”Oh My God it’s a ghost,” the cop yells as you pull him off balance, sending another net careening off into a sign advertising tasteful cremation services. And, given how that gun works, you’ve neutralized it as a threat for as long as you’ve got him focused on you and not reloading!
The problem is that he staggers backwards so violently that the two of you tumble back through the broken window, and there’s a moment of awful vertigo—
And then you slam against the side of Providence Skyscraper, and the wind’s once more been pushed out of your lungs, and someone’s shining a flashlight in your face.
“WE HAVE A GHOST ON SITE,” a second cop yells, holding onto his comrade’s boot as he aims his rifle at you with his other hand. “COMMAND, REQUESTING— what the fuck, what do you mean it’s not an issue, it’s dragged Po off the fucking building you bastard son of a cocksucking hen, I need something, don’t we have shit for this? You tell the Director to get some anti-ghost gizmo on site or I swear it’s your fucking ass I’ll serve seared and glazed!”
Presumably, he hasn’t tried to shoot you less out of concern for his comrade but because he thinks it won’t work.
Mark another Condition, this is a real rough night, huh?
Rain tumbles out of the ceiling like a lightning bolt, grabs one of the “policemen” with all four of her limbs, and the two of them topple back through the broken window. One of the other ones sees what’s going on and dives, saving both of them, bracing himself precariously at the edge of the window.
“STAND DOWN,” yells the third, who actually sounds like a very angry woman through the aggressive reverb of her helmet. “STOP RESISTING!”
She jerks her gun up at the ceiling and pulls the trigger, filling the room with awful thundering noise and making lights explode pop pop pop pop pop.
But that aside, how do you feel watching Rain tumble off a roof?
“It’s that jerk Li,” the Princess answers, because the cops are too busy yelling and shooting and being menaces to public property. “He probably wants to come up with some reason to arrest us so we stop making his goons look bad! And— RAIN!!!”
Out pop the heelies. The sash swirls around her like a writhing serpent as she skates boldly into the face of danger, and there’s a space for you behind her, if you run.
Or you can keep hiding behind the giant orange orca! Someone needs to look after the downed supervillain, probably. You’ll totally look cool doing it and Princess almost certainly won’t think you’re a coward!
”Oh My God it’s a ghost,” the cop yells as you pull him off balance, sending another net careening off into a sign advertising tasteful cremation services. And, given how that gun works, you’ve neutralized it as a threat for as long as you’ve got him focused on you and not reloading!
The problem is that he staggers backwards so violently that the two of you tumble back through the broken window, and there’s a moment of awful vertigo—
And then you slam against the side of Providence Skyscraper, and the wind’s once more been pushed out of your lungs, and someone’s shining a flashlight in your face.
“WE HAVE A GHOST ON SITE,” a second cop yells, holding onto his comrade’s boot as he aims his rifle at you with his other hand. “COMMAND, REQUESTING— what the fuck, what do you mean it’s not an issue, it’s dragged Po off the fucking building you bastard son of a cocksucking hen, I need something, don’t we have shit for this? You tell the Director to get some anti-ghost gizmo on site or I swear it’s your fucking ass I’ll serve seared and glazed!”
Presumably, he hasn’t tried to shoot you less out of concern for his comrade but because he thinks it won’t work.
Mark another Condition, this is a real rough night, huh?
Rain tumbles out of the ceiling like a lightning bolt, grabs one of the “policemen” with all four of her limbs, and the two of them topple back through the broken window. One of the other ones sees what’s going on and dives, saving both of them, bracing himself precariously at the edge of the window.
“STAND DOWN,” yells the third, who actually sounds like a very angry woman through the aggressive reverb of her helmet. “STOP RESISTING!”
She jerks her gun up at the ceiling and pulls the trigger, filling the room with awful thundering noise and making lights explode pop pop pop pop pop.
But that aside, how do you feel watching Rain tumble off a roof?
“It’s that jerk Li,” the Princess answers, because the cops are too busy yelling and shooting and being menaces to public property. “He probably wants to come up with some reason to arrest us so we stop making his goons look bad! And— RAIN!!!”
Out pop the heelies. The sash swirls around her like a writhing serpent as she skates boldly into the face of danger, and there’s a space for you behind her, if you run.
Or you can keep hiding behind the giant orange orca! Someone needs to look after the downed supervillain, probably. You’ll totally look cool doing it and Princess almost certainly won’t think you’re a coward!