Avatar of Testament Nymph


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2 days ago
Current The arch nemesis of every detailed and picky roleplayer is the "hey, wanna rp?" message after posting a highly detailed and elaborate RT.
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3 days ago
I'm playing Skyrim all over again, so the reason why I will not be as active is perfectly excused and no one has the right to be upset.
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12 days ago
Don't be an ass and push your partners to make their characters look the way you want unless your partner specifically wants to do that for you. I am baffled at the audacity.
12 days ago
Trying to gaslight me into making my character look the way you want, despite me showing the total opposite of what I want is CRAZY.
23 days ago
I love working every day for 14 hours out in the scorching sun, my favorite.
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catharsis: the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, especially through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music.


I seek a story to enrapture me and take me on a journey. I seek for a partner who will give me an emotional release through great story telling, exciting romances and perhaps even a little tragedy.

I have faced a lot of common misconception on sites that give a green light to smut. I like to write smut and all the nitty gritty details, but I don't write for it. I write for the story and since a lot of my stories are romance-centric, physical intimacy is a part of love and romance, which is why I don't avoid smut when writing.

I am seeking partners who will give me the pleasure of experiencing something special while writing with them.

My writing is multi-paragraph to novella when it comes to length, but the quality is juicy. I have keen eye for details and never waste any space when I write you a post, so you will never waste your precious time and eyesight by reading through my responses. My writings have always been riddled with character development and they drip with complexities and personality

My posting frequency can vary, sometimes I can post multiple times a week, other times only once, and there may be weeks when I can't make it. Either way, we'll keep in touch. I am not pushy with posts and I am very patient. I prefer waiting a week to get a great post rather than doing rapid fire posts and getting nothing of value.

As for my partner, I seek someone who shares similar values that I have stated above. Nothing more, nothing less. The only thing that I seek is that you're a mature person (21+) who can write all sort of scenarios maturely without having to censor yourself.

My only limit and where I draw the line is when it comes to SA/non-con/r@pe. If there's ever a scene with this kind of content for the sake of story or whatever, it should be non-descript and brief. Another thing I'm not into are anime faceclaims. No shade to anime artists, but they just don't sit right with me. I always use either real people references or art.


I prefer dark settings and genres: Modern supernatural, dark fantasy, themes of the occult, biblical themes, mythological settings, monsters and damsels, drama and intrigue, court themes, masquerades.

Character dynamics I thoroughly enjoy: Vast differences and polar opposites between them, interspecies, my character being on the side of bad and your character being on the side of good, age gaps, enemies to lovers, difficult circumstances, forbidden love, dangerous affairs, "we shouldn't do this, but...", my character belonging to no moral spectrum and your character being on the side of bad, corruption in the name of love, undying loyalty despite the unfavorable odds, animosity riddled with sexual tension.

Tropes for your character that I would love: Strong, just and immovable, yet soft from within and has a fragile, big heart. Handsome, rougish and difficult, yet riddled with issues and inner demons he fights on a daily basis. Ruggedly manly, dominant and complex, yet holds a dark past that keeps him closed off from the rest of the world. Holy, self-righteous and unforgiving, yet suffers because of the selflessness which leaves him vulnerable to corruption when its used correctly. - These are just examples of the types of characters I'd definitely be into writing with.

I love me some humanoid and inhuman characters, and that is always on the table.

My characters range from cold, ambitious and cold-blooded to righteous, uppity and driven to help others. All depends on what kind of plot we're doing and what characters you want to play.

Morticia and Gomez meet Romeo and Juliette (story concept)

Theme: Modern day | two lovers from rival families | forbidden romance| drama | slowburn

My character is the younger version of Morticia Addams, with some original tweaks, naturally. Dreamy, graceful and filled with dignity, driven, feminine and hot in every sense of the word. And naturally the man she would have to be paired up with should have Gomez Addams qualities as well.

Just the story here will be a bit different.

Basically it's kind of like Romeo and Juliette theme, just with adults and more mature with the theme. It can be cheesy and over the top, because I absolutely love the drama and how the movies from 80s, 90s and 00s vibed without taking themselves seriously. We're talking the Addams family here!

So two very wealthy and reputable families are big rivals in the city and it's nearly cutthroat just how much they despise each other. Blackmailing, spreading nasty rumors, attempts to sabotage their successes, you name it. These two families simply do not want to share the spotlight, perhaps they have the same ambition, yet not enough space for both to share.

As you would've guessed, our characters are young adults who are from the same generation and the families want to marry them off to the people they chose for them from other countries to further their ambitions outside the home country and spread their influence. However, when everyone was present during the local event, our characters had met each other by coincidence for the first time, but quite unexpectedly for them both, they were smitten with each other. BUT, I don't want this to be where they're showing signs that they're head over heels for one another, instead they keep provoking each other, playing into the rivalry that their families have been on for generations. They are well-aware that they absolutely should not do anything outside of their families' expectations, especially if they or one of them is already betrothed to someone, considering that the future and well-being of their family is going to fall upon them. They take this very seriously, but the tension between them is extremely heavy.

Considering that all wealthy families attend big local events, our characters keep bumping into each other quite often (perhaps there's a week-long festival and other activities where the families want to one-up another constantly) and they begin to form a relationship through quipping, provoking sarcastically and basically playing with each other that would slowly lead to them talking seriously when they have an opening and nearly non-existent privacy. I also love the idea that they both do fencing and someone has a great idea to put the two on spotlight to perform before everyone. And whoever wins would get some form of a prize. But this performance of fencing is treated like a dangerous dance between the two, filled with piercing passion and near deadly intent that excites one another as they wield those fencing swords and just add fuel to the fire.

And I love how Gomez had always been a rebel in the Addams family, so I'd imagine that YC would similarly begin to rebel as he thinks with his heart and ends up doing bad boy shit for the first time ever against his family all in the name of love, getting himself in massive trouble that unfortunately separates MC and YC.

Just actual romance with a lot of drama, quirky and fun, with quality slowburn. That's what I want.
new plots added
Had to remove myself from online world for a few days, but I'm back now.

catharsis: the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, especially through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music.


I seek a story to enrapture me and take me on a journey. I seek for a partner who will give me an emotional release through great story telling, exciting romances and perhaps even a little tragedy.

I have faced a lot of common misconception on sites that give a green light to smut. I like to write smut and all the nitty gritty details, but I don't write for it. I write for the story and since a lot of my stories are romance-centric, physical intimacy is a part of love and romance, which is why I don't avoid smut when writing.

I am seeking partners who will give me the pleasure of experiencing something special while writing with them.

My writing is multi-paragraph to novella when it comes to length, but the quality is juicy. I have keen eye for details and never waste any space when I write you a post, so you will never waste your precious time and eyesight by reading through my responses. My writings have always been riddled with character development and they drip with complexities and personality

My posting frequency can vary, sometimes I can post multiple times a week, other times only once, and there may be weeks when I can't make it. Either way, we'll keep in touch. I am not pushy with posts and I am very patient. I prefer waiting a week to get a great post rather than doing rapid fire posts and getting nothing of value.

As for my partner, I seek someone who shares similar values that I have stated above. Nothing more, nothing less. The only thing that I seek is that you're a mature person (21+) who can write all sort of scenarios maturely without having to censor yourself.

My only limit and where I draw the line is when it comes to SA/non-con/r@pe. If there's ever a scene with this kind of content for the sake of story or whatever, it should be non-descript and brief. Another thing I'm not into are anime faceclaims. No shade to anime artists, but they just don't sit right with me. I always use either real people references or art.


I prefer dark settings and genres: Modern supernatural, dark fantasy, themes of the occult, biblical themes, mythological settings, monsters and damsels, drama and intrigue, court themes, masquerades.

Character dynamics I thoroughly enjoy: Vast differences and polar opposites between them, interspecies, my character being on the side of bad and your character being on the side of good, age gaps, enemies to lovers, difficult circumstances, forbidden love, dangerous affairs, "we shouldn't do this, but...", my character belonging to no moral spectrum and your character being on the side of bad, corruption in the name of love, undying loyalty despite the unfavorable odds, animosity riddled with sexual tension.

Tropes for your character that I would love: Strong, just and immovable, yet soft from within and has a fragile, big heart. Handsome, rougish and difficult, yet riddled with issues and inner demons he fights on a daily basis. Ruggedly manly, dominant and complex, yet holds a dark past that keeps him closed off from the rest of the world. Holy, self-righteous and unforgiving, yet suffers because of the selflessness which leaves him vulnerable to corruption when its used correctly. - These are just examples of the types of characters I'd definitely be into writing with.

I love me some humanoid and inhuman characters, and that is always on the table.

My characters range from cold, ambitious and cold-blooded to righteous, uppity and driven to help others. All depends on what kind of plot we're doing and what characters you want to play.


Court of Fangs and Claws

Theme: Modern fantasy | vampire princess x on of the alpha (werewolf) | court drama and intrigue | forbidden romance | enemies to lovers

Even in the age of technology, the oldest vampiric bloodline that dates back to the medieval times had been ruling over the children of the night the same way they had been centuries ago. The vampire clan Primogen are the bloodline of vampiric royalty that have been the iron fist that led the order of the vampires in the state, maintaining their obfuscation. While vampires are more powerful than mortals, they are outnumbered and there are organizations of hunters who are trained to kill their an all other supernatural kind when necessary. The bloodline kept away in the old estate in the capital city of Crossvale, aware of how much their blood is worth to all who deem them as threat.

The Primogen clan are the only clan of vampires that can conceive thanks to their affinity to blood magic - something that makes them special compared to other vampires. They had existed for centuries thanks to the ritualistic practices and have been the strongest vampire clan, despite nobody knowing what is it exactly that makes this clan so powerful, besides the powerful presence that can control the crowd, especially those with the vampiric affinities.

The Primogen clan had one of the loyal associates, clan Griffith, a long line of shapeshifting warriors that hail from the days of the vikings. The Griffiths are one of the more physically powerful vampire clans out there, and they have the ability to shapeshift. They are the only clan that have anything in common with the Lycans and they had some tense, but non-violent dealings in the past, as Griffiths would deal with the Lycans for the Primogens. In some way, the Lycans and Griffiths have made some form of comradery, despite the vampires and werewolves being the mortal enemies, their interests never aligning.

The Lycans are more creatures who deal with the urban world and humans than vampires do. From the crime world to running their society in the outskirts of the town, Lycans are the "street smart" and also progressive kind while still tending to their roots. They have a lot at stake when it comes to their animalistic nature, and lot of self-discipline and control comes into practice for the creatures such as the Lycans. They're killing machines and an actual threat to the vampire society, but they too may suffer the consequences if too exposed among the humans. There was a rise of hunters in the past several years and plenty fell victim to the hands of the mortals.

The Griffiths betrayed both the Primogens and the Lycans, putting them at great danger. Lycans' packs will be exposed to the hunters as well as their shelters with thir pups, while the Primogens have gotten note that the Griffiths have some knowledge of their blood magic and know how to expose it.

The Griffiths specifically claimed that the progeny of the royal bloodline, that being my character, is the one they want. This is not revealed in the story at first.

So the Primogens and the Lycans have a meeting where the Alpha and his son, your character, come to meet and form a temporary alliance now that their lives were at threat, which is their mutual interest, as it is a grave concern for both. This is where our characters will for the first time ever interact - ever hating each other for their nature, yet forced to cooperate.

It's an enemies to lovers story, forbidden romance at its core, pretty feisty and fun at that. As a monster lover myself, I wouldn't mind some smut with the werewolf anthro transformation.

chocking on dirt and sand.

Fresh beginnings, new stories, adventures and characters to indulge in. Not opposed to making new friends.

Want to focus on world and most importantly character building. And I will be an aesthetic freak and you can't stop me.
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