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4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
4 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

Most Recent Posts

Were I playing a rogue, these Confusion inflicting spikes sound like a wonderful plaything to go about jabbing enemies with. Perhaps not so effective but at least a chance to disorient and confuse or injure foes, at least more so than allies.
Likewise I am desiring in hearing more, so consider my interest invested. There is sufficient overlap of my particularities in these matters that make it so, if at the very least to admit I am hopeful with such a project as the one proposed. That said, feel free to share when you have more, @LordOfTheNight.
One of the artifacts that has come into my possession is a book of genealogy, written by a United States Army officer post the Second World War. Uniquely the text is hand written on draft paper, accompanied by several hundred sheets of typewritten text. The author appears to be a well studied historian who used their prestige and scholarly status to gain access to unusual works that are rare or limited in number by today's standard, going so far as to procure validated copies from official records and publishing documents before their print. It is to say, an interesting matter to compare to it modern interpretations and note that it has been remarkably accurate in its claims.

Los Angeles, California
@Count Cuddles

The ringing of crashing metal off in the distance was quite different than the kind that happened at random intervals throughout the bustling city. Not only was it no collision between cars, it had come from the sky above, and while the Predator was accustomed to any number of flying things from drones to airplanes, this was apparently not one of those. It had no wings, at least to the keen eyes of a cunning cat who had been mostly undisturbed in the shade of a massive billboard, and was already well on fire before it even so much as it landed - crashed to be more fair - into some of the mountainous terrain of the valley. The initial sound and sight of it was enough to get the tiger's attention, as did it with the rest of the city, as it left a trail of smoke as it fell.

By the time the sizable cat was to its feet, the object had fallen with that distinctive sound, leading to this moment of wonder. Not the good kind of wonder but the kind that came with curiosity, confusion, and conflict. Whatever it was, it seemed only too reasonable to be worthy of investigating, and the tiger was off like a bolt of persimmon lightning in more ways than one. It thought like a thunderbolt and with it, seemed to strike between two places, already across several buildings in the blink of an eye, where then it was at full gait in its running. It hadn't any idea where or what the crash was, at least not yet, but it had a direction from the smoke, and the power to cover leaps and bounds with steps. In some places its huge pawed feet walked quite across the air, like a leaf on the wind, bounding up from that place between on soon clutching the ledge of a roof only to be atop it with equal grace as the groundless step; were it to be seen, the entire maneuvering of an animal not bound by regular physics would have been otherworldly.
The misstep taken by the priestess was, fortunately for them all, hushed enough by the distraction the dwarfed, scaled vermin seemed huddled about in their chamber of failing light. Brannor's hand reached out to steady the clearly and rightfully reeling young woman as she fought off her injury, with much credit to her resolve and skill so as to not fall into the rest of the trap and do serious harm. The errant man returned it to his side only when she seemed more stable, at least enough so that she was functional and if the moment turned even more sour, at least of the competency to defend herself until her compatriots, to include the moonborne paladin, could mount retribution. They all held after for the moments that came in wake, learning that the enemy stashed the key among... tools of stablemen and tamers?

What for could anyone ever need such a thing as tools to manage beasts in a cave? Although memory quickly surfaced from just a few nights before that they wrangled draconic hound-like things to serve them and just as easily as the question came, it was dispelled from the huntsman's thoughts. From there he shot the woman one last sidelong glance before minding the gap; it was clear sneaking over it by skirting its points would be much too risky for its own good and the enemy was near, ill prepared at that, playing with the training tools they had crudely cobbled together. It was then the man lifted the sword, fitting both hands to its grip and motioned with his head in the leftmost direction; he did not trust the darkness to the right but his senses, at least for now, said nothing but another pit awaited.

He would leap the small space between to avoid the trap and charge the enemy whenever they were ready to do so. Between the half-blood madman who attempted to mount a dragon and fight it midair and the sylvan sailor who had become all too uncomfortably familiar with his recent choice of deed, the enemy would likely be quickly overwhelmed. The two women could easily, from there, at least in thought, fight with minimal trouble with the trap acting as some amount of insurance between them and the enemy, barring the flighted one. All that remained now was their signal or something unrelated to intervene...

@Hekazu@Ryonara@Zverda@Lucius Cypher@Norschtalen
That is an unfortunate place to be with one's companion, @Carantathraiel. My apologies that your time is being consumed in dealing with something so upsetting. A delay to responses here is mostly harmless, at least take comfort in that.
I genuinely speak to perhaps one other person throughout the course of an entire day. The rest is passing fare at most, courtesies or acknowledgment, but nothing more. Conversationally, that is enough for me, as is simply passing through busy places; just the presence of people at all is taxing on the mind and patience.

Los Angeles, California

What was a brief sleep for a tiger was hours on end to others. The passage of time came and went swiftly in the realm of dreams of course, whereas events elsewhere led up to their unfolding in the rest of the world. In fact, things had not been so quiet as they were in the tiger's lair. A world away it would seem other acts were evolving, but for the awakened cat? All that was in this moment was the need to stretch its limbs and yawn. Moseying about for a time, the cat figured it was high time again to find other sources of inquiry and interest, as the rest period had given it time to consider what was next.

By which, of course, meant staking out and seeking out marks within its territory. It knew the terrain now well enough that there was little concern for the other competition; it had an idea about them, which was more than none. But it needed to act on that drive to do something with this knowledge. So what next would come, one could only wonder, as the Predator sauntered its way out the rickety boards that shuttered the windows and quickly, quietly, maneuvered among rooftops and alleyways once more; an urban jungle as it was often referred to and one the great cat did not disagree with in perception. Each silent step was masked by the ambiance of the world around, still as busy as ever and unaware of the unseen guest.

What new things would come? Only time would tell as the wandering for the hour started...
The exceptional phenomena of synchronicity either stands as reason to conceive the notion that there are forces far beyond those understood now not limited by those understandings - deific in scale and frankly truly unknowable in any outright manner - or that the sheer odds of every potential event playing out through all of time and space somewhere, somewhen means that it simply will inevitably happen. I opt for the former understanding, because what makes true synchronicity remarkable in every capacity is that it is meaningful and therefor exceptionally unlikely. This is even with the knowledge that we have now such as thoughts effecting the outward universe; just thinking of a thing may alter the state of said thing on its most minute of levels.

No, synchronicity in life is an awesome thing, by which I mean great and terrible, dread and veneration. It may alter the content and context of anything it manifests in and alarmingly, has a tendency to appear - beyond the effect of the observer aware of it - more frequently than chance. It becomes more than mere perception of uncanny events and soon transforms itself into an entity that tilts the odds and scales in ways kind and unkind. So it may appear as humbly as the famous golden beetle or that moment of impending terror where events, as with actual and non-clinical déjà vu a breath before disaster, all while played out in hand before uninvolved or disbelieving parties.

Synchronicity is just a personal favorite and thus a strong candidate for suggesting life has no shortage of these things that make it not so straight and narrow as man likes to pretend them to be in this age.
"The dog appeals to cheap and facile emotions; the cat to the deepest founts of imagination and cosmic perception in the human mind. It is no accident that the contemplative Egyptians, together with such later poetic spirits as Poe, Gautier, Baudelaire, and Swinburne, were all sincere worshippers of the supple grimalkin."
H.P. Lovecraft
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