
interacting with: @Hazelrah’s Honeypaw & Stonefall, brief mention of Stormheart but not enough to tag it really!

WillowClan Camp
interacting with: @Hazelrah’s Honeypaw & Stonefall, brief mention of Stormheart but not enough to tag it really!
Spidernose caught her apprentice looking sideways at her every so often, as well as the nervous gleam in her eyes, and chuckled softly under her breath. “Relax a little, Honeypaw. You tense up like that and you’ll make it worse for yourself. If it helps at all though, you’ll probably smell a fox before you see it, they stink.” she advised. As the new Clan deputy made his way over, too, the cream she-cat sat a little straighter in greeting, though she was far less stiff than Honeypaw. He was ranked higher than she was, but she had known Stonefall for a little longer, at least, and from what little she had interacted with him before she knew him as a calm and reasonable tom.
As Stonefall sat nearby, Spidernose dipped her head politely to the tom, and looked quite relieved when he promised to relieve them at Moonhigh. Though she had of course been willing to sit there all night if it meant keeping the Clan safe whilst Fernstar and the others were gone, it would have been a very long watch shift and, especially in the cold of the snow, she would have started to feel the cold sooner or later. “Of course, I’m more than happy to do my bit for the Clan, that’s what a good warrior does. Thank you, though, Stonefall. We appreciate it.”
At Honeypaw’s squeak, her mentor twitches her whiskers in amusement and wiggles her ears in the little tortoiseshell’s direction in an attempt to comfort her a little bit. “Don’t look so worried, it’s only Stonefall. He’s a Clanmate the same as you and I.” Stormheart soon makes his way over to chat to the apprentice, too, and Spidernose decided to leave her be and return her attention to Stonefall instead. At the mention of prey, the she-cat did lick her lips, suddenly seeming to realise for the first time how hungry she actually was. She hadn’t eaten very much earlier at all, far too concerned with getting Sunfur back to camp, and then going out to try and hunt some more as the hunting patrol had brought back so little because of the accident. She purred gratefully at the tom and dipped her chin, murmuring softly. “That would be nice, actually, yes please...thanks, Stonefall.”