Physical Information
Name: Ocano (Okanodogok)
Age: 28
Species: Pakled
Gender: Male
Height: 7’8”
Weight: 610 lbs
Appearance Description:
Starfleet Record
Division: Science
Role: Archaeology & Anthropology Officer
Academy Major: Exoarchaeology
Academy Minor(s): Exobiology, Xenolinguistics
Personal Information
Name: Ocano (Okanodogok)
Age: 28
Species: Pakled
Gender: Male
Height: 7’8”
Weight: 610 lbs
Appearance Description:
- Ocano is, as far as the standard Pakled build goes, pretty typical for his age with a heavily built, muscular frame not really by any attempt on his own to develop but by simply being Pakled. He possesses a good amount of body fat around the stomach, similarly typical for his age. Ocano’s hair is likewise sparse, thin, and swept back in the normal Pakled styles, away from his forehead.
Starfleet Record
Division: Science
Role: Archaeology & Anthropology Officer
Academy Major: Exoarchaeology
Academy Minor(s): Exobiology, Xenolinguistics
Personal Information
- Born on a Pakled freighter which frequented Federation space, early life for Ocano could be considered highly irregular. While most would consider the Pakled to be absolute idiots at worst, simple at best, the reality was more issues in communication, culture, and a tendency for Pakleds to enjoy misleading others to gain better deals. He, in sharp contrast, proved highly intelligent and unusually aggressive for a Pakled in the acquisition of information. He would beg his parents to try and give him just a few more credits for another PADD with some information or another, hone whatever juvenile skills in barter he otherwise had, and at times made attempts of thievery, creating a distraction at one end of the shop before going to the other. Soon enough, he would be seen as more of a nuisance than would be preferred by all involved.
In a bid to get their child away from whatever business they would try to conduct, as well as potentially avoid any disbarment from certain space stations where the law was not precisely well enforced, Ocano’s family pulled a few favors to have him be placed on Deep Space Station K-11 as one of the dockyard quartermasters. He found this to be immediately unsatisfactory, both because he really wanted to learn and because the job was unbearably boring. It did not of course help him that many of the other civilian employees stationed aboard K-11, as well as some of the Starfleet staff, would treat him differently due to being a Pakled, often assigning less mentally strenuous tasks to him which was an absolute insult to the young man. His speech impediments would however limit how well he could vocalize such issues without their easy dismissal and this combined with the far-off nature of the station ensured it would not be rapidly addressed. It would be during this time that his name turned from Okanodogok, which many of the other quartermasters struggled to pronounce, to Ocano.
As a result, Ocano found himself in the strange position of wanting to join an organization which promoted, at least as far as he was able to tell, the advancement of science. Of course, as he was not a citizen of the Federation, he found himself needing to convince the station’s Commanding Officer to gain a letter of recommendation. Such would be hard, primarily as Ocano had been relegated to menial tasks more often than not, though after some back-and-forth the CO handed him a test. Such was a copy, albeit five editions old, of one of the Starfleet Academy examinations for subspace communications and navigation. Ocano’s completion of the test was well within the time limit, his scores well within the needed parameters, and all said the only major issue would be grammatical errors in his explanation on warp field mechanics interfering with certain bands of subspace communications making the explanation somewhat difficult to read. He would be given the letter of recommendation, albeit with some warning that his writing needed work lest it make undue trouble. With that done he would go, no easy task considering the distance involved from K-11 to the Starfleet Academy, eventually arriving when USS Hertz was en route to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards for refit.
Once there, he found himself rather at home compared to his time aboard the freighter, and would soon enough be breaking rules for studying after schoolhouse hours. He found ancient civilizations to be fascinating, wonderful pieces of history that were so often ignored wantonly by the usual even when it had so much to potentially teach. He found languages, at least in understanding them, to be likewise fascinating, though Ocano had far greater trouble in ever speaking such languages than any Pakled might in speaking normal English. The more practical courses would prove to be nearly second hand to the space-born Pakled, navigation and communications an easy task after he had stood on the bridge for many a year. Making friends during the whole of his time at the Academy would be a difficult task, however, primarily by the speed that seemed to be required to begin such conversations. Such would be relieved by his joining to the Academy wrestling team, something which caused a minor debacle when the team placed 2nd in the Sector Championship for the first time in fifteen years. He formed close bonds with his teammates, relying on one another pretty well whenever any issues arose outside of normal practice hours.
Finally, after six years of hard study, Ocano is at that final step: the shakedown cruise.
- Ocano is rarely talkative, though possesses a surprising sense of humor with poking fun at others, all while keeping the facade of someone simply stating facts. He knows a dozen spoken languages, can translate out numerous dead languages with a good chance of being correct, and generally has a knack for translating languages whose origin, rules, or lexicon is unknown.