

Ms. Lincoln sighed, running her hand through her hair as she laid back against the chair. Billie was proving to be difficult as usual and the headache that the teacher had intensified with every question and answer. Nothing with the Grey Twins was ever simple - especially when it came to the younger half. Why Christina had let herself think anything else she had no idea.

”Okay so… tell me the opinion of the rest of your classmates. I know you don’t like Erica…. But you don’t like many people. Who do you like?”

Flopping back onto the bed, Billie decided to stare at the ceiling for the foreseeable future. ”My brother. I like Nicholas.”

”What about Leo…? You two seem close.”

”He’s good for a fuck.” Billie would swear that in that moment she heard her favorite teacher stifle a laugh.

”What about the other girls in your class? Savannah? Zakya? Tyler Ja--”

Fuck Tyler and fuck Nick for giving her the time of day. He knows he deserves better. I’ve told him a thousand times. He deserves someone good. Someone kind, caring, nurturing. As a gay as it sounds, my brother needs a somewhat steady guiding hand. He needs someone that will make him pancakes in the mornings. Someone who knows his favorite song someone like --”

It was in that moment that Billie’s brain shattered. It was as if someone pushed her, the air evaporating from her lungs as she fell into the same dream that she had been having for months. But how could this be a dream? It felt even more real than before. She was wide awake, centered in the present moment but yet so far away.

A tall girl. Olive skin. Brown eyes. Chocolate hair. Warmth. Familiarity. Nicholas hugging her. Words shouted out as Billie turned to close the door behind herself ---

Sister. Fiona. Love.

”Billie? Billie? Hey, B. You good?”

Snapping back into reality, Billie didn’t know what to do with whatever information that her body had just given her. All she knew was that her gut was telling her to play it cool with Ms. Lincoln and that she needed to talk to Nicholas. But how would she even begin to explain?

”Y-yeah. I’m good. Just blacked out there for a second.”

”I’m sorry,” the older woman said, sighing once again. ”I think you’ve answered all of my questions anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Have a good night.”

”I… yeah. You too.”

Featuring Dr. Cleo James and Samuel Costigan.

One foot in front of the other.



Breathe in, breathe out.

As Samuels heart thudded rapidly in his chest, he heard the gym door open. Watching as Mrs. James approached, Sam fiddled with the controls on the treadmill before slowing his pace to a walk.

”Sam! So glad I could find you here,” she said, coming to a stop in front of him. ”Do you have a second to answer a few questions about the scavenger hunt for me?”

Confused and out of breath, Sam shrugged his shoulders. ”As long as I can keep doing my thing.”

”Yeah, sure, no problem.” Arms crossed, the older woman took a seat across from him on one of the weight benches. ”So lets start off simple - what did you think of the whole thing?”

”The scavenger hunt? It was okay. Kinda felt like some sort of field day or whatever but it was okay. My teammates were pretty cool, I guess. I kinda know. Zakya not so much. I wouldn’t have really chose either of them, but hey - at least I didn’t get stuck with freaking… Well. I don’t think I’d have major problems with anyone, really.”

”Who would you have picked?”

”Sol and Leo,” he said without hesitation. While he didn’t have any idea why he and his best friends clicked the way that they did, he was grateful for it nonetheless.

”Would you say that you would have been happier if you could have chosen your friends?”

”Happier? No. Had more fun? Yes.”

Smirking at her students answer, Mrs. James continued. ”What role did you have in the team.”

”Uh… Leader. That seems to happen a lot with projects and stuff. I guess I’m just good at bringing people together and getting things done. I like to see who’s good at what and then work with that. Like Hana wasn’t good at sports, so me and Zakya pretty much did the basketball things ourselves. But she was also pretty good at the riddles, and I sucked at that so…”

Nodding her head, the biology teacher pressed on. ”And how do you like it here? Any other people of note other than your friends?”

Eyebrows coming together as he took a brief moment to think, Sam turned the treadmill off before slowing to a stop. ”Why are you asking this stuff? Didn’t you guys watch us through out the hunt and stuff?”

”Easy killer. We just want to hear things from you guys personally,” she said, doing her best to reassure him.

”I uh… I don’t know. I feel like I get along with everyone pretty well. School is school. Most of my grades are similar to what I make in your class… I don’t really have much to say.” Bored of the lackluster conversation and the fact that this felt like some sort of weird interrogation, Sam dismissed himself. ”Sorry teach, but I gotta go run and grab a shower.”

”No worries, Samuel. I’ll catch you later in class.”


Subject forty-one seemed reluctant to engage in our conversation. Not many details were given about his life here at San Agustin. I did find manage to find out that he is taking on a classic role as a leader. I wonder if perhaps we may see some of his more aggressive alpha-like instincts in the future?

From The Ashes ~ Red
Slow Burn ~ State Champs
Roman Holiday ~ Halsey
Easier ~ Mansionair
Daddy Issues ~ The Neighbourhood
Seven Wonders ~ Fleetwood Mac
Time Is Running Out ~ Muse
Fat Lip ~ Sum 41
Out of It ~ Mothica
Iris ~ Diamante ft. Breaking Benjamin
My only issue with needles arose when I was getting my wisdom teeth removed at 15. The nurse didn't put the needle in right, so instead of pulling my blood when she turned on the machine it just... kinda tugged at my muscle and skin and shit. Fun Times.
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