Breakfast continued uninterrupted, although there was a new mood covering their table, no surprise considering the news and the fact that they were still under siege, even if it didn't feel like it. Once everyone finished he bid goodbye to them and started his journey to where he was summoned... with a slight deviation.
The Temple was somewhat full, considering how religious people in this world were that wasn't a big surprise, what was surprising was that Areleth was the one doing the morning sermon, usually such things were delegated to lower-ranked priests unless it was a very special occasion so seeing him high in the podium wasn't nothing if not surprising. He listened to it for a couple minutes before deciding to go for another route, originally he would have made contact directly but it was obvious that this session was not going to end soon, not with the fervor in his voice.
Instead, he had to search for something to write on, eventually obtaining an empty paper from one of the altar boys.
He didn't write everything, and while he was confident it would reach Areleth human curiosity was a big concern. So he just described the situation in general terms, that one of his and Kass' party members had accidentally caught the attention of a denizen of the abyss and that he needed some help and certain resources to get prevent things from escalating. Listed were the materials he needed as well as a promise to cover the costs for them and the help.
Message delivered he tipped the altar boy some coin for his trouble and then made his way to the official that would escort him to the Academy, thankful that they had allowed the side trip in the first place.
The Academy was... imposing.
That was the first thought that crossed his mind the moment he came across it, he recalled the others talking about it but he had always been focused on other things. Now he regretted not having given more attention to those scraps of knowledge.
The official guided him past the big frontal doors and then through a number of hallways until he entered a room that was almost sci-fi like. People were dressed in lab coats and were buzzing from side to side, with the person he recognized as Clarissa, Shields standing in front of one of the bulkier machines monitoring something.
Introductions were quick and curt, the woman not bothering with any fancy speech.
“I’ve asked for you on the recommendation from trusted sources that you are uniquely intelligent and gifted.” She gestured to the cube that was being held in magical stasis amidst different kinds of machinery and computers. “This is technology beyond Mytheria. And you being from beyond Mytheria, puts you in a unique position to help us by providing an intellectual perspective that none of us have.”
...How the fuck was he supposed to respond to that?