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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Oh yeah definitely!

Ohhh that would be interesting. I'm happy with whichever route we go down! Both would be good, we can see how it goes and go from there!
It felt strange saying goodbye to Miles so quickly, she understood they were probably on a time limit but to suddenly leave the safety of those bedroom walls felt odd. It had been great that he had opened his home up to her, but she still felt an odd sense of anxiety finally leaving mixed with a little bit of excitement as it had been so long from going outside. It didn’t feel strange giving Miles a hug on the way out, he had done a lot for her and she considered him a friend and she could only hope he felt the same.

Following quickly down the hall as it was clear she watched Cas noting the sense of urgency and she knew that if they weren’t quick enough, they could get caught. This time if they were caught, she would be killed, and Cas would be carted off the mental institute and that would be the end of it. Sitting inside the car she buckled up as she felt the car move as Cas wasted no time in driving out of the Kinders place putting distance between them and whatever was about to come their way as there was no guarantee he hadn’t been followed.

Letting out a sigh she placed her hand on his thigh as he drove the car looking out of the window enjoying to see the scenery which was a blessing compared to the four walls she had been staring at for the past week. “I wish I could do more to help, I’m sorry about your father.” Though she could do nothing about it she would still make sure she was there for him, she wouldn’t stand down from being by his side for as long as he would allow her too. “Though I have to admit it does feel good to go outside if only for a minute.”

Squeezing his thigh gently she listened about the room he had booked anonymously and nodded, already thinking it would be such a vast difference hiding out in that resort compared to the pub in the districts together. At least there would be running water and a comfortable bed to rest in unlike the places they had stayed in the districts together. “I’m sure it will be a lot better than some of the places I had to take you in the districts.” Offering a gentle joke as she leaned forward removing her hand to rummage around in the glove compartment for the sunglasses.

“Least you thought of a disguise for me, I’d have forgotten.” Grinning as she pulled out the pair trying them on in the car seeing how they would fit. “Well I feel like a modern-day spy with these.” Chuckling to herself as she tried to relax in the car, but it was hard not to feel a sense of worry for what was going to happen next. As long as they could make it to the resort they hopefully had some time together and they could finally discuss everything, though she was worried about opening up to him because she felt like that was a flood of emotions she didn’t think he should have to deal with as ultimately this had all been her doing.
Omg imagine hiding out here compared to the pub they had been in it's a massive difference!
I'm literally so excited.

On the run again, this time in the Capital haha.
Iris glanced up as she heard Miles say Caspians name and found herself smiling at the idea he was here already, she had only just mentioned how they should think about dinner and now he was here so it would be easier to figure out what to order and what they could do for the night. “Hey Cas.” Grinning as she watched him step inside, but when her eyes fell on his form, she felt like something was off. Something was up and before she could even ask, he spoke about how there was a change of plans and for a moment her heart stopped because it sounded like there was trouble.

Rising from her seat she looked from Miles to Cas as it seemed Miles was the first to speak up about this, asking him what was going on and she was glad because she wanted to know too. The message had been cryptic but they both shrugged it off thinking it couldn’t be too bad, but now alarm bells were ringing and when Cas confirmed they would know soon if she stayed she frowned shaking her head unsure on how it had all of a sudden gone so wrong.

Rooted to the spot she watched Cas as he explained how he had a fight with his father and she tensed at the thought, from what she knew their relationship had been quite rocky even before he was taken and now he was running? Something big had to have happened and she edged closer to him wanting to comfort him because she knew how much this had an affect over him, as Miles spoke about them fixing it once his father had calmed out she touched his hand gently out of sight of Miles so he knew that she was there for him.

“I’m so sorry Cas.” Iris knew that her words couldn’t fix it, but she couldn’t believe his father would have him admitted into an institute like that. It didn’t sit right with her and she couldn’t understand what had caused such a reaction for him to have him admitted. “You’re not dragging me into this, I dragged you into this whole mess first.” Dropping her hand she nodded knowing it was probably not the right time to hang about and she should collect what little items she had been using, Miles had ensured that she had toiletries a couple of days ago.

“Let me grab a few things. I’m assuming it’s alright if I take a few of the clothes with me?” Iris smiled as she headed towards the bathroom to grab the few items in there. Grabbing a carrier bag that had been used for a take out delivery the night before she placed the few toiletries inside before moving back out into the bedroom grabbing the last small amount of clothes she had left to borrow and shoving them into the bag. “Thanks Miles, for putting up with me for so long. I’m sure when things calm down, we will meet again.” It felt strange the idea of now being on the run from the Capital and the King no less, hopefully it would calm down in a few days and Cas could go home and it would be like nothing ever happened.
Limited with options on what to do for the day it was easy to watch TV, but at the same time it just made her feel lazy that they couldn’t just go and do something. Though being stuck in the bedroom hidden away from prying eyes that could sell her out was by far the safest option albeit it boring. Between watching TV and on occasion playing the odd card game Iris felt an odd feeling of guilt thinking that she was forcing him to keep her company rather than going out and doing whatever he usually did. It was nice to have the company at least because she would have been bored and probably would have felt awkward without having someone around.

On a positive note it seemed that Miles had caught on to the fact she was feeling bored with their usual tasks to pass time and introduced her to something else they could do. It was only a games system, but he had a collection of various different titles to play and it was something new for her to do other than watch the television or play card games like they had done for the past week if not longer than that, but time seemed to drag out especially when she still felt like a prisoner of some sorts.

The video games however had been a nice change of pace, she had not noticed that time had gone by quickly as she had been drawn into the titles she had been playing. At first, she had played some shooting game which had zombies in, and she was shockingly bad at first which caused some teasing and laughter from the pair, but it was overall funny. It was easy to get frustrated as she was learning, but it proved to be a good way to spend their time today. After a while of playing the shooting game they began to explore other titles, another was a racing title that proved to be a lot of fun.

The racing title was a barrel of laughs and Iris began to realise she was quite competitive and once she began to feel comfortable with the controls and the playstyle she even tried to push Miles off of the race track and the edge in some of their games. The day itself had turned into something more fun and pleasant and Iris was glad for that as they continued to play the video games together not even noticing how much time had passed and how late afternoon coming into evening was soon upon them.

“I can understand why people lose their time so easily in these things! I can’t believe how quickly it went!” Iris chuckled as she placed the controller down on the edge of the sofa grinning at Miles, “It was a lot of fun, I never knew I could be so competitive” Shaking her head in amusement glad they had spent the day playing video games as it had been a lot of fun and it also made the time pass quickly. “We should probably think about food, maybe text Cas and see if he is still coming over as he said evening time?”
Oh gosh definitely! I can't wait as it's going to throw a huge spanner in the works :3
Poor Cas, he must be going through quite a lot right now!

Especially as his father was more than willing to send him to that institute!

I thought so! I do always like to double check just in case :)
Moving from the sofa Iris found herself walking towards the window with the tiny bit of light that was seeping through, troubled from her dreams she touched the fabric of the curtain so she could look outside, somewhere she had been for a while. The sun was dawning across the land and the Kinders did own quite a lot, it wasn’t as huge as the palace Caspian lived in, but it was more than enough for anyone. Listening out to the birds chirping away she watched trees blow in what she could assume was a morning breeze enjoying the serene morning as Miles seemed undisturbed for now.

I’m not over his death yet, that has to be why he keeps haunting my dreams of a night. Am I still guilty over it? Furrowing her brow as she touched her forehead contemplating why she could still picture her father calling her a disappointment. Iris knew the truth deep down, that it was because she still blamed his death on her as if she had pulled the trigger and killed him herself. It wasn’t the case, far from it, but so far she couldn’t convince herself otherwise and she knew it would continue to eat away at her until she accepted it. That was something she couldn’t see herself doing for a long time.

Let’s just get ready for the day. Diverting her thoughts as she looked away from the window she calmly walked over to where her borrowed clothes were placed being careful not to wake Miles up unnecessarily as he would rouse on his own soon. Debating on the few choices left she could see both options had to be considered quite fashionable, they were both dresses one in a black colour and the other a jade green. Bold choices for her, but she didn’t want to disturb Miles and ask for more clothes when there were still a few options left. Iris had come to realise his sister never seemed to wear just simple clothes, there was always some element of elegance to the outfit.

Grabbing the black dress, she moved confidently over to the bathroom enjoying the fact she felt more comfortable here than she had when she first arrived. Locking the door behind her she wasted no time in getting herself ready for the day by hopping into the shower letting the strong pressure of the water hit against her skin. It was like she was washing away her worries alongside as she focused on thinking positive thoughts, twisting them to something happy and not depressing like past events in which she had no control in changing.

It hadn’t taken her long to finally get ready and she wasn’t surprised at seeing Miles awake on the bed browsing through his phone when she left the bathroom dressed for the day. The black number she had chosen was a fitted dress though it did hang loosely in places as she was not the exact same size as his sister, thankfully though it did fit. “Morning Miles! Honestly does your sister not own anything… simple? Or boring should I put it.” Making a joke as she walked over grabbing the remote for the TV that was on his bedside table turning it on to let the noise drown out the silence of the room. “Hey Miles?” Frowning as she just realised, he was focused on something on his phone as he hadn’t reacted to her joke.

Edging closer she glanced over at the phone seeing Caspians name in the corner and she felt her heart stop, worried that something had happened as Miles had been focused on the text. Unable to stop herself she read the message biting her lip as it mentioned how something had come up, for a minute she had thought on his father finding out he had been a part of her escape. Thoughts ran wild, but she shook her head telling herself that couldn’t be the case as it said he would be over in the evening, so it meant nothing really bad had to have happened. “Maybe it’s just lessons again?”

“Hah! Yeah! Just threw me off, I guess. I’m sure he’s alright. Just me and you for the day then. What do you wanna do?” Miles grinned throwing his phone to one side still feeling a slight concern for his friend, but as Iris had said it was more than likely lessons had come up again. Or maybe his father had experienced another episode and was quite sickly today.

Sounds good to me! Did you want me to have Miles react? Or did you want to do that part? :3
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