Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Gypsy

“You’re better off asking a Sarutobi. The Uzumaki is just famous for their guts. The Will of Fire is a joke now, the Leaf Village doesn't believe in it and neither should you.” Momoi frowned at the boy's answer, she was hoping for a more better answer. But with the way he was acting, it didn't seem much to bother him anymore, even the Gypsy knew how to test one's patience. “I use to think It was protecting your family.”

"Well shit." she huffed with disappointment as stood up from the bed, an idea came across her mind before she pulled out her little notebook from underneath her sweater. Writing down her name and Number to contact her. She placed on his bedside table. Ruffling the boy hair a bit she smiled at him gently "This is the Gypsy who is talking to you, i know it doesn't mean much: but if there is one thing i've taken aboard from doing countless mission, seeing comrades die before my eyes...they all died without regret." Like the big sister she claimed to be, she bend down to Giichi and gave a small kiss on the cheek to cheer him up. "If you think that the will of fire is protect those you hold dearly to you, then stick to those words and never go back on the promise you made to them."

"Giichi Uzumaki, Do what you think is right."

Taking her coat, she draped it over herself and exited out the boy's room. "If you want someone to talk to you, call me. I promise you i won't ever turn against you, my tits are made from the purest of steel and they aren't tainted!" she grinned at him brightly, the type that would bring a small spark of light to anyones heart, it even got the gypsy the best girlfriend anyone could ask for. "Take care, Uzumaki-kun, Terumi-kun." with that she closed the door.

Only to open it again "Oh yeah, if anyone asks: you're the father of my child, i used that to get in here." chuckled again she closed the door and ran out of the residence. Her next step was to head back to Takeshi's apartment, hopefully Chihiro would be there. Fortunately she was there prompting Momoi to cook dinner for her girlfriend and Yang, after that they spent the night drinking until the night was a complete blurr....as usual.

A week later- Hyuuga compound

She could hear yelling...multiple voices in fact which cause her eye to flutter in pure agony. "Itai.....too much sake.....fucking hell..." shifting in her bed she tried to reach out for something, only to grab the pillow and hugged it tightly. The feeling of hugging chihiro still linger as she moaned and slowly rose from her bed. She was still dazed and confused as Chihiro entered the room once again- and flustered. Momoi tried to say something, but the feeling of sand in your throat was all that she would feel. 'Well fuck me silly...i-tai~" holding her head like it was about to burst she stood up rather clumsily and slowly made made her way to her girlfriend "ayyy....whatssssss the co-como-comomomotion~?" she tried to speak, but the hidden sand in the throat and her hung over state was not really helping. Looking at Chihiro who was wearing nothing but a towel, she smirked "Wha----we're you planning to surprise me~?" a drunken smile took over her face as she held up her arms and made a kissing face to her "I'll give you some love----"

That was when hard knocks on the door made her hold her head again, this time it made her angry. "Gahh....who da fuck knocks this lo-loud?!" Like a drunken mad woman, Momoi somehow made her way towards the door and moved the girl away from the door. The last Knock forced Momoi to hold her head again with one hand and open the door with the other. It was then the alcohol kicked in again, making everything blurring as Momoi lost her balance and fell on top of Hajime, unfortunately as the two hit to floor again. Momoi's head landed in the man's crotch. "Urgahh......." raising her head again, the haziness in her eyes had turn Hajime into:

"Wah....Chi-chan~?" the gypsy slurred "I thought you were in the room with me~" placing her hand on his inner thighs before laying her head in Hajime's crotch and rubbed into that area, getting nice and comfortable. "Lemme sleep on your lap, i got too drunk last night."

What she didn't realize if Hajime didn't have to willpower to suppress it. Something would be poking her very soon, something that was harder than steel.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Daiki Naito

Daiki smirked at Saburo, lifting a hand out his pocket and place it gingerly on his neck. The words brought a sense of a pain … longing that didn’t really translate to his face. “I’ve come this far, can’t stop now can I? .” the question was rhetorical, meaningless really. He knew he had to see it through. “In other words, I’m positive. Right here and right now. I want to join the 11th corps.”

Just as quick as it came, it had passed. The moment that hinted at his inner distress was going with cold, wet wind.

His hand fell back into his pocket. “Umm, thanks by the way. You didn’t have to do this and I’m sure it involved a lot of paper work. I’ll think on getting the others to see you, at the very least, differently. See ya.” With that said, he strode out the building and leap towards the Naito home; he had to start packing and moving out. That much he was certain of.

* * * * *

Daiki pushed aside a box of his belongings with his foot. The fresh, saddened faces of his mother, grandfather, and Avaron was still in front of his vision as he did so. That was a week ago. His new home was a bit more modern, tech was built into the walls, and lights were bright and wide above him.

His fist were firmly pressed against his sides as he looked up at the unfamiliar fluorescent. Not much could said about it, his new life that is, not that he particularly wanted to say anything at all. His life had been upchucked thanks to his own decisions, now he would have to get over it and use to it. Two things he was never eally good at. Since the time of his identity crisis, to the time of the tyrant: Yamato Minamoru. He was never really good at keeping things as they were, always the first to challenge what he deemed worthy.

Now though, now he found himself with another name, one that fitted him like a glove and at the same time, felt uncomfortable. He walked over to his bed nearby, sat down, and stared at the black wall. It was bad enough that Saburo was making an effort to actually establish some family bond, one that could be just as trivial as his non-attempt at making friends years ago, but now he was stuck on a mission with him too. Him and another Uchiha at that. Daiki felt his teeth clench together. Seems like the world was really trying to immerse him in his bloodline.

Closing his eyes, he tried to shut himself off from the world. Only allowing the smallest of tendrils to worry about the mission coming up. A few minutes ticked by, and darkness had encroached from all sides for a moment … that was until his phone rumbled on the table. At first he ignored it, then shot up, sped over to the table, and snatched it up. He slowed when he saw the mass wall of messages he had been ignoring.

Avaron was wondering if they could see each other tonight. His mother asked if he had ate yet. And as he scrolled down the long list of Naito members, he finally stumbled upon the most recent; Saburo. The message had a singular address in it. Must be the meeting spot he figured. Daiki rubbed his head, hearing the insects outside his window as he realized it was sake bar.

“I don’t drink.” he muttered to himself.

By the time he had appeared on the street, Saburo and the mystery Uchiha: a girl, was walking out the bar. The Sword of Kusanagi hung from his side, a thick black harness keeping it in check. The extra weight was near unnoticeable. As he approached, he lifted a hand from his pocket and waved a piss-poor greeting.

“Sorry about the wait. Or not. I’m not sure how long you two’ve been here. Let’s get this Fuyushi guy. I’m still not comfortable with being called an Uchiha, but I don’t like the thought of someone stealing other people eyes. It sickening really. Especially from my ... r-relatives.”

Giichi Uzumaki

Surprisingly enough, Giichi had arrived on the meeting spot in a shadowy blur. His hands were on his knees as he heaved from his exertion. Damn. His training had run over … again. A touch of anxiety touched his heart as he looked up at the Hyuuga man. He had heard he was good friends with Fujitora and Ayame.

Instinctively, he quirked his lip to the side in a frown, tilted his head, and clenched his fist at his side. The parting words of that Gypsy had inspired him to followed his own heart, he would have to thank her in person. Since that night, he had been texting her constantly. Telling her about his own vision of the Will of Fire. How it was more than just an ideal. How it was the village itself and the immense love of the First carried over through the generations.

Fujitora and Ayame had severed that love with a needle and showered the flame with an oppressive drizzle. He hated them and everything that they stood for. He doubted he could stand being in a room with them but even more than that, he found it hard tolerating those that sided with them.

“I’m gonna beat them y’know? Fujitora and Ayame. Look forward to that,” he told the Hyuuga before locking his hands behind his head and putting some distance between them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Before Yuen’s second glass had arrived, her cousin did. She was greeted by a younger man, perhaps around her age, though Yuen had never been the best at estimating the amount of time one had spent on this world. Especially with Shinobi, some who had seen loss and had received scars that would last a lifetime had yet to even graduate the academy. Then every once in a while a happy go lucky Jonin would be spotted, as if nothing in his or her life had ever failed to meet their expectations. It was a strange world they lived in.

“Hello, cousin.” Saburo let himself underneath the curtain that acted as a door. Yuen didn’t turn to greet him while it was true they were most certainly cousins, she hadn’t truly met any of the other members of the Uchiha clan. His significance lay with the fact that his Gunbai, firmly kept within his grasp was undeniably one that Madara Uchiha had used in one lifetime. A relic, a treasured artifact in Uchiha culture. It was clear to anyone who knew the history of their clan that he was important. And what did Yuen have to show of her importance? An underdeveloped Sharingan and half-baked Bukijutsu.

“I knew that the Uchiha had fallen deep.. But as low to visit places like these, I never had imagined.” Most may have felt shame, dishonor or anger at these words, but they spurred a chuckle from Yuen’s dark sense of humor.

“Yes cousin, you’re not mistaken. It is good to finally meet you, I’m sure you’ve heard and seen very little of me, you’ll have to forgive my mother’s training regimen is hardly allowing of free time.” Yuen said as Saburo scanned her. She did the same to him, he most certainly had the physique of a shinobi and it seemed he was wearing the guise of an 11th corps as well. Certainly impressive, if she could one day achieve that perhaps her mother would see more of Yuen.

Without another word spoken between the two of them Saburo exited the bar and Yuen followed suit, placing some Ryo on the counter before departing. A cold breeze followed her out of the warm bar and Yuen felt her skin come alive with the sensation, but she simply kept pace behind Saburo, waiting for him to speak once more.

“The 11th corps had been chasing this man for a while, but we never got the okay to take him down. Zeno Hakarasu considered it a danger to the public, disregarding the harm that might befall the world if the Yakuza get their hands on even more Sharingan. It's a powerful tool we have, one that shouldn't be in the hands of those with bad intentions, and more over, those that lack the self control to use our tool.” Yuen listened intently, nodding to show as much. However at the mention of their eyes, their power as a tool, Yuen found herself glaring at the ground.

“Perhaps your eyes cousin, however mine have barely developed since I was only thirteen years old.” She said, shame flowing up through her body and escaping with each word. But she was snapped out of it as a hand was placed on her shoulder.

“Tell me cousin, what kind of gifts do you like?”

”I want nothing more than to bring honor to our family. For my eyes to surpass any of those who would fight us, for my mother to be proud and rest. I want to become a worthy kunoichi and Uchiha.” Yuen spoke, each word sending a greater wave of confidence out towards her cousin.

But it seemed there was another young man who had joined them. He held with him a sword attached to a black harness, the sword hung around his side.

He took one hand from his pocket and waved at Yuen and Saburo. “Sorry about the wait. Or not. I’m not sure how long you two’ve been here. Let’s get this Fuyushi guy. I’m still not comfortable with being called an Uchiha, but I don’t like the thought of someone stealing other people eyes. It sickening really. Especially from my ... r-relatives.”
Yuen turned back to Saburo ready to begin her mission. She deftly made sure both of her Fuma shuriken on her sides were harnessed in.

“What’s our first move cousin?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

Yamato Minamoru, “Young Master”

“Watashi wa Kami, I am God.”
@AgentFallenSoul @Raijinslayer @Renny @Kimono

Yamato jumped from roof to roof, headed for the village gates. The rain was a welcome change from the sunny weather that seemed to trouble Konohagakure permanently. Now, the weather was cooler, and Yamato could appreciate that. He slowly bobbed and weaved past houses, closing in on the village gates. Today he was working with a senior jonin, atleast a senior to him, Katsu Hyuga. He'd heard of the man, hell, he'd seen the man when his father took him to the Hyuuga for political dealings. And back then he had already grown a certain hatred for bloodline limit bearers, the cursed. People like Katsu.

Yamato shook his head to shake the thoughts off of him. Today he had a semi important mission, something to do with an art show or something like that. His team consisted of Katsu, Giichi and Tatsuya, all individuals of whom he wasn't sure what side of the coup they were on. Well, that wasn't true. Tatsuya and Giichi had both shown their discontent with the coup, the fools. As for Katsu, well, the Hyuuga would no doubt be busy with political games. So it all remained to be seen. While he was thinking he closed in on the gates, seeing Giichi and Katsu ahead of him already. With a final thrust he pushed himself off of the ledge of the roof and landed near the two shinobi, landing just in time to hear Giichi say what he had to say. Coming up from his landing, he couldn't help but grin. “Your words and voice remind me of someone called Naruto.”

“But Naruto had the Kyuubi, and was related to the Sage. You.. not so much.” he said, a rather stern warning if Giichi was able to decypher that this wasn't meant to insult, but rather warn him that he wasn't nearly strong enough to take on the new Hokage, let alone a combination of her and her brother, Fujitora. “Though, if Ayame has her way, we might gain back the Kyuubi.. if she has some sense of humour and tradition, she'd seal it inside of you. Keep the Kyuubi in trusted Uzumaki hands, right? Maybe that would change your opinion of her.” he'd say, looking away from Giichi and looking at the rather large gate. Even compared to some nearby skyscrapers, it was still huge. Pretty useless, however, given that most shinobi were able to scale it easily. He sighed and then looked at Katsu, a bored look already taking over the expression Yamato had on his face. “Who are we waiting for again? For all we know this thief has already struck.”

Saburo Uchiha, “Kimyōna”

The Uchiha Return
@Renny @Write

Saburo would glance shortly over his shoulder as Yuen spoke of her eyes, a saddening thing to hear really but perhaps she was right - her sharingan was maybe not as useful, but it had potential like all other sharingans. For that reason alone he didn't answer her and continued looking out for Daiki. Finally he appeared on the horizon, giving a small wave, which was only met with the same type of wave by Saburo. As Daiki approached he turned to face the two of them at the same time. “The next step? Well, we know his location momentarily. All we have to do is find him and take him down. We should try to apprehend him and arrest him, but logically, he'll probably just try to get our sharingans. So we have been authorised to use lethal force. After that we need to apprehend those that were involved in his little bussiness - such as the person that rented him the building, which is suspected of being involved, and some other people.” He would give them a short nod, to make sure they understood it, before walking down the street and then jumping up to a nearby roof.

He would jump roof to roof as he headed for the Downtown area. Ofcourse, it'd have to be the Downtown area, where else would shady bussinesses and criminals be hiding. Inside large luxurious towers, such as the Minamoru corporation's headquarters? Ofcourse not. The team of three Uchiha would cross into the Downtown area, noticeable by both smell and sight. However Saburo kept going, with a pretty clear goal in mind, approaching a rather large appartment complex. It appeared rundown and had some graffiti on it, but appeared otherwise inhabited. With a thud he landed in the dusty street in front of it, looking back to see if the rest of the team was there yet. The soft evening breeze made it a bit more bearable to be out at this time, though the rain certainly helped in this mission since Saburo had wanted to enter somewhat inconspicuously. “Hai, team Uchiha. The target is on the 5th floor, appartment 32b. Daiki, please climb that building across the way, and position yourself to enter through a window. The window you're looking for is...”

With a quick eye he scanned the building above him, locating the window pretty easy doing some quick maths. “There.” he'd say, pointing at the window. It was the third from the right, 4 rows up. “Yuen, as you're a chunin, you are under my jurisdiction. So therefore please come with me while we go inside. We'll be the distraction while Daiki takes the man down from behind when we enter.” If everyone would give the okay, Saburo would head inside, walking past the reception desk that was manned by an old man, who seemed to be blind. The two of them would walk up the stairs whilst Daiki would remain outside, hopefully positioning himself for a takedown. As soon as they would reach the door, Saburo would simply stand in front of the door, staring at it. It'd be a weird sight for Yuen, but mentally Saburo was counting down, giving Daiki some time to prepare himself to enter and take down this man.

1.. 2... 3.... “Yuen-chan, please be so kind to knock on the door three times.” he said, suddenly turning his face towards her and smiling warmly. Somehow his smile seemed different when smiling at fellow Uchiha. A bit more genuine, perhaps. None could tell. The 11th corps would do that to you. Slowly he'd prepare some handseals, before using a jutsu right when Yuen knocked on the door. Onnanoko Dōshi no Jutsu!” With a soft poof, Saburo used the clone jutsu to transform himself into two curvy, busty ladies. Clothed, ofcourse, since his cousin that was younger than 18 was still near him. A good distraction, if Saburo said so himself. The man that was inside approached the door if Yuen had knocked on it like she was told to, opening it and looking at.. whatever was going on there. A perfect window for Daiki to take him down through the window, which was looking right at the mans back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Partisan @Renny

Yuen listened to her cousin describe the target. They were given the go ahead to use extreme force if necessary. Permission to kill this man who lusted after her families eyes. She saw no problem with that, in fact for her at this injunction it was a preferred outcome. He couldn’t come after anymore Uchiha as long as they put him out of business. But she didn’t voice this thought, she had no clue what Saburo would say she had only just met him, and she knew Daiki even less so. Saburo described the others that they would need to seek out after apprehending their target, it made sense. Anyone who allowed this monstrosity to continue his actions deserved punishment, perhaps not as severe, but punishment all the same.

The three Uchiha clan members leapt from the tops of the buildings in the distance she could see the towering architectural buildings that were common for that part of the town. It was only once she was glancing off into the distance that she realized it had been raining for quite some time, she couldn't remember the last time it hadn't been raining. She glanced over at Saburo and Daiki, they didn’t seem to be phased. Good, she would think, the rain only benefited this mission. Before long their nighttime promenade ceased and Yuen found herself encroaching a large apartment complex.

Daiki was told to go across the way into an adjacent building and Yuen to stay with Saburo, because she was a Chunin. She was the weak link in this mission. Increasingly powerful waves of doubt shot forth from Yuen, she was a liability, why was she even there? But before she could question herself further she received her instructions. She knocked on the door and as she did Saburo’s hands quickly melded into multiple handseals. Before she could blink he had taken the form as two attractive women she was flanked by them.

She felt a presence approaching the door and looked outwards towards Daiki’s entry point. All seemed well for his flank. All that would be needed was for their distraction to go off without a hitch, judging by Yuen’s new company. She was pretty sure it would be fine.

And then the door opened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi

"That would be me, Minamoru-san," A voice would be heard from behind as Tatsuya ran up to the gate, stopping amongst those assembled in full combat gear, fiddling with the gauntlet on his arm to make sure everything was in good condition. He'd been testing the Chakra Gauntlet's capabilities for the whole of the week, trying to think of ways it could be improved upon, and if that failed him, possible variations that could be made to it's design. So far, nothing concrete had been planned, but he felt like he was on to something with a few of his designs, he just had to get started on the prototypes.

Tatsuya had been so lost in his thoughts on the prototypes that he'd been fiddling with som random hardware for about 2 minutes after speaking before he snapped out of it. "Ah, sorry about that, I tend to get lost in my thoughts sone times. Anyway, what I was going to say was that I'm sorry for making you wait. Had some trouble at home, but I'm here now and ready to begin." He gave a bow to Yamato and Katsu, as well as a nod to Giichi. "Hello Uzumaki-san, a pleasure to see you in better spirits and I hope that your father appreciates the blade. Please do not hesitate to come by yourself sometime if you ever need a new weapon."

With that said, Tatsuya sealed up the gauntlet again and sent a current of chakra into the machinery. The projection disc began to spin, glowing a bright blue color before giving of a quick flash. Upon dying down, one woukd see a large, but thin, disc of chakra formed above Tatsuya's arm. He'd keep up the flow for a few more seconds to check for any irregularities, of which there were none, before shutting it back down with a pleased look in his eye.

No anomolies in the chakra matrix, everything seems relatively stable, and the projection disc is still performing at maximum efficiency, even after the intensive use it's been put through during testing and calibration. Over all, some damn good work, if I do say so myself.

Once the final checks to his gear were made, he was ready to leave with the others, Ketsui hanging by his side fully charged and ready for action.




Akio Tendou

As Reihana appeared, Akio couldn't help but smile as she was once again showered by compliments from the girl. "Good to see you can remain so happy and chipper with this damn rain coming down in buckets, and as for my hair, I don't really do, much but wash and condition is all. But enough with the compliments, you're making me blush," Akio chuckled a little as Rei explained the reason she wa ted to be told the plan ahead of time, shaking her head in slight amusement. "Plan is simple, we'll be forming two groups, one to try and talk to the Hojo's and another who'll sneak into their office and home find out the secrets they don't want to tell us about. Since the Hojo aren't a true shinobi clan, I'm pretty sure that it should be easy to go undetected, but you can never be too cautious, yeah?"

Upon finishing her explanation, she heard a voice calling out to her, who appeared to be the Seta kid. As he gave his greeting, Akio gave him a scanning look before givongna slight nod of her head in acknowledgement. Nice to meet you too, Seta, and as for the mission, Rei here will be delighted to fill you in on the details." After handing the chunin off to Rei, Akio looked around for the last member of the team with an angry glare on her face.

If that little brat doesn't show up soon, I'm going to channel my inner Tsuki-nee and hunt his ass down myself after this mission is over.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Daisuke Yama

Daisuke mentally cursed as he felt his arm trapped between Chokashi’s arm and stomach. That was the very reason that he never went on the offensive, he was designed to trap people in a very similar manner to his current predicament. These thoughts quickly vanished as he once more asserted control over his mind. He was in a dangerous situation and he couldn’t afford the distraction. He also couldn’t rely on instinct, simply because all of his instinct revolved around him being in a position of defense. As he began to formulate a plan he noticed Chokashi’s right hand beginning it’s swing.

Without the time required to come up with a proper plan Daisuke sprung straight into the barely coherent idea that he had been forming. His right hand grabbed a hold of the back plate of Chokashi’s battle armor with an iron grasp while Daisuke whipped his body to his right, Cho’s left. As his body twisted to the side he would attempt to lift the Akimichi slightly off the ground and use their combined momentum to swing the heir in the same direction that Daisuke moved in. A sharp stab of pain would shoot out from Daisuke’s right shoulder as it not only pushed against the arm that restrained his, but was also forced to lift and swing his opponent. While he pulled his opponent he would lift his left knee so that he would end up slamming Chokashi’s stomach directly into it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Moments went by and barely any activity in the Hyuuga mansion occurred. Unfazed, the robot would only conclude that they were either sleeping due to a lack of early morning duties or the rain had hit their patience limit. Nonetheless, its particular interest for Chihiro prompted the living scrap metal to use the thermal visor to see through the thin walls of the old buildings, eventually noticing Chihiro's unique silhouette laying next to another female-like body. N.C.4 couldn't make many conclusions from that other than the heir had a visitor, though its thoughts were inevitably geared toward that drunken troublemaker. More and more activity accumulated as two extra silhouettes approached her rooms, many screams and hostile movements followed. It didn't help that the sounds could be hear from the drone's position, encouraging it to actually get close to the main house and observe the phenomenon.

Now at the roof of the main mansion, it could distinguish the various individuals involved more clearly, and acknowledge the sense behind their dialogues. The voice of Momoi became clear, as well as Takeo Hyuuga's, but the third voice could only be associated to this kid who seemed to roam near Chihiro more often these days. There was no reason for it to penetrate the household, nothing of true danger manifested itself and it had even less reasons to be around there in the first place. It had to become inventive to actually establish some contact with Chihiro and figure out what was the issue. Not that it actually mattered, but it had this strange hunch that the delinquent girl was in the room, poisoning the young heir's mind with distractions that could wreck even the shiniest of stars. Whipping out its phone, it would type something without even looking at it.

Hiro. Entrance in fives minutes. Various post-operation verifications are required. Bring your associates if need be.
Unknown Number

With that text sent, the robot leaped from the roof and landed at the spot it planned on meeting Chihiro at: The Entrance. It stood still and stiff under the merciless rain, hoping that through the cover of this examination to determine her condition to resume missions, it would figure out the place of that intoxicated individual in the Hyuuga's life. The more it thought of it, the more N.C.4 realized just how pointless Chihiro's lover was and how much her presence would impede the rising star's destiny of being a beacon for this village. It didn't believe in hope, but it has an efficient way of asserting information and making sensible predictions based on profile. Chihiro would be envisioned as an elite while Momoi, although talented, would end up like all the talents with a very powerful fault: In the trashes of the city.

Arms crossed, it did not mind for one second that its body was dampened by the endless drizzle, its eyes seemingly absent as they stared down at the muddy ground. The water didn't rise much in the area, likely due to it being at a hill, but it found that fact interesting nonetheless.

Fujitora Choko ; The Overseer

Yami Kara no Mezame

"Aha! I speak of that particular clan as 'cursed'. So far they've been rather efficient, cursed or not. Like hell am I falling for such superstitions. Though ... They do make it easier to have a little Uchiha kid join the 11th once in a while."

He chuckled, musing at the fact that now he was leading a rather serious organization and couldn't stop to think of the ethical side of work. Rather, he mostly saw the fighting potential in each, and the Uchiha were inevitably the best in terms of innate ability, likely one of the reason why they're still not all that appreciated. Fujitora liked them a lot for that, they made his life easier and they were just grand to stared directly at the eyes, only to fall into their dominating genjutsu. And then suddenly Tsukiko came in, but the ex commander didn't even stand up out of respect. He was still her superior and of course she still had to know her place despite the relaxed nature of this encounter.

He'd scoot his seat over a bit to leave place for the drenched woman to sit on the remaining chair. Fujitora would then gesture the feral woman to sit down in a polite manner, a genuinely warming grin on his face as he was of course pleased to have his ex-subordinate join them at such a time, especially after the recent events. Ayame served them some special drinks, which made the tall man snicker before helping himself to some good old red.

"Wow Aya. The way you go as far as to bring QUALITY beer along with some good wine here just makes use look more and more like typical bad guys in movies. We're probably not that far off in terms of image these days to the populace, then again politics never change aye? Haha."

Laughing off this scene of self-consciousness he was giving, he didn't seem to mind that they weren't giving off the best example to pretty much anyone in the village, and this made it appear more ludicrous than it had to be. Fujitora wasn't going to change just because the had invaded the village, though, which would likely spark some red lights to people like Tsukiko who were close to him. He appeared so comfortable with the fact that he'd act exactly the same as he did when he was lying to everyone when he was in a position of trust toward the Hokage. He'd randomly stand up and walk over to a large yet old music player at the end of the office. It was Gonba's when he was spending long hours in the office.

"Hoho, this one will make us go through Stereotype lane. I'll raise my pinky when drinking from now on, we'll also need steak. Say, how was your hunt, Tsukiko? Any good meat you'd prefer? This villain-like scene will probably end up with Aya laughing uncontrollably, am I right?"

He'd look at his sister with the lamest of grins, expecting her to play along in this masquerade of humor. When he turned on the player (the music playing would be the Post's theme), he'd wiggle his finger in the air to follow the melody's tune, all the while grabbing his drink as he kept his over the top act a little more to ease up the tension, or maybe raise it if Tsukiko got the wrong idea. She was in the lion's den anyway so it didn't matter all too much how she'd react.

"But seriously. Do you want to kill me? Right here, right now?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Shin Maru, Topaz

To his surprise, Reijo seemed rather inviting once Shin arrived. Though he knew better than to believe that Reijo was being honest and friendly, but the fact that he wasn't scolding Shin when he was well within his right to do so meant that the man was personally invested in what Shin was here to talk about. "Nah, doing this kind of work is actually a bit fun, though I don't doubt I'd make more money working for ya," Shin spoke after Reijo when he entered, stopping halfway through the room to give a polite bow. "Sorry about the informal entrance, sir. I was running behind schedule and had to rush." It felt odd apologizing to Reijo when he hadn't even demanded an apology, but Shin knew it was best to be cordial with Mr. Minamoru.

When he stood back upright he continued across the office until he could sit down in one of the guest chairs. "You probably have the room tapped, yeah? I don't think you'd let anyone else wire this office, but it wouldn't surprise me if you had it wired yourself," Shin began musing, though it was mostly to himself rather than directly to Reijo. After finishing the thinking-out-loud, he directed his full attention to the important man before him. "As you already know, my father has been put on indefinite suspension. This binds not only him, but Konoha as well," Shin began explaining. "As one of the key figureheads of the police and shinobi forces, fa-... Kaito has become an important man for Konoha's peace and safety. But presently he cannot work, not even in the shadows as the reformed 11th Corps have spies on him around the clock. Er... the 11th Corps is a spy network, in case Yamato never told you or anything."

"Kaito has always been against Konoha's open immigration policy."
A subtle shift in tone and a notable shift in Shin's body language indicated he was now getting down to business. "Zeno Hakaresu, being of an immigrant family but native-born shinobi, disagreed with him and disregarded the idea. Recent events have brought to light the exact results of the decisions made twenty years ago. So, in the best interests of Konohagakure, Kaito believes that much stricter control needs to be taken of village affairs, especially the presence of foreign shinobi on our soil. He is unable to meet with you in person, for fear that doing so would implicate you and drag the both of you down. I am here as a middle-man of sorts to relay communication from Kaito to you, though relaying what you say to him will be more difficult... Long story cut short..."

"We need your help."
Shin took a moment to pause, mainly to catch his own breath. He wasn't used to talking this much. Not even bragging about himself or flirting with attractive women required so many words. "With your prestige and your power, you are an important factor in whatever fate Konoha has. The businesses and the money under your control is nothing to shake a stick at. You can make things... happen..." Shin let out a sigh now. "I am aware, as is my father, that you have had problems in the past with him. But I can assure you that he has always acted in the best interests of Konoha and its people. Though he is no longer in an active position in society, he is not without connections or power of his own. And he is willing to make a deal with you."

Shin leaned forward slightly as he removed a piece of folded paper. Unfolding it proved it was a map of Konoha, with the Downtown area circled in a black marker and another smaller circle resided over a small part of Naruto City. The young man placed the map on Reijo's desk, to allow him to see it or inspect it how he wished. "What would it cost to turn the immigrant neighborhoods into a living hell?" Shin asked, sounding as if he was reciting a line given to him word-for-word. After giving a moment for Reijo to examine the marked locations, Shin explained further. "The goal is to apply pressure from within on the communities, to eventually force Ayame to take some kind of action against the immigrants and their families. To... make the foreigners and especially the foreign shinobi seem less and less desirable until the new Hokage is forced to either remove them... or... eliminate them." In the back of his mind, Shin wondered if Reijo would even actually consider this. It sounded extreme, and extreme ideas were always inherently dangerous.

In fact, if Reijo actually had recording device hidden in the room, he could use this as evidence to publicly destroy Kaito and possibly earn him some legal repercussions. If the new Choko regime got wind of this and didn't like it they could easily put his head on the chopping block for such a plan. Hell, even Shin might catch flak for being the messenger. There was no way for Shin to know how this could turn out, how spiteful Reijo may be over past events, or how well the plan would even work out if the man did strike a deal. "I was told..." Shin added, lifting a finger as a gesture that he had almost forgotten to mention this part, "That the only options that are off the table are the ones that would cost our family's well-being or the general welfare of Konoha. Personally I'm not sure what that means, but I guess my father would know. If you don't want to make a deal, that is also fine. My father says he understands. Otherwise... you set the price."

Tsukiko Umene, Honeybadger

The older woman was immediately suspicious of Ayame's wording. Tsukiko had always considered Ayame a friend, a weird one but a friend nonetheless, but it seemed strange that she would emphasize the friendliness of the meeting. Even Fujitora was behaving strangely, and he was already a strange person. It became clear to her that these two had business to take care of regarding her. "Pfft, we're all bad guys," Tsukiko snarked in reference to Fujitora's comments, taking a seat and grabbing one of the bottles of beer that Ayame provided. She looked at it for a moment before popping the cap off with her thumb. "The hunt went fine. Bagged a Giant Tiger. Sold most of the pelt and the meat, but kept some. The Tendou girl got the meat and I made a new fur coat. Didn't feel like it needed any rain, so it stayed home."

Tsukiko brought the bottle up to her mouth, but stopped before she could drink any of it. Specifically she stopped when Fujitora asked if she wanted to kill him. The wild woman lowered her hand as she glared at him, her eyes practically piercing through him. "If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't have woken up this morning," Tsukiko answered, before tossing the open beer to Fujitora for him to catch. "You get the first gulp. That way we can die together." One might think she was joking about poison, but her expression was far too real to just be a deadpan joke. "You two have already killed one fool that trusted you. I don't want to become the second, if you catch my drift."

Then she turned her attention back to Ayame. "What you did was kinda fucked up. Even by my standards. And I often autopsy the people I kill right there in the field. I've seen some shit." Tsukiko leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees and propping her head up with her hands. Her gaze was always terrifying to children and the weak-willed, but Ayame was neither. The glare was aimed at her nonetheless. "It's not how you killed, it was who you killed. The Hokage, your boss, a political figure, a commander of war... but most importantly: a man that trusted you." Tsukiko continued facing Ayame but turned her eyes to Fujitora, to give him a piece of her gaze. "That kinda bugs me, especially. Trust was a big issue for me growing up here. Nobody ever trusted me. Few ever came to trust me, you two included. But so was Zeno. It makes me wonder about my trust in you."

And now back to Ayame. "I might not know if I were to one day cease to be useful. Or if I were to somehow go against you or cross you. There is no certainty that I wouldn't suffer the same fate as Zeno. If he was a fool then I am an even bigger fool." Tsukiko now began to show visible signs of rising anger. Her infamous primal rage was beginning to surface. "So am I destined to slavery? Will I have to bust my ass to stay in your favor until the day I die? No mistakes to ever come from Tsuki-chan from here on out!? I need some fucking answers!" Almost subconsciously Tsukiko had jumped to her feet, as her aggression couldn't possibly be contained sitting. Her gaze rapidly alternated between Ayame and Fujitora now. "I may be indebted to Konoha but you can bet your asses that I will die before I grovel at anyone's feet! So here's my fucking question for you guys!" Tsukiko turned and faced Fujitora, quickly approaching him and invading his personal space. The two were similar enough in height for Tsukiko to put her face in his, intentionally and aggressively trying to make him uncomfortable from the proximity. When she spoke her voice was no longer raised but instead low and ominous.

"Do I need to kill you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

D A I K I.

Daiki nodded once. Unsure of Saburo’s sincerity, his smile, made him feel on guard. Even more so than usual. It honestly made him feel indecisive about everything. His emotions, his goals, his identity, which was already the source of so much chaos in his life. He remained quiet as they took off through the streets, the whole while scrutinizing Yuen’s and Saburo’s behavior. Had growing up in a wholly fear clan made them different in anyway? Saburo was sort of an exception but Yuen … well...

From the way she carried herself, the way she spoke. He didn’t know if many realized it but she viewed herself with weakness. She saw every shortcoming as a crippling liability. He narrowed in on her. Was it because she grew up in a clan of lore-inspiring shinobi. He frowned at the thought. It had been years since an Uchiha had been legendary; it was probably because of people like Yamato. Those that viewed the clan with overdue caution and fear.

If the 11th corps could bring me strength. Then I’ll change that outlook. I don’t want anyone treating me differently because of my blood. That’s pretty damn annoying. He believed that to be one of the reasons he had disliked Yamato. Their discrimination towards kekkai genkai users were infamous. But ultimately ignored.

Landing with muted footfalls, Daiki walked passed Saburo and looked towards the apartment complex. The evening breeze brushed outside the two strands that fell from his otherwise ruffled and spiked hair. Though he had a feeling, Saburo was quick to confirm his suspicions. Missions that usually involved civilians, or a horde of innocent, was majority stealth.

Daiki returned to the team with his arms folded, stepping up to Yuen. He looked down at her and faintly smiled. For the most part, he hated to see another in pain. The other part was, he felt, if only a little, obligated to help his family. He raised a brow at her, thinking of the words to string together. When he found them four seconds later, he unfolded his arms and placed it onto her head. It was gentle, probably a bit invasive but it was what he felt was best.

“This is easy. You got this. Saburo, I’m off.” A start was all he need to sail from the building and effortlessly grab hold of the apartment complex.

Once he was positioned, he awaited with a mild interest at the window. He peeked inside, only to see the target walking around with a cup in his hand. The man’s TV was on an action movie. Daiki waited until the weakened sound of the knocks rapped against the door. As he became distracted, he slid into, snuck up on him and with a blunt chop to the neck. Before it would be delivered, Saburo and Yuen would seem appear rather ominously behind the man.

Daiki caught the man’s limp head with a hand, holding up his body from slouching on the ground. “Done and done.”

G I I C H I.

“Doubt it,” said Giichi as he messed around his headband numbly, tightly pulling it against his head. “If they do, they’d regret it. I always imagined me and the nine tails would get along. And if that’s what I need, then I’ll learn Sage jutsu myself and defeat them. It’s going to happen … its-Its what I want to do.” He looked ahead as he spoke, almost reliving the moment at the square. Both Yamato and Rei had abandoned him in that rain. If Ayame and Fujitora had decided to, he would have been dead.

He grew quiet afterwards, a visible tension covering him.

When Tatsuya arrived, the cheerful Giichi returned. Being on a team with a friend of the betrayer and an actual betrayer had put him into a sour mood. He smiled widely at the guy. “Nice,” he said with awe, looking at the spinning chakra blade. “Not top sure about that. Weapons don’t really suit me. Oh wait! Can you make special shurikens?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

Saburo Uchiha, “Kimyōna”

The Uchiha Return
@Renny @Write

As the man opened the door, he noticed two pretty women, and alongside them a young girl. “What the fu..” Fuyushi quickly caught on and formed the tiger seal, activating a jutsu that only he himself knew of. In the back of his head, something stirred, opening an eye in the back of his head. Just as he thought. An ambush.. seemed the new hokage had seen fit to be rid of him now, though Fuyushi would've seen that coming ages ago really. He had been living on time that wasn't his. He moved his body forwards quickly, throwing his foot backwards and catching Daiki in the midriff instinctively with this swift backwards kick. Whilst his foot was extended backwards, his body moved forwards, his body nearly horizontal while one of his legs kept him upright.

While standing like that he quickly formed a single handseal, the horse seal. He then exhaled and blew out a steady stream of fire. Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku!” As soon as he knew for sure that the two in front of him were burned to a crisp, or atleast gotten rid of, he pulled his foot back from Daiki's ribs and planted it in the ground, swinging his other foot around backwards in a circle, using the momentum and twisting his body to attempt and heelkick Daiki in the face. Whether that was succesful or not, he'd quickly use the spinning motion to grab Daiki's shoulder and push off against him, going over him in a summersault and landing behind him, before taking off through the window he'd been assaulted from earlier. With an agile jump the man cleared the entire distance from this building to the next, before pushing off to the next.

It was quite obvious the man was a shinobi.

Saburo on the other hand, had noticed quickly that the man noticed what was up, given that the man suddenly formed a handseal. Something happened, causing the man to realize that Daiki was behind him. Weird.. since he never turned his head. A sensory? .. no problem. Saburo undid the erotic jutsu, and drew a kunai quickly, spinning it on a finger before gripping it to ready for combat. Unluckily, the man was agile and swift, casting a jutsu ahead of time. “Yuen!” he yelled whilst quickly jumping aside. If she'd been a genin he'd have gone through the hassle of 'saving' her but he estimated she was able to help herself despite her feelings of inadequacy.

Diving to the side, he landed on hand and feet, barely escaping the heat as the stream of fire went against the wall across the door - luckily it was concrete and didn't burn down the entire building. That'd have made the mission indefinetely harder. As soon as the fire subsided Saburo ran into the room, hoping to catch Fuyushi still inside, but he only managed to catch a glimpse of him as he escaped the building. “Daiki, Yuen, lets go!” he'd yell at them while jumping through the window, not giving Yuen or Daiki a chance to recuperate at all, chasing the man instantly.

Ayame Choko, “the Sewstress”

@J8cob @Savato

Sitting comfortably in her chair, Ayame glanced at Fujitora as he went off to do his little charade. She could only sigh and shake her head, pinching her nose bridge in annoyance as she glared down at the floor. Some things would change, but one of those wouldn't be Fujitora. “You're not exactly helping, Fujitora.” she said with a stern voice. But he wouldn't get the hint and even put on that ridiculous, annoying music he'd play when he was fooling around in the office while Ayame was actually doing work. However, Fujitora somehow had the brilliant idea to straight up ask Tsukiko if she wanted to kill him. Way to go, Fuji she thought to herself, mock the beast so it bites. Ofcourse, Tsukiko had always preferred Fujitora over Ayame for some reason that Ayame would never understand. Who could ever like Fujitora? That said.. he'd know how to deal with this woman. And while Ayame was manipulative and deceitful if she had to be, Tsukiko was a different case entirely, reacting only well to Ayame when she used flattery and making Tsukiko feel important.

Ayame stayed quiet when Tsukiko spoke to Fujitora - there was really nothing she had to say about it, and Tsukiko was wise to not accept the drink straight away. Even if it hadn't been tampered with, Tsukiko would know better. But in truth, the beer wasn't poisoned. Tsukiko was too valuable to murder like that. For now anyway. But when she turned her attention to Ayame, she sat up straight a bit more and let her fingers fill the gaps between eachother, folding her hands together and sitting like that, gently sweeping the chair left and right using her leg. “I don't think you understand why I killed him. He wasn't the Hokage at that moment. He was a symbol. A symbol of hope and all that idealogical stuff. I would explain but I know you well enough to say it'd go over your head, but in short, he was a symbol to people.” Slowly she'd bend over and grab her glass of water, drinking it slowly before putting it down again and folding her hands again.

“If I had let him live, people wouldn't accept me. He had to go. It was the only way really. And besides.. the statement had to be made. Zeno Hakarasu wasn't as strong as people perceived him to be. But look at me? Do I look strong? Perhaps not. But I certainly am. Stronger than Zeno, anyway.” she'd say, still sweeping the chair left and right whilst she sat in a relatively relaxed position, looking Tsukiko in the eyes. She was being sincere and Tsukiko could notice that clearly, if she wanted to believe what Ayame said.

“And you are very, very naive if you think that either me, or Fujitora, trusts you one hundred percent. After all, you know as well as I do that you can smell the 11th corps around your house pretty much at all hours of the day, and that is no coincidence. And I'd be naive to think you'd ever come to trust me one hundred percent after what I did. Life works that way.” she'd say, glancing at Fujitora as if to look if he agreed or not. Truthfully Ayame had no idea, he was a bit weird and while he stayed away from idealogies and stuff, unlike Ayame, he did have some thoughts on trust and morality and the likes. Maybe he didn't like what Ayame said - but now was not the time to speak of that either way you'd look at it.

“And you are right Tsukiko, one day you'll cease being useful to me or Fujitora, just like I'll cease to be useful to you. But, since we are genuine friends, and not colleagues like me and Zeno, I can say happily that I'd not kill you. Zeno died for bussiness, not because I didn't like him. Simple as that.”

“That said, you're no symbol of anything, so there's nothing to gain from me killing you is there? And I'm afraid that you'll never have to grovel at my feet either, nor Fujitora's. Unless, perhaps, you'd want to be best friends with me, in which case do as you please. Regardless of what you do and don't do, I have some news for you. I didn't call you here just to tell you how it was. You're a smart, mature woman with life experience - you can figure it out for yourself.”

Ayame stood up and walked to the cabinet nearby, opening it and retrieving a small box, akin to a jewelry box but perhaps slightly larger. She handled it with care and then closed the doors behind her on the cabinet, before walking back and gently putting the box on the table, in front of Tsukiko. “From now on that'll be yours. You'll wear it because I tell you to, but also because I know that, really, you want to. It's time someone shows you some gratitude for your service to Konoha, unlike Zeno, who hadn't even intended to send you to become a hunter nin.” As soon as Tsukiko opened the jewelry box, she'd find inside a white armband. On it was the symbol of Konoha, with next to it in black kanji the words 'Jonin Commander'. When Tsukiko would inevitably look at Ayame, to wonder if this perhaps was some sick joke, because ultimately it couldn't be serious, could it, she'd only see Ayame raising her glass of water with a smile, a genuine one at that, as affirmation that this was indeed serious.

Reijo Minamoru


Reijo leaned back when Shin entered, nodding only slightly when Shin bowed, as a sign of acknowledging both the bow and returning a bow-resembling motion, though it was obviously light and highlit the difference in rank quite well. Shin's behavior, if anything, affirmed this even more. When Shin asked if the room was tapped, well.. Reijo just sat in silence, grinning softly to himself before Shin continued. He never received an answer on whether the room was tapped or not, though the question might've already answered itself for Shin.

As Shin needlessly explained about the 11th, Reijo found himself waving the comment away. “I know, I know. They're a bit more than that, kind of the ROOT of our time, but I suppose that it boils down to spies with a strong set of combat abilities.” Then Reijo listened some more, until it was said that Kaito and Reijo had had their differences and furthermore, that Kaito had always acted in favor of Konoha. Now that sollicited a smile from Reijo. “Yes boy, and I've always acted in favor of my clan, and through that, Konohagakure. We just have different ideas of going about it, is all. I'm sure he understands.”

The next set of words confused Reijo somewhat. Was.. was Kaito asking him to raze and plunder the immigrant housing areas? “You're kind of asking the impossible here. You're asking me to eliminate most of my.. work force. Yes, workforce. Those that work for my bussineses.” And Yakuza. Hopefully Shin got the hint. “Besides, what makes you think I'd go into Downtown and wreak havoc, and get away with it? Furthermore, what makes you think there wouldn't be retaliations? I'm afraid that that much is not possible. I know also that Kaito is smarter than this. The real problem is not the fact that the immigrants are here - it's the way Zeno allowed them to enter our society. When we allow them to become more than simple doorstops, that's when troubles arrive. The laborers I can keep in check, but foreigners like Ayame and Fujitora.. well, you saw for yourself. It was beyond my power. We need to keep them low, and on the ground. Stop them from accessing higher positions, block them from military service above the rank of genin, etcetera! If Kaito would agree to these terms, well, I'd have but one demand for exerting my power to make it happen.”

“An alliance.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

'What the hell?' He thought as he felt Dai-san grip the back of his armor with his locked arm and threw himself to his left, Daisuke's right. He felt himself being lifted as Daisuke became light on one side, taking quick notice to the rising knee. 'Shit' He thought for a split second before reacting instantly. He moved his left foot back to support himself in order to keep from falling and hastily brought his fist inward towards Dai-san's side as he twisted his upper torso to the left and down. Both attacks had connected at the same time. He felt the air rush out of him as he gripped tighter and leaned forward on Daisuke's arm just as his fist connected with Daisuke's side. Luckily for Daisuke and unfortunate for Cho, half of his fist connected with Dai's side as it the bounced off and away. Half of the chakra that had gathered into the fist was released rapidly into Diasuke's side, a ripple forming and expanding to the rest of his body but Cho however, also had felt the concussive force of this because of his own hold on Dai. The rest would be released into the air with a forceful 'BOOM'.

If Chokashi was asked if he had ever used the Cherry Blossom Impact before in a spar or a fight, he would be lying if he said he didn't, but that was against his father. A man who was known to take beatings and dish them right back out. It was customary for the Akimichi to go all out in a spar, more so in a fight. However, that didn't mean that they would go lightly like many shinobi did. Their spars consisted of heavy hits and major jutsus , none of which was meant to kill but enough so that they were able to test their strengths and weaknesses and see where they could expand on or buffer their fighting style. The person who he was fighting looked durable and skilled so it wouldn't have been his first big hit. But not everyone was like a Naruto or a Sasuke or even a Rock Lee. Ninjas still had their pain thresholds and it was just a matter of figuring out his. Because this fight was in the Akimichi compound it was of no surprise that some of the Akimichi had made their way over to the commotion from the noise, his father included. He stayed however, at the entrance way, watching from a distance along with his mother and two others. His father had a large grin etched into his as his wife silently cheered on her son.

Chokashi's fist had ricocheted back to his side, unclenching his fist into an open palm as it began to glow with a bright golden hue as he felt the air returning to his lungs. Quickly it's aura grew in strength as Chokashi could see in his peripheral view. As his fist which now was an open palm, came back around, he immediately released Daisuke with the arm that clinched Daisuke's now dislocated shoulder, attempting to push him back and but either way thrusting his golden palm directly in Daisuke's path, his arm slightly bet in. "AKIMICHI STYLE:BUDDHIST PALM!!" The sound alone could be seen in the reverberations in the air as violent sound waves almost immediately followed by a funnel like trench that formed from the initial shockwave. It's sound echoed not only throughout the compound but outside of it as well. Once the Buddhist Palm was released, he would bring his hands together to make the seal for the Baika no Jutsu to expand his gut before tucking in his arms, legs and head for Nikudan Sensha, shooting off in the direction of Daisuke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 12 days ago

Nobunaga Inuzuka

Nobunaga rubbed his shoulder as he stood in the mirror, his sling finally off though he still had a few bandages covering the scar left by Daiki's retaliation. It had healed within the week leading up to this mission that Nobunaga had been chosen for. A whole week of being treated like he couldn't act with just one arm. Dealing with the Inuzuka clan head treating him poorly due to resisting Ayame's rule as the Hokage. Nobunaga still stood strong but even he knew that fighting so openly would get him killed. Bowing and playing the role as a follower was needed for survival. It was a wonder why Ayame and Fuji would allow him to go upon a mission knowing that he hated their reign over Konoha at the current moment. Possibly they knew even he was not dumb enough to mess up a mission that could bring them down upon him.

He fixed his tie and placed his blazer upon his body in a hurried manner. He needed to meet with Rei, Seta, and Akio at the bathhouse to spy on the Hojo. The bathhouse was only a few minutes run as long as he went by the rooftops. Nobu rushed out his house with Oichi following right on his heels. A short run indeed, his eyes were first set upon the white hair of Reihana that draped over her face. She was quite the adorable female and a smile etched on Nobu's face when he saw her. Beautiful women were always a good thing to have around. Akio and Seta came into view almost immediately as they stood beside Rei. Nobu came to an abrupt stop only a few meters away from the group.

"Hey." Nobu waved at them, Oichi running up to Rei with her tail wagging as fast as lightning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fujitora Choko ; The Overseer

Ayame was always the uptight party pooper when things weren't so professional, it was evident that she wasn't destined to have a Human Resources worthy position like Fujitora did. He'd shrug at her remark before nabbing the beer Tsukiko presented to Fujitora in natural caution, entirely expected from someone of her caliber, especially knowing the person who served her said drink. Without a care in the world, he shugged most of the drink in one go, the glass of wine still in the other hand as he quickly took the appearance of a silly, intoxicated man in a cheesy event party. At least one of the Choko would ease up the mood while the two females did their best to accentuate the omnipresent hostility. Leaving about a third of the can's contents, the ex commander tossed the container back at the feral woman before sitting back down on his abandoned seat, setting the glass of wine on the Hokage's bureau.

"Hey, it came with the territory. You two should stop acting like it's some childhood friendship being broken because of some hot chick getting in the mix. Trust and friendship means little, yet strangely so much too, in this league."

He responded to this trust issue they were both discussing, the only man of the room simply responding that they all took a path where killing people behind their back could be as casual as buying milk. Bonus points for in being no only in the higher ranks of the system, but politics related too. He leaned his back against the chair, making himself more than comfortable as Ayame revealed the contents of that special box he already recognized as it was being presented. It brought back memories, recent ones that dated barely six years ago when Zeno was in this exact same position and he was sitting in this exact same chair. Only he could see this situation in such a strange and almost amusing angle, but the nostalgia factor had little impact on him, after all he agreed to kill the man who promoted him and considered him his right hand.

"Well damn. You may have even beaten me at the position by a few months I think. I'd bring confetti but as you can see, I'm awfully jealous right now."

He remarked with humor, helping himself with a new cigar as he took another glimpse at the armband that was previously his. This was going to be the safest way to keep her on a leash all the while exploiting her best qualities to the fullest without any fear of backlash. Then again, she could very well be suspicious about it, but his response regarding their status would apply here too. If they wanted her dead, it wouldn't be that hard to have it happen, and she knew this. Plus she was close to Ayame, a position that enabled the Choko to dispose of the previous Hokage. To give that position easily translated a high amount of confidence and authenticity to their word of keeping her alive out of genuine friendship and gratitude.

"But before you take it, I want to be clear that if you judge it necessary to eliminate us, I won't think ill of you. I even encourage it. However I am a shinobi, just like you, and Zeno was my friend. You do not need the intel of this position we're offering to know that acting rash toward us may not be a great life choice. Whether it is for you, or for any greater good you can think of, Tsukiko. But then again, if that greater good involves getting rid of the broom up Aya's posterior, can't say I'll disagree."

He snickered, enjoying his cigar like a boss.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Akio Tendou

Akio let her frustration cool ever so slightly as the Inuzuka boy finally appeared. She had been tempted to just go ahead on the mission with out him, even if it would've caused her to change her plans to fit that objective. Now that all of her team were here, she'd discuss the plan with them as a whole, explaining to them their parts and asking for any and all suggestions or ideas. While she was sure that what she had would suffice, you never new what brilliant ideas could be formed by others. The perks of being of a team is that you've got more minds focusing on completing the objective.

"Okay team, I'm sure you're all as eager to get out of the team as I am, so let's try and keep this short, shall we? My plan is simple, but it should cover most of the possible places to get information. First, we'll have a diplomatic/diversionary team whose job it'll be to keep the Hojo matriarch and hopefully her other daughter busy with conversation and attempts to get information straight from the horse's mouth. This team I plan to have made up of Nobunga and Rei, with Rei being the main speaker of the two. The reason for this pairing is because Rei is the most sociable of us here in all likelihood myself included, and Nobunga often keeps himself with a levelheadedness that will hopefully help in spotting any inconsistencies in the Hojo's stories, as well as for keeping Rei from flying off the handle if the situation calls for it." Another reason that Akio didn't state is that it'd be hard to bring the dog with them on the second half of the mission, and it'd be suspicious for two non-inuzuka's to show up with the hound in tow. In all honesty, she wanted to bring Rei with her, but as she didn't know the Seta kid all that well, she didn't want to have him mess up that half of the plan. At least if he were to make a mistake with her, she'd be around to take care of it.

"Now, as for me and Seta here, will be sneaking into the Hojo offices, and if possible, the residential area of their bathhouse. While neither of us are the most stealth focused of shinobi, we should be sufficient for this assignment. It'll be our job to hopefully get the bulk of the information and hopefully find out anything of value that the Hojo aren't willing to share with you two. So, are there anny questions or misunderstandings, speak now or forever hold your piece." Akio spoke, giving the assembled chunnin a short amount of time to give their opinions on the plan, but if they didn't hurry, she'd begin the operation regardless. She was really getting tired of this damn rain and wanted to get out of it all ready. Fucking Ayame and her stupid rain jutsu, this shit is both depressing and annoying. Hell, why she give me a job like this anyway? This seems more like something for the 11th corp or, at the very least, Anbu should be taking care of.




Tatsuya Kajiya-Terumi

Tatsuya couldn't help but feel a surge of pride flow through his veins as Giichi, though it was son followed by amusement as he heard the Uzumaki asking him to make special shurikens.

"That i could, Uzumaki-san, but it'd likely be a costly and wasteful endeavor as shurikens are more of a tool then a weapon. You'd have to keep coming back to restock, and while I'd appreciate the business, it'd be a drain on time and resources for me to create a suitable number while maintaing the Kajiya-level of quality that I pride myself on. However," Tatsuya placed his hand in his chin, eyes closed in concentration as he considered a couple of options before shaping his fingers in a 'Eureka' type moment. "While special shuriken's are beyond my ability, I could create a gauntlet or two similar to my own for you, or maybe you'd appreciate a more offensive model? I do have a design in mind for something like that and would be glad for the excuse to start working on it."

Tatsuya would then turn to the two jounin in attendance, hand on the hilt of his blade. "So, Katsu-senpai, Yamato-san, are we ready to head out to the village or is there something we still need to do here? The longer we wait to head out, the more likely the their will strike again."


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Daisuke Yama

Daisuke’s satisfaction upon his knee slamming into Cho’s stomach was short lived, as shortly after he was clipped by the attack he had been attempting to dodge in the first place. As the Okasho released half of it’s chakra into his side he felt pain explode from two different areas. The first was of course his left side ribs, which were at the very least bruised from the Cherry Blossom Impact and likely cracked. The second tore through his right shoulder, it had finally been pushed too far when the Akimichi leaned on it and it popped out of the socket. While most of his right arm went limp he still retained his hold on Chokashi’s armor, preventing him from sliding as far as he would have if he had released it.

Daisuke had experienced this level of pain before, though not often in the year since his parents passed away, but that didn’t prevent him from clenching his teeth at the sensation. If he could get his arm out of Cho’s grip he could force it back into place, but that was clearly out of the question due to its weakened state and the fact that his opponent had tightened his hold on it during the dual collision. Instead he began channeling Earth nature chakra into his left hand, similar to what Chokashi had done just a moment ago, but rather than simply build up chakra the area from his hand to halfway to his elbow began to take on a stone like appearance. Daisuke pulled his arm back, prepared to unleash Hammer of the Mountain, but stopped part way through as his thoughts drifted. This fight couldn’t last much longer, the setup for the BBQ had to be finished soon.

This momentary lapse of focus proved to be enough of an opening for the Akimichi, as he pulled back the hand that had just glanced Daisuke’s side and began preparing for another strike. For some reason Chokashi decided to release Daisuke’s dislocated arm and attempted to push him back, perhaps to try and give more power to the Buddhist Palm, however Daisuke used the push to his advantage and leapt backwards during it, causing him to easily get clear of the tremendous palm thrust that Cho had been building up. The entire time Daisuke had continued to pump earth nature chakra into his hand, and during his backwards leap he had built up enough for a full powered Hammer of the Mountain.

Upon landing and skidding back a few feet he focused his gaze upon Cho, who had just finished the partial expansion jutsu and was beginning to start the Human Bullet Tank. Rather than wait for Chokashi to reach him, Daisuke lunged forward with his left fist pulled back before he launched it forward just before the two massive men collided. ”HAMMER OF THE MOUNTAIN!:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Team Jun: Gin Kakiyama, Location: Unknown

"I think we should continue where we left off before I left on the mission. On second thought tell me about how you been." Gin looked up at him and smirked slightly. "Well, it was a rough start moving to Konaha. Didn't know anyone and it took sometime to get accustomed to the way things were there. I became friends with some cool people. Giichi, whose an Uzumaki. A great guy, heart of gold just like his ancestors and then there's-" His father looked at him with a smile before turning back to the path as he listened and made their way to the creek. It was peaceful near there. The water ran smoothly down the winding trail with parts having a small drop to give it that gentle waterfall sound. A few birds chirped above them with the cool breeze rustling the leaves that rested on the trees. Gin Sr. had placed himself on a rock near the water. "Well to me it sounds like you had a great group of friends there. Especially that Hiro-chan? She seems like a keeper if she didn't kill you when you peeped in on her. Kinda like your mother and I when-" He looked at his son who looked at him, a harden face upon his face, attempting to hold back his emotions he felt about the whole situation. His father sighed. "D-did...Did they get out safely? Please tell me that my sacrifice wasn't in vain." His eyes stung as he looked at his father. The Phantom of the Mist looked up at him with a blank face before looking out at the water and scanned the forest on the opposite side. There was a moment of silence before his father broke it with a light nod. "I think so...Can't say for certain but I know you well enough that you probably bought them some time." Gin let out a hitched sigh as a tear fell from his face and you looked up to the quite clear sky mumbling "thank god" however his father had heard it and let out a chuckle which Gin shot him a look. His father gave him a dismissive wave of the hand. "Ah don't mind me. Just thinking that you really are my son." His son gave him a confused look briefly before it disappeared as he decided to sit next to his pops on a rock right next to his. "Look when I had to go on that mission that day I was expected to lead a team on a mission that was already a risk in itself. The classic "we were outnumbered" cliché applies to this but that shouldn't be a surprise. Any way it came down to only two of us and needless to say, I told them that I would by him some time to get out of there. I managed to scrap an extra five minutes which for him was enough time to get far enough away to put up a henge and disappear, though, I really don't know if he got out safely." His father gave the creek a harden stare. "I can't say I saved him nor can I say that it wasn't my time to go. But all I know is I did my job." His son groaned as he stood up. "I still don't get why I had to go! I mean I know why; I CHOOSE to stay behind but why was I so stupid to think I could have the jump on that guy. Goddammit I was so reckless!" "Your a Kakiyama, we're supposed to be stupid and reckless." H could see his son's frustration and sighed. "Junior....What do you think shinobi are, hm?" His father gave him an inquisitive look. "A shinobi is a solider, nothing more, we're tools of warfare and our job is to put our lives on the line for our village and our comrades. You did what was expected of you." "It was too soon..." "Everything happens for a reason." It as here that they felt a strong wind come through and Gin had felt a tug by some unknown force. His father gave him a grin and looked back out at the creek. "Well, guess it wasn't your time to go." His son looked up him with slight confusion as he saw his father and the surrounding area disappear from sight. His father's voice echoed as he faded to nothing "I'll talk to you later Junior, take care."

Team Jun: Gin Kakiyama, Location: Near Tonaka Castle

His eyes barely opened to the darkness as he felt the pain and weight that was on top of him. He struggled to move but slowly he had heard a small commotion from the other side of his rocky tomb. He tried to move but every inch was met with pain. Slowly howver, he would feel the weight bearing down on him to lighten until he was hit with the moonlight in which he was blinded by. However he could tell that there was a presence near him. How many? Couldn't say. There was too much going on. He tried to move but once again hit fell back into blackness.

Team Jun: Gin Kakiyama, Location: Unknown

It took him only a day to recover enough to think about what was going on. A dark room, a single light; no food, no water or any furniture besides what seemed to resemble an operating table. He hung from his arms and held in place by his ankles with rope and chains, HIs mouth gaged with a piece of cloth and small tools and other instruments of pain that rested on a bloody table. He looked around and sighed. 'At least I'm alive for now. Hopefully Hiro-chan is too' He thought to himself as he began to find a way out of his restraints until he heard the sound of a metal door opening. Gin looked over to see a dark figure followed by two other larger figures entered the room. The hooded figure waved them off as it made its way over towards the instruments. A hand seemed to run over the instruments until it layed upon a syringe and picked it up before it moved to Gin to remove the cloth. As soon as the cloth was removed, Gin let out a string of curses. "You fucking piece of goddamn shit! You can do what you fucking want but once fucking Konaha finds out I'm missing they'll come looking for my ass and I fucking can promise you you little shit you'll be in for a rude fucking surprise!" The hooded figure did not respond except to press the syringe into Gin's neck, causing him to wince. "Oi! Do you fucking hear me you fucktard! I'll fuck you up! I'll cut your fucking head clean off your goddamn shoulders you little shit! You don't scare me in the slightest. It stood there for a moment in amusement, it's head cocked to the side as it watched Gin thrash about, spitting at it, cursing at it until the commotion calmed down to where Gin looked disoriented. "You.........I'llllll-What.... arrreee youuu...." It then placed the syringe back down on the table as Gin watched through slightly hazy eyes before picking up a hooked knife and placed it over Gin's bare skin. It was at this moment Gin looked down to see what he thought was a claw, attached to a demonic hand. He then felt a sharp pain as the figure dragged the blade down from Gin's chest to his stomach with a thin yet deep, long cut. Gin had on the other hand saw a large gash as his intestines spilled out onto the floor, a demonic grin on the figure's mouth, though a face was never seen in the beginning. His eyes widened as he let out a terrified scream that seemed to echo.

What seemed like hours were actually days with this continuous routine. Enough nutrition was given to him to keep him alive and any wounds that he was given would be either stitched up or cauterized or both without any medication to help except whatever was in that syringe. But everytime he was given the serum in the syringe his sight would get a little hazy and his other senses would be hietghed greatly, specifically feeling. He would hear noises and see things that were never there and the pain...The pain was unbearable when he was given that syringe. How a simple cut would feel like a knife 3 inches deep into his skin. He could hear and feel the flesh tear as the smell of iron and crimson would fill the room. And all this time he would yell "Konaha will come and find me I know it!". However one day, around day four, he had exclaimed that redundant belief to the hooded figure before the serum took effect. It cocked its head to the side as it pulled out a small piece of paper and showed it to Gin. Tears mixed with blood rolled down his horrified eyes as he stared hopelessly at:

Gin Kakiyama - Konaha Nin - Rank: Chuunin - Status: KIA

Anger, confusion, sadness, hopelessness; All of these things Gin had felt at this moment as he let out an emotional "NOOOOOO! WHY! WHY WOULD YOU BETRAY ME!? KONAHAAAA!" As the figure continued its business.

Cho didn't understand why he had released him and his father, who was watching at a distance, shook his head. "Big mistake son. Everyone learns somehow though." He mumbled, a small smile on his face. Cho mentally cursed himself for doing so and had paid for it dearly. Not only had Daisuke avoided the Buddhist Palm, Cho's strongest jutsu in his arsenal, but Cho had jumped straight into the human tank without thinking about it, a rookie mistake. As the two colossal men collided, Cho had immediately felt an enormous amount of pain rush through his rotating body, Immediately taking him out of his jutsu and putting him on the ground, gasping for air. It had not only knocked the wind out of him but bruised his back and cracked a few ribs, thanks to the rotation he had going. It took a moment before Cho responded with a simple "What the fuck-" He looked around before shaking his head and attempting to stand up, only to feel the tenderness that was now his aching chest, nausea, and his equilibrium thrown off but he refused to stop this spar, even with the barbecue to still set up for. He struggled to stand as he looked at Daisuke with what seemed to be glazed-over eyes. He wasn't himself at the moment since he was struck with the Hammer of the Mountain. His father figured that he suffered a major concussion and began to walk over towards where Aoi was sitting. Whether his presence was known or not didn't concern him but more or less what his son's next move would be.

As he made his way over to her, he laid a massive yet friendly hand on her shoulder and smiled at her with a light nod before releasing it. "Aoi-san, I'm glad to see you were able to show up. We well have a table set up for you and your family and friends for helping out with the performance. I truly do appreciate that." The Clan leader said. He looked back at the fight and sighed. "Slightly disappointed he didn't hold onto that other boy, he could have one this easily. No matter, I know my son well enough that he'll be asking for a rematch and he'll be training for it. However I believe that Daisuke was a good choice for my son to test his abilities. I can see them getting along very well." The large man then looked over to Chideta, who was the one who sponsored most if not all of this. "Chideta-san it is a pleasure to meet you as well and thank you for helping us out. We-" His father would continue to explain how everything would go today starting with the sponsors and the performers being aloud in the compound while everyone else would wait outside while they prepared everything and open the gates. A few other things would be brought up but otherwise his attention was on the fight. Cho had struggled to get up but would eventually cease his resistance to the spinning of his head. Instead he decided to roll onto his back and lay there, waving a hand in the air, calling it quits. He didn't want to speak, hopefully avoiding the stomach churning that was occurring at the moment but he decided to call the fight anyway. "Alright...You got it Daisuke on the count of my stupidi-" and with that he turned to the side, hacking up his breakfast. "Daisuke you may have won this but now you got more to help out wi-" Again, throwing up his breakfast before just laying on his back with a grin and sighed "Fucking hell. I'm gonna crash for a bit, wake me in an hour or so." His eyes starting to get a bit droopy. His father looked over and quickly appeared by his side, kneeling down and lightly smacked the side of his son's face. "Oh ho ho ho no you don't. You are going to stay up for a bit till we have someone take a look at you." His father then nodded over to two other Akimichi that where nearby who made their way over to Cho and assisted him in standing. Cho then looked at Daisuke the best he could and flashed a grin before stumbling once again. His dad watched him off until it was just him and Daisuke. H looked at the man with a blank face before looking down at the ground and then back up at Daisuke with a smirk. He made a rookie mistake. There was no helping. But this was a learning experience for him." He moved closer to Daisuke and patted his shoulder before moving off towards the exit, a hand in the air. "Don't worry Aoi-san, your 3DS will be covered for! Also you three can stay in the compound while we set up. If you see anyone else however that is not a sponsor, performer or an Akimichi, kick them out. You know who they are Daisuke! I gave you the list, so make sure to stick to it! I'm going to have my son looked at. Be back in a bit." He said as he walked out of the combat grounds. Yelling could be heard throughout the compound as the preparations were well under way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Daisuke Yama

Chokashi wasn’t the only one to experience pain after the collision, Daisuke’s strength and jutsu may have been enough to stop his opponent but that didn’t change the fact that he had just punched a massive rotating object. As his adrenaline began to ebb away the injuries he had recently taken, his dislocated right shoulder and his own cracked ribs, flared up again. Dropping his left arm to his side he quickly ended his jutsu which caused his hand to return to its normal appearance. He knew he wasn’t necessarily safe yet, as Chokashi was struggling to stand and continue the spar and Aoi had yet to call the match. He didn’t make any movements though, this was not an actual combat scenario and there was no reason to attack his comrade when he was down. If Cho managed to stand then Daisuke would continue the fight, until then he would wait.

He didn’t have to wait long, as Chokashi finally gave in and called the fight, before promptly emptying his stomach twice. Even though he had won, Daisuke did not smile or show any indication that he was pleased about the outcome because he wasn’t. He had never used the Hammer on a friend before, but with his other jutsu out of commision due to the loss of mobility in his right arm he didn’t have any other choice when Cho came in with the Human Bullet Tank. As the Akimichi declared he was going to take a nap, Daisuke slowly turned his gaze towards the current head of the Akimichi clan and Aoi hoping that the former wouldn’t be too upset with his victory.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chen Chideta

Chen giggled with excitement as the battle continued. While nothing explicitly life threatening was happening, he could still hear the bones cracking and the tendons straining. He was struggling not to go into a fit of laughing as the Akimichi threw up his breakfast all over the floor. The head of the clan showed up and explained a few things, Chen listened intently. He was much more interested in Chokashi though. He had never been more okay with being wrong about a fight ever. Raisins had proved to be infinitely more powerful and skilled than this Akimichi who was now passed out.

"Thank you Akimichi-san. I feel happy knowing I was able to help facilitate an amazing Akimichi Barbeque. Your son just passed out." Chen stated as the Akimichi head ran over to keep his son awake. He looked to the compound entrance and smiled wryly, this has already become a productive day.

"So... is this the part where we head in?" Chen asked nonchalantly as he looked at his phone. The compound looked pretty nice after all. It also wasn't raining in the compound.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aoi Don Maquia


One second in the fight and the clown's attention would already be deviated toward her phone vibrating. Expecting it to be her specially selected medic for this unique occasion, she'd quickly get disillusioned as it was simply a system update, causing her to phone-palm. Strangely enough, Yuna wasn't responsive and yet she was summoned at least fifteen minutes ago, added to that would be the usually punctual nature of such a demand from a Jonin and the responsibilities held by the Hojo these days. Big booms and rapid successions of hits were all too common for this colorful shinobi and the fun only resided in the idea that she was winning something no matter the alternative. Still, she was disconcerted by the redhead's absence, causing her inner OCD to spam the girl with messages as waves of dust flew by her as residues of the battle.

oi were r u???

Hello??!!! wii need u!

plzplzplz da 2 barberions r guna hurt lots!!!!! :C

As flooding of the Hojo's message box filled with such pointless reminders in very short intervals, Chokashi's Buddhist palm would finally shake things up to the point that Aoi would drop her activities for a second. The shockwave would blow her hair backwards and completely ruin it, prompting her cheeks to inflate in irritation. When she took a peek at what exactly they were doing, they both seemed in bad shape, especially Chokashi as she tripled his belly's size. And finally BAM, Daisuke delivered what seemed to be a coup de grâce on the rolling boulder, Chokashi falling over in defeat. Cocking a brow, the harlequin didn't quite know what to announce yet. After all, they were only at it for twenty seconds tops, far from being enough for the girl to do other distractions out of sloth. But before she'd make any conclusions, a wild Akimichi clan leader appeared and caught Aoi off guard.

"WAAAAHHHH! Whew whew... Erm yes yes! He ... Could do better, yeah! ... Wait, I invited family and friends?!"

With that little fright, she held her hand over her chest as her now employer said what he had to say, and she responded as cookie cutter as possible. Of course, she barely watched the fight so she couldn't give anything consistent or comment about either fighting style. A bad habit but she always liked surprises, and when she'd handle them both, it'd be an entirely new surprise when she'd fight them for the most part. She was now trying to recall if she had indeed invited anyone other than Yuna for practical reasons, though not all that practical given her status. Finally she'd notice Chen, a really weird guy she didn't seem to have a good vibe about. Then again, openly hostile sociopaths would give that impression to anyone, even when faking, contrarily to well adapted psychopaths. She wasn't one to read others, but her social skills made it easy for her the harlequin to notice red flags. Nonetheless, she waved at him, giving the bare minimum to not have to talk.

"... Hey! No no no Mister Akimichi! Chokashi has to pay for it by himself~ That's the deal! And if Daisuke is the winner ..."

She'd stand on her feet, appearing much taller than she normally was before swiftly jumping toward the buff man. Her feet would aim to land on the damaged man's now hair-filled head and she'd remain there like a resting vulture. As a small reward, she'd pass him a small box of apple juice he could savor before the BBQ would have to be setup.

"Drink up, 'cause I promised you a mission if you win! Well then~ Our mission is to get the BBQ ready~ And of course, you have you carry your captain!~"

Aoi would stay standing on his head, more practically on one foot as she balanced herself easily. If she'd be brushed off beforehand, she'd simply hop back up. The positive side to this was that she was evidently light, but she could also make herself lighter with the correct posture and balancing. In exchange, Daisuke had better not move around too much or he'll feel the whiplash for at least a week.

The Nobleman's Walk

The Ruined Scenery

Gin was being tenderized like freshly found meat, though not in the way he'd expect. The individual in the cloak would consistently make strong and swift movements to translate a form of graveness to their strikes and accentuate the amount of damage it was inflicting. In reality however, their orders were not to break him physically but mentally, after all he could have his final uses and a maimed tool is a useless one. The various drugs injected in Gin would of course make him have powerful hallucinations all the while being stuck on the harsh reality that was currently his. The guts and blood would only be a result of what his brain would deduce from such pain and his senses were of course tampered with other than feeling, just not as much. The concealed figure was simply inflicting superficial wounds, usually in areas that wouldn't be too conspicuous if he were to be dressed up. But the pain was very much real, and this person knew exactly where to jab a scalpel in order to get excellent results.

Not once did the individual make a single effort of communication, let alone talk to Gin. The paper the young man saw was of course intentional to break his morale. Because exhausting him physically wasn't an option, the hooded figure didn't opt to force the boy to stand permanently for the whole process, but instead kept him tied up to a table and had a drop of water fall on his forehead in irregular intervals. The water droplet torture method, known to make someone mad in sordid anticipation in astounding speed. This would happen every second he'd be locked up, tortured or not, so he'd evidently find solace when the torturer would leave. The air conditioning positioned in front of his face and body when left to rest up and feed would prove to be the worst hell, combined with his body being constantly damp by the drops of water and he'd feel the extent of his mind's limits.

Finally, after a week of this endless cycle, two silhouettes would walk out of the only door leading to this torture room. Gin being left with his cuts and his drenched face. The difference here would be that he was sat down on a steel chair with chakra cuffs tied to his hands behind the chair. His feet were also tired to avoid any funny business of course, but he wasn't in a physical condition to struggle much with such sleep depravity. The hooded torturer would stay at the entrance's level, their glowing eyes glaring directly into Gin's soul before it would turn back and leave. The person walking toward the broken white haired shinobi would be a masked man looking like a jester with a golden attire and multiple features in its clothes style that almost made it seem redundant. As the man got closer, Gin would feel some sort of genuine tension in the air that would not only cause mild nausea but sting even the smallest cuts to a point where it seemed like they were being stabbed once more. Added to that would be the increased bleeding.

"Oh my, even with a soft treatment you look like utter crap. Hmmm, Gin Kakiyama, age 21, born in Kirigakure, transferred to Konoha since a few years now. I bet it's for the scenery huh? Blood type O+, aren't you a generous type; Dad died as a hero and mum's as vulnerable as ever for a twisted fuck like me to screw with you some more. Hmmm, blah blah blah, nothing noteworthy really other than some dumb ambition about being some swordsman. Typical Kiri indeedo."

As he spoke in length about Gin's profile, reading it off a paper he was already holding, he'd grab a wooden chair and set it before Gin with only a meter of distance. Gian would set it the wrong way, backside in front of the tortured Gin, and he'd sit on it like some bored cop with arms crossed and laying on the top. His blank, white eyes concealed by the mask would scrutinize the boy some more before the mysterious man would grin widely.

"Hah, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Gian, and I'll be your best friend today, Gin. And I can see we have at least one thing in common. Guess what it is? If you do, I'll release you from those chains so you can stretch a bit, how does that sound? Oh, and I'm one to give lots and lots of second chances, so if you miss I guess you can also answer this: Why do you think you're here?"

The way he seemed to see this as some form of casual chitchat or interview would likely be unnerving to most people, but it was evident that people of this caliber were at least desensitized to such acts and even executed them frequently to have things done. He didn't release any hostility however, not like the hooded figure. Plus, he was going to hold his word and release the boy, knowing full well he wouldn't stand a chance again the jester. To confirm his promise, he'd show the key to the chains at the tip of his index finger, spinning like a spin top. All the while, the droplets kept falling on the new empty table, making a well pronounced sound that Gin could hear very, very well.
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