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4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
5 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

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I am perhaps one of the few players of Dungeons and Dragons who is more partial to the psionics subsystem and its associated rules than traditional Vancian spellcasting, particularly that of its arcane spellcasting incarnation.
The minor expedition the half orc had led them on was not quite what the huntsman had in mind, as rather than checking to see how their enemy had fared following the escape, they went traversing the wood. Apparently this was to see if they had drawn any closer, although to their fortune and that of the town, there appeared to be no such case of it, at least where they searched. The pair were competent woodsmen, at least enough that they likely would have found their quarry given its obvious lack of attunement to the wild world, let alone something as overt as a forest. At most they found a trapper and snares, which were further signs no one that should not have been there dared into them.

The actual journey forth to follow the next day came with news unexpected, for as they drew closer no evidence of their camp was as abundant as it had been. For the old druid, this was truer than the rest, for high on the wing, the fair feathered bird was able to note the truth before those below had any idea of it. The camp, abandoned, had not even an ounce of the environment they experienced. Brannor knew as much by the lack of smoke on the wind, how the taste of them and their foul horde failed to taint it either, but he was not nearly as certain as the other two who devoted themselves to the assessing task.

Instead he remained idle beside them, scanning the wide world that was the prairie and how its blades of green waved in the wind. All he came to see was the riders on horseback breaking off from where they knew the camp to have been. It only made the man grit his jaw and peer harder with a beastly stare. He remained quiet, despite the surge of questions in him, tapping the necklace that adorned his neck with a steady, timing rhythm. He soon looked to the halfling woman, then the old magician, finally to the priestess. Several of them, the wilder sorts, seemed more restless and eager to strike, Orchid's wants little in question in this moment. So at last the drifter spoke, although it was far less pressing and more probing in nature.

"What is it you see, old man?" The rumble of his voice was calm and restrained but it was clearly laden with vigorous want to see this mission through.

They needed to destroy the eggs, the dragons, and the cult wherever possible, and the cave held some combination of those based upon what they had known and the apparent reactions of the spellcaster and his smaller cohort. It was only now Brannor's hand fell to his side, away from his necklace.

@Hekazu@Ryonara@Gordian Nought@Lucius Cypher@Norschtalen
Given our schedules seem to be paired at opposing times and I am more than confident this is your character's scene to shine, I have no qualms with Tracy posing his questions. Assuming nothing prevents Theron from asking a few of his own, should any exist, once the other questioning is done, that is all I might have to add directly digging into the information, @Terminal. I suspect otherwise collaboration might just slow down the moment, so feel free to have at it what you will - I can well adapt around it. I appreciate the notification all the same, however.
@Lucius Cypher, Brannor has no issue staying back to keep watch, but certainly will not allow him to go alone. So long as he stays within general direction and sight. At worst case if the half orc is captured, at least someone else hidden and at a distance could slip away to report back or better yet, if only a small band of them exist, fend them off.
Assuming Brannor would note him leaving, he would not want Orchid to go alone, @Hekazu. If possible would he be able to join him rather than idling for the rest of the group?
It is a random fact of my person that I am not for distributing undeserved strikes although I do stand by the notion that at times physical reprimand is the only reasonable option. In this I note it must always be disciplinary and never committed in an act of anger.
Speaking only for myself, I have no further business for my character in the town, @Hekazu. I would prefer that we not wait and simply do as asked of us and gain the information we need then figure out what the next step is. In short, I see no reason why we need further dally in the town again, when we could shuffle on to the next event.
At least it wasn't paranoia clawing at the back of his mind when the company started to describe the place. Really, the hunter was not uninitiated to the Combat Zone's "delights" as this, just the pleasure of having never needed to delve into one. That made the experience all a novelty for the better, rather than just some other plunge into nightmare waters of glowing, unidentifiable cybernetic horror; all the glitter and glamour of the actual city itself and its cheesy, corporate facade really hid the monster to anyone who never went outside the walls. God forbid someone went outside the Zone even into the wasteland, but the man couldn't help but think this was still worse, undefinable mysterious fluids and all.

As requested however, with a slight, almost sick laugh under his breath, not quite sure what he was even doing now with himself at this point, the gloved hands took up the near murky fluids in their containers. One by one he handed them to the overseer of this demented little experiment, who seemed to grasp them with a remarkable steadiness they had not shown before. Whoever they were, really whatever they were was the best way to describe anything in this pit now, was an entirely different person from what they were outside. Theron went with that, accepting it as the most reasonable mindset, observing carefully every port, connector, wire, and tap that hung limply out of Golemeth.

Kneeling down, giving a sidelong glance to Tracy, the hunter stayed to the side of the mauled frame, shaking his head as his fingers worked to remove some of the wiring that had been damaged, "Fortunate for us he ain't about to go anywhere fast with no limbs and only his essentials still kicking. So once he's on, shouldn't be too trying for you. You seem to know way too much for your own good on how to make a bot talk."

The exploratory prodding found one of the taps to Golemeth's spinal chord, the wiring laced deep into the nerve fibers, probably some mishmash of flesh and optics. Didn't matter now really, as the man booted the arm of his jacket; sure it wasn't meant to do this, jump starting an unconscious cyborg, but it would be good enough. Browsing the panel, he disabled it for the moment, opened the face plate, and ported him in.

"Whatever else you need plugged in to get him running now, your go, just hand me the connectors. No assurances this thing will work right to stabilize him either, best I can do is anything physical, this just being our medium." The man remarked as after all it was a monitor and if the components were not synchronizing right in it? Who knew? Tracy, presumably, this seemed to be his forte.

Worst thing otherwise was that they couldn't get him to sync and see his vitals, not wholly knowing then how to jump him; Theron wasn't a doc after all. If it had a hole in it? Sure, that can be patched. Forcing a boot on a wired up solo back to consciousness? Good luck, he hadn't been too sure how the gangers even took his wiring down. Presumably just too much catastrophic damage from being pieced out like some old junker.

“Thou art the Great Cat, the avenger of the gods, and the judge of words, and the president of the sovereign chiefs and the governor of the holy Circle; thou art indeed the Great Cat.”
Inscription on the Royal Tombs at Thebes
Certainly one of the list I had listened to before, @Gunther, my thanks for you bringing it up again. I suppose now I need provide a mildly amusing fact then again. This time being that one of the few states I would care to see for myself would be Montana, simply because it is one of those largely unspoiled wildernesses, much in the same vein as others found in Wyoming or Colorado or the Dakotas.
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