
interacting with: @savannahssu’s Sunfur, @PrankFox’s Stormheart

WillowClan Territory
interacting with: @savannahssu’s Sunfur, @PrankFox’s Stormheart
Spidernose nodded her head in agreement, keeping low to the ground so if there was any nearby prey it would be less likely to spot the hunting warriors, she padded along beside the tom, whispering back. "Yeah. We can't really afford to turn our noses up at any prey, no matter how small, with leafbare setting in and all. We need all the fresh-kill we can get."
The she-cat kept pace with her Clanmate, slowly and carefully lifting her head to open her jaws and taste the air every few pawsteps. She was disappointed, however, to find that all she could smell was faint traces of bird. They were more likely than not all spooked up into the branches from her and Sunfur's earlier stunt and Spidernose didn't much feel confident enough to pull it off successfully again.
The brown and cream she-cat let out another sigh as Sunfur pushed through the brambles to head further in, and once the other warrior's ginger tail tip had disappeared into the brush, she ducked inside after him, her ears pressed back as she began to worry that all they'd have to show for their efforts was one tiny bird for the entire Clan. That just wouldn't do, and she hoped Stormheart had had a bit more luck. When the scent of mouse filled her jaws the next time she took a pause to taste the air, Spidernose froze beside Sunfur.
Blue eyes met blue as she, too, noticed Stormheart and her whiskers trembled slightly in confusion at the grey tom. What was Stormheart doing? Why hadn't he caught the mouse yet? Glancing across at Sunfur, she noticed the other warrior twitching his whiskers and appearing just as confused. Spidernose's brow furrowed as she tried to think about what might have given their Clanmate pause. The she-cat tasted the air again and realised that the smell of mouse was quite strong. That made sense of course, the prey was right in front of them, but what if…
She turned to Sunfur and mouthed "What if there's more than one??", subtly flicking one ear in the direction of Stormheart and the visible mouse and hoping that the senior warrior would understand what she was hinting at.