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Sorry that I have not for a post together yet. Kinda on the edge that maybe Sid doesn't need to be introduced yet but I will do something to get his name out there. I'd like for the crew to know of him and almost share a rivalry.
IC will start tomorrow with our characters in the temple before Operation Knightfall to allow anyone still working on their sheet to finish.

@ChaoticLaw (Think you're the only one who hasn't submitted anything yet)

@Cyrania I like it so far, but we'll just wait till you and @JBCool get your co-op bit up.


-Image needs changed to something more SW based.

-Force Barrier on the condition that you can only protect a small area such as on front of your hand.

<Snipped quote by Kal>

Error, does not compute.

I would like to point out <Snipped quote by Kal> Yoda feels something special in everyone.

<Snipped quote by Kal>

Initiate Trials are more than just reciting the code and lightsaber construction.

<Snipped quote by Kal>


<Snipped quote by Kal>


<Snipped quote by Kal>

Took out two Knights, more experienced than him by years. though he survived against a Padawan?

<Snipped quote by Kal>


<Snipped quote by Kal>

Well this is vague.

1. Sure on the Barrier.

2. I created the style and it is stated he did it with his master. I would go more into detail that she was already working on her own style and they just finished it together. Really don't think I need to change that. It's a unique style.

3. Yes Yoda does. I know this. I made sure to state how he is one in many of his race so it's not being special above others since Miraluka are just naturally sensitive.

4. Did you read the whole paragraph? His last part of the trials was the sensing dark side stuff which might I add I took from the wiki on being something that can be part of the trials.

5. Gau-Rin is an aggressive being and I was just stating he could feel the dark side as his aggression was a semi-give away.

6. Because it could be felt, despite how small, other Jedi were worried about him and more cautious. He wasn't literally held back from being a Padawan or such.

7. The knight that was his master was struck down by complete surprise and an unassuming loyalty toward his padawan, thinking the Nikto would never harm him. Seera, Crim's master, was only struck because of Crim's foolish naivety in thinking Gau-Rin could change which left him open and Seera took the blow for him. Also Crim had been training for over ten years. He was closer to a Knight then a Padawan by that point.

8. You no. I think I handled that well.

9. It is meant to be vague. It gives enough to know why he was Knighted but not what he did. It's a war raging on many fronts.

Didn't add any relations yet cause I don't know if anyone wants some with Crim.

Crim Drayson






Force Abilities:
Crim, being a Miraluka, contains an almost instinctive talent in the usage of Force Sight. Many Miraluka are highly force sensitive and Crim is one of many that shares such sensitivity. Jedi are instilled with a basic knowledge in Telekenesis, Mind Control, Force Jump and Force Speed. A duelist at heart, the young knight delved deeper into Force Speed, Force Jump, and Force barrier. Unbeknownst to most is that Crim carries the thoughts of Grey Jedi and has learned two "dark side" force powers. He can produce a facsimile Force Lightning and can induce the Force Choke but only at such a level that he can only incapacitate.

Non-Force Related Skills:
Since his inception into the Jedi Order, Crim has studied the history of the Jedi, Sith, and the Force. He holds an intrinsic knowledge over all that pertains to history and is known as a scholar of such. Dabbling in diplomacy and the political aspects of the galaxy sparked an interest in the Jedi standing within the Galaxy. Though Crim is not unlike his brethren, taking up an adequate knowledge in hand to hand.

Lightsaber Forms:
Form III: Soresu
Form VIII: Jun-Sai - Where Vapaad is direct and staccato, Jun-Sai is circular and flowing. The lightsaber, as well as the Jedi wielding it, is treated as a total weapon. An opponent of a Jun-Sai user can face not only the blade of a lightsaber, but strikes from its hilt, punches, kicks, elbows, knees, and head butts.

With the Force guiding the user's movements, the graceful precision of Makashi and the acrobatic movements of Ataru combine to create a dance-like whirlwind of death. The duelist moves his body just out of reach of his opponent's attacks while positioning his counter-attacks at the most unprotected targets of his enemy. By sinking deeply into the Force, the Jun-Sai duelist can anticipate his opponents movements, allowing him to block attacks before they happen.

One similarity to Vapaad is the use of emotions to power the style. Unlike Vapaad, instead of tapping into the feelings of enjoyment combat brings, the Jun-Sai duelist focuses feelings of determination. Fear, anger, and doubt are compressed into a tight ball in the pit of the duelist's stomach, and forged into an absolute Will to defeat the enemy. When facing a Jun-Sai master, it is said that one's life is measured in only seconds after his Lightsaber is activated.

Lightsaber hilt and colour:
Dual Orange Lightsaber

A product of unknown progeny, Crim was left upon the doorstep of the very Jedi temple that he would grow and learn. It was said that Yoda was the one that brought the child in and felt his connection to the force due to Miraluka lineage. As a youngster the boy was taught like many other younglings and given special care so that he could achieve sight through the force. Yoda felt something special in him that was shared by the many around him. Miraluka were gifts of the force, as stated by one of the masters, and could be molded into grand Jedi. Crim would become one of the many grand Jedi of his race.

By the time that the toddler could comprehend the ability to walk and learn, he was enrolled into the Jedi Academy within the clan of the Falsi. Training and study was the name of the game whilst in the academy. Teachings of the Jedi spurned an interest in history and standing within Crim; this also helped a garner a friendship in a Nikto by the name Gau-Rin. Gau-Rin was a more eager child to learn the physical side of the Force and Jedi teachings. The boys did not agree on everything, subsequently starting a chain reaction that would lead all the way to their adulthood. Several years of Academy training could only prepare Crim for the inevitable.

Initiate Trials came swift upon the younglings. Crim and Gau-Rin were ecstatic to finally engage in the trials that would mark them as padawans. The trials were not truly difficult as Crim has once thought they would be. Studying had led him to recite the Jedi Code like he was just taking a breath. Construction of the lightsaber came to him after he was gifted an orange crystal. Images flooded his mind while he crafted the lightsaber that would guide his hand for many years. A great master known as Seera took a deep interest in the initiate and watched intently on how Crim would handle the final test; a test to survey the dark side. Crim was placed in-front of Gau-Rin. He could feel the dark side within Gau-Rin's aggression but, there was a glimmer of hope, a light that could be salvaged into a true Jedi. The test came to it's completion and both boys' graduated to Padawan.

Ten years passed as Seera taught Crim in a way reminiscent of her own, teaching him the philosophy of the Unifying Force and the ways of the few Gray Jedi that existed. A secret kept between them and the council but under great surveillance despite Seera's great track record as a Jedi. Unfortunately Seera would meet an unhealthy demise during a mission to return the very jedi that Gau-Rin had grown up with. Gau-Rin had fallen to the dark side, wanting power to exact the revenge he rightly deserved against Crim, for the trials they took together left Gau-Rin broken and held back. He slayed his own master, a young knight, and let the dark side give him greater strength then he had ever known. Seera was meant to bring the teen back alive but to no avail. Crim's own naivety allowed Gau-Rin a chance to strike and it claimed the life of his master. Crim and Gau-Rin battled endlessly for several minutes before the Nikto was brought to his knees. Using Seera's body as a distraction, Gau-Rin escaped leaving Crim to mourn the woman that acted his mother for many years.

For many years he studied and practiced. At one point his master reappeared to him as a Force Ghost helping to instruct him mentally. She was around when he needed her most but Seera knew when to return to the Force and let Crim handle his own battles. A determined young man that achieved the rank of Knighthood through his knowledge of the Force and great heroism during the Clone Wars, Crim's future was looking brighter then ever. His only wish was to one day bring the Gray Jedi teachings to a higher place and maybe even meet his parents.

No one, besides the council, knows about Crim's Gray Jedi standing.
Seera as a Force Ghost

Damon Phobos

Damon stood in the Guildhall with a flustered look having just visited his mother in the hospital. He was not irritated by her being there as the woman had been hospitalized ever since before Damon was ever born. Damon never understood how his mother survived even child birth in her condition but he knew she was strong for being able too. His mother's condition had never changed all the years he was alive and it even caused her to miss certain years which never fazed him. For a good portion of his life, Damon trained under the illustrious Gildarts. It made him far more famous then he wanted to be. This included people staring at him, like they were doing now, and others proclaiming him as the wizard jesus even though it was Natsu who saved the world and not Gildarts. Regardless Damon's mood wasn't the best at the current moment. He had been waiting on Alexandre, Ren, and Blanche for over an hour now.

"Where are these chumps? I sent them a telepathic message an hour ago." Damon muttered to himself before stomping the ground below him, causing it to crack a bit but send a familiar rumble throughout the area that only the team would understand who it is.
And in my Hawkeye sheet i'm working on, Slade taught Clint in Martial Arts and Swordsmanship.
To my knowledge after reading, Braska and Gippal are finessing the guards to free our friends.
Posting tonight for Damon's team. Ren, Alexandre, and Blanche better be ready.
And what would say if two assholes in a dingy snuck up and boarded one of the marine ships? Hypothetically that is.
So I read it all right. Some marines have come into the town and are challenging the pirates that happen to fight back? I still have ideas.
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