Avatar of sukikyoufu


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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah, I guess some cats don't! Mine probably won't when we get a garden because she is so used to being indoors.

Omg agreed, it's certainly going to be an emotional rollercoaster ahead though.
“Oh gosh, no, please don’t apologise, you weren’t pressuring at all. I was pressuring myself feeling like I had to fit in and enjoy those dishes.” Iris smiled as she felt him pull her closer to his side happy to be close to him once more, “I mean I’d probably get used to the flavours I think it was just a bit much at first. I want to be adventurous and try them though!” Feeling herself relax more in his presence “I guess… you’ve caught on to what I’m like and when Miles put that bet down about liking the pizza I just couldn’t tell the truth on the fact I really didn’t like it. So, I just eh… kind of went along with it…” Chuckling sheepishly as she knew it was stupid looking back on it, but it was how she had felt at the time.

Iris didn’t care for one minute that she was being dragged about the room with him, it meant that she could continue holding his hand and enjoy the feeling of his fingers intertwined with her own. Letting go didn’t feel like an option, not when the warmth of his hand caressed her own offering her comfort that she didn’t even know she needed. Sitting down on the lavish couch that rivalled the one at the Kinders home and daresay the palace she took the moment to enjoy the peace and quiet, relishing in the fact he had leaned into her and placed another fleeting kiss to her cheek.

Realising that it had been quite some time for them to be able to openly kiss, touch and hug she enjoyed every moment they shared with one another. It was strange how much she had missed this, and she didn’t quite understand it until it had been lost and they had to keep it hidden. Listening as Cas spoke on the phone, she closed her eyes and let her head drop to his shoulder relaxing in the room. Absentmindedly she began to run her fingers up and down the palm of his hand as he conversed on the phone ordering their food, her touch light and gentle as she thought about the pasta dish hoping that it would be something she would enjoy. Not wanting Cas to worry about her eating habits as it was the least of their worries right now when they had somehow found themselves back on the run again. Though it was a little bit exciting.

Hearing the phone call end Iris perked up meeting his gaze with a smile, watching as his eyes seemingly travelled her body. “I’ll let you off as we were in a rush.” Teasing gently at his comment hoping it would hide the red tinge in her cheeks at the compliments, “Though I don’t think this beats that red dress.” Reaching up her hand she touched his cheek gently before letting her hand slowly trail down across his jaw before she rested it on his thigh. “I missed you.” Whispering out her words before she leaned up placing a gentle on his lips.
Omg that's brilliant! I can't wait for us to finally move and get a garden for the cat. I feel bad keeping her indoors.

Cas is so cute, this is literally so cute before everything goes to shit again xD
Looking out at the view before her she felt his arms wrap around her middle and the sweet kiss pressed against her neck as they took in the sight together. Letting a small soft sigh escape her lips as she enjoyed the moment together watching the city lights from the beautiful view it helped her forget if only for a moment all the turmoil they had faced together. Against it all they had made it through and even if this was just a brief moment of bliss together it was worth it. Smiling to herself as she placed her hands over his that held her middle, she watched for a little bit longer before Cas broke the peaceful silence.

Finding herself frown just briefly at his words she had never really noticed it herself, but at the same time it was touching that he paid attention to things like that. “I… well not intentionally.” Defending herself as she couldn’t help but smile with the feel of his lips against her cheek, then a quick reassuring squeeze before he took her hand leading her towards the kitchen. “As if you would let me waste away.” Teasing softly as she squeezed his hand gently over the moon with the fact, they could be openly affectionate and not have to steal moments away from prying eyes. “Honestly though, I don’t mean too, just some of the food here is quite rich and…” Feeling her cheeks heat up a little from embarrassment because it only highlighted the fact she was not from his world, not used to fine dining and the rich flavours that accompanied most dishes. “I’ve never really experienced such flavours before… and well. If I just say a plain cheese pizza that’s what kids get…” Remembering the conversation back with Miles over how a plain cheese pizza is from the kids menu.

Grimacing to herself as she still felt a tinge of embarrassment as she moved to stand next to him by the kitchen counter as he sprawled out the menus and pamphlets that had a wide selection of different items, they could order from food to towels and appliances if needed. Glancing at the menu her eyes immediately went to the numbers and it was like Cas had read her mind because the playful nudge of his shoulder and the reminder to ignore the numbers left his lips before she could say anything.

Leaning into his side as she looked over the menu she found it a little overwhelming at first, instantly she worried about not liking the food and it being a waste of his money and as much as he said it wasn’t a problem she just couldn’t bring herself to waste money. Biting her lip as she mulled over each item, she knew already she was overthinking such a simple choice, reading each description carefully as she tried to figure out what would be best for her. Finally coming to a decision, she had opted for the carbonara thinking that you couldn’t really go wrong with pasta and by the description it looked nice enough and didn’t seem too over the top. “Alright, carbonara. Let’s try that out.”

Nodding to herself as she smiled up at Cas seeking out his hand with her own again just wanting to feel his touch again. It was such a relief not having to hide it as it was just the two of them in the suite, no friends to hide it from and they could finally talk freely. Although she wished it could have been under different circumstances because ultimately this had only happened due to his father and she honestly didn’t know if they would be able to fix their relationship.

Omg bless him! Does he seem to like it too?

Poor Iris, she is a bit dazed by how stunning the place is.
Mulling over what Cas had said about his father and how it wasn’t related to the medication, it was hard not to pity him with how his father treated him and as much as she wished she could fix it she doubted that she’d be able too. The idea that his father was going to such extreme lengths to hold onto what he believed and still thought his son was crazy was so strange to her. Listening about the psychiatrist sessions she focused on the idea of Stockholm syndrome and the fact his therapist had diagnosed him with it. That disorder fitted perfectly, but was there an element of truth to it? Did Cas really suffer from something like that or was it just because she was paid a small fortune to treat the young Prince.

It was a good idea that they were positioned somewhere close to the border because if things really were as bad as he said, and a quick getaway was needed they were in a good location to do so. Though she was relying on him entirely this time as she knew nothing of the Capital, of its borders or how to make any sort of escape. Following him along from the car they approached the security guard and she averted her gaze not really wanting to draw attention to herself in case he did recognise her by some miracle.

Letting Cas do the talking it was no surprise that they had caught onto who he was, even with a disguise she was certain they’d know it was him. Who else would pay for such an expense? Though now she felt like his dirty little secret and knew that people would assume this was some sort of sordid affair. Walking quietly alongside she didn’t dare speak just in case they knew her voice, in case they figured out who she was which was highly unlikely, but the paranoia was there.

Glancing around at the extravagant elevator and halls that they were led down she knew that this no doubt cost a small fortune to even stay here for one night. The décor dripped with money and she felt very under dressed for stepping into this hotel resort because she barely had a penny to her name. Iris owned nothing right now, no clothes of her own, no toiletries that wasn’t bought for her and she still felt conscious of that fact. A part of her still wanting to ear her keep somehow, to pay her own way even if she’d be in debt for the rest of her life from all the expense, he had gone too for her.

As they approached the room, she felt her jaw drop as Cas opened it up revealing a massive multi-level suite that had a beautiful view. Hearing the door shut behind them she moved the sunglasses to the top of her head as she looked in awe at the room, they were going to hide out in. Finding the words to describe it was difficult and she let out a small choke when he spoke about it not being too shabby for a hideout. “Not too shabby? This is far to expensive. I’ve never seen something so beautiful.”

Shaking her head still awe struck at the room she smiled over at Cas feeling safer now that they were hidden away from potential harm. “Room service? Like people deliver you stuff right? Though I don’t know if I’m hungry anymore.” Moving towards the curtain glassed window she looked out at the city before them as the view was breath taking, she was drawn to it and she had never seen anything like it before being up so high like they were untouchable.
Ohhh very nice! Sounds like you are making progress with the move. Winter clothes is a good shout as I'm sure you don't need them just yet with this weather!

Oh gosh I can bet it has both pros and cons.

Yeah, oh wow that sounds fancy! I'm glad it's a good neighbourhood though as I really feel living somewhere you love has a major effect on your life and how you are in general you know?

I'm just working on my reply now :3
Omg ten active ones!! Especially with the move as well you must be crazy! I dread to think the day when all ten come back at once!

I really should pick up more as I only have three active ones? But at the same time I know how lazy I can be at making people wait xD

Omg are you excited to move?
“I just don’t understand how he has come to that conclusion, thinking you’ve been brainwashed is quite extreme especially when you can think for yourself.” Iris felt herself grimace as he explained it a bit more in the car, “Thank you though, for sticking up for me and going against him about my death penalty. It means a lot to know that you have stuck by me. I think you are right though in the fact that he is paranoid. Could it maybe be a side effect of all the medication he is on?” It was unlikely, but the medication could have heightened his paranoia that and a part of her still felt guilty over his rocky relationship with his father.

“Well spare sunglasses or not I may have to keep them for myself if they look better on me especially.” Iris grinned latching onto the happier subject feeling like it was better for them to focus on the positives, no need for doom and gloom especially as the drive was quite a bit. A part of her was excited to experience the resort as she doubted she would have been in anything like it before, it almost seemed like a little holiday for her just under different circumstances to what anyone was used too.

Although they were technically on the run Iris still enjoyed the car ride with Cas, it didn’t feel as dangerous as the districts and for once it was just good to spend some quality time with him. As they approached the resort, she couldn’t help but gawk at the building, it stood tall and proud and it oozed elegance and money. The lighting brought the building to life and she couldn’t help but look behind her as they drove onto a small side street as she wanted to take in more of how extravagant the building looked.

“This looks so lovely. Surely this is too expensive for us to hide out here?” Iris whispered as she looked over at Cas as they entered a parking lot which looked pretty empty bar a few vehicles. “Is this really okay for us to be doing this?” Though she was happy to spend this time with him and she understood why he had run away from home a part of her still wanted to make sure he was okay with the decision, who knew what would happen and it wasn’t like he was from a normal family. “I’ll stand by you no matter what decision you make okay.” Speaking softly as the car was parked, unbuckling the seatbelt she reached towards the glove compartment for the sunglasses that she had placed back inside earlier.

Feeling comfortable with the sunglasses on she nodded to Cas before she exited the car hoping no one would recognise her. At least the big shades covered her eyes and unless looking really hard she doubted they would be able to figure out who she was. It seemed like security and the owners took privacy quite seriously, especially with the private entrance and she could feel the nerves building up because it was exciting sneaking away like this together.
Ohhh that's quite cool!

It also works out nicely for them being able to go in secret. I'll have to look it up myself, that sounds so interesting! Sorry for the delay today, work has been crazy haha.
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