Avatar of Taytay
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    1. Taytay 7 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Is that even a thing, it sounds gross
7 yrs ago
Coco Pebbles are the shit.
7 yrs ago
I gotta say, all that stuff you hear about missing your family after being away for a while is true.
7 yrs ago
I have a new found hate for snow.
7 yrs ago


Tay ♠ 19 ♠ Alaska->California ♠ Anime & Comics ♠ Full-time College Student ♠ Pm me music

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OOC is up I'll put the link at the top as well roleplayerguild.com/topics/93536-rogue..
Rogue Inc.

"Come Join Us in making this world a better one for Rogues all around"

In this universe good and evil are represented in the rawest of forms: Agents (Heroes) and Rogue (Villains). The agents are doing their best to protect this little blue world while the rouges are doing their best to exploit it. Your story takes place in the city of Lochwell City. The premier city of the United States and the crown jewel of the west coast. Sitting off the Northern coast of California and bordering Oregon. The city has been around for a long time and has attracted the eyes of many, good and evil. Now you have been captured by the ARGO (Anit-Rogue Global Orgainization) and sent to Illwood Correctional Facility. Here at ICF they have a cell with your name on it and you cannot get out. Or can you? You need to get out and back on your grind and there are others like you as well determined to get out. Its time for the Rogue to come back to the world with a vengeance, and you and your new found "allies" will bring it, or the "Rogue" name will die in your own personal hell.

Character information

NAME: Steven Carson Williams


SEXUALITY: Pansexual

AGE: 17

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Steven is a Greman-Russian American. His father was a German man and his mother was an American born Russian., that is where he gets his white skin, and grey eyes from. He stands at 5'9 and a half, with dark black, straight hair. He has a runners build, lean but not super muscular more like a skinny runner that just started. He has tattoos all over his body and a lip piercing. He likes the greaser style of dressing but makes it modern, leather, hats, joggers, rolled up or ripped pants, graphic, band and muscle shirts, and colorful socks. He always has his hair styled and looks comfortable in whatever he wears.


PERSONALITY: Steven is a laid back kind of fellow. He is that friend in the group that is just there for the ride and adventure and does not really care where hey are going. He loves to get down and party with some good people. He loves other people, just being around people makes him happy. But he has a tendecy to be simplistic. The grey area of the world does not play a huge role in his life, most things to him are black and white. In Steven's eyes the world is driven by choice so it seems easier to say yes or no to things rather than trying to find a third. Most of the time his simplicity is a turn off to most but those that stick around find him fun and thrilling. Being this way makes him harsh, most of the time he will say the first thing on his mind and not even take into account how others might feel about the situation. Overall he will give you a good time but it comes at the cost of his lack of perspective and care for others feelings.

HISTORY: Steven Carson Williams, is the youngest of five. Coming from an all boys family, he had to deal with the jock, the player, the bully, the nerd, and he was the black sheep. Unlike his brothers he was the 'bad boy' as his father says, or the 'odd ball'. He was not really interested in sports, or school or anything of that sort but loves to get out and trying new things, seeing new places. When he was in middle school he went to Mexico by himself and got into so much trouble when he made it back home. As he got older his father would often say he was stubborn and when he put his mind to something he was gonna do it. Steven did get into a lot of fights, simply because he was not one to talk behind your back and would say whatever he had too, to your face. Steven did enjoy learning, just not school, he loves to read and find out about the world. Steven was by no means a straight F student, he had good grades just did not think that the educational system was worth really applying himself too. Despite his fight, his father made him do Track and swimming all throughout high school and even wants him to do it in college. Steven can't wait for college, he does not know what he wants to do yet but is excited for the atmosphere.

QUIRK(s): He has a tendency to scratch his neck were the bird is, whenever he is about to lie to someone, or when he is mad about something but is trying to cover it up. Also he is brutally honest, so asking him if you look fat in that dress is a bad idea.


FEAR(s): Steven has four major fears; pregnant women, clowns, being confined, and commitment. He does not like pregnant women because his mother died when she was pregnant when he was about 5. She died in a nasty car accented and he saw her body after, it was so mutilated and he stomach had been split open so you cold see the baby. This ruined the image of pregnant women for him, now does not like even being in a room with one, or being touch by one. Clowns creep him out. He watched the movie "It" when he was a kid and now the red nosed white faced creatures are the devil to Steven. He even fought a clown at his 10th birthday party. He does not like to be told that there are boundaries or that he cannot do something, it goes against his very being and terrifies him. Lastly his fear of commitment comes after his first girlfriend, she broke his heart and now has wounds.

TALENT(s): Steven is talented when it comes down to people, problem solving, and strategy. He is very charismatic and good with others. His warm smile and bright eyes act like a beacon to others. He has a good understanding of others and how they think. His problem soling and strategical skills, root from his simplistic thought process. Choosing the best solution no matter what the cost is something he is good at, and finding a path to get there is something else he excels in. Steven can weigh the pros and cons of each situation without bias, unless his life is involved, and deciding form there.

WEAKNESS(es): Steven has a tendency to be stubborn and inconsiderate. Once he has his mind made up it becomes his way or the highway. Steven likes to think that his way of thinking and doing things is the most logical and when someone else throws out an idea of lesser standards, he just dismisses it. His inconsiderate attitude comes from how others peoples feelings just don't fit into his black and white world. If you ask he will answer truthfully no matter what, even if he does hurt someone in the process.

POWER: Steven can release pheromones that have different affects, whether it be makings someone attracted to him or making them sad, or happy. But it comes at a cost of his own blood. He has to convert his blood into the pheromone, so the stronger the pheromone the more blood he needs, the father the reach and the longer the affect last, the more blood he needs.


EXTRA: Steven usually does not stay in his relationships for long, most of the time they for a week or to the longest being a month. Its all because of that first girl he dated.
Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

Brian was mid play when some black haired guy walked into the room.

"You're that guy I called the ambulance on, right?" "Want some?"

Brian's face lit up like Christmas at the offering. He took the sausage and ate it in three bites, and hummed a thank you. "Man you have know idea how much I needed this, that hospital food taste like crap and there was nothing on TV, the beds were uncomfortable, but the nurses were cute." He said with a smile. Then slapped his self on the forehead and held his hand out to shake. "Excuse me, my name is Brian aka Gyro, and thanks for calling the ambulance I thought I was gonna die." He said with a smile and picked up some juice and chips after they shook hands.

Bobby closed out the email on his phone and continued to lay down the pain, his mother had ordered him to repaint his room because it was getting to dark in there. Bobby thought on what he had just read, it was true that the voice in his head had started to talk to him a while back and ever since they had bee doing worse things to people and enjoying it.

Of course you enjoy it, its fun to cause pain, and even more fun to watch. Bobby rolled his eyes at this, it was never causing pain that got him off it was everything that lead to it, the planning, the setting up, the thrill all that, he never really cared for watching the outcome. It does not matter, pack a bag, we are going on a little trip, its about time for the fun to begin. Bobby sighed, he looked around his room for a bag. ""I better not regret this, you may like pain but I don't like feeling it."
Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

Brian woke up hours later in a hospital bed. He had a splinted left arm and some stitches on the right one. In the room with him was a nurse checking his IV and making sure he was comfortable. She looked into his eyes and jumped back. "Oh!! You scared me, did not know you woke up yet. Well the doctor is not back yet, but we can still run the initial test." After checking his eye and reflex movement she stared to tell him about his condition."So you had four broken ribs, a fractured ankle, a broken arm, we were able to remove the shrapnel from your arm and you need 28 stitches. But due to the moderns of medical science we have healed your leg and stitches, but we could not do your arm because it would have been to much stress on your body. Any questions?" Brian cracked a dry smile and looked at her. "Why do you guys always make people wear these butt-less gowns, I mean I don't like that breeze at all." The nurse rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

A Few Hours Later

Brian had become restless in his room, from the old soap-operas on television to the crappy generic jelly. He was mad that the doctor said he had to wait a few more hours before being released, but that he was just fine. What kind of crap was that, just fine, if he was just fine then why was he still here. Brain got fed up and pulled out the IV, and ,made sure his but was not sticking out. Then he proceeded to sneak out and back into the main building for some food and television. Its not like he was breaking any rules, he just wanted to watch some shit get blown up on TV and eat some chips. Getting out was easier than expected, considering the amount of staff here, but he did have to sweet talk one of the younger nurses into letting him go.

When he got back into HQ he went straight for the lounge with the kitchen, he went straight for the cabinets and pulled down a bag of lays opened it and started to eat. Brian enjoyed the saltiness of the food and went back into the lounge and sat down on the couch, turned the TV to sports center and kicked back.
Ima post today
@Rin See I think k we are thinking alike you and I
Hey why have two when you can have four .
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