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Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Mina chuckled softly at Munir's playful jest, shaking her head in amusement. "As tempting as that offer is, I think I'll need a bit more convincing," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mirth as she gazed into his.

She sighed contentedly as Munir nestled into her chest, feeling the comforting weight of his body against hers. In that moment, she didn't care about the boundaries they might be crossing; all that mattered was the warmth and closeness they shared. She gently stroked his hair, savoring the feel of his strand between her fingers.

Listening to his rambling explanation, Mina couldn't help but notice the sudden nervousness in Munir's demeanor. Without hesitation, she leaned in and pressed her lips tenderly against his, the kiss filled with warmth and understanding.

When she pulled away, Mina met Munir's gaze with a soft smile, her eyes reflecting a sense of calm and reassurance. "Thank you for everything you did last night," she said sincerely, her voice gentle. "I'm sorry it shook you up so badly, but I'm here now, and I'm safe. And I'm not going anywhere, at least for the time being."

Just then, Mina's attention was drawn to a ghostly figure phasing through the wall behind Munir. The ghost's sudden appearance made her pause, and she watched in surprise as it looked at her and Munir, gasped, and blushed before quickly disappearing.

"Speaking of last night, I think I have some explaining to do," she said, turning her gaze back to Munir with a sigh. She slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, preparing herself for this conversation. How was she supposed to start? Did she just say ‘yeah, I see ghosts’? This wasn't going to be easy.

After a long moment of silence, she finally opened her mouth to speak. ”So the first thing I need you to understand is that I have no control over this. A long time ago, the women of my family were cursed…or some may say blessed, depending on how you want to look at it. We're, what many would call, mediums. We see spirits…I see spirits and I always have, ever since I was a little girl.” She paused there, wanting to give him time to react to this potentially damning information.

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Mina couldn't help but gasp softly as Munir swept her up into his arms, her surprise quickly melting into a contented sigh as he settled them both onto the bed. The warmth of his embrace enveloped her, and she snuggled in close to him, reveling in the feeling of safety and love that radiated from him. Her one hand found his, entwining their fingers.

As Munir planted gentle kisses along her neck and collar, Mina couldn't suppress a giggle, her heart fluttering at his affectionate gestures. "Good morning to you too, Munir," she replied softly, boldly leaving out titles as she tilted her head to allow him better access to her neck. Every kiss he planted threatened to be her undoing, but she simply focused on teasing him. "But I believe you may be mistaken about the whole wife thing. I don't recall saying 'I do'."

With a playful glint in her eyes, Mina shifted slightly to face Munir, propping herself up on one elbow as she regarded him teasingly. Her hair fell in messy, wild curls all around her and she took a moment to blow one out of her face before opening her mouth again. "And speaking of things I don't recall, why did you sleep on the floor when there's a perfectly good bed big enough for the both of us and then some?" She raised an eyebrow inquisitively, a mischievous smile playing on her lips as she awaited his response.

Time: Morning
Location: Morning Blossom Cafe
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Lord Drake
Mentions: @princess Anastasia
Outfit: Dress

In the quiet sanctuary of Princess Anastasia's chamber, Thea stood before the ornate vanity, the soft morning light filtering through the gossamer curtains. She traced the delicate contours of her reflection, the mask of indifference concealing the tumultuous storm raging within.

Anastasia, her dearest friend and confidante, had offered sanctuary in the labyrinthine halls of the palace, shielding her from the prying eyes of society and the suffocating expectations of her family. But even within the cocoon of safety, Thea couldn't escape the weight of her mother's disappointment, the cold disdain that chilled her to the bone.

Her mother's words echoed in the recesses of her mind, a haunting refrain of duty and obligation that threatened to suffocate her. "You are a Smithwood, Thea," she had admonished, the weight of their tarnished legacy heavy upon her shoulders. "It is time you stopped making a mockery of our family."

But Thea refused to be bound by the shackles of tradition anymore, to be a pawn in the game of societal expectations. She had tasted freedom, felt its intoxicating embrace, and she would not relinquish it without a fight.

And so, with a defiant spark in her eyes, she hatched a plan, a daring gambit to seize control of her own destiny. Swapping places with a willing servant, paying the girl well, she slipped away into the night, leaving behind the confines of her gilded cage in search of true liberation.

But amidst the chaos of her escape, a newfound determination took root within her, a resolve to chart her own course and find love on her own terms. For too long, she had allowed others to dictate her fate, to mold her into the dutiful daughter society demanded. The end of her engagement with Felix had felt devastating at first, but now she felt like it was a godsend.

Two days had passed since then, as she prepared for the mix and match mixer, Thea embraced the uncertainty of the unknown, the thrill of possibility coursing through her veins. For in the dance of chance and destiny, she would find the freedom she so desperately craved, and perhaps, just perhaps, the love she had longed for all along.

As Thea stepped into the Morning Blossom Cafe, the elegant ambiance enveloped her like a warm embrace, soothing her nerves with its serene beauty. She couldn't help but marvel at the opulence of the surroundings, the soft melodies of the piano mingling with the gentle hum of conversation, creating a symphony of elegance. She handed her borrowed coat and umbrella to the coat check, revealing a beautiful mint green dress that seemed to embody spring. She was oh so thankful to the fact that her and Annie were of similar sizes. She also hoped that Annie would find Farim to assure him that she was okay as Thea had instructed her to do this morning before bidding her farewell.

Taking a deep breath to steady her racing heart, she approached Mingyu, who greeted her with infectious enthusiasm. Thea couldn't help but smile at Mingyu's warmth, feeling a flutter of excitement in her chest as she reached for a piece of paper from the basket.

"Thank you, Mingyu," she murmured, her voice tinged with anticipation as she glanced at the number on the paper. With a quick nod of gratitude, she followed Mingyu's guidance, her pulse quickening with each step as she scanned the room for her designated table.

As Thea settled into her seat, her gaze wandered across the elegant surroundings of the Morning Blossom Cafe, taking in the beauty of the floral arrangements and the soft glow of the chandeliers above. Her heart danced with excitement as she eagerly awaited the arrival of her date, her mind buzzing with anticipation.

And then, like a vision from a dream, he entered the room—a man whose mere presence seemed to cast a spell over the atmosphere. He had to be Prince Charming.

Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him move with effortless grace, his commanding stature drawing the attention of everyone in the room, or so she thought. Her pulse quickened with each step he took, her eyes unable to tear themselves away from his captivating form.

As he drew closer, Thea felt a rush of nervous energy coursing through her veins. She smoothed her hands over the fabric of her dress, suddenly acutely aware of every detail of her appearance. Was she dressed appropriately? Did she look presentable enough for someone as distinguished as Prince Charming?

But as he finally reached her table, her worries faded ever so slightly into the background, replaced by a sense of exhilaration at the prospect of getting to know him. She greeted him with a warm smile, her heart fluttering with excitement as she prepared to embark on this new adventure. Quickly, she decided to stand up, smashing her knee against the table and feeling the utter humiliation begin to take hold. She dipped her head, trying to hide the deep blush and she dropped into a curtsy.

"Hello," she said, her voice tinged with anticipation. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lady Th-.” She suddenly cut herself off as a thought occurred to her and her stomach soured. ”I…I’m….Forgive me, but I fear that revealing my name to you may scare you away as it is known in a negative connotation.” She began to shuffle from side to side, her nervousness and fear palpable now.

Time: Morning
Location: Morning Blossom Cafe
Interactions: @JJ Doe Count Fritz “Run” Hendrix
Attire: Dress

As the sounds of rain pitter-pattered on the windows of her chamber, Torvi stirred from her slumber, her mind already buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead. Today would be different from what she was used to, for it marked the beginning of the Courting Mixer, an event she had been both dreading and secretly looking forward to. She'd decided to attend as it was a good opportunity to meet new people and continue her investigations of those here in Caesonia.

With purposeful movements, she rose from her bed, her bare feet padding softly against the polished floor. The air was cool against her skin, a welcome contrast to the warmth that had settled in her bones.

Today called for attire unlike any other, and Torvi wasted no time in selecting her ensemble. She bypassed her usual leather armor and instead reached for a gown that shimmered like molten gold in the dim light of her chamber. The fabric flowed like liquid around her frame, accentuating her curves and lending an air of regal elegance to her form.

Her hair, usually bound in practical braids, cascaded down her back in loose waves, each strand catching the light and reflecting a thousand hues of silver and moonlight. She adorned herself with delicate jewelry, each piece glinting softly in the morning light.

As she made her way through the halls of the castle and eventually put into the world, Fenrys padded silently at her side, his large form a comforting presence in the quiet solitude of the corridors. His amber eyes glinted with amusement as he regarded her attire, a scoff echoing through the air. Torvi shot him a playful glare, urging him to silence with a gentle pat on his sleek fur.

Arriving at the Morning Blossom Cafe, Torvi felt a sense of calm settle over her. The soft melodies of the piano and the gentle murmur of conversation enveloped her like a warm embrace, soothing the odd nerves that had been fluttering in her stomach since dawn.

She had told Fenrys to stay outside, observe those passing by, and so that's what he did. He found himself a comfortable spot outside of the entrance out of the way, yet still under some cover from the rain. He looked almost regal and a bit frightening as he sat there gazing at those who walked in.

As Mingyu greeted her with a smile, Torvi returned the gesture as best as she knew how. She reached into the basket and plucked a small piece of paper, glancing at the number scrawled upon it. With a nod of thanks to Mingyu, she made her way further into the cafe, her steps light and purposeful.

As Torvi awaited her date, a sense of possibility hung in the air, mingling with the scent of fresh blossoms and the promise of new beginnings. But she wasn't here for the same reasons many others were. No, instead she was scanning the room and observing everyone there.

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

As Mina slowly blinked her eyes open, she was greeted by the soft gray light filtering through the window and a soft pattering of rain hitting said window. For a moment, she lay there, allowing her senses to adjust to her surroundings, trying to piece together the events of the previous night. The memories came flooding back in fragments, the chaotic ritual, Torvi's unexpected intervention and kidnapping of her, the assault from the spirits, and the comforting presence of Munir.

Taking a deep breath, Mina sat up slowly, her movements careful as she glanced around the room, taking in the familiar furnishings and the crackling fire in the hearth. She glanced down at herself to see she was now dressed in a linen tunic that held the familiar scent of Munir. A sense of calm washed over her as she realized where she was, a sense of safety enveloping her like a warm embrace.

Her gaze drifted to the figure sleeping peacefully on the floor, his features softened in slumber. Her heart swelled with affection as she watched him, a rush of gratitude washing over her for his unwavering devotion and care.

But as she studied him further, a furrow formed between her brows. Why was he sleeping on the floor? Shouldn't he be in the bed with her? Concern tinged her thoughts, but she pushed it aside for the moment, focusing instead on the overwhelming feeling of affection she felt for him.

Wrapping the blanket around her shoulders, Mina carefully made her way down to the floor, her steps quiet as she approached Munir's side. She knelt down next to him and gently brushed a lock of hair from his forehead, her touch feather-light as she leaned down to press a soft kiss to his cheek.

"Munir," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath as she watched him, a fond smile gracing her lips. "Thank you... for everything."

Curling up next to him, Mina nestled into his side, her head resting against his chest as she listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. In that moment, surrounded by warmth and love, she felt at peace, knowing that she was exactly where she was meant to be.
Farim & Thea

Night of Sola 23rd…

In the dimly lit chamber, Thea paced restlessly, the minutes dragging like weights upon her shoulders. For days, she had found solace within the confines of Anastasia's sanctuary, but now, boredom gnawed at her insides like a relentless beast. She had tried on dresses, sampled the remnants of Anastasia's feast that her friend had left for her, but the walls of solitude pressed in upon her, suffocating her with their silent vigil.

As midnight loomed on the horizon, a soft shuffling outside the door drew Thea's attention, her heart quickening with anticipation. Could it be Anastasia returning from the ritual at last? With practiced ease, she slipped behind the tapestry by the fireplace, a habitual gesture born of caution in the face of uncertainty.

But when the door swung open to reveal a towering figure carrying an unconscious Anastasia, fear gripped Thea's heart like icy talons. Panic surged through her veins, her mind racing with wild thoughts of danger and betrayal. Without hesitation, she seized a nearby little shovel used for cleaning out the fireplace, her hands trembling with adrenaline-fueled urgency.

With a silent prayer on her lips, Thea struck the intruder with a swift, decisive blow, the sound of impact echoing in the stillness of the chamber. The man crumpled to the ground, still clutching Anastasia in his arms, and Thea's heart plummeted as she recognized his face— one of the Alidashti princes.

A wave of self-recrimination washed over her as she frantically scanned the room, her mind reeling with the consequences of her impulsive actions. How could she have been so careless, so reckless? “Stupid, stupid, STUPID!” She cursed herself for her folly, for allowing fear to cloud her judgment in the heat of the moment. “You’re such an idiot, Thea! Why can’t you think before you act?!”

But there was no time for regrets, no room for hesitation. With trembling hands, Thea knelt beside the fallen prince, her fingers tentatively probing for signs of injury. She winced as she felt a tender bump on his head, her heart heavy with guilt for the harm she had inflicted.

Gently, she reached out and gave him a tentative poke, her breath catching in her throat as she waited for a response. When he remained unresponsive, panic surged anew within her, driving her to shake him with increasing desperation.

"Come on, wake up," she murmured, her voice trembling with urgency and tears began to form in her eyes. "Please, you have to wake up."

Farim’s vision was a blur. All in one moment he went from relief, to blacking out, and then immediately into a panicked mess as he jerked his head up. He had luckily landed so that his arms took the impact, bracing Anastasia from receiving another head bump. Farim lifted his head from the princess’ mid-section, a fate he would normally bless himself for having. But right now he quickly shifted his arms out from under her and turned to match his assailant.

”Abn aleahira! (Son of a bitch!) Explain yourself! Now!” His voice was stern, and he shot up quickly, despite the general dizzying sensation from getting smacked on the back of his head. He stared down at Thea with a building intensity that suggested he was ready to fight tooth and nail in that very moment.

Thea's heart raced in her chest as Farim's stern voice pierced the air, his gaze ablaze with righteous fury. Tears welled in her eyes, a sob escaping her lips as she met his gaze with a mixture of fear and relief that he was okay. A brief, sickening memory flashed in her mind of when she did something similar to someone else and her stomach lurched. But Farim seemed to be alright and she latched onto that fact, forcing the memories out.

"I-I'm so sorry," she stammered, her voice choked with emotion. "I didn't mean to... I thought... I thought you were... I thought you meant harm to Annie."

Her words tumbled out in a rush, a torrent of apologies and explanations as she struggled to make sense of the chaos that had unfolded as she sat there crumpled on her knees and wiping at her tears. The sight of someone carrying Anastasia's unconscious form had filled her with primal fear.

"It scared me," she admitted, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "I didn't know what to do, and... and I acted without thinking. I'm so stupid! Please, I beg your forgiveness. I'll do anything to make it right, anything at all."

Tears streamed down her cheeks unchecked as she pleaded for forgiveness, her heart heavy with the weight of her actions. She briefly thought of dear Charlotte in a similar situation in front of the Alidashti royalty, then the newspaper claiming her to be throwing herself at them as a whore. Perhaps she should do the same. Her arms nervously wrapped around herself as she stared at the ground. “I-I’ll even serve you, i-if you so desire. You can u-use me as you please.” She felt so small and her offer had panic threatening to grip her, but she swallowed her fears and held firm to her offer.

Farim’s eyes softened as the reality came forth. This was no assassin or cold-blooded killer. Her body language and sheer panic seemed to be genuine, and Farim spoke once more calmly to the woman, but still held a hint of frustration in his tone. ”Look no one will be doing any serving! I am not that kind of Shehzade.” He sighed and rubbed the back of his head, feeling the bump that already formed from the blow. ”By the gods, any harder and I would have been far worse off. But who even are you?! And why are you hiding in this woman’s room?!

He knew he technically should not be there. If any of Anastasia’s family caught him he would likely be in some trouble. But he still needed to know why someone who was not a Danrose was hiding in his friends room. ”Look, I have had a long day. So please just tell me what is going on and we can perhaps come to an understanding. I do not wish to cause anymore trouble today either.”

Thea flinched at the reminder of the potential severity of her actions, a flash of memory searing through her mind like a bolt of lightning. The image of a bloodied skull flashed before her eyes, a stark reminder of the consequences of her impulsive behavior in the past. She shuddered, pushing the memory aside with a shaky breath as she focused on Farim's questions.

"I-I'm Lady Thea Smithwood," she began, her voice trembling slightly as she struggled to maintain her composure. "Daughter of the Duchess of Stravy and sister to Lord Leo Smithwood, future Duke of Stravy."

She paused, her breath catching in her throat as she recounted the events that had led her to seek refuge in Anastasia's chambers.

"Annie is my best friend," she continued, her voice growing steadier with each word. "She offered me sanctuary when my mother deemed me a disgrace and too much of a risk to stay for the courting season. She ordered me to go home, but I couldn't... I couldn't bear to face the scrutiny and judgment of my family any longer."

A wave of nausea washed over her, threatening to overwhelm her senses, but she fought to keep it at bay. With a determined breath, she met Farim's gaze with a newfound resolve.

"Annie has been helping me stay hidden, away from my family's prying eyes," she explained, her voice tinged with gratitude and affection. "They currently think I'm on my way back home. Annie's the only one who understands, the only one who sees beyond the facade of propriety to the person I truly am."

She paused, her gaze flickering with uncertainty as she awaited Farim's response, hoping against hope that he would understand her plight and offer her the mercy she so desperately sought.

Farim listened intently as she explained herself. He turned towards Anastasia and leaned down to lift her up. After placing her on the bed, Farim placed both hands on hips and shook his head as he sighed. ”That certainly sounds like her. She is a kind woman.” He could not help himself and gently caressed her arm before finally turning around to Thea.

He looked at her up and down, and examined the expressions she had while sharing her story. ”You have earned my trust for now. Family troubles are plenty with people like us - so you have my sympathies. But surely you cannot plan to just live in her chambers forever? What if someone else found you?”

He held his hand up and stopped himself from going on another judgemental rant. ”Just…do not hit me on the head if I visit. And try not to share that I have been to her room - especially tonight given her state. I shall not share any tale of your presence here - so long as you do the same for me. Deal?” He held his hand out in the form of a handshake.

Thea watched with a mix of emotions as Farim gently placed Anastasia on the bed, a twinge of jealousy flickering within her as he tenderly caressed her arm. Suppressing the pang of envy, she focused on Farim as he turned back to her, his gaze scrutinizing her every expression.

As he spoke, Thea nodded in understanding, her heart heavy with the weight of his words. "You have my sympathies too," she replied softly, her voice tinged with gratitude for his understanding. "And you're right, I can't hide forever. I plan to reveal myself soon and take control of my own life, even if it means being disowned by my family."

With a determined breath, she pulled herself up from the ground, a small laugh escaping her lips as she met Farim's gaze with a newfound resolve. "I suppose I would have no right to rat you out, considering my own clandestine activities," she admitted, a wry smile playing at the corners of her lips. “And I promise not to hit you over the head again if you come to visit unless you ask nicely.” She said with a playful wink.

Reaching out, she clasped Farim's hand in agreement to his deal, sealing their pact with a silent handshake. Then, moving to sit beside Anastasia on the bed, she cast a worried glance at her friend's unconscious form.

"I promise to take care of Annie," she vowed, her voice filled with sincerity. "But... what happened? Why did you find her like this?”

Farim pointed his index finger upwards and gave an approving wag of his finger. ”Toxic family is not worth being so worried over. Everyone shall judge. I simply choose to tune them out.” He then raised his eyebrows at the notion of “asking someone nicely” to hit their head - but he let out a brief exhale in amusement and addressed her primary concern.

”Not sure. I was dealing with something dangerous, told her to stay safe, and naturally she did anything but. I can tell she was knocked out either by tripping and hitting her head or being struck hard. I have my suspicions, but I can hardly use it as proof.” Farim crossed his arms. ”It would seem Dr. John and his compatriot were nearby when this all happened. I do not liken the man to assaulting women but I know nothing of his friend. But if you see either of them approach her - keep a close eye.”

Thea's brows furrowed in concern as Farim mentioned the possibility of Dr. John's involvement, her mind racing with anxious thoughts. The idea that John or his companion could have been responsible for Anastasia's condition sent a shiver of dread down her spine, but she forced herself to remain composed as Farim continued speaking.

"That's... concerning," she admitted, her voice tinged with apprehension. "I've known John for a long time and I can't imagine him harming Annie. But his companion... that's another story entirely as I don't know them. If they were nearby when this happened, it's certainly worth keeping an eye on them."

She nodded in agreement as Farim instructed her to keep watch over Anastasia, her resolve hardening with each passing moment. "I'll make sure she's safe," she vowed, her voice firm with determination as she brushed a lock of hair out of Anastasia's face.

Then, a thought occurred to her, and she turned to Farim with a suggestion. "Why don't you have Dr. John take a look at your head in the morning?" she offered, her tone softening with concern. "I know he may not be your favorite person right now, but he's treated me for head injuries before, so he knows what he's doing. I'm quite clumsy, you see.” She said with a small laugh, but there was clearly more hidden behind her words. Something dark was hidden behind her eyes, there was a secret there that she was keeping pertaining to that statement. “Tell him I was the cause as well, he'll understand. It's the least I can do after... well, you know.” She said as she quickly looked away, once again trying to shut off her memories. What she would do for a drink right now.

The man looked at Thea with a slightly calculating glance. He took in her mannerisms and speech patterns with a grain of salt - he had only just met this woman but he could not help but feel like there was more than meets the eye to her. He rubbed his head once more and gave a slight shrug. ”I should be fine, truthfully. If it gets worse I shall contact a doctor soon. But I may have to talk to the doctor either way at some point. For now I just want to get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow.” The fatigue was clear on his eyes, and he was feeling his body sag slightly at the thought of a nice and comfortable bed.

”I would rather not leave her like this, but I also feel that I may be overstaying my welcome if I were to commit to staying the night.” Farim took a second to correct his posture and locked eyes with Thea. ”I suppose for now I shall head home, unless you have any better ideas or concerns yourself?” Farim felt conflicted. He wondered if it was smart to leave a vulnerable and defenseless Anastasia with some woman he had never met who bludgeoned him on sight. For all he knew she could just be waiting for Farim to leave and then make her actual move of taking out the Princess. But what he said was true - if word spread of some random foreigner spending the night in her room during the first week of the courting season, his whole country might get some backlash from the King and Queen of Caessonia. He simply waited to hear her thoughts, wondering if how Thea might respond to the notion of him leaving.

Thea met Farim's gaze with a reassuring smile, her eyes earnest as she addressed his concerns. "Go," she said gently, her voice soft but resolute. "If I wished to harm her then I would have done so while you were unconscious and pinned it on you, Shehzade. Annie will be safe, I swear it on my life. I'll make sure she finds you in the morning."

She could see the fatigue weighing heavily on Farim, the weariness etched into the lines of his face. The thought of a warm bed and much-needed rest was written plainly in his eyes, and Thea couldn't blame him for wanting to seek refuge in the comforts of home. She could feel her own fatigue settling in and she was also beginning to wish for rest.

She made a strong point - he was vulnerable for quite some time, and she had ample time to hurt either of them while he had backed out. So he decided to take his leave. He once more looked longfully at the Princess, and then turned to Thea. ”Well, despite the initial….rough introduction. It is a pleasure to meet one of her friends. Perhaps we can meet in better conditions another time.”

Farim turned to leave, but a moment of hesitation stopped him as he thought about the story she shared - of shedding familial burden. ”And I hope you can find your real family. One that will not shun you for who you are. Goodnight to you, and tell Annie I said the same. The Shehzade opened the door and sauntered out of the room, leaving the two woman alone in that room.

Thea watched as Farim took his leave, a sense of relief washing over her as the tension in the room eased. Despite their rocky introduction, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of gratitude towards the man for his understanding and compassion.

"Thank you," she called after him, her voice tinged with sincerity. "And goodnight to you too."

As the door closed behind him, Thea was left alone with her thoughts, the weight of Farim's parting words lingering in the air. The notion of finding a real family, one that accepted her for who she was, struck a chord deep within her soul. For so long, she had been taught that blood and lineage were paramount, but now, for the first time, she dared to entertain the possibility of a different path. What would Leo think if she pursued this path? Would she become a disappointment to him as well?

With a heavy sigh, she rose from her seat and crossed the room, her movements deliberate as she sought out one of Annie's nightgowns. Carefully, she changed her friend into it, tucking her in with gentle hands before attending to her own preparations for bed.

As she lay down beside Anastasia, the soft embrace of sleep beckoning her into its comforting embrace, Thea couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was another way—a path illuminated by the promise of acceptance, understanding, and love. Love, something she believed she didn't deserve, but was now something she was realizing she desperately craved. Could someone truly love her? Could she actually pursue finding that for herself? It was a beautiful thought. And as she drifted off to sleep, she allowed herself to dream of a world where she could truly belong.

Time: Night
Location: Deep in the forest
Interactions: @ReusableSword Roman @Lava Alckon Farim @Conscripts John & Frederick

Torvi's focus shifted swiftly as the chaos unfolded around her, her senses attuned to the shifting dynamics of the confrontation. As the newcomers, Frederick and John, joined the fray with Farim and herself, Torvi couldn't help but feel annoyance bubbling up in her. Did these people truly not understand the gravity of the situation? Had they been cut off from the spirits for so long to not realize the danger they posed? She had little time to dwell on her thoughts, though, as her spell began taking effect and the spirits began swirling around them. Her attention, however, was grabbed by something else, the figure standing before Farim, facing down the wrathful spirits. She made a mental note to investigate this man further at a later time, recognizing the potential significance of his presence.

However, her attention quickly returned to the immediate situation as the spirits unleashed their fury upon the group, their anguished screams echoing through the clearing. Torvi stood her ground, unaffected by their wrath, her resolve unwavering. This had not been the first time she’d experienced something like this and she was sure it wouldn’t be the last. She merely had to ignore the hurtful words about the ancestors for the time being and would reflect on that later.

When the spirits finally dissipated and Roman collapsed to the ground, Torvi wasted no time in addressing the three men who had joined the fight. Her voice was firm as she asserted her authority over the situation.

"This was my fight alone," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. "You had no right to intervene. I pulled him so far away from the crowd to protect everyone, as I knew the severity of the situation."

With a few muttered curses under her breath in her native tongue, Torvi turned her attention to Fenrys as he reappeared in the clearing. She exchanged a silent communication with her companion before refocusing on Farim's inquiries about the princess and his cousin. She could still scent the princess on the two newest additions to the fight and if she focused enough, she caught a faint trail leading further away from the same scent.

"The princess is nearby," she informed Farim, her eyes scanning the area as she recalled the princess, Anastasia, who had earlier been with Farim and they seemed close. She’d watched them briefly from a distance when she was merely observing the ritual. She also remembered the one she assumed to be Farim’s cousin being with them. "You are her lover, I suppose? Fenrys will lead you to her and then to your cousin. The redhead should be with your cousin as well, safe from harm. If I discover the princess was harmed by you, then I will be sure to hunt you down and remove your balls before serving them to you on a silver platter."

With that, Fenrys walked to Farim’s side, ready to lead the way. Torvi moved back to the unconscious form of Roman and knelt down next to him.

"I will ensure this man’s safety and bring him back to his people," she assured all of them. Torvi wasted no time in heaving Roman's unconscious form onto her shoulders with surprising ease. ”Now please excuse me.” She said with a nod and then began moving. With a determined stride, she began to make her way back in the direction of the ritual site, her mind already focused on returning him to his servant, Erik.

Time: Evening
Location: In the forest somewhere
Attire: Outfit
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

As Munir enveloped her in his arms once again, Mina couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. Despite the chaos and uncertainty swirling around them, his presence was a comforting anchor, grounding her in the midst of her turmoil.

She leaned into his chest, seeking solace in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a soothing counterpoint to the cacophony of voices still echoing in her mind. She barely even heard anything he said to Hakim with everything spinning in her head. Closing her eyes, she focused on the feeling of his arms around her, the warmth of his embrace chasing away the chill of her fear and uncertainty.

"I'm sorry, Munir," she murmured softly, her voice barely audible above the din of the forest. "I'm sorry for everything... for pushing you away, for not being able to explain that night... I just... I'm so scared of what you'll think once you know."

Her words were tinged with sorrow and regret, her heart heavy with the weight of her burdens. But as she listened to the sound of Munir's heartbeat, a sense of peace began to wash over her, easing the tension that had coiled tight within her chest.

"Thank you," she whispered as exhaustion from the magic and everything else that happened that night threatened to overtake her. "Thank you for being here... for never giving up on me… for loving me."

With each beat of his heart, Mina felt herself growing more and more drowsy, the comforting sound lulling her into a sense of security she hadn't felt in a long time. ”I love you, Munir…” Snuggling closer to Munir, she let out a contented sigh, her body relaxing against his as sleep finally claimed her.

Time: Night
Location: Deep in the forest
Interactions: @ReusableSword Roman @Lava Alckon Farim

As Torvi clung to Roman's back, her initial attempt to choke him out met with fierce resistance as he tried to shake her off. The sheer force of his movements made it difficult for her to maintain her grip, and as Farim's leg swept out to disrupt Roman's charge, the impact sent Torvi careening into the nearest tree with bone-crushing force.

The collision was brutal, the sound of breaking wood mingling with Torvi's pained gasp, breaking of bones accompanying it, as she was thrown from Roman's back. For a long moment, she lay dazed on the forest floor, her vision swimming as she fought to regain her bearings. At first glance, some may even wonder if she were alive as she lay there unmoving and not even breathing. Any normal person may have been crushed, the life leaving them, but Torvi wasn’t entirely normal. Despite the searing pain coursing through her body, she refused to yield, her determination burning bright amidst the chaos.

That’s when she felt her bones slowly snapping back into place and she sent a silent prayer of thanks up to her ancestors. While it would take time to heal fully, she at least could take a normal breath after a long minute of waiting. With a fierce growl, Torvi pushed herself to her feet, her eyes fixed on Roman, hoping his attention was now turned on Farim. As he would make his next move, she moved in turn with lightning speed, darting and ducking around him to avoid his grasp. With a swift motion, she reached out to grab hold of his bear skull, her fingers closing around the bone with a vise-like grip.

In a bold display of strength, Torvi attempted to wrench the skull from Roman's head and send it tumbling to the forest floor. Torvi then began chanting something in the old tongue, closing the distance between them, her heart pounding with adrenaline as she prepared to cast her spell.

As she drew near, she could feel the heat radiating from Roman's body, the raw power that pulsed beneath his skin. With a deep breath, Torvi finished her chanting and then pressed her lips against his, her kiss fierce and unyielding as she poured every ounce of her will into the calm emotions spell and passed it from her lips to his.

"It is time for you to sleep, friend," she whispered against his lips, her voice a low murmur amidst the chaos of the forest. She knew this was risky with another present, but it was her final option currently. Her wolf pendant around her neck glowed ever so slightly as the magic flared and she sent another silent prayer up, hoping this would work.

Time: Evening
Location: In the forest somewhere
Attire: Outfit
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

As Munir's arms enveloped her in a tight embrace, Mina felt a flood of conflicting emotions wash over her. She could feel the weight of his love and devotion, his tears mingling with her own, but beneath it all, there was a nagging sense of guilt and uncertainty.

His words, filled with passion and sincerity, echoed in her mind, tugging at her heartstrings in a way she couldn't ignore. Yet, despite the depth of his feelings, she couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of fear and apprehension that had taken hold of her.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Mina gently pulled away from Munir's embrace only enough to look at him, her gaze meeting his with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "Munir," she began softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "I... I care for you deeply, you know that. But... there are things you don't understand. Things that weigh on me heavily."

Her words faltered for a moment as she struggled to find the right way to explain herself, the effects of the drink from the ritual still lingering in her mind. "I've been avoiding you, not because I don't love you, because I do love you deeply, but it’s because... because I'm scared and don’t know the right choices to make currently." She paused, her eyes searching his for understanding.

But before she could continue, a sudden onslaught of voices erupted in her mind, drowning out her thoughts and causing her to wince in pain. Gripping her head in her hands and knocking her headdress off, Mina let out a pained cry as the whispers of the dead grew louder and more insistent.

"N-no... not now," she muttered, her voice strained with agony as she struggled to block out the overwhelming noise.

”Miiinnaaaaa…” A voice so familiar and yet so distant in her memory called out tauntingly to her. ”Keep it up Mina. He’ll think you’re crazy too, they all will just like they thought I was…” The voice of her mother let out a laugh as Mina tried to block her out, gritting her teeth.

"Shut up, shut up, shut UP!" She screamed out as the voices got louder. Her legs gave out beneath her, and she sank to the ground, her hands still clutching her head as she tried to make sense of the chaotic cacophony assaulting her senses.

"Why must they all be so loud?" She whimpered, but then there was a new voice she’d never heard before.

”How interesting, you can hear the spirits? A rare skill indeed, little witch.” The voice was deep, almost soothing and, despite it being only in her mind, felt as if it came from behind her. Mina managed to briefly glance behind her to see the large wolf still there and watching her closely. It was then that she realized he was in her head. ”Make the man take you from here, the spirits are awake and restless tonight. And be cautious, little witch. There are those that hunt you.” With that, Fenrys bowed his head once more before turning and slowly walking away from the pair, heading back towards his mistress. Mina sent a small ‘thank you’ in his direction before trying to look back up at Munir.

"Munir…I-I need out of here, please…I promise to explain more, I just-" She let out another soft cry of pain, wincing as she gripped tighter at her head and tears began to spill down her cheeks.
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