Avatar of Tetsue


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Current The Desert is waking...
9 yrs ago
In the Sands of time you will be forgotten...but Xenom will forever live on.
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9 yrs ago
We all live in a yellow submarine...a yellow submarine....a yellow submarine...
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It's absolutely hilarious since I was talking to Terror Of Light about the only reason being here was to fight me. But thank-you for that, I appreciate it. And not once have you been 'amiable'. I don't even think you understand what the word means, or you're simply lying to yourself and others. But you seem to be the only one to have salt about any of this. I mean, no one else is taking it seriously enough to the point where there are constant fights being done in OOC rather than the battlefield.

Annnnd what the fuck? Leadership ability? What does leadership have to do with bragging about my personal history? What the fuck kind of nonsense are you talking about? The only thing I have to be a Leader towards are my students. Which I do quite well.

Also, I appreciate having any feats of mine being called un true as a person who does not know me, or my past. But that's ok, it's what I expect from a butt-hurt loser. :)
@Seed If I remember correctly, there were "no rules to war". I also remember you saying "bring everyone you can". Does that just stop now that we're in a bit of a different setting? Not to mention, you literally have a whole levy of clones for SEED that made it a 9v2, which I find to be particularly unfair. So then why is it so terrible when I, a person you don't even know, a person you don't know is worthy or not of your precious Seed, want to join this war?

To be honest, though, I'll respect your opinion either way.

Aside from the fact that I pulled Seed from the fight and instead am using Tetsue, you're absolutely right. I said to bring whoever, at a time when I thought Gun's group was apart of the Guild.

That quickly changed once I found out he was trying to do a clan v clan with mine and I immediately shut that down. He then asked to be apart of this war earlier in this thread to which I said sure,that's fine, so long as he's representing the guild.
What about Gonad? :o
I'm actually chuckling right now at the amount of satl being displayed here.

Gun, I didn't realize being a cry-baby was in your character sheet. I must have missed it. I actually specifically recall and I will go and grab your quote, of you saying that you were disappointed in having to fight Seed and would much rather fight Tetsue. Give me 3 minutes to quickly grab you saying that. You were fine with Seed, but would much rather fight Tetsue. That is what you said.

So what did I do? I recalled Seed and threw Tetsue to you guys.

And now you're crying about that? And you have this Terror loser crying as well? You're not even apart of the community and the only reason you're here is to fight me because you're nothing more than a desperado goon. I don't want to hear shit from someone who has his character sheet linked to a Furry website. Lmfao, sicko.

However, I know for a fact why this change brought up so much insult. Despite the fact that you seemed ok with the switch and that I would simply replace my actions with Tetsue rather than Alpha, is the whole 'not worthy' comment. Cry me a river if I don't personally feel like busting out a character that has never been defeated, on any community I've been in, for just 2 people. 2 people who have nothing to do with the war. Forgive me for literally saying "Oh right, he would prefer to fight Tetsue. I remember him saying that, so I'll let him fight Tetsue." and then literally, LITERALLY, start crying that I am giving you what you want.

I genuinely have 0 shits to give to you or your goon squad of cry babies. You guys are, once again, taking this way too fucking serious. This is about having fun and over all RPing. How can you still not get that through your thick fucking skull? I'm 100% done listening to you cry over literally an RP not going the way you want it to. It's an RP. It's words. It's a game. I am not going to put up with your nonsense anymore.

You're out.
For what?
Yeah, just replace what Seed is doing with Tetsue.

And like I said, I don't see anyone worthy enough for me to use Seed. So I'll just have fun with Tetsue.
Gun, Terror. Make the thread. You two vs my God-Killer.
I am also pulling SEED from this war. I am replacing him with Tetsue now that my fight with LeeRoy is over.
The result of his weapon was more than the Lord had anticipated, slicing clean through the goliath's stomach only to have a wave of dark cloud spew forth. Though he did not let the surprise halt his movements, he continued his leap away from the beast as originally planned, not wanting to get caught up in the fog's grasp. He imagined, quite easily, that it still was not enough to kill the beast and so he would still have to deal with his nasty little clones.

The first to come forward was a spearman, who charged forth to meet Tetsue as he landed upon the ground, keeping his blade to his lower left while crouching. His eye watched carefully upon the spear that ached to pierce him and with very simple and light movements he adjusted his torso so that the spear would slide just past him, going through the loop his arm had created while holding the handle of his God-Killer. And that was i. The clone was then cleanly sliced in half from its lower right all the way up through its shoulders.

The Lord's swordsmanship skills now coming into light as something to not quite take lightly. His eye then traced over the remaining three clones before glancing behind him at the fog covered goliath. Tetsue was running out of options.

It was beginning to dawn on him that despite putting them on equal ground this creature had little combat skill and was relying on his own bag of tricks to squirm his way out of the situation. With only two viable options left, releasing the Yuuseigan's ability to allow their power to flow back to normal...or to put everything into this one last atta-

Then it hit him.

His eye followed the smoke before going over to his God-Eater, which still remained sticking out of the pavement. He grinned. "Feast..." he whispered, staring upon the hollow entrance of his sheath and immediately the vortex kicked up once more, pulling forth loose debris, broken metal and furniture from the buildings...and the goliaths fog, like a constant vacuum cleaner. Due to the distance the vortex was not strong enough to pull the goliath, his clones or Tetsue in, but his fog at this point was now rendered entirely useless. Disallowing its existense within his bubble for now.

Slowly, he straightened himself and glanced back at the clones, bringing his sword up to rest upon his shoulder before inhaling deeply. "You and your clones...are nothing more than proof of how much of a skill-less coward you are. I bring opportunity for you to fight me one on one...and you create clones. I bring you opportunity to utilize your skill as a combatant and yet you result to light trickery." he muttered, much distaste filling his mouth, so much so that he had to spit upon the ground.

"You are no soldier. You are a conjuror of cheap tricks and are not worthy of my fight." That is when he turned his back upon the clones and the beast and casually began to walk towards his sheath, eyeing down the vortex to an utter stillness once more before delving his God-Killer into the God-Eater's mouth, sheathing it once more. He then pulled free the giant blade and rested it against his shoulder before casually walking away down the street, following the path of destruction from their fight earlier.

"Find me again, Beast, when you are more than just an illusion. Find me again and fight me when you can actually fight." he bellowed through his pace, waving his free hand behind himself lazily.
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