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Hi, hello, I'm quent. I'm 34, I've been doing the thing for more than 20 years.

I am a slow responder (1-2 responses per week), so I'm looking for potential partners that are on the same wavelength. I absolutely do not mind if you respond immediately, but I am not capable of doing so, as much as I wish I could. I'm not particularly picky about length, and I absolutely will NOT mirror length for the sake of it, nor do I expect my partners to. I will write as much as feels right for a scene, sometimes that can get huge and lengthy, but sometimes a brief few paragraphs does the job just fine. I do love depth to characters, the setting, worldbuilding, all that fun stuff, so don't hesitate to blab with me. I love hearing about characters and spitballing ideas with my partners.

Right now, I have a vague little nugget of an idea floating around, based very loosely off some random assortment of spider-related folklore I read at some point in time. Being a huge arachnaphobe, I thought 'well this sounds cool as hell' and here we are. In short, he's a homebrewed sort of spider shapeshifter, who is largely a normal dude doing normal things. He just happens to be a rare thing that people don't realize were ever a real thing in the first place. He's a little eccentric, a little awkward, but overall a gentleman with fine taste in clothing. He's a tailor, with a particular specialty in silk crafting (haha). I'm hoping to involve some danger or horror aspects to a potential romance, but everything is up for discussion. The setting I had in mind is some futuristic flavor; there's space ships, but also remote villages that rarely see visitors and struggle to survive. Maybe a dash of southern gothic flavor to add to the weird? I don't have anything set in stone, these are just floating around in my head for free.

Maybe someone has found out this peculiar, rare creature exists and wants to capture it for their own reasons. Maybe someone runs into him that needs help, which causes him to get swept up in things he has no business in. This is where the spitballing with the partners comes in, so feel free to come at me with ideas or suggestions of your own. Let's chat, see if we jive good, and come up with a cool story.
If you didn't read the title in Mrs. Doubtfire's voice, then I highly recommend rewatching it.

Hi, I'm quent, I'm 34, I've been writing/RPing for something like 23 years. I am of ambiguous gender and love gothic swamp monster horror. I supervise a medical dispensary in the southern US and I really dig cool music. I found this place randomly, and so far I'm digging it, too.
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