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Current Like a blizzard?
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Hello Monday, I see gatekeeping is on the agenda today! Remember everyone, at the end of the day it's a hobby and these are all opinions! Do what you have fun doing and don't stink on others fun! :D
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Worship the night!
1 yr ago
Where my night crowd?


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@BrokenPromiseYeah I'll change those details, I wasn't super attached to em. Once I actually start to write out the character and get into his headspace even more I'm confident his own unique flair will stand out! His goal is to be less of a frontline fighter and more of an information seeker/skirmisher/wild card type of guy.
Oh boy, that felt like starting a car that's been sitting out back all winter. But I did it!

Completely unaware of Chwegwn's moment of contemplation in regards to Adrian's own actions, Adrian proceeded to take a seat, oblivious to the rooms occupants as his mind wandered into fanciful fantasies. Luckily Adrian's chosen life of a runaway had yet to deprive him of his sense of etiquette and his body automatically directed itself towards the seat to Kira's immediate left. One of Chwegwn's bodies shortly hopped atop his lap, startling him from the moment in time for him to take stock of the room and get ahold of his senses in time to order.

"Ah, just water and the finest meat you can acquire, preferably made fresh and dressed in a multitude of steamed vegetables. I care not for the specifics, surprise me. Just make sure it is rare as well, I like my meat a to bleed." He said, a frightening grin spreading across his face at the mention of rarity. It had been a bit since Adrian had such a lavish meal, and given the situation he planned to indulge a tad as he'd been unable to as of late.

With that in mind he fished out a small pouch he kept in his breast pocket, a collection of homemade narcotics that he fancied playing around with from time to time. Adrian began picking through his selection and contemplating his choices as he awaited either the food, or for something interesting to arise from the rooms occupants, whichever came first.
Discord is cool for longer discussions, like the tons of questions and follow-up questions I have for a build I'm trying to formulate.
I enjoy things that evoke a cult following, I might throw my hat in the ring. Still gotta read everything, just skimming around a tad after work.
I have this old thing that I dusted off from oh say 4 years ago or a little less technically.

I just copied it over from last time so I don't know what still applies, I'll go back over it sometime later or tomorrow, just gonna leave it here for now so I don't have to go find it again.
The tired voice that Adrian had heard whilst eavesdropping betrayed nothing of the beauty that now captivated him. Had he been a less disciplined man Adrian might've went slack-jawed even. He'd heard many a rumor of Leadbelly Kira, and a name like that didn't do much for one's imagination, but Adrian's imagination couldn't have concocted that which stood before him regardless.

In an attempt to distract himself, and avoid being called out for staring, Adrian let his gaze wander around the room as he tried to pick apart the many layers present upon the walls. Most noticeably to him were the items clearly placed there by Kira as either keepsakes or for functional use, Adrian could only guess which. Shuffling sideways ever so slightly to ensure he wasn't to close, Adrian watched as the vampire's agent seemed to leave as quietly as a breeze followed by his entourage.

Turning once more to their host Adrian was once again captivated, this time no paltry attempt at distracting himself could tear his mind away from the captivity of his deepest vice. The woman before him was like nothing he'd ever laid his eyes upon. From the modifications to her own flesh to the manner with which she dispensed of a minor annoyance, Adrian was lost deep in the trenches of desire. He pulse quickened when her hand split and she set about addressing the weapon or whatever, Adrian was barely attempting to keep up with the actual matters being discussed.

"Good, and you, Adrian? I hope you're not one of those runaways who decided to be an ascetic."

As his name fell from her lips Adrian felt his heart drop, his chest tighten, and his palms sweat. Suddenly his earlier problems were entirely forgotten and his trance broken as he swished deep into an overly dramatic bow, accidently slapping one of Chwegwn's bodies in the brow as his left hand rose into the air with a flourish.

"Never you worry madam! I was merely stunned by your beauty is all, Adrian of House Lybar at your service, though we've, as in myself and the house, had a tad bit of a falling out as you may have surmised. Hopefully we can keep that information amongst us friends here though, yes?" Adrian spoke with a carefree tone, betraying nothing that would hint that his earlier disposition had ever been. Remaining in a low bow he tilted his head back to allow him to flash Kira a smile and a wink, still remaining in pose. "And how might one such as I make myself of use to one such as yourself?" He asked, attempting not to be too overly suggestive, but perhaps not being as subtle as he intended either.

Ello, I feel like I've partaken in an iteration of this at one point. Bandi sounds very familiar.
@rush99999 So something I don't remember us clearing up, did you pick up the good doctor before or after your last job? Also so excited for so many new characters!
Adrian's first thoughts were that of worry, frustration even. It would seem that they'd been offered up for some sort of mission. Judging by what Adrian had overheard he wasn't entirely sure if that was a good thing. Whoever this Desolator was certainly had two of the higher powers of Kontina concerned, that alone stroked Adrian's paranoia. Adrian took a moments to roll his shoulders and crack his neck, letting the familiar actions soothe his nerves as he took a deep breath and set about analyzing the situation.

Kira and Orohome were both considerably influential, and that was aside from their actual raw power. This 'Desolator' was an unknown to Adrian but perhaps the situation could still prove to be advantageous. Possibly working under a high profile individual such as these two might warrant his pursuers choosing to stay their hand for a time, perhaps not. Either way Adrian could likely count of Orohome keeping any information regarding him to herself for now as long as his presence proved to their benefit.

With his jaw set and a look of determination Adrian made to follow his captain and made an effort to shake off the paranoia that had been plaguing him thus far.
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