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@Kal-El Oh? Indulge me.

It would deal with Hawkeye having never distanced himself from Trickshot and following in his footsteps. Though there is something that I could do that links Bucky and Hawkeye more intimately in the story.
@Sep Clark vs Hulk. BRING IT!

I has an idea for Hawkeye that Mike better message me on Skype about. Though it would oppose Stephanie Carter and Bucky Barnes.
Sorry that my post has been long in the making. Please forgive me.
Oh, you're going to get in touch with someone who can play Superman?

>~<...yes, I suppose I could. But until then I'm thinking about it.

Supes is mine. BACK UP HOMIES!

No Cyclops in the X-Men? Hrmmmm

Him too

I thought @Suku had Alexandre. LOLZ
Soon, my children. A jedi of perfection shall grace you. Nothing shall forestall my return.

You bitches ready to become the greatest mage team on the planet?


Nobunaga Inuzuka

Nobunaga rubbed his shoulder as he stood in the mirror, his sling finally off though he still had a few bandages covering the scar left by Daiki's retaliation. It had healed within the week leading up to this mission that Nobunaga had been chosen for. A whole week of being treated like he couldn't act with just one arm. Dealing with the Inuzuka clan head treating him poorly due to resisting Ayame's rule as the Hokage. Nobunaga still stood strong but even he knew that fighting so openly would get him killed. Bowing and playing the role as a follower was needed for survival. It was a wonder why Ayame and Fuji would allow him to go upon a mission knowing that he hated their reign over Konoha at the current moment. Possibly they knew even he was not dumb enough to mess up a mission that could bring them down upon him.

He fixed his tie and placed his blazer upon his body in a hurried manner. He needed to meet with Rei, Seta, and Akio at the bathhouse to spy on the Hojo. The bathhouse was only a few minutes run as long as he went by the rooftops. Nobu rushed out his house with Oichi following right on his heels. A short run indeed, his eyes were first set upon the white hair of Reihana that draped over her face. She was quite the adorable female and a smile etched on Nobu's face when he saw her. Beautiful women were always a good thing to have around. Akio and Seta came into view almost immediately as they stood beside Rei. Nobu came to an abrupt stop only a few meters away from the group.

"Hey." Nobu waved at them, Oichi running up to Rei with her tail wagging as fast as lightning.
Alrighty. So I have Alexandre, Ren, and Blanche joining my character's team. Be prepared. We have a hundred year job in store. I promise, it will be FUN!

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