ISSUE #4: Heart of Ice
Winchester Point ♦ Alaska
Starving steel met meat and flesh with ravenous hunger. Every stroke of the axe carved bloodied chunks off the monstrosity. Even with its chest split open, bursting with blood, the stag-thing advanced. In counterstroke, a tendril of warped bone burst from its torso and impaled Thor's thigh. It wriggled and writhed, trying to worm its way deeper into the wound- but godflesh was not so easily broken. Thor was all too pleased with this. Finally, he was faced with a problem he already knew the solution to: rigorously applying force to the enemy's facial region.
'We will sunder your soul from your body.'
"And I the flesh from your bones!" Thor roared, swinging. The rotating head in the monster's chest cavity split in twain at the axe's kiss. Grabbing the back of the axe head with his off-hand, Thor slammed it down even further. He opened its steaming guts all over the cafeteria floor, strings of intestines filled with fetid bile slinking over the tiles.
Cowering somewhere out of sight, Keith heaved.
"Hackin' them to bits won't stop them," the man called Russell said. He pulled the trigger on his flamethrower and sent a burst of fire in the direction of the wolf-woman hybrid. It shuddered away, stumbling over a table to escape the heat. "Got no idea how many of these things we killed 'fore you got here."
"Your courage-"
Thor dug his fingers into the gap he'd cut into the monster. Even its sinews seemed to grasp and cut at him in defiance. He did not flinch. Instead, he pulled. his muscles tensed and bulged with the effort. A horrifying cry pierced the air as the thing was rent asunder. Bones snapped, skin tore, and organs sloughed to the floor in the seconds before Thor tore the stag in half.
"-Is to be lauded!" He shouted, tossing each half across the room. The remains exploded against the walls, smashing the paneling to bits and smearing them with disintegrated gore.
Russell stopped to gawk. Raw power of this magnitude was not oft applied so casually. He'd seen similar feats in old news reels, perhaps, but this day and age? It was enough to give pause. Enough to drag Russ's attention away from mortal peril for a moment too long.
His head vanished inside the wolf's jaw. It devoured Russell's skull whole in a single bite, blood and brain matter spraying between its crooked fangs. The rest of the man's body convulsed before it went limp, caught in the monster's claws.
"No!" Thor cried out.
'The almighty Thor, anguishing over one mortal life? Please.'
Worm-like tendrils grew from the beast's claws. They snaked along the human's corpse, wrapping around it thrice over until they found what they looked for. Then they began digging. Burrowing into his corpse like it was freshly tilled soil. They remade Russel right before Thor's very eyes. Took his hands, his eyes, his bones and dragged them from the discarded remains of his humanity- his clothes, his weapons, the watch his fiance gave him before he left. The worms joined him to the other creature's grotesque form. The process took only seconds, and when it was finished the malformed giant towered several feet taller than before.
'What does it matter if they die now rather than in a decade or three? Beings such as ourselves exist on a timescale incomprehensible to them. Their entire civilization will be dust before a single gray hair mar's your golden head.'
"It matters," Thor snarled. Blood pumped in his ears to the beat of his rage. His heart thundered in his breast. Now when he shook, he knew it was not for the cold. "It matters more than you could ever know."
'Even the smallest creatures of the field and the wood have hearts,' Freya told him. Thor bounced upon her knee, his eyes shining with child-like wonder. 'They have hopes, desires, love. Same as us.'
'Even Ratatoskr?' Thor asked, his face scrunching up. 'Papa says he is a heartless rat that he should skin and-'
'Especially Ratatoskr!' His mother laughed. 'He tends the World Tree. Without him, Yggdrasil would grow too wildly, and travel through the Bifrost would be much too dangerous. Sometimes, in his anger, your good father...forgets these things.'
Thor puffed up his chest. 'When I am Allfather, I will never forget anything!'
"T...together...We must be- t-together againnnn." The head of Russell rasped from its new place in the nape of the monster's neck. It lumbered forward, arms thick as tree trunks dragging along the ground behind it. Its legs limped along, barely able to carry the immense weight of its bulging upper half. Half-formed hands grasped at the air in front of it. Too many eyes sprouted from wolf's head- human eyes, filled with a tremendous fear. Part of Thor wondered if those people subsumed in that blasphemous body were truly gone. Perhaps they lived in shards of agony, painfully aware of their misbegotten form.
The axe left Thor's hand before he knew what he was going to do. So mighty was his throw that the axe handle exploded to splinters when the head buried itself in the wolf's face. It let out a choked whimper as it died, the head falling limp against its chest. The head of the woman seemed to crawl across the chest and began feasting on the dead wolf. Her head ballooned as new flesh joined it, and the abominable whole morphed as it consumed the wolf fully into it.
"Odin's beard- how wretched!" Thor flinched away, unwilling to watch it cannibalize itself.
"We gotta get outta here!" Keith screamed, scrambling from his hiding place beneath one of the tables and making for the door.
Thor's eyes widened. "Not so close-"
His warning came too late as the beast flung out one of its gargantuan arms, slamming it into Keith's back and knocking him to the floor. He let out a gasping breath before slipping into unconsciousness, blood dripping from a cut in his forehead.
"Release him! Release him at once or face my wrath!" Thor bellowed, springing forward. He rocketed into the monster's chest, shoulder first, knocking it back. Unarmed, all he could do was swing his fists into its great bulk and hope it was enough. Every blow was absorbed by the squirming mass. It was like trying to wrestle a river: it just flowed over him, subsuming him into itself.
The tide pushed him the floor, holding him fast against the tile even as he struggled. It mattered little how hard he fought. Strength could not help against the rapidly liquidizing mass. He had to give the monster credit: its impossible biology had adapted to his methods. He could not triumph, not like this.
"Mjö...lnir-" He choked, trying to keep his head out of the muck. Hand to the sky, Thor willed his hammer return to him. Practically begged to feel its leather-wrapped hilt hit his open palm. If only he could wield her for a moment, Thor knew with all his heart he would vanquish this foul creature. One blow, one burst of lightning and it would never haunt Midgard again.
"To me...t-to me..."
A deafening roar filled his ears, followed a second later by a bright light. Mjölnir had come. He had called, and she had answered, soaring into his-
His still empty hand.
The weight on his chest lessened as the monster stumbled back. Its waves of flesh crashed back together, reforming into its more solid build. Twins heads roared in pain as fire licked at its every pore. Flames danced all across the room. Thor looked to the canisters Russell once carried, discarded when he was slain- they were sundered to pierces. Someone had destroyed them and released the flames borne within.
"Are you still alive? Oh God, I didn't kill you, did I?" A woman asked, leaning over Thor.
With her short hair, sharp angles and hard set jaw, he mistook her in that moment for a valkyrie, come to carry his soul away to Valhalla. It was only when he noticed the winter clothing she wore and the gun in her hand that he realized she was another mortal. Thor nodded, unable to speak with the rawness of his throat. Mjölnir denied him still.
"You're a little big for me to carry. Can you walk?" she asked, grabbing his hand to help him to his feet.
Thor rose on unsteady legs. Together, the two of them rushed to Keith's side and lifted him up between them. They made for the door as quick as they could. By luck or fate, the monster did not stir to follow, and they were able to retreat into the winding halls of the research station.
"Who are you?" He finally asked, voice hoarse.
"Me? I'm Jane. Jane Foster, I'm the doctor on base. Who the hell are you?"
'We will sunder your soul from your body.'
"And I the flesh from your bones!" Thor roared, swinging. The rotating head in the monster's chest cavity split in twain at the axe's kiss. Grabbing the back of the axe head with his off-hand, Thor slammed it down even further. He opened its steaming guts all over the cafeteria floor, strings of intestines filled with fetid bile slinking over the tiles.
Cowering somewhere out of sight, Keith heaved.
"Hackin' them to bits won't stop them," the man called Russell said. He pulled the trigger on his flamethrower and sent a burst of fire in the direction of the wolf-woman hybrid. It shuddered away, stumbling over a table to escape the heat. "Got no idea how many of these things we killed 'fore you got here."
"Your courage-"
Thor dug his fingers into the gap he'd cut into the monster. Even its sinews seemed to grasp and cut at him in defiance. He did not flinch. Instead, he pulled. his muscles tensed and bulged with the effort. A horrifying cry pierced the air as the thing was rent asunder. Bones snapped, skin tore, and organs sloughed to the floor in the seconds before Thor tore the stag in half.
"-Is to be lauded!" He shouted, tossing each half across the room. The remains exploded against the walls, smashing the paneling to bits and smearing them with disintegrated gore.
Russell stopped to gawk. Raw power of this magnitude was not oft applied so casually. He'd seen similar feats in old news reels, perhaps, but this day and age? It was enough to give pause. Enough to drag Russ's attention away from mortal peril for a moment too long.
His head vanished inside the wolf's jaw. It devoured Russell's skull whole in a single bite, blood and brain matter spraying between its crooked fangs. The rest of the man's body convulsed before it went limp, caught in the monster's claws.
"No!" Thor cried out.
'The almighty Thor, anguishing over one mortal life? Please.'
Worm-like tendrils grew from the beast's claws. They snaked along the human's corpse, wrapping around it thrice over until they found what they looked for. Then they began digging. Burrowing into his corpse like it was freshly tilled soil. They remade Russel right before Thor's very eyes. Took his hands, his eyes, his bones and dragged them from the discarded remains of his humanity- his clothes, his weapons, the watch his fiance gave him before he left. The worms joined him to the other creature's grotesque form. The process took only seconds, and when it was finished the malformed giant towered several feet taller than before.
'What does it matter if they die now rather than in a decade or three? Beings such as ourselves exist on a timescale incomprehensible to them. Their entire civilization will be dust before a single gray hair mar's your golden head.'
"It matters," Thor snarled. Blood pumped in his ears to the beat of his rage. His heart thundered in his breast. Now when he shook, he knew it was not for the cold. "It matters more than you could ever know."
'Even the smallest creatures of the field and the wood have hearts,' Freya told him. Thor bounced upon her knee, his eyes shining with child-like wonder. 'They have hopes, desires, love. Same as us.'
'Even Ratatoskr?' Thor asked, his face scrunching up. 'Papa says he is a heartless rat that he should skin and-'
'Especially Ratatoskr!' His mother laughed. 'He tends the World Tree. Without him, Yggdrasil would grow too wildly, and travel through the Bifrost would be much too dangerous. Sometimes, in his anger, your good father...forgets these things.'
Thor puffed up his chest. 'When I am Allfather, I will never forget anything!'
"T...together...We must be- t-together againnnn." The head of Russell rasped from its new place in the nape of the monster's neck. It lumbered forward, arms thick as tree trunks dragging along the ground behind it. Its legs limped along, barely able to carry the immense weight of its bulging upper half. Half-formed hands grasped at the air in front of it. Too many eyes sprouted from wolf's head- human eyes, filled with a tremendous fear. Part of Thor wondered if those people subsumed in that blasphemous body were truly gone. Perhaps they lived in shards of agony, painfully aware of their misbegotten form.
The axe left Thor's hand before he knew what he was going to do. So mighty was his throw that the axe handle exploded to splinters when the head buried itself in the wolf's face. It let out a choked whimper as it died, the head falling limp against its chest. The head of the woman seemed to crawl across the chest and began feasting on the dead wolf. Her head ballooned as new flesh joined it, and the abominable whole morphed as it consumed the wolf fully into it.
"Odin's beard- how wretched!" Thor flinched away, unwilling to watch it cannibalize itself.
"We gotta get outta here!" Keith screamed, scrambling from his hiding place beneath one of the tables and making for the door.
Thor's eyes widened. "Not so close-"
His warning came too late as the beast flung out one of its gargantuan arms, slamming it into Keith's back and knocking him to the floor. He let out a gasping breath before slipping into unconsciousness, blood dripping from a cut in his forehead.
"Release him! Release him at once or face my wrath!" Thor bellowed, springing forward. He rocketed into the monster's chest, shoulder first, knocking it back. Unarmed, all he could do was swing his fists into its great bulk and hope it was enough. Every blow was absorbed by the squirming mass. It was like trying to wrestle a river: it just flowed over him, subsuming him into itself.
The tide pushed him the floor, holding him fast against the tile even as he struggled. It mattered little how hard he fought. Strength could not help against the rapidly liquidizing mass. He had to give the monster credit: its impossible biology had adapted to his methods. He could not triumph, not like this.
"Mjö...lnir-" He choked, trying to keep his head out of the muck. Hand to the sky, Thor willed his hammer return to him. Practically begged to feel its leather-wrapped hilt hit his open palm. If only he could wield her for a moment, Thor knew with all his heart he would vanquish this foul creature. One blow, one burst of lightning and it would never haunt Midgard again.
"To me...t-to me..."
A deafening roar filled his ears, followed a second later by a bright light. Mjölnir had come. He had called, and she had answered, soaring into his-
His still empty hand.
The weight on his chest lessened as the monster stumbled back. Its waves of flesh crashed back together, reforming into its more solid build. Twins heads roared in pain as fire licked at its every pore. Flames danced all across the room. Thor looked to the canisters Russell once carried, discarded when he was slain- they were sundered to pierces. Someone had destroyed them and released the flames borne within.
"Are you still alive? Oh God, I didn't kill you, did I?" A woman asked, leaning over Thor.
With her short hair, sharp angles and hard set jaw, he mistook her in that moment for a valkyrie, come to carry his soul away to Valhalla. It was only when he noticed the winter clothing she wore and the gun in her hand that he realized she was another mortal. Thor nodded, unable to speak with the rawness of his throat. Mjölnir denied him still.
"You're a little big for me to carry. Can you walk?" she asked, grabbing his hand to help him to his feet.
Thor rose on unsteady legs. Together, the two of them rushed to Keith's side and lifted him up between them. They made for the door as quick as they could. By luck or fate, the monster did not stir to follow, and they were able to retreat into the winding halls of the research station.
"Who are you?" He finally asked, voice hoarse.
"Me? I'm Jane. Jane Foster, I'm the doctor on base. Who the hell are you?"