Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

INERTIA A.K.A. Tia Clark

Tia tipped her neck back and saw Grant and smiled. She patted the ground next to her. "Come down here." He got down on the ground and lay next to her. He was close enough to smell the fruity scent of her shampoo. She looked at the stars and he glanced at them but mostly he looked at her.

"Yeah, there were a lot of injuries, a lot of deaths and you don't want to know what they are estimating the monetary damages at. We need to make this team work as a team. I'll have them start training for that tomorrow. I think everyone just needed a day off to recoop and heal a bit."

She got really quiet for a minute. "I've taken hits, HARD hits before but I've never been what you would call seriously injured before... Tonight I almost died because of a freak accident that exposed a flaw in my powers." She laughed a little bit.

"Luckily for me we have the best R&D in the world. They strengthened the bones in my neck with a flexible metal alloy or something that will keep my neck from breaking from getting whipped around like I did tonight. They said that in the field because that thing kept stomping on me my regeneration couldn't heal me fast enough. At some point the damage was so severe it could only keep my vitals going."

"Do you know what the worst part of it was?"
He shook his head. "I could hear everything going on around me for a few minutes before I lost consciousness and I could feel that thing stomping on me and I couldn't phase. I have never felt so helpless in my life."

She turned to him and said, "I know it was you who saved me. I heard you and I sensed your touch when you picked me up. Thank you." Tia said and she leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. "Is that ok? I'm not usually so forward but I..." Grant reached for her and started kissing her back.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Online

Red Strike (Ro'Kun)

Ro'Kun decided to follow this ragtag group of guys and girls that he had just met. He had nothing better to do, so why not? They were heroes like him after all. When they all arrived, he marveled at just how huge and expansive this place was. His stomach growled even louder, and the handsome young man approached the nearest people he saw. "Hey, is there any place to get something to ea-"

Oh, he was interrupting something. That pretty girl was making out with some dude. Usually he'd nod in approval and then give them space, but now...he was hungry enough to have his common sense be overridden. He poked Tia on the shoulder. "Um...hello?" His face looked innocent enough, but he raised an eyebrow. "I have not eaten all day. I just need a little help here."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

INERTIA A.K.A. Tia Clark

Tia looked up and she blushed and started to laugh a little. Poor Grant looked like he might kill Ro'kun on the spot. Tia lifted a hand and said "The kitchen is INSIDE the building!" After Ro'kun walked off Tia started laughing so hard tears ran down her face. "How the...? What in the world...?" Grant fell into a fit of giggles and he and Tia lay there giggling for a while.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

Brian woke up hours later in a hospital bed. He had a splinted left arm and some stitches on the right one. In the room with him was a nurse checking his IV and making sure he was comfortable. She looked into his eyes and jumped back. "Oh!! You scared me, did not know you woke up yet. Well the doctor is not back yet, but we can still run the initial test." After checking his eye and reflex movement she stared to tell him about his condition."So you had four broken ribs, a fractured ankle, a broken arm, we were able to remove the shrapnel from your arm and you need 28 stitches. But due to the moderns of medical science we have healed your leg and stitches, but we could not do your arm because it would have been to much stress on your body. Any questions?" Brian cracked a dry smile and looked at her. "Why do you guys always make people wear these butt-less gowns, I mean I don't like that breeze at all." The nurse rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

A Few Hours Later

Brian had become restless in his room, from the old soap-operas on television to the crappy generic jelly. He was mad that the doctor said he had to wait a few more hours before being released, but that he was just fine. What kind of crap was that, just fine, if he was just fine then why was he still here. Brain got fed up and pulled out the IV, and ,made sure his but was not sticking out. Then he proceeded to sneak out and back into the main building for some food and television. Its not like he was breaking any rules, he just wanted to watch some shit get blown up on TV and eat some chips. Getting out was easier than expected, considering the amount of staff here, but he did have to sweet talk one of the younger nurses into letting him go.

When he got back into HQ he went straight for the lounge with the kitchen, he went straight for the cabinets and pulled down a bag of lays opened it and started to eat. Brian enjoyed the saltiness of the food and went back into the lounge and sat down on the couch, turned the TV to sports center and kicked back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Michael Watts a.k.a Omega

Michael had been enjoying the sparring match with Wicked. She had moves he'd never seen before besides from movies. He was holding his one though. When she knocked him down, he landed on his ass with a grunt. He breathed hard as a bit of sweat beads appeared to be on his face. He had enough sparring for one day, and he was glad he did it.

"Maybe I just knew you'd be the one to bring that winning smile back on my face." Michael said a little out of breath but smiling. "So... do you like it? Or do you still think I want something else?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes intensely into hers. It was like his face was telling to her to make a move if she had the guts to. Michael was afraid of only a few things, good or bad, Wicked was not one of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Red Strike (Ro'Kun)

Ro'kun looked taken aback by the finger in his face and the loud words. "Well that's not very specific." he said, then looked passed the girl at the guy. He looked like he wanted to punch Ro'Kun's face in. The dark haired youth shook his head, and grinned. "You should get a sense of humor dude. You won't be able to keep your lady for long without one." He declared with a sly wink.

He knew it was time to split though, and he slipped away and decided to embark on his quest for food once more. After making it inside and exploring a few more minutes, he stumbled upon the kitchens and his mouth made a big 'O'. This was glorious. By the time he made it into the lounge with Brian, his arms held every kind of snack food one could imagine. "Oh hey." he said, recognizing Brian. "You're that guy I called the ambulance on, right?" He sat down next to him and put his food on the table in front of them both. He held up a sausage for Brian. "Want some?"
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

Brian was mid play when some black haired guy walked into the room.

"You're that guy I called the ambulance on, right?" "Want some?"

Brian's face lit up like Christmas at the offering. He took the sausage and ate it in three bites, and hummed a thank you. "Man you have know idea how much I needed this, that hospital food taste like crap and there was nothing on TV, the beds were uncomfortable, but the nurses were cute." He said with a smile. Then slapped his self on the forehead and held his hand out to shake. "Excuse me, my name is Brian aka Gyro, and thanks for calling the ambulance I thought I was gonna die." He said with a smile and picked up some juice and chips after they shook hands.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Red Strike (Ro'Kun)

Ro'Kun shook Brian's hand and nodded comrade-like. "No problem. You messed stuff up. It was impressive." he replied with a smile. He could tell they'd get along almost instantly. "This food is pretty good. Better than that hospital shit, at least." Hearing the next part had him looking up in thought. "Cute girls? I just saw a really hot one outside, but I'm pretty sure she's taken. Too bad too."

He began nomming on some chex mix and sausage, which somehow was an extremely tasty combination. He took a sip of soda. This was the life, he told himself. Despite him never having visiting this HQ before, he'd heard of it previously. Ro'Kun had just never been an official hero. "Have you been here long? I've never been in this place. People just kinda let me walk around."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Wicked's knowing grin drew him in. Her soft chuckle hypnotized him. Did he really think she didn't know? "Come on Michael, we both know what you want. Are you man enough to ask for it?" she asked him in a husky voice. She got up off of the floor and bent down to retie her shoe giving him a clear view of her cleavage. Standing up she turned to him and smiled. "Well? Are you?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Michael Watts a.k.a Omega

Michael hadn't been this turned on like this in quite some time. He and Wicked seemed like they could go on and on playing this game of tag forever. Someone had to make the leap, and they both seemed to refuse to go first. Michael's smile never faded as he stood up to look the woman in the eyes once more. There was some distance, but it would soon become nonexistent.

"Sorry Wicked, but I'm not gonna ask." Michael said as he took a step back while shaking his head. It seemed his pride was worth much more than she was. Then with a chuckle Wicked's body slowly slide forward toward Michael as if he had some sort 9f gravitational pull on her. "I'll just show you." He said as the gap closed between the two. As their bodies touched against one another, so did their lips as Michael kissed the woman passionately.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RaeoftheLight
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RaeoftheLight Piscean Devil

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Naomi Williams a.k.a. Black Cheshire

With a shout, Naomi startled awake. She sucked in heaving gasps of breath, sweat running down her temple as she fought for control of her lungs again. Once her breathing was normal, she looed around and noticed she was in a medical room. And IV was attached to her arm, itching slightly. The steady beep of the heart rate monitor filled the air, but otherwise everything was quiet. Lifting the blanket around her waist up, Naomi inspected her side. Bandages covered her stomach, wrapped around her body. Peeking above the bandages on her left side was the unmistakable coloring of a bruise. Everything slightly ached on her body, but Naomi guessed the IV in her arm was steadily dripping pain killers into her. For a few minutes, Naomi sat still, wondering if the battle was won and if everyone was okay. A clock on the wall told her she had been out of it for quite a few hours, and she once again wished she had regenerative powers. The sound of a door opening had Naomi's head whipping towards the sound. A nurse stood in the doorway, gasping in surprise that Naomi was awake. The nurse rushed forward, asking the general questions about how Naomi was feeling, if anything hurt, blah blah blah. Apparently Naomi had to have emergency surgery, one of her broken ribs had punctured an internal organ, and they needed to stop the bleeding right away. In total, Naomi had three broken ribs but as long as she didn't do anything strenuous, she was fine. The advanced technology this place had was insane, and the nurse said Naomi had some special surgery that would make it so her bones mended in at least two days.

No regenerative powers needed then. The nurse gave her some scrubs to put on when it became obvious Naomi was not going to take the advice and stay in the med room for the night, and then Naomi was on her way with some pain pills in her hand and her commlink returned.

First stop Naomi took was her room, walking all the way there instead of teleporting incase of aggravating her stitches. Once inside Naomi undressed, and put on a pair of deep purple flannel pajama pants and a black tank top. She attempted to put her long black hair in a ponytail, but stretching her arms up pulled on her stitches, so she gave up. Leaving her room, Naomi decided to try and find Tia and see how the fight went. However, HQ wasn't small, and Naomi had no clue where anyone was right now.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

"Have you been here long? I've never been in this place. People just kinda let me walk around."

"I only got here today, but I already got my room and stuff. But, today was a rough day getting broken already I need to do some more training."

He said as his team made a touch down and he cheered. Brian went for some more sausage, it was smoked and delicious. He was chewing on it and then a thought pooped into his mind. He had never had another person to talk to about his powers with so why not start here. " Sooooo? What is your fix? Your extra properties, your power from heaven?" He said awkwardly.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


As Wicked started to float towards Michael she chuckled. "Cheater." When he kissed her there was a few moments of intense passion before Wicked pulled back and pulled him out of the gym with her. She had the look of a woman well kissed. When they got back to the hallway Michael entered his room and she went inside with him. @funnyguy

INERTIA A.K.A. Tia Clark

Tia and Grant had rounded the corner just in time to see Omega pull Wicked in for a kiss and shut the door. Tia stopped and she felt ill. She opened her door and told Grant to come in and sit down. She offered the couch and sat down suddenly upset. He looked concerned and she asked if he had seen Wicked and Omega just then and he nodded.

"I can get used to the fact that she has never aged a day in my lifetime but I can't get over her dating/sleeping with or playing with or whatever she is doing with the one man in my HQ that has made it known to me that he hates me. She is at this moment sleeping with MY enemy." Tia settled back and cuddled into his side and let him hold her. @Blop
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@King Tai

James/Sound Wave

"You could say that, I am able to vibrate my body at a rate that can create hyper sonic waves and I can also run at supersonic speeds. Also it's nice to meet you too Miles and I hope that this team will work great for the both of us" James replied to his teammate and with that he went to go on a little tour of the base to get an idea of what was inside it and if there was a training room to workout. It didn't take him too long to find his living quarters and the training center to get in some good training by lifting weights and doing pushups.

He started with the weight lifting to build up his muscles so that he was ready to pull off some hard hits when in the field. The need to stay in shape was something that James understood very well thanks to time as a high school football player and he would try to show just as much dedication to his hero work as he did his sports life. He off course would make sure to not become a work out junkie, he had known a few them in school and all them got hooked on steroids.

No if James was going to bulk up then he would do it through hard work and determination and not the use of drugs that would mentally screw a person over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Red Strike (Ro'Kun)

He stuffed potato chips into his mouth as he watched the Television with Brian. He was glad he helped save this guys life. He was pretty cool. The team scored! Ro'Kun had never been too into sports unless he was playing them himself, but it was fun sitting here with a new bud, eating this wicked ass food.

"Sooooo? What is your fix? Your extra properties, your power from heaven?" he was asked suddenly. "Hmm?" he replied, before his mind caught up with him. "Oh, yeah. My powers. Well, I can break stone and bend steel with my bare hands and I can dodge most anything. It helps that I practice Shaolin Kung fu too." Suddenly he blinked. "I can also do this too."

He snapped his fingers, and a small flame appeared above his hand. It glowed brightly, and he swirled it around the air with his finger. A small fireball twirling, before it disappeared as if it never were. "Just flame manipulation. I don't really use it much though, other than to cook food and impress women." He let the words hang in the air for a moment and he began chewing on another sausage, before he held a finger up and swallowed. "Wait a minute...you know what would have food and girls? A pool party!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Once Izzy found her room she got situated. When she was done she left the room and locked it behind her and put the key in her pocket. The. She began to wander the building trying to get situated with the new scenery. After a minute or two she found herself by the entrance where she saw two guys talking and approached them wanting to say hi. But when she looked at Miles she found herself getting red and stuttering. "H-h-h-h-hi" she said timidly, hopping he didn't notice her getting red which was kinda ward since she had to look up at him since she was so short. "I-I-I-I'm n-n-n-new h-here" she said pushing her scarf further over her mouth. @King Tai
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Weird Tales@Lunar

Visi-Play AKA Miles Bronson

Listening to James, Miles gave a nod to the explanation of his abilities. It would be something he wouldn't mind checking out in action when the time came. Cool to meet you too James...I-

Miles stopped in his response when out the finer of his eye, he saw someone moving and looked over while this smaller female approached them. It was that girl he saw when they were out fighting the statues...he remembered. When she started speaking and stuttering, with her face flushed red, Miles' eyebrow raised from her behavior and responded.

Hey...you're that gal from the mission. The one with the insane moves you used on the enemy. I'm new here too....I'm Miles...hero name Visi-Play. I don't think I've caught your name...

The girl seemed so timid....cute but timid which was a little different from what Miles have seen so far with the other heroes. Miles looked over at James James I may need to catch up with you later... watching him leave to explore. His attention went back to the smaller lady to wait on her response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RaeoftheLight
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RaeoftheLight Piscean Devil

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Naomi Williams a.k.a. Black Cheshire

Naomi decided instead of wandering the halls aimlessly, she would head towards the kitchen area and grab a light snack. The nurse had told her to avoid any acidic food while taking her pain meds, so Naomi was going to just grab a bagel or something. On her way, Naomi thought she heard some voices, but just ignored it in favor of her now growling stomach. In the kitchen, Naomi took a moment to appreciate the huge space, everything in this facility was insanely large. Growing up in a small trailer that was rotting at it's foundation, Naomi was a complete stranger to such nicer accommodations. Plus it was fully stocked, she didn't even think that was possible! Naomi doubted she would ever go without food while here. Finding the bagels, Naomi also got herself a bottle of water. With her loot in tow, she left the kitchen and headed in a random direction. Might as well explore everything since there didn't seem to be anything else to do right now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Jess finished her sandwich wondering where Izzy had gotten off to then realized that she was technically worried about an adult while locale she was perceived as a minor. Next she slammed back a high energy protein shake before heading over to an empty couch in the lounge area and tossing herself onto the cushions.

Once settled she used her comm to play her Music an leaned back feeling a freedom so rare that she suddenly squealed in delight. Evene when she'd run away she hadn't felt this free because then she'd been on constant guard knowing her handlers would eventually find her. Here they knew were she was, knew who she was talking to but here because she was sure the others would protest they couldn't control every facet of her being no more invasive studies; it was bliss.

Well almost, she was still without any real friends and team members didn't count. She'd never had either a boyfriend or girlfriend.
She had never hung out in a group of people her age and was terrified to do so because what such a group expected of her she hadn't a clue.

Sure she'd watched people outside of the project and when she'd explored the world but the context didn't translate into what she understood because it lacked asset value and the project saw no reason to waste the time teaching it's living weapon youth culture.

"I vow that before one year passes I will have at least two friends and know what it's like to.....to just have fun" she says aloud without meaning to
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

Brian started at the flame in his had with excitement. He thought it was cool that he could manipulate fire, but kind wondered why he did not use it. Maybe because he did not have control, or maybe because he had a dark past, it started to fascinated hi and he had to physically hold back from asking a thousand questions. Brian did not want to scare off his first friend here.

"Wait a minute...you know what would have food and girls? A pool party!"

Brian perked back up at the sound of this idea. He had not been to a pool, filled with skin cleansing chlorine, and little kids who pee on themselves in the pool in about three years. Plus it would be a way to get to know the rest of the team. "THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!!! We should totally go get some peeps and make it happen." He said this as he jumped up and pointed his finger into the air. Then he felt the slight breeze of his back side and blushed. He still had that hospital gown on and it wasn't fully tied. "One that note before it gets awkward between us im gonna go get some trunks on and a T-Shirt you stay here." Brain started to float and flew out of the room at a fast pace. He went to his room, unlocked his door and the struggle began. He only had one arm and had to fight to get stuff done, firstly he fought to get out of the dress and ended up on the floor, then he had to out some underwear on with some shorts that was easy. But the shirt was a challenge, trying to hurry and get it on without break his arm back again was trouble and he ended up hitting his head on the room door and leaving a red mark.

Brain looked in the mirror before leaving, his hair was surprisingly still spiked and he had gotten some of his coloration back, there were some scratches on his face but nothing to major and his arm swelling had already gone down. Satisfied he floated back to the lounge area and looked at Ro'Kun with a sly smile. "You ready my man lets go make his happen!"

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