
interacting with: @Ambra’s Wolf, @savannahssu’s Fernstar, @Hazelrah’s Honeykit

WillowClan Camp
interacting with: @Ambra’s Wolf, @savannahssu’s Fernstar, @Hazelrah’s Honeykit
The cream and brown she-cat puffed out her chest a little as Fernstar agreed with her suggestion, nodding her head, she turned to Wolf and asked him. “Of course, Fernstar. We’ll keep the camp safe, you can fight if you have to, right Wolf? Not that I think we will but worst-case scenario.”
Thankfully, Honeykit seemed to have excellent timing as before the older members of the Clan could get too caught up in the “what-ifs” and worries of the camp being left without both their leader and medicine cat, and short of some warriors, the kitten came stumbling excitedly out of the nursery. Spidernose watched as she settled near the Highstump with her posture straightened and dignified as a warrior already and couldn’t help but twitch her whiskers in amusement. As Fernstar leapt up onto the stump and called Honeykit and the Clan forward, she gave Wolf another friendly dip of her chin and took a few paces closer to the Highstump so she could better hear the ceremony before she sat down patiently to listen, watching the kit leave tracks in the snow as she skittered towards their leader. What a day, poor Honeykit, we almost forgot about your ceremony, we were so caught up in the trouble with Maplestream. in the back of her mind, Spidernose wondered who Fernstar would assign as Honeykit’s mentor, whichever cat it was, it would be an honour for them to pass on what they had learnt to the young tortoiseshell.