Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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3 days ago
Current What if I need a big tiddy goth, not therapy?
8 days ago
Hot take, but I'll allow it.
1 like
8 days ago
Beer is liquid bread. Pop-tarts are ravioli. Corn dogs are Popsicles. I will not be explaining.
15 days ago
Having a panic attack? Try shaking your ass to the Mama Mia soundtrack instead.
1 mo ago
In that case, *I* am looking for six men to sacrifice.


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts


The rest of the day for Billie had been spent on school work. The realization from this morning had left her a little more than shaken, and she needed something to distract herself. Algebra and the facts about the Civil War had done a good job at keeping her company right up until time to get ready.

After taking a quick shower and blow drying her hair, Billie had straightened her hair to make sure that it was perfect. It had been a hot minute since she had been to a party, leaving her to scrounge for outfit ideas. Most of Billie's stuff that looked bomb was to formal. Her usual lazy grey sweat pants were to casual. She had to meet at a perfect medium. Something comfy, carefree....

Easy. Black denim jeans and a simple tank top to match. Perfecting her eyeliner and applying a layer of lip gloss, Billie put her earrings on before hearing her phone go off. Reading her friends text, Billie rolled her eyes as a small smile made it's way to her lips. Nick was going to play dumb for TJ. There was no doubt about that. No way in hell he was fixing to let Bambi think that he had invited his own sister to the party.

With a sigh, Billie shoved her phone in her back pocket before grabbing her favorite Adidas jacket. Another notification came through as she was halfway to her destination.

The ferns?


Cassie wanted to sneak in.

Of course she did.

While Billie would have slung the door open in a dramatic fashion and announced her arrival, Cassie would want Billie to sneak in and see how long it took people to notice. The blonde girl enjoyed small games like that, and Billie was happy to oblige.

Tiptoeing as she came to a stop right behind her friend, Billie stood on her tiptoes to peck Cassie on the cheek.

"Boo!" she whisper shouted. "What are we waiting for? Go in!"

Blue October and Sasha Sloan are pretty much the only things I will listen to right now.

Casa de Witchy --> Seattle University
"Where's the fucking chandelier?"

The thing about the Conclaves was that there was always an unmentioned competition for the best dressed. Of course there would be talk of official business, drama, and the kids getting smothered by their absentee parents. (Hecate couldn't relate. She loved her children and grandchildren dearly and made it a point to be as involved in their lives as possible). Regardless of what we going to or not going to happen at the Conclave, she wasn't about to show up looking like trash. Tessa planned on winning the non-existent trophy, and that was exactly why she chose the dress that she did.

After doing her makeup in a natural look and styling her hair just right, Tessa was ready to head to the University. Ordering an Uber, Tessa arrived a few minutes late per usual. Good things came to those who waited, and the gods were about to be blessed with absolute perfection. Pushing the doors open, the bright smile on the woman's face would quickly disappear.

At first glance, the conference wasn't that bad, but if one dared looked twice --

Forcing herself to remain calm so that she wouldn't shiver in disgust, Tessa grimaced at the coffee stains in the carpet just in time for Poseidon to throw up all over Zeus's shoes. Lips curled in disgust, Tess made her way over to where the danishes were sitting before promptly grabbing one from the box.

"That's incredibly disgusting," she said looking from Poseidon to Zeus, and back again. "Shame about the shoes. They were so nice... And to think you had a sense of fashion for just a second. What a shame."

As her facial expression switched to that of a pout, Tessa turned her attention to The Morrigan. "No chandelier this year?"

A normal week at San Agustin for Talya was fairly boring. She’d draw a few sketches, ace a few tests and do her best to find something gossip worthy. Fortunately the perfect thing landed right in her lap shortly after the day of the scavenger hunt. She had gladly given up her gift card in exchange for details about the party. What was she going to do with a gift card while stuck at the school?

While she hadn’t planned on using the money, Talya still felt like Savannah and the rest of the gang should pay her back for her contribution. Of course bringing up repayment would make her look like a horrible person so she did the second best thing - let nearly everyone know about the party.

It had started out by letting Kendra know. An even larger tendency to gossip than Talya, Kendra couldn’t help but text her closest friends as soon as she heard. By the end of the week, Talya had managed to invite just about everyone. (Exceptions were the dude in math class that felt like feet and that one chick who always wore cat ears).

After finding an outfit that allowed her to be both comfy and stylish, Talya began putting her makeup on as scenarios of the party ran through her head.

Tonight was going to be epic, and she planned to do everything in her power to make it that way.

For the rest of the weak, Sam had been keeping his head low and studying. Hana had been transferred to the medical ward, as well as Theo, making him wonder if he would get sick.

Sam turned into an absolute baby when he was sick. Chicken soup, cuddles, thick blankets - the whole nine yards. His brain always felt swollen, and his nose was always itchy, and if he came down with anything he’d miss the party!

Oh shit, the party! Today was Friday. It was already seven.

After hopping out of the shower, Sam saved his video game before turning off the TV. He hadn't planned an outfit, or made a plan with his friends. As far as he knew, Sol and Leo were both attending. Rumor had it that somehow the kids were trying to get a hold of booze. While the prospect of booze was definitely intriguing, that wasn’t Sam’s sole purpose for going. He wanted to hang out with his friends, maybe get a little tipsy and maybe - just maybe - he might hook up with someone cute.

The need to find someone to date had been itching at him here lately in a way that Same just couldn’t describe.

With a sigh and a shrug of the shoulders, Sam began to dig through his closet in search for the perfect outfit.

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